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[Proposal] Fighter Bombers for Carrier Pilots

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#21 - 2014-02-22 12:50:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Electric Dott wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

As for getting a super, sorry but I don't want another account so I can baby sit a super.

Enjoy not using fighter bombers then.

This issue needs to be addressed, I hear a lot of people in Eve foam at the mouth quite rightly at pay to win, however I also find amusing that the biggest example of play to win is this, those that can afford multiple accounts have it easier. My view is that you can only play Eve effectively with two accounts. In the past I used to play Play By Mail games, and there was a game called Tribes of Crane, in that game I was paying for 6 tribes and 2 political characters, which gave me a significant individual power, some people accused me of paying to win, though of course they could control NPC tribes and political characters as part of their faction. The only difference I had was that my player controlled tribes and PF's were far better than the NPC ones. This gets into the issue of game balance.

At this point we have these mega alliances with vast ISK reserves that can plex up massive super carrier fleets when they want, how the hell can smaller entities deal with that, also the production of these things is controlled as part of Sov. In terms of game balance to give a chance of competing this fighter-bomber suggestion has merit.

And if any of you think that 5 fighter-bombers per player in a carrier that can be pointed by any ship is the same as a Super that can run 20 of them, has a Remote ECM Burst, has immunity to all but HIC's and Dic's, then I have to question the quality of your grey matter, its as stark as that.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Electric Dott
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2014-02-22 13:53:24 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

Nothing prevents you (apart from a skillful bump) from warping off once you are aligned, that is the whole idea of it, I have bashed a few things on grid with a carrier such as POCO's, but the low damage I can apply means that POS's are not really a good idea because I do not have immunity to the POS disruptors, so in answer to you its no different to Supers in terms of Sov modules except that everything can point you, but different in terms of POS's as you need to take the point modules down fast, and with fighters it is not fast.

Also note that you cannot assign fighter bombers like you can fighters, so you have to be on grid, and supers being immune to all but HIC's and dictors have it easier.

Do you understand it now?

Supers at about 7+ times the cost of a dread, and 10+ times the cost of a carrier have it easier? How unreasonable!

You're really not making much sense, you seem to want to avoid any risks, and have the benefits of supers without the penalties such as cost and the need for another account. It's your problem if your pos bash is going slowly because of your fear of using dreads or unwillingness to invest in supers. Risk/Reward working exactly as it should in my opinion.

Dracvlad wrote:

When you say role, the issue arrived because CCP added drone damage modules to the game, to me a carrier applies fighters and has logistics and tank, the drone issue needs to be resolved and my preferred way is a separate drone bay and fighter bay, the fighter bombers sits well with their original role, not the sentry drone role which developed from those modules.

Note that I never carrier ratted with sentry drones, the reason was that they were just too vulnerable for me, I continued to use fighters and aligned out as soon as I could, this made me very difficult to catch compared to all those around me that switched to sentries, ISK per hour stupidity wins Eve, lol.

Shocked When I say multiple roles, I mean carriers can do triage, pantheon, ratting, hauling all sorts, there is absolutely no reason to give them any more roles such as siege proportionate damage. Again you're not making much sense, "drone problem"...? Drone assist is (sort of) being fixed and you solution has nothing to do with that so I assume you mean some other "problem". Not entirely sure why you're smugging about being hard to catch either, it's swings and rounadabouts again, fighters suck and you're no doubt making less money as a result by not using sentries. Low risk strategy deserves low level reward so that's a good thing in my book.

Dracvlad wrote:

The Super has other advantages, such as Remote ECM burst, immunity to all but HIC's and dictors and the ability to apply a large amount of fighters and fighter bombers.
Yes, but costs considerably more than a carrier, it can't dock, has a massive bullseye on its back, requires a second account for the holder, can't be insured, can't be built without access to sov. It's very much deserving of its unique abilities.

Dracvlad wrote:

Electric Dott wrote:
Enjoy not using fighter bombers then.

Unless CCP sees sense, death to supers and all that! This would be a good way to open up the game a bit more in terms of the Sov modules EHP and enable smaller entities a chance to kill things without making it easy for the blobs, with this change I believe that there will be a lot more pressure on those empty sov systems, lets take a group that uses a character with a cloaked carrier or two, they get control of the area, then drop SBU's and once online they use their already in place carriers that were used as mobile bases along with mobile depots with their fighter-bombers, now at last we have truly effective small group impacts on sov. Maybe it will pan out that way, maybe not, carriers are cheap and effective, I have 3 on this toon alone.

What do you mean it wouldn't make things easier for the blob too? All they would do is hit the same structures with carrier gangs too, they wouldn't bother with supers as why risk them when the carriers can do the job just as well. I share your desire for 0.0 to be more broken up and for smaller entities to have a fighting chance without a blues list longer than than this post. But what you're proposing is just bad and I'm not sure why you're so terrified of any kind of risk, if everybody was so risk averse then this would be the dullest game ever. I have multiple capitals too, and guess what, they get put in harms way!
Electric Dott
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2014-02-22 14:16:29 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Electric Dott wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

As for getting a super, sorry but I don't want another account so I can baby sit a super.

Enjoy not using fighter bombers then.

This issue needs to be addressed, I hear a lot of people in Eve foam at the mouth quite rightly at pay to win, however I also find amusing that the biggest example of play to win is this, those that can afford multiple accounts have it easier. My view is that you can only play Eve effectively with two accounts. In the past I used to play Play By Mail games, and there was a game called Tribes of Crane, in that game I was paying for 6 tribes and 2 political characters, which gave me a significant individual power, some people accused me of paying to win, though of course they could control NPC tribes and political characters as part of their faction. The only difference I had was that my player controlled tribes and PF's were far better than the NPC ones. This gets into the issue of game balance.

At this point we have these mega alliances with vast ISK reserves that can plex up massive super carrier fleets when they want, how the hell can smaller entities deal with that, also the production of these things is controlled as part of Sov. In terms of game balance to give a chance of competing this fighter-bomber suggestion has merit.

And if any of you think that 5 fighter-bombers per player in a carrier that can be pointed by any ship is the same as a Super that can run 20 of them, has a Remote ECM Burst, has immunity to all but HIC's and Dic's, then I have to question the quality of your grey matter, its as stark as that.

I really need to stop responding to you we're clearly not going to agree. This "issue" is where CCP is making a ton of their money, anybody who thinks there isn't a certain amount of pay 2 win in eve is naive or stupid. Of course they want players with as many accounts as they can possibly encourage because it's more subscriptions to them. Supers aren't the only example... Scout alts, Hauling alts, Falcon alts, Link alts, Farming alts, Cyno alts the list is endless. All of them have substantial benefits to the player over those without.

I don't really know what to say about the isk issue, if your running anomalies with fighter carriers then I suppose its not that surprising you're having difficulty making the dough to get a super.

And you have obviously completley missed the point if you think I'm saying supers and hypothetical carriers with 5 bombers are the same thing.

The can be pointed by any ship argument is so weak as well, you've already said your massively against risk, anyone who roams knows what players like you are like, safe up at the first neutral in local, pretty hard to get tackled when your half way to the pos by the time the neutral has even d-scanned your general direction down. We all know what would happen - bash pos mods when local is clear, you cyno in your gang of carriers, drop fb's, align out and get out the second any possible threat is anywhere near, I mean you said yourself thats how you do anomalies! Meaning your as safe as any super so leave out the BS how a super is so much safer.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#24 - 2014-02-22 17:00:58 UTC
Electric Dott wrote:
Supers at about 7+ times the cost of a dread, and 10+ times the cost of a carrier have it easier? How unreasonable!

You're really not making much sense, you seem to want to avoid any risks, and have the benefits of supers without the penalties such as cost and the need for another account. It's your problem if your pos bash is going slowly because of your fear of using dreads or unwillingness to invest in supers. Risk/Reward working exactly as it should in my opinion.

CCP have said that they do not want ability linked directly to cost, in any case Supers would have four times the tank, four times the damage in terms of fighter-bombers in terms of this suggestion, and they have the advantages of immunity to all but HIC's and dics, and can use remote ECM burst. They will be no where near as good as supers, the damage would be 2000 DPS which is double their current against sov modules, hardly game breaking is it?

A Dread gets a 10k DPS in siege, the fighter bombers from carriers as suggested would be 20% of that, but it gives options.

You talk about risk and reward, so your comments on the CFC using SB's in Fountain, that was low risk wasn't it, so I am some sort of bad player for wanting lower DPS for lower risk, but something better than what is possible now, yeah right!

Electric Dott wrote:

Shocked When I say multiple roles, I mean carriers can do triage, pantheon, ratting, hauling all sorts, there is absolutely no reason to give them any more roles such as siege proportionate damage. Again you're not making much sense, "drone problem"...? Drone assist is (sort of) being fixed and you solution has nothing to do with that so I assume you mean some other "problem". Not entirely sure why you're smugging about being hard to catch either, it's swings and rounadabouts again, fighters suck and you're no doubt making less money as a result by not using sentries. Low risk strategy deserves low level reward so that's a good thing in my book.

A carrier is a ship designed to apply fighters, with logistic ability and a good tank, that it has other roles within the game is how people use them, now I have pointed out that a Super had 8k of damage, a sieged dread 10k and a carrier with 5 fighter bombers would be 2k, people do use carriers against POS's and structures, but currently the damage is 1k.

The reduction in the number of assigned drones is a band aid fix, in reality they need to have separate fighter and drone bays, so that the drones carried are more limited. Do you get that?

There was a Goon a week back who lost two carriers sentry ratting within a day of each other, I can assure you that I have made a lot more ISK then him, and my killboard looks so much better. I play my game to be hard to kill, it annoys the hell out of certain players, but its where I get my kicks.

Electric Dott wrote:
What do you mean it wouldn't make things easier for the blob too? All they would do is hit the same structures with carrier gangs too, they wouldn't bother with supers as why risk them when the carriers can do the job just as well. I share your desire for 0.0 to be more broken up and for smaller entities to have a fighting chance without a blues list longer than than this post. But what you're proposing is just bad and I'm not sure why you're so terrified of any kind of risk, if everybody was so risk averse then this would be the dullest game ever. I have multiple capitals too, and guess what, they get put in harms way!

I was talking making it harder for the blob, its really a question of numbers and vulnerability to being caught , if you are caught you die, simple as. And people will still risk supers ast they will be four times better, in other words 1 can do the job of 4 carriers and are at less risk due to their advantages which I keep repeating.

I think its more options, and as for being terrified, ROFL, I don't like giving easy kills and sitting there in a dread for 5 minutes is is an easy kill. Sorry not for me, and yes I have had my stuff in harms way, I just don't do stupid things. And yes most people are risk adverse, that is why I almost left recently, most of the players I see in my area are waiting to cyno stuff on you, that is their gameplay, you cannot get more risk adverse than that.

Anyway I think for a person who supposedly wants more small entities in 0.0 you miss the point that small changes can make this happen, I think this would make a slight difference to be honest, but a step in the right direction.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#25 - 2014-02-22 17:13:21 UTC
Electric Dott wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
Electric Dott wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

As for getting a super, sorry but I don't want another account so I can baby sit a super.

Enjoy not using fighter bombers then.

This issue needs to be addressed, I hear a lot of people in Eve foam at the mouth quite rightly at pay to win, however I also find amusing that the biggest example of play to win is this, those that can afford multiple accounts have it easier. My view is that you can only play Eve effectively with two accounts. In the past I used to play Play By Mail games, and there was a game called Tribes of Crane, in that game I was paying for 6 tribes and 2 political characters, which gave me a significant individual power, some people accused me of paying to win, though of course they could control NPC tribes and political characters as part of their faction. The only difference I had was that my player controlled tribes and PF's were far better than the NPC ones. This gets into the issue of game balance.

At this point we have these mega alliances with vast ISK reserves that can plex up massive super carrier fleets when they want, how the hell can smaller entities deal with that, also the production of these things is controlled as part of Sov. In terms of game balance to give a chance of competing this fighter-bomber suggestion has merit.

And if any of you think that 5 fighter-bombers per player in a carrier that can be pointed by any ship is the same as a Super that can run 20 of them, has a Remote ECM Burst, has immunity to all but HIC's and Dic's, then I have to question the quality of your grey matter, its as stark as that.

I really need to stop responding to you we're clearly not going to agree. This "issue" is where CCP is making a ton of their money, anybody who thinks there isn't a certain amount of pay 2 win in eve is naive or stupid. Of course they want players with as many accounts as they can possibly encourage because it's more subscriptions to them. Supers aren't the only example... Scout alts, Hauling alts, Falcon alts, Link alts, Farming alts, Cyno alts the list is endless. All of them have substantial benefits to the player over those without.

I don't really know what to say about the isk issue, if your running anomalies with fighter carriers then I suppose its not that surprising you're having difficulty making the dough to get a super.

And you have obviously completley missed the point if you think I'm saying supers and hypothetical carriers with 5 bombers are the same thing.

The can be pointed by any ship argument is so weak as well, you've already said your massively against risk, anyone who roams knows what players like you are like, safe up at the first neutral in local, pretty hard to get tackled when your half way to the pos by the time the neutral has even d-scanned your general direction down. We all know what would happen - bash pos mods when local is clear, you cyno in your gang of carriers, drop fb's, align out and get out the second any possible threat is anywhere near, I mean you said yourself thats how you do anomalies! Meaning your as safe as any super so leave out the BS how a super is so much safer.

I have several accounts, just cannot be bothered to get yet another to baby sit a super, and you are confusing me with the OP, I could buy a super if I wanted to, and I don't run anomalies with fighters at the moment, I don't need to.

The being pointed by only HIC's and dics is an advantage that the supers have as compared to a carrier, people had said that they would not have a reason to sit in a super, well at 4 times the ability and immunity to most ships and e-war, plus remote burst ECM to me is still a massive reason to sit in one. I called them out on that rubbish throw away line "no reason to be in a super" as being the pap that it was.

Oh yeah, I am going to sit there and let people kill me, WTF, this is why I developed a healthy contempt for a lot of Eve players, so I am some sort of bad player for not letting you kill me, cry some more please. And the reason supers are safer is as I stated earlier. Of course that is how I will do POS's but you do realise that until the Warp batteries are down, we could have 1 or 2 carriers stuck on the POS, and you talk about the risk being the same as supers, wow.

Thanks for the replies, I rather enjoyed it, as it enabled me to really ram home the small improvement that this would offer in terms of DPS.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Electric Dott
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-02-22 20:23:25 UTC
Lol I'm not saying anybody is bad for not dying. I'm saying what the real game application of fighter bombers in carriers would be, and you know I'm right, the only reason you don't want to use dreads is because you're clearly extremely risk averse and think you should be entitled to some low risk high reward solution to your structure bashing problem. I've got news for you sieging dreads isn't insta death like you seem to think either. 5 minute cycles do not give people long to respond, and you can be in and out before somebody has noticed you and formed a response fleet let alone positioned cyno's and jumped in. Amusingly considering your poor argument on how much safer supers are, they would likely be noticed much sooner as a bunch of people's addressbooks would alert them to its online presence.

Keep posting that only hics and dics can point supers isn't making its relevance any more important, if both it and a carrier are aligned out and they're both going to bug out once a neutral/hostile enters local or neighbouring systems, it's irrelevant. Which without doubt is how you see them being used.

I really don't understand how you can't see that by increasing the capital/structure bashing role of the carrier that you're diminishing the role of dreads and supers. That would be game damaging if carriers were close enough in ability that you remove the reason to use them. Why risk a nyx when you can use 4 insured archons? Or use a few carriers instead of a dread, with dreads it wouldn't even necessarily have to be a direct comparison in dps because of their siege cycle, if they need to be there 6 mins, they're there for 10 so a few carriers that could do it in 8 would actually be more efficient dps all of course without risking your ship.

If you want high dps at minimal risk get your checkbook out or accept that the cheaper version is more vulnerable, you're paying for what you're getting. If you don't like it I'm not going to feel sorry for risk averse carebears complaining how long its taking to bash a pos.

The idea that more expensive stuff is better at a job is a concept applied the whole way through the game, the more you're willing to pay, the better toys you get access to. Next it'll be oh I want blops to be able to bridge my noctis to low sec, I can't afford a titan but it'll be good for the game if more ships can go through a black ops bridge. It's only a small increase to their existing role. Titans will be just as useful though!

I'm not sure where you've got this idea I'm totally against the idea of reducing the drone bay on a carrier from?

Anyway as much as I've enjoyed correcting your misconceptions, I am quite tired of discussing this obviously bad idea.

...discussing pvp content with carebears Roll
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#27 - 2014-02-22 21:35:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Electric Dott wrote:
Lol I'm not saying anybody is bad for not dying. I'm saying what the real game application of fighter bombers in carriers would be, and you know I'm right, the only reason you don't want to use dreads is because you're clearly extremely risk averse and think you should be entitled to some low risk high reward solution to your structure bashing problem. I've got news for you sieging dreads isn't insta death like you seem to think either. 5 minute cycles do not give people long to respond, and you can be in and out before somebody has noticed you and formed a response fleet let alone positioned cyno's and jumped in. Amusingly considering your poor argument on how much safer supers are, they would likely be noticed much sooner as a bunch of people's addressbooks would alert them to its online presence.

Keep posting that only hics and dics can point supers isn't making its relevance any more important, if both it and a carrier are aligned out and they're both going to bug out once a neutral/hostile enters local or neighbouring systems, it's irrelevant. Which without doubt is how you see them being used.

I really don't understand how you can't see that by increasing the capital/structure bashing role of the carrier that you're diminishing the role of dreads and supers. That would be game damaging if carriers were close enough in ability that you remove the reason to use them. Why risk a nyx when you can use 4 insured archons? Or use a few carriers instead of a dread, with dreads it wouldn't even necessarily have to be a direct comparison in dps because of their siege cycle, if they need to be there 6 mins, they're there for 10 so a few carriers that could do it in 8 would actually be more efficient dps all of course without risking your ship.

If you want high dps at minimal risk get your checkbook out or accept that the cheaper version is more vulnerable, you're paying for what you're getting. If you don't like it I'm not going to feel sorry for risk averse carebears complaining how long its taking to bash a pos.

The idea that more expensive stuff is better at a job is a concept applied the whole way through the game, the more you're willing to pay, the better toys you get access to. Next it'll be oh I want blops to be able to bridge my noctis to low sec, I can't afford a titan but it'll be good for the game if more ships can go through a black ops bridge. It's only a small increase to their existing role. Titans will be just as useful though!

I'm not sure where you've got this idea I'm totally against the idea of reducing the drone bay on a carrier from?

Anyway as much as I've enjoyed correcting your misconceptions, I am quite tired of discussing this obviously bad idea.

...discussing pvp content with carebears Roll

LOL you think I am a carebear, thats really funny from a character who has zero kills reported on zkil, is a member of a militia and been in opposing militias, let me guess warp core stabs and a cloak and circling something for LP? Oh I know you don't post with your main, LMAO And don't feel sorry for me, I am taking on Stain Empire, and if you think that I am a carebear taking these guys on more fool you, but if you want to call me a carebear then feel free, I will just laugh. I could call you a gankbear, but that would be silly, lol.

You have not proved anything about the suggestion at all, I think you are wrong, you just repeated the same points back as fact, yet when I give real numbers about DPS and go through the ins and outs of their vulnerability compared to Supers you ignore it, of course once aligned the carriers are likely to be safe just as Supers except in terms of a POS, can't you read?

Supers 8k DPS, Dreads 10k DPS, carriers with 5 Fighter-Bombers 2k, where is the diminishing of the role, answer that direct question, of course you would still use dreads and supers as they are more efficient, its a no brainer, there are some circumstances that you would use a carrier, it gives more options. That being said the comment about insured carriers is a very good point as compared to the Nyx, this comes in at the point where you think that there is a good chance you will lose your ship then of course you will use your carrier for this, but the Nyx you would use if the risk is low, so yes the lack of insurance has an impact, yet I still see people using supers instead of the insurable dreads so what gives there?

As for the POS, its a very hostile system with people who can gather a larger force within the time of a siege cycle, so a dread will die, it requires a long battering of the POS to wear them down, they are lazy hot droppers.

More expensive stuff is not proportionally better, that was CCP that said that.

Anyway we have to agree to disagree, but you call me a carebear and run away leet forum pvp at its finest, lol.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#28 - 2014-02-24 13:46:33 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
You have not proved anything about the suggestion at all, I think you are wrong, you just repeated the same points back as fact, yet when I give real numbers about DPS and go through the ins and outs of their vulnerability compared to Supers you ignore it, of course once aligned the carriers are likely to be safe just as Supers except in terms of a POS, can't you read?

Supers 8k DPS, Dreads 10k DPS, carriers with 5 Fighter-Bombers 2k, where is the diminishing of the role, answer that direct question, of course you would still use dreads and supers as they are more efficient, its a no brainer, there are some circumstances that you would use a carrier, it gives more options. That being said the comment about insured carriers is a very good point as compared to the Nyx, this comes in at the point where you think that there is a good chance you will lose your ship then of course you will use your carrier for this, but the Nyx you would use if the risk is low, so yes the lack of insurance has an impact, yet I still see people using supers instead of the insurable dreads so what gives there?

As for the POS, its a very hostile system with people who can gather a larger force within the time of a siege cycle, so a dread will die, it requires a long battering of the POS to wear them down, they are lazy hot droppers.

More expensive stuff is not proportionally better, that was CCP that said that.

Anyway we have to agree to disagree, but you call me a carebear and run away leet forum pvp at its finest, lol.

What you seem to be missing is that carrier were never meant to be structure bashers, thats what dreads are for. Its not the dreadnoughts fault that you insist on attacking a POS that doesnt have optimal conditions for their deployment and its certainly not a reason to introduce a change that gives carriers a role they were never designed to perform.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#29 - 2014-02-24 17:01:18 UTC
While not in your proposal, I would happily support new Carrier hulls that could allow the use of bombers and a hybrid weapon system such as bombers + turrets at the expense of not being able to use remote capital reppers like the existing logi-orientated carriers we have.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#30 - 2014-02-24 17:35:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
You have not proved anything about the suggestion at all, I think you are wrong, you just repeated the same points back as fact, yet when I give real numbers about DPS and go through the ins and outs of their vulnerability compared to Supers you ignore it, of course once aligned the carriers are likely to be safe just as Supers except in terms of a POS, can't you read?

Supers 8k DPS, Dreads 10k DPS, carriers with 5 Fighter-Bombers 2k, where is the diminishing of the role, answer that direct question, of course you would still use dreads and supers as they are more efficient, its a no brainer, there are some circumstances that you would use a carrier, it gives more options. That being said the comment about insured carriers is a very good point as compared to the Nyx, this comes in at the point where you think that there is a good chance you will lose your ship then of course you will use your carrier for this, but the Nyx you would use if the risk is low, so yes the lack of insurance has an impact, yet I still see people using supers instead of the insurable dreads so what gives there?

As for the POS, its a very hostile system with people who can gather a larger force within the time of a siege cycle, so a dread will die, it requires a long battering of the POS to wear them down, they are lazy hot droppers.

More expensive stuff is not proportionally better, that was CCP that said that.

Anyway we have to agree to disagree, but you call me a carebear and run away leet forum pvp at its finest, lol.

What you seem to be missing is that carrier were never meant to be structure bashers, thats what dreads are for. Its not the dreadnoughts fault that you insist on attacking a POS that doesnt have optimal conditions for their deployment and its certainly not a reason to introduce a change that gives carriers a role they were never designed to perform.

Carrier as in carrying something, carrying Fighters and why not fighter-bombers. They were never meant to attack structures you say, but they do, on the weekend a -DD- fleet of Chimera's attacking a POS was destroyed, likely they were dimwits using sentry drones, but they were attacking structures with the highest DPS they could. The POS example I have given is what any smaller group in 0.0 has to deal with, and is one of the reasons for such a stale game in terms of new alliances in 0.0, I don't think this suggestion on its own is going to change things but with others changes it could.

Lets come up with a ridiculous response to your ridiculous one, men were not meant to be in space, in reality, we are talking about game balance, Supers and Titans were never meant to be in the numbers that they now are, can we keep doing this, never meant indeed, but the reality is that Supers and Titans are now in massive numbers, hence the need for something to balance off against them. Your idea of balance is different to mine, but please get away from never meant, its a stupid argument when the issue is balance and options when the reality is that we are dealing with never meant numbers of supers and titans.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#31 - 2014-02-24 18:04:49 UTC

Dreads apply massive DPS to targets. They are the go-to structure bashing ship with one major drawback: They can't move fore 5 minutes when applying that dps.

If you want structure bashing carriers, I insist that they have a similar massive drawback. Make them siege to deploy fighter bombers.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#32 - 2014-02-24 18:14:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Dreads apply massive DPS to targets. They are the go-to structure bashing ship with one major drawback: They can't move fore 5 minutes when applying that dps.

If you want structure bashing carriers, I insist that they have a similar massive drawback. Make them siege to deploy fighter bombers.

Make Supers siege then, but the carrier with 5 fighter-bombers is 20% of a sieged dread which is double their current fighter DPS.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#33 - 2014-02-25 16:37:27 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Dreads apply massive DPS to targets. They are the go-to structure bashing ship with one major drawback: They can't move fore 5 minutes when applying that dps.

If you want structure bashing carriers, I insist that they have a similar massive drawback. Make them siege to deploy fighter bombers.

Make Supers siege then, but the carrier with 5 fighter-bombers is 20% of a sieged dread which is double their current fighter DPS.

With your suggestion, carriers will have a much larger tank, a larger engagement range, and twice the DPS of a BS.

I'm saying that isn't acceptable, and needs a valid drawback if you are going to boost carriers so much. An appropriate drawback is to immobilize the carrier for attacking.

This doesn't work for your desired implementation though, does it. You want a "I'm not stuck here for 5 minutes" DPS platform that outperforms BS's, and I'm not ok with that... at all!

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#34 - 2014-02-25 17:02:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Dreads apply massive DPS to targets. They are the go-to structure bashing ship with one major drawback: They can't move fore 5 minutes when applying that dps.

If you want structure bashing carriers, I insist that they have a similar massive drawback. Make them siege to deploy fighter bombers.

Make Supers siege then, but the carrier with 5 fighter-bombers is 20% of a sieged dread which is double their current fighter DPS.

With your suggestion, carriers will have a much larger tank, a larger engagement range, and twice the DPS of a BS.

I'm saying that isn't acceptable, and needs a valid drawback if you are going to boost carriers so much. An appropriate drawback is to immobilize the carrier for attacking.

This doesn't work for your desired implementation though, does it. You want a "I'm not stuck here for 5 minutes" DPS platform that outperforms BS's, and I'm not ok with that... at all!

Your comparison works for Dreadnoughts, they have a much larger tank, a larger range and 9 times the DPS of BS.

Carriers currently have about the same DPS against BS and structures, we are talking about increasing their damage on structures, after all fighter-bombers cannot hit BS can they?

And the valid drawback is that Dreads are still 5 times better than 5 fighter-bombers and Supers 4 times better.

And if you say immobilize carriers then immobilize supers, personally I think this whole immobilize thing to be a sitting duck is stupid. Well lets look at your logic, Supers and Titans out-perform BS and they are not immobile, where is your logic, oh but dreads that do 5 times the proposed damage are immobile so every ship has to be like that, what about making every ship immobile while you are at it. I am after options for smaller entities and this is one of the changes that could shake up Eve, not create more easy kills for the blobs, well go figure...

As it is fighter-bombers, they have no impact on sub-caps, zilch, rien, yet the best you can come up with is make them immobile, its a depressing thought that your alliance who I had a lot of respect for has someone in it that wants easy gank type kills, sad to see it..

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#35 - 2014-02-25 21:03:48 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Dreads apply massive DPS to targets. They are the go-to structure bashing ship with one major drawback: They can't move fore 5 minutes when applying that dps.

If you want structure bashing carriers, I insist that they have a similar massive drawback. Make them siege to deploy fighter bombers.

Make Supers siege then, but the carrier with 5 fighter-bombers is 20% of a sieged dread which is double their current fighter DPS.

With your suggestion, carriers will have a much larger tank, a larger engagement range, and twice the DPS of a BS.

I'm saying that isn't acceptable, and needs a valid drawback if you are going to boost carriers so much. An appropriate drawback is to immobilize the carrier for attacking.

This doesn't work for your desired implementation though, does it. You want a "I'm not stuck here for 5 minutes" DPS platform that outperforms BS's, and I'm not ok with that... at all!

Your comparison works for Dreadnoughts, they have a much larger tank, a larger range and 9 times the DPS of BS.

Carriers currently have about the same DPS against BS and structures, we are talking about increasing their damage on structures, after all fighter-bombers cannot hit BS can they?

And the valid drawback is that Dreads are still 5 times better than 5 fighter-bombers and Supers 4 times better.

And if you say immobilize carriers then immobilize supers, personally I think this whole immobilize thing to be a sitting duck is stupid. Well lets look at your logic, Supers and Titans out-perform BS and they are not immobile, where is your logic, oh but dreads that do 5 times the proposed damage are immobile so every ship has to be like that, what about making every ship immobile while you are at it. I am after options for smaller entities and this is one of the changes that could shake up Eve, not create more easy kills for the blobs, well go figure...

As it is fighter-bombers, they have no impact on sub-caps, zilch, rien, yet the best you can come up with is make them immobile, its a depressing thought that your alliance who I had a lot of respect for has someone in it that wants easy gank type kills, sad to see it..

Super and Titans cannot DOCK. Pilots are stuck in those ships until the ship dies. That is what they sacrifice to gain the extra potential.

Siege and Triage modes give massive benefits to their ships in terms of tanking, EWAR immunity, and functionality, but come with the "sitting duck" dilemma.

Agony is a small entity, and when we drop capitals we know that bigger fish may come and destroy our stuff. We understand you don't like the sitting duck drawback, but that is the cost for the enhanced performance! And you might be thinking in terms of "smaller" entities, but you have to look at the big picture. Do you know what a slowcat fleet is? It is a large fleet of remote rep sentry carriers. You want to double their potential dps, without drawbacks, because you think it will help out small entities? Your change has repercussions throughout the game.

Only one of your suggestions has a valid drawback: You must fit drone control units to utilize fighterbombers.

Why do carriers need / deserve a 100% increase in dps output towards structures?

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#36 - 2014-02-25 22:04:59 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Super and Titans cannot DOCK. Pilots are stuck in those ships until the ship dies. That is what they sacrifice to gain the extra potential.

Siege and Triage modes give massive benefits to their ships in terms of tanking, EWAR immunity, and functionality, but come with the "sitting duck" dilemma.

Agony is a small entity, and when we drop capitals we know that bigger fish may come and destroy our stuff. We understand you don't like the sitting duck drawback, but that is the cost for the enhanced performance! And you might be thinking in terms of "smaller" entities, but you have to look at the big picture. Do you know what a slowcat fleet is? It is a large fleet of remote rep sentry carriers. You want to double their potential dps, without drawbacks, because you think it will help out small entities? Your change has repercussions throughout the game.

Only one of your suggestions has a valid drawback: You must fit drone control units to utilize fighterbombers.

Why do carriers need / deserve a 100% increase in dps output towards structures?

Supers and Titans deserve and get the extra damage and potential, the proposal makes no real difference to that.

Of course I know what a slowcat is, Roll I want to see CARRIERS have a separate Fighter and drone bay, remove this excessive number of drones and in return give them a bit more power against structures by choosing to pack fighter-bombers. I was wondering if you knew what slowcats were after you suggested that having fighter-bombers would double the potential DPS of slowcats, which are as you correctly stated sentry focused carriers, most of them hardly have any fighters on board.

Why do carriers not deserve an increase in DPS against structures?

And by the way I am not the OP.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#37 - 2014-02-26 00:28:32 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

Of course I know what a slowcat is, Roll I want to see CARRIERS have a separate Fighter and drone bay, remove this excessive number of drones and in return give them a bit more power against structures by choosing to pack fighter-bombers. I was wondering if you knew what slowcats were after you suggested that having fighter-bombers would double the potential DPS of slowcats, which are as you correctly stated sentry focused carriers, most of them hardly have any fighters on board.

I realize fighterbombers would primarily be good against structures or stationary targets. The slowcat would rarely utilize them against ships, but much of the Sov level fights involve shooting 100m EHP structures, and the extra anti-structure dps would really increase their utility.

I wish carriers had more conservative drone bays too. Separate fighter hangars would be the proper course, IMO.

Dracvlad wrote:

Why do carriers not deserve an increase in DPS against structures?

Frankly, because carriers are already very powerful ships. The anti-structure dps would have them encroach on dread territory. And the mobility & range they already enjoy when deploying fighters already gives them a nice niche to declaw POS's from a safe distances. Furthermore, the ability to assign fighters gives them yet another means to somewhat safely contribute to extra dps to small scale engagements. Many people, myself included, believe that capital RR is too potent, and makes carriers moreless overpowered.

Perhaps the fighterbomber option would be more reasonable if Carriers Fighterbomber control range was less than 150 km's (POS disruptor range), and if capital RR & Triage (with 4x RR ability) were rebalanced so RR is 1/2 it's current rep rate, while Triage increased RR 8x instead.

Until the imbalances around carriers are addressed, I just don't think increasing their utility is a good thing!
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#38 - 2014-02-26 07:12:14 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

Of course I know what a slowcat is, Roll I want to see CARRIERS have a separate Fighter and drone bay, remove this excessive number of drones and in return give them a bit more power against structures by choosing to pack fighter-bombers. I was wondering if you knew what slowcats were after you suggested that having fighter-bombers would double the potential DPS of slowcats, which are as you correctly stated sentry focused carriers, most of them hardly have any fighters on board.

I realize fighterbombers would primarily be good against structures or stationary targets. The slowcat would rarely utilize them against ships, but much of the Sov level fights involve shooting 100m EHP structures, and the extra anti-structure dps would really increase their utility.

I wish carriers had more conservative drone bays too. Separate fighter hangars would be the proper course, IMO.

Dracvlad wrote:

Why do carriers not deserve an increase in DPS against structures?

Frankly, because carriers are already very powerful ships. The anti-structure dps would have them encroach on dread territory. And the mobility & range they already enjoy when deploying fighters already gives them a nice niche to declaw POS's from a safe distances. Furthermore, the ability to assign fighters gives them yet another means to somewhat safely contribute to extra dps to small scale engagements. Many people, myself included, believe that capital RR is too potent, and makes carriers moreless overpowered.

Perhaps the fighterbomber option would be more reasonable if Carriers Fighterbomber control range was less than 150 km's (POS disruptor range), and if capital RR & Triage (with 4x RR ability) were rebalanced so RR is 1/2 it's current rep rate, while Triage increased RR 8x instead.

Until the imbalances around carriers are addressed, I just don't think increasing their utility is a good thing!

That was a much better, from the start I wanted the carriers to have a separate fighter bay to the drone bay, and I still have to go back to the difference between a siege dread and a carrier with fighter-bombers, 10k vs 2k.

My suggestion within the OP's proposal would be to stop carriers being used as sentry drone boats, but increase their ability in terms of fighters and fighter-bombers, no other changes. I suggested this because I felt that the game would be better with a more focused carrier.

The question of impact in terms of making it very easy to take down towers is one issue, so you range suggestion is a very valid point, but I still think the RR is OK for small fleets, it gets an issue at the larger scale, but for my part I want the carriers to be a threat to supers and titans if packing fighter-bombers, but they would be very brittle with the right sized fighter bay which should be limited to 12 fighters and 5 fighter-bombers, so super smart-bombing would clear them out effectively as a threat.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#39 - 2014-02-26 15:02:32 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
You have not proved anything about the suggestion at all, I think you are wrong, you just repeated the same points back as fact, yet when I give real numbers about DPS and go through the ins and outs of their vulnerability compared to Supers you ignore it, of course once aligned the carriers are likely to be safe just as Supers except in terms of a POS, can't you read?

Supers 8k DPS, Dreads 10k DPS, carriers with 5 Fighter-Bombers 2k, where is the diminishing of the role, answer that direct question, of course you would still use dreads and supers as they are more efficient, its a no brainer, there are some circumstances that you would use a carrier, it gives more options. That being said the comment about insured carriers is a very good point as compared to the Nyx, this comes in at the point where you think that there is a good chance you will lose your ship then of course you will use your carrier for this, but the Nyx you would use if the risk is low, so yes the lack of insurance has an impact, yet I still see people using supers instead of the insurable dreads so what gives there?

As for the POS, its a very hostile system with people who can gather a larger force within the time of a siege cycle, so a dread will die, it requires a long battering of the POS to wear them down, they are lazy hot droppers.

More expensive stuff is not proportionally better, that was CCP that said that.

Anyway we have to agree to disagree, but you call me a carebear and run away leet forum pvp at its finest, lol.

What you seem to be missing is that carrier were never meant to be structure bashers, thats what dreads are for. Its not the dreadnoughts fault that you insist on attacking a POS that doesnt have optimal conditions for their deployment and its certainly not a reason to introduce a change that gives carriers a role they were never designed to perform.

Carrier as in carrying something, carrying Fighters and why not fighter-bombers. They were never meant to attack structures you say, but they do, on the weekend a -DD- fleet of Chimera's attacking a POS was destroyed, likely they were dimwits using sentry drones, but they were attacking structures with the highest DPS they could. The POS example I have given is what any smaller group in 0.0 has to deal with, and is one of the reasons for such a stale game in terms of new alliances in 0.0, I don't think this suggestion on its own is going to change things but with others changes it could.

Lets come up with a ridiculous response to your ridiculous one, men were not meant to be in space, in reality, we are talking about game balance, Supers and Titans were never meant to be in the numbers that they now are, can we keep doing this, never meant indeed, but the reality is that Supers and Titans are now in massive numbers, hence the need for something to balance off against them. Your idea of balance is different to mine, but please get away from never meant, its a stupid argument when the issue is balance and options when the reality is that we are dealing with never meant numbers of supers and titans.

And since thats an issue with supers and titans what does that have to do with carriers and why does it require them to be able to fulfill a role they werent designed for??

Even looking at it purely from a game balance perspective its still a terrible idea because it makes dreadnoughts a massively inferior choice for the one thing theyre supposed to be best at. Why would I use a group of dreadnoughts to shoot a structure when with your change a carrier group can do it in much greater safety (No requirement to use siege mode plus the ability to refit off each other for escape) with a minimal extra investment of time and resources (Higher buy in because you need a couple of extra carriers to match DPS numbers and you spend slightly more on fuel, compensated by not needing to buy strontium to fuel siege mode and spending nothing on ammunition ).

In essence you're just adding to the problem of a group of carriers doing a bunch of different things better than the ships that are supposed to specialise in those things.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Notorious Legion
#40 - 2014-02-26 16:34:25 UTC
no and simply no
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