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War Declaration: Could be better, let's fix it.

Silent Knights.
#121 - 2014-02-24 23:10:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Cismet
It's a shame really that the argument with the great deluded one has derailed what could have otherwise been an interesting discussion. I've been in very few wars but the few I was in, it wasn't hard to understand that throwing myself in a cheap ship and scouting through gates for corp members in more expensive ships was a very effective mechanism to prevent major losses.... not everyone learned that lesson but what the hey. I had a mining career (I hated it but it was a very easy source of money early in an Eve career, OH do I wish I'd spent those few million skill points more wisely....) and it was tough under a war-dec to mine stuff without friends, but it was at least interesting. When it stopped being interesting we left the alliance being decc'ed.

Sadly, this chap has warped the entire discussion (that could have actually been interesting) around his terrible understanding of the game mechanics or basic strategy.
JetStream Drenard
Digital Ghosts
#122 - 2014-02-25 01:39:00 UTC
Cismet wrote:
It's a shame really that the argument with the great deluded one has derailed what could have otherwise been an interesting discussion. I've been in very few wars but the few I was in, it wasn't hard to understand that throwing myself in a cheap ship and scouting through gates for corp members in more expensive ships was a very effective mechanism to prevent major losses.... not everyone learned that lesson but what the hey. I had a mining career (I hated it but it was a very easy source of money early in an Eve career, OH do I wish I'd spent those few million skill points more wisely....) and it was tough under a war-dec to mine stuff without friends, but it was at least interesting. When it stopped being interesting we left the alliance being decc'ed.

Sadly, this chap has warped the entire discussion (that could have actually been interesting) around his terrible understanding of the game mechanics or basic strategy.

all these discussions are derailed by some individual that just really plays this game for the sole purpose of acquistion, or destruction. Their bias is that the opposite of themselves is somehow completely wrong. Neither seem to take into account the fact that CCP's own estimates are that 80% of their sub's are alt accounts. Which means the vast majority of people do both industry and pvp on separate accounts, and is the major reason why training takes so long to encourage multiple accounts.

But this discussion WAS a learning lesson for me. I finally connected Feyd's opinion with my own experience, and finding myself agreeing with him completely on why war is good and should be buffed back to its pre-nerf levels, even if i still dont agree with the severity of his 4 points for fixing them. See, I always thought that war deccers were only griefers. This is my first MMORPG, i have played only multi-FPS and solo RPG for 20 years, so I came to the game with no preconceived notion of what an MMORPG should be. The behavior of deccer's both created and then reinforced the idea that they were only griefers. This was because the vast majority dec's to the uni, try to bring OP fleets to fights at first but then get stomped within the first day or two and then they scatter away from our primary areas and hit only soft industrial targets and nubbins who dont know how to choose their fights yet. afterall, they want to be positive on their war record.

Then I connected the dots. My corp, E-Uni lost like 99% of its pvpers all at once, 3 years ago. The predominate carebears who were left in charge, and whose opinions of pvp were rather similar to Basil's, made a lot of rules to make the uni a Non Pvp training corp. Then rolled 3 years of constant dec's, and the people that were left had to learn everything from scratch, with only pvp alts, past member friends and things like the Agony Unleashed pvp classes to figure out what they were doing---- and they did it all in spite of the fact that there were a tremendous amount of rules and pressure working against them. The result of all this continuous war was an incredibly capable and competent pvp core within our corp, which is why dec's against us are so likely to fail miserably any more. The point of all this 'cool story' is that war fixed the Uni and it is celebrating its 10th anniverssary next month. and it is almost as strong as it was before all the pvpers left 3 years ago.

So in short, I have had a complete reversal of opinion, since even from the beginning all i wanted was more pvp and less high sec station games. Wars TEACH new players to learn how to pvp, or they quit. Since 'most' everyone who plays this games wants to blow pixels up and dont care if they blow up either, because it is fun! then wars are good, at least for those who are afraid of low sec because somebody told them they would get creamed if they jumped the gate.
JetStream Drenard
Digital Ghosts
#123 - 2014-02-25 01:59:21 UTC
PERHAPS, the best way to "fix" wars is to somehow devise away that people with little or no pvp experience can start a new corp. certainly no character with less then 6 months of life could start a corp. Then all proposed new corps would enter a 30 day recruitment period where they had to acquired at a minimum 25 members with a certain amount of pvp related sp. This would not prevent a 1 day old player from joining an existing corp ONLY prevent people who know nothing about the game from starting corps of their own. This, in and of itself might help drive more pvp to low sec by making 'target corps' less likely to be griefed just because they are frakin noobs. And it would still completely allow inter-corp warfare.

The biggest flaw with this is pure alt corps that really dont suffer from this kind of treatment would be difficult to impossible to create without some alt corp clause, such as your main and alts all have the same email or Credit Card (or anything else CCP tracks) and therefore can have exceptions as long as only alts with the same credit card with the main are enrolled, or something such...
The Church of Awesome
#124 - 2014-02-25 03:05:00 UTC
It is very easy make wars meaningless.

Move to low sec for the wars duration.

Very few of these so called 'Merc Corps' or 'High Sec PvPers' will follow you to low sec.

Don't believe me?
Try it and watch all the 'Aggressors' sit on a high/low gate too scared to click past the 'You are about to enter low sec' warning box.


Train a blank account slot for 5 min and create a corp. Move to that corp for the war.
Get the rest of your corpies to make an extra safe corp each. (Leave the derp toons as CEO -dont give yourselves roles)
Then you will have more corps to hop into than they can dec over a one week period. (Use the 24 hour timer to your advantage)

They might petition this - but dont worry. CCP want your money each month and will generally ignore their whinging if they are picking on groups who cant defend themselves.

The only part of war decs that need fixing is the stupid cost of them against larger alliances.

Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#125 - 2014-02-25 07:32:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Basil Pupkin
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Basil Pupkin wrote:

P.S. Grats on war deccing my permadocked Jita character. Alliance was delighted and asked if you're coming to Delve to meet them. Even if I'm a carebear, they definitely aren't. Good luck.

Well I do hope you at least sent an email of apology to Raul deSoya for getting his Oracle zapped, that would be the polite thing to do. Props also to Marmite for joining us on helping you on your education, hope Macolm Lionel was able to replace his Gnosis your mouth got killed?

EvE, every action a consequence, even if you think you are safe as a lame forum warrior who never undocks, your friends aren't.

Although, your alliance just sent us a surrender offer...wonder if we should counter-offer we will drop the decs if they execute you publicly at Jita 4-4? That would be amenable...


Please explain me, what's awesome about a phony coolstory which sounds like "One day during routine griefing operation we had a gudfait, and now I want every hisec pilot to ask for my permission to play eve due to that."

I can understand how a forum warrior is so inept that he cannot do the basic research on Eve kill or Battleclinic to discover the facts around a compelling story, but to question my integrity...shocking.

Hue 3 times, dude.
Whoever took any losses during war dec is their own damn fault. I don't feel guilty or sorry for either of those losses. They undocked - their problem. It's quite clear you shouldn't undock in hisec during war dec, if they want to get more darwin awards, nobody is stopping them.
So, you made up some blog for your coolstory, I don't really care if it's true or not (most likely not), it doesn't justify your claims of buffing already overbuffed griefing aspect of war dec.

You know, I'd normally take your offer on the execution, just because I don't really give a duck about this character, but there's about zero chances you'd actually do your part of the deal, so it's just lol-offer I guess, a form of e-peen "people must ask for my permission to play eve" part you enjoy.

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

Eagle's Talon's
#126 - 2014-02-25 11:33:16 UTC
There needs to be a new type of warfare mechanic that would allow corporation members to be able to assist in defending against griefers who attack in high sector.

The mechanic would be pilot based and would have a skill associated with its use. The skill named Aggression Response would allow the pilot to engage any target that has attacked a fellow corp member within a certain range of the pilot with the skill. If any of the hostile ships come into the range of the skill the corp member then acquires the corp members response agro and is then able to attack the griefer.

Level 1 : 1 AU - train time five days
Level 2 : 2 AU - train time seven days
Level 3 : 3 AU - train time ten days
Level 4 : 5 AU - train time fifthteen days
Level 5 : 6 AU - train time twenty five days


Level 1 : entire solar system - train time ten days
Level 2 : two solar systems - train time 17 days
Level 3 : three solar systems - train time 25 days
Level 4 : four solar systems - train time 35 days
Level 5 : five solar systems - train time 55 days

The only drawback would be that the pilot with this skill would have to be part of the corp for no less than a month in order for the skill to be able to be used.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#127 - 2014-02-25 12:13:49 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
There needs to be a new type of warfare mechanic that would allow corporation members to be able to assist in defending against griefers who attack in high sector.

The mechanic would be pilot based and would have a skill associated with its use. The skill named Aggression Response would allow the pilot to engage any target that has attacked a fellow corp member within a certain range of the pilot with the skill. If any of the hostile ships come into the range of the skill the corp member then acquires the corp members response agro and is then able to attack the griefer.

Level 1 : 1 AU - train time five days
Level 2 : 2 AU - train time seven days
Level 3 : 3 AU - train time ten days
Level 4 : 5 AU - train time fifthteen days
Level 5 : 6 AU - train time twenty five days


Level 1 : entire solar system - train time ten days
Level 2 : two solar systems - train time 17 days
Level 3 : three solar systems - train time 25 days
Level 4 : four solar systems - train time 35 days
Level 5 : five solar systems - train time 55 days

The only drawback would be that the pilot with this skill would have to be part of the corp for no less than a month in order for the skill to be able to be used.

because corp members cannot currently shoot war targets or chars with suspect?...

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#128 - 2014-02-25 13:55:01 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
because corp members cannot currently shoot war targets or chars with suspect?...

Corp members cannot shoot war targets because it's not possible to shoot while docked, and if you undock, you wake up in a medical clone station - also docked.
Chars with suspect cannot be shot, because they're too busy waiting out their suspect while staying docked up.

That skill suggestion he made there is just an overbuffed version of kill rights.
Since it does nothing to war dec griefing easiness, risklessness, and disbalance - I guess no is my answer.

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#129 - 2014-02-25 14:14:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Daichi Yamato
yes we all know how risk averse u are, and the fact that other ppl have managed to shoot their aggressing war targets is just a mind boggling mystery to u.

is kill rights what he means by 'acquires teh corp members response agro'?

cant u give kill rights to anyone?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#130 - 2014-02-25 14:28:07 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
yes we all know how risk averse u are, and the fact that other ppl have managed to shoot their aggressing war targets is just a mind boggling mystery to u.

War deccers are risk averse - already risk-averse suicide gankers but even more of a pansy cuz they can't even take concord.
I'm no risk averse, because undocking in hisec is not a risk - it's definite suicide.
War targets in case of grief dec are invulnerable, so nobody ever shot them. In case of war dec, which involves actual war and not just griefing, that is possible, but in grief decs - no.

Daichi Yamato wrote:
is kill rights what he means by 'acquires teh corp members response agro'?

cant u give kill rights to anyone?

Yes, but the guy wants permanently active corp-wide kill rights.

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

JetStream Drenard
Digital Ghosts
#131 - 2014-02-25 14:38:43 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
because corp members cannot currently shoot war targets or chars with suspect?...

Corp members cannot shoot war targets because it's not possible to shoot while docked, and if you undock, you wake up in a medical clone station - also docked.
Chars with suspect cannot be shot, because they're too busy waiting out their suspect while staying docked up.

That skill suggestion he made there is just an overbuffed version of kill rights.
Since it does nothing to war dec griefing easiness, risklessness, and disbalance - I guess no is my answer.
let me fix this for you TROLL. If YOU undock, YOU die because after all YOUR alleged experience, YOU still don't know how to play eve. If Minecraft is too difficult for YOU, just turn the difficulty down.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#132 - 2014-02-25 14:44:11 UTC
fair enough. if anyone can activate it at anytime, not sure what more being permanently active against the corp can do.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#133 - 2014-02-25 16:13:12 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:

Whoever took any losses during war dec is their own damn fault. I don't feel guilty or sorry for either of those losses. They undocked - their problem. It's quite clear you shouldn't undock in hisec during war dec, if they want to get more darwin awards, nobody is stopping them.

Their blood is on your hands. You tickled the dragons tail, they paid the price for you...


So, you made up some blog for your coolstory, I don't really care if it's true or not (most likely not), it doesn't justify your claims of buffing already overbuffed griefing aspect of war dec.

Your an idiot if you can't confirm the story via Battleclinic or other kill tracking site.
Also, didn't you just say your buds died due to their own stupidity above? Im confused Basil, are deaths during wartime reflective of individual failure to HTFU and stupidity, or because of griefing?


You know, I'd normally take your offer on the execution, just because I don't really give a duck about this character, but there's about zero chances you'd actually do your part of the deal, so it's just lol-offer I guess, a form of e-peen "people must ask for my permission to play eve" part you enjoy.

Its ok, Others are also now paying the price for your heresy. Embrace HTFU or see more senseless losses and blood on your hands. Each act of heresy, another carebear skin on my wall. You are causing this to happen, I am just a tool of God's will.

JetStream Drenard
Digital Ghosts
#134 - 2014-02-25 17:15:25 UTC
Shockedno blob? No OP combat ship? A rookie mining ship? Remind me of watching a you tube of an iteron taking down a Megatron. Feyd how dare you not conform to basil war facts! Y wonder if he gets it yet?
Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#135 - 2014-02-25 17:18:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Basil Pupkin
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Their blood is on your hands. You tickled the dragons tail, they paid the price for you...

They just proved my point - no undocking in hisec during war dec. Your feeble attempts to blame me for their loss to a random hisec griefer are pathetic.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Your an idiot if you can't confirm the story via Battleclinic or other kill tracking site.
Also, didn't you just say your buds died due to their own stupidity above? Im confused Basil, are deaths during wartime reflective of individual failure to HTFU and stupidity, or because of griefing?

The only thing I can confirm on the kill tracker is that some stupid corp decided to undock, lost two fleets, poco, gained nothing and managed to entertain a griefer in the process. They prove my point that there is only three options during war dec, that whoever undocks during war dec will get docked, and among all three options undocking is indeed the stupid choice.
Thus far your coolstory offered no justification for proposed buff to the overbuffed grief decs.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Its ok, Others are also now paying the price for your heresy. Embrace HTFU or see more senseless losses and blood on your hands. Each act of heresy, another carebear skin on my wall. You are causing this to happen, I am just a tool of God's will.

Are you, by any chance, James315's alt? Or every hisec griefer gets the same bonkers?
There are no losses on me. My real account is out of your reach and happily carebearing.
Happy griefing!

P.S. I don't get the joke with the Venture. Care to explain?

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

University of Caille
#136 - 2014-02-26 00:01:00 UTC
The Venture is not a joke, that distinction belongs to you Basil. That ship refutes every word you have said in this thread about sp blobs or whatever.

You should look at it and ponder how a someone in a mining frigate was able to kill someone in an attack battlecruiser. Until you can figure it out you shouldn't claim to know anything about PvP. You also should send those letters of apology, maybe some isk too. Those guys didn't deserve to get their ships ganked in your stead. You're a parasite until you do.
Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#137 - 2014-02-26 06:48:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Basil Pupkin
Clementina wrote:
The Venture is not a joke, that distinction belongs to you Basil. That ship refutes every word you have said in this thread about sp blobs or whatever.

You should look at it and ponder how a someone in a mining frigate was able to kill someone in an attack battlecruiser. Until you can figure it out you shouldn't claim to know anything about PvP. You also should send those letters of apology, maybe some isk too. Those guys didn't deserve to get their ships ganked in your stead. You're a parasite until you do.

Oh, now I get it. A more SP character in a Venture has killed a less SP one in a Talos.
Wait, how does it refutes the point that bigger SP always wins? It proves it right to the bitter end.
And, once again, I owe no apology and no ISK to people stupid enough to undock in hisec during grief dec.

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.