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Upcoming T3 Balance - Questions from a prospective buyer

Delicious Charen-Teng
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-02-25 11:12:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Delicious Charen-Teng

I was just EFT'ng a new Proteus and have a number of questions. As a paying customer for many years, I feel I have earned the right to be given reasonable answers to these questions.

- When are you intending to do the T3 balance pass?
- What is your overall agenda for these ships?
- What aspects do you see needing improvement and what aspects do you see needing nerfage? Bearing in mind they are very expensive ships and am nervous to shell out months of hard earned ISK on something that will be drastically changed soon.
- How can we communicate more effectively around these passes to avoid players investing heavily in a ship before being shown the nerfbat middle finger?

I'm a little hesitant to post this thread, though I really want to buy a T3. At this point, I just can't justify it until you have provided some clarity on what my investment will mean to me in the next year or longer.

I only really care about T3's in terms of this, and only because they are a huge investment ...