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Upgrading from ragtag shield pvp gang, into, armor T3/HAC pvp gang

Cillet Baang Scott
Allowance Pester Dread
#1 - 2011-11-27 14:11:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Cillet Baang Scott
Why is it soo many people choose shield as a basis for a pvp fleet? Then have any old fleet setup, usually drakes, canes and useless **** like eagles.

Carebearing is partly to blame I suppose. But why do so many FCs totally ignore the advantages of having a uniform, low sig, fast and high dps fleet?. Is it because they lack confidenece to bring out the big guns? pride and safety? or simply because they are not aware of the advantages ships like proteus, armor loki and zealots can give to a fleet?,.

I mean all you have to do, is get on sisi, armor tank your watever, bung in some slaves, have a few guardians and a single damnation booster to see how beneficial an armor T3/HAC fleet gang can be. Especially when all the advantages of agility and speed a shield gang can offer is squandered by slow aligning ships like drakes and maelstroms.

Hopefully with hybrids getting a serious buff, people might venture out of their caldari caccoons and step into a blaster proteus or something. This would be awesome, expecially for all the new alliances coming off the back of dreadnaught buff/supercap nerf.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-27 14:39:19 UTC
They do, it's just that they do it in WH's. Check with one of the many WH pvp corps to get into Armor T3/HAC Gangs. It's a blast and if you have time to farm you have enough money to lose really expensive ships.Blink
Cillet Baang Scott
Allowance Pester Dread
#3 - 2011-11-27 14:51:13 UTC
Purehydro wrote:
They do, it's just that they do it in WH's. Check with one of the many WH pvp corps to get into Armor T3/HAC Gangs. It's a blast and if you have time to farm you have enough money to lose really expensive ships.Blink

I've tried getting into a c5 corp before, but the 1 month background check sucked big fat balls Lol
Kietay Ayari
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-27 16:25:22 UTC
Are shield fleets really more popular now? :O Do people finally like Chimeras or is that still no?

Ferox #1

Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#5 - 2011-11-27 18:44:58 UTC
Shield offers you greater mobility and more damage, typically at better range, thus is better suited for the "underdog", fighting outnumbered & outgunned most of the time.

If on the other hand you tend to outnumber your opponents or often roll out with 10+ (minimum size for an armor gang with logi), armor becomes more viable.

Also, nano Drakes align faster than AHACs.
Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2011-11-27 19:39:03 UTC
Cillet Baang Scott wrote:
Why is it soo many people choose shield as a basis for a pvp fleet? Then have any old fleet setup, usually drakes, canes and useless **** like eagles.

Carebearing is partly to blame I suppose. But why do so many FCs totally ignore the advantages of having a uniform, low sig, fast and high dps fleet?. Is it because they lack confidenece to bring out the big guns? pride and safety? or simply because they are not aware of the advantages ships like proteus, armor loki and zealots can give to a fleet?,.

I mean all you have to do, is get on sisi, armor tank your watever, bung in some slaves, have a few guardians and a single damnation booster to see how beneficial an armor T3/HAC fleet gang can be. Especially when all the advantages of agility and speed a shield gang can offer is squandered by slow aligning ships like drakes and maelstroms.

Hopefully with hybrids getting a serious buff, people might venture out of their caldari caccoons and step into a blaster proteus or something. This would be awesome, expecially for all the new alliances coming off the back of dreadnaught buff/supercap nerf.

I am no expert on nullsec war, but a HAC is worth roughly 5x as much as a BC. So, if you have a fleet of T3s (billions and billions of isk!) and HACs (5xBC isk), and you lose even a few ships killing a cane fleet, you're actually losing money.

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#7 - 2011-11-27 19:41:58 UTC
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
Shield offers you greater mobility and more damage, typically at better range, thus is better suited for the "underdog", fighting outnumbered & outgunned most of the time.

If on the other hand you tend to outnumber your opponents or often roll out with 10+ (minimum size for an armor gang with logi), armor becomes more viable.

Also, nano Drakes align faster than AHACs.

Not empty quoting.

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Lord Zeel
#8 - 2011-11-27 20:35:11 UTC
Cillet Baang Scott wrote:
Why is it soo many people choose shield as a basis for a pvp fleet? Then have any old fleet setup, usually drakes, canes and useless **** like eagles.

Carebearing is partly to blame I suppose. But why do so many FCs totally ignore the advantages of having a uniform, low sig, fast and high dps fleet?. Is it because they lack confidenece to bring out the big guns? pride and safety? or simply because they are not aware of the advantages ships like proteus, armor loki and zealots can give to a fleet?,.

I mean all you have to do, is get on sisi, armor tank your watever, bung in some slaves, have a few guardians and a single damnation booster to see how beneficial an armor T3/HAC fleet gang can be. Especially when all the advantages of agility and speed a shield gang can offer is squandered by slow aligning ships like drakes and maelstroms.

Hopefully with hybrids getting a serious buff, people might venture out of their caldari caccoons and step into a blaster proteus or something. This would be awesome, expecially for all the new alliances coming off the back of dreadnaught buff/supercap nerf.

Because PL is the only one who can afford to.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-11-28 01:28:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Cillet Baang Scott wrote:
Carebearing is partly to blame I suppose. But why do so many FCs totally ignore the advantages of having a uniform, low sig, fast and high dps fleet?. Is it because they lack confidenece to bring out the big guns? pride and safety? or simply because they are not aware of the advantages ships like proteus, armor loki and zealots can give to a fleet?

Hellcats **** the **** out of AHACs so hard it's not funny. Well, first they **** the Guardians, then they **** the Zealots, then if anyone is stupid enough to have stuck around in any non-Loki T3, they're next. Also: bolded some funny parts.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-11-28 02:05:53 UTC
armor hacs are sooo 2010
Cillet Baang Scott
Allowance Pester Dread
#11 - 2011-11-28 04:06:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Cillet Baang Scott
Sorry if you mistook my rant for a sensible debate opener. It actualy was just a rant. And if you did... thank you for humering me. :)

hellcats would be good, but i can't see that sort of regimentation happening anytime soon. I should get into PL or something on an alt.Those guys always look like they are getting their moneys worth.
Barry Buttplug
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2011-11-28 04:34:20 UTC
Cillet Baang Scott wrote:
Sorry if you mistook my rant for a sensible debate opener. It actualy was just a rant. And if you did... thank you for humering me. :)

Upgrading all your ships is good. But without a good tactile FC, it means nothing. You could throw proteus and lokis all aboutthe place and you stillwon't be able to get away from loki and proteus in hellcats. Also don't forget the obligatry hotdrops, other, better FCs and fleets.

You will have your arse handed to you on a plate. maybe let these pilots grow in confidence before you push them into expensive ships they won't b able to replace.

Also, as far as I know, PL invite through recomenadtions.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#13 - 2011-11-28 05:45:54 UTC
A HAC is worth more than twice the amount of a hurricane or drake and puts out less DPS. I agree that T3/HAC fleets are more enjoyable and they have the advantage skirmish, but they can't compete as far as price per value.

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#14 - 2011-11-28 06:09:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrrashae
OninoTimmo wrote:
armor hacs are sooo 2010

Not empty quotin'!

As well:

Even a "fast" armour-boat is still an unwieldy, wallowing pig.

Slaves cost a little more on TQ than the ISK 100.00 they do on SiSi.

A typical nano/HM Drake, shield-Cane, or shield/nano ' Binger costs 1/5th what an armour-HAC costs, is fully insurable, and has free low-slots for gank/speed.

In my experience, a 10-20 man fast shield BC fleet with a Scimitar or two, and Recon support, with an FC that knows what s/he is about can not only punch waaaaay above its' weight, it's also much more likely to find people willing to engage it.

(Dual-nano/HM Drake is almost as fast, and much more agile, than a single-nano 'Cane, and can project its' full dps as far as it can target, too. Just sayin' Twisted)


Dark Pangolin
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#15 - 2011-11-28 21:36:28 UTC
This is 'Space Rock-Paper-Scissors". The AHAC (AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCC) fleet you speak of (Leagion/Loki/Zealot/ Guardian x50) you speak of is indeed an awesome fleet. A fleet of nano drakes and arty canes could kite it to death. Or diengage completely.

The #1 reason i see for people running shield gangs (Shield to me automaticaly means nano) is to run from what you can't fight or to kite the big fat slow fleets into oblivion. AHACS are faster than BSs...but not much, and they lack range.

AHAC fleets are awesome versus BSs (big guns with relatively poor tracking)...not so great vs Drake fleets, etc. etc.


P.S. The other reason FCs take Shieldfleets over T3 and HAC fleets is when the pilots they FC can't fly/afford the T3s/HACs...not everyone in eve has 60mill sp and 60bill in the bank
Jude Lloyd
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2011-11-29 01:08:11 UTC
Shields are just better.

I'm back!

I likegirls
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-11-29 04:03:25 UTC
I've fc'd a cane fleet vs an ahac fleet before. And we kicked their ass. Bigger blob/better FCing>prettier ships.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-11-29 07:23:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jamradar
Cillet Baang Scott wrote:
Why is it soo many people choose shield as a basis for a pvp fleet?

FCs totally ignore the advantages of having a uniform, low sig, fast and high dps fleet?.

Is it because they lack confidenece to bring out the big guns? pride and safety? or simply because they are not aware of the advantages ships like proteus, armor loki and zealots can give to a fleet?

bung in some slaves, have a few guardians and a single damnation booster to see how beneficial an armor T3/HAC fleet gang can be.

Especially when all the advantages of agility and speed a shield gang can offer is squandered by slow aligning ships like drakes and maelstroms.

Wow, these are all very solid points. You should bring this killer awesome T3/HAC fleet to low and nullsec all over, it'll wipe the floor with every shield hugging hippies there. Make sure to bring a LOT of T3's, it'll show us the mighty power and forever make us realize shield fleets are fail fleets.

Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#19 - 2011-11-29 23:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Dradius Calvantia

The God Squad recently came to Syndicate thinking the exact same thing the OP was apparently. They lost 9 bill in logi/T3s to our arty cane fleet which was half their size (flying with no logi.)

Pretty EFT numbers does not an effective fleet make.

Edit: As a more serious answer; besides the points mentioned already, I suspect that FCs use skirmish fleets more than AHACs or other brawling fleets because they are simply more fun. Orbiting your logi and calling primaries alphabetically gets old pretty quick. Also, it is much more feasible for a skirmish fleet to punch up and take advantage of a larger hostiles fleets mistakes. The results can be pretty lols worthy..
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#20 - 2011-11-30 00:41:12 UTC
Shield fleets are used because, guess what, quite a lot of people make the mistake of being Caldari. Its just a fact.

Nano drakes are as good as it gets for shield fleets, with good mobility, naturally regenerating passive buffer tank, long range DPS. Its like an AHAC gang rolled into one ship, for a quarter the price.

Shield tanking buffer fits (eg, nanocanes, drakes with BC's instead of carebear fits, buffer Cyclones) provide superior DPS to AHACs, for a fraction of the cost and training time.

Don't get me wrong, you will not find an effective shield HAC gang composed of Vagas, Cerbs, Eagles Munnins and shield Zealots backed by logi, which has the same brawling endurance as a AHAC AB fleet. You simply cannot get enough resists cheap enough to cover the EM hole, provide buffer, and point and MWD. There's a lot of stuff you need to pack in and not that many midslots, which is why AHACs wirk well. Plus the sig radius is a downside, as well.

The other thing to point out is that, right now, it is easier to beef up a Guardian pair or group to 100K EHP with faction gear than it is to try that with Basi's (the equivalent shield logi). This is because, for instance, faction invuls are 400M and faction EANM's 40-60M; armour resists in T2 ships are higher, base and more uniform. Viable faction shield RR modules are nonexistant and the CPU drain is ridonkulous. Couple this with sig bloom when you do shield tank your Basi and your tank is inherently weaker, meaning your logi chain is weaker than a Guardian chain.

This is why you don't see faction fitted shield logis and why shield logi pairs fold a lot faster than Guardians. hence, a shield HAC gang is better done as Drake blob, or arty cane blob, backed by scimis.

I'm not complaining, mind you, about the state of play of shield vs armour logi. Properly deployed and managed, a shield logi can really tip the balance.
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