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EVE mail in your favorite e-mail client.

Ai Shun
#21 - 2011-11-28 02:39:21 UTC
Aphoxema G wrote:
And this is evidence that people don't understand the API. The requirements for the CAK to work with the service is to only allow mails to be read.

That gives me a sense of comfort. While I see it is linked, why when you are promoting and defending the service do you not state that?

Aphoxema G wrote:
That is not to say Cyna deserves the same level of trust that these other utilities have earned, merely that these are risks people routinely take without much thought.

Please take care not to misinform the public due to your own ignorance.

Before flinging insults like a poo-slinging money and accusing people of ignorance, read their posts carefully.

Ai Shun wrote:
Yes, there are other applications that require API keys. Those applications have a long history in EVE and they built up a reputation to trust.

See? That is not ignorant. It simply means I don't trust you, your buddy or his hosted service enough to submit even a limited API key to you. There are other applications that I trust a bit more. Especially when I am in control of them, can monitor their activity and so forth.

The value of this thing you are promoting - reading of EVE mail in an email client? I can read my mail in EVE Gate when I'm logged into the forums already. It has no value to me.

Hence - the risk of your buddy having access to all my EVE Mail is not worth it for the negligible benefit it provides me.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#22 - 2011-11-28 02:40:58 UTC
Regardless, I think it's an unnecessary and libelous to compare what Cyna offers to unprotected sex with a Tijuana prostitute.

Anyone that asks people to practice **** poor internet security publicly on a forum is liable to be slandered.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#23 - 2011-11-28 02:58:06 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
That gives me a sense of comfort. While I see it is linked, why when you are promoting and defending the service do you not state that?

Because I'm stupid.

Ai Shun wrote:
Before flinging insults like a poo-slinging money and accusing people of ignorance, read their posts carefully.

I wasn't wrong.

Cipher Jones wrote:
Anyone that asks people to practice **** poor internet security publicly on a forum is liable to be slandered.

Nonsense, libel is deceit, intentional or not. The last thing I would ask anyone to do is act carelessly and there are risks inherent in everything we do. If you think I've failed to disclose anything, call me on that rather than trying to scare people out of something they may not understand.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#24 - 2011-11-28 03:16:08 UTC
Nonsense, libel is deceit, intentional or not. The last thing I would ask anyone to do is act carelessly

Its already established that you have.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Ai Shun
#25 - 2011-11-28 03:29:15 UTC
Aphoxema G wrote:
The last thing I would ask anyone to do is act carelessly and there are risks inherent in everything we do. If you think I've failed to disclose anything, call me on that rather than trying to scare people out of something they may not understand.

You want people to treat you with courtesy and to talk to points when you throw insults around? Bit of a double standard there. I will say this - if your buddy had been promoting his own service, he'd have had a much better showing of it. You, at the moment, are doing him far more harm than good.

Aphoxema G wrote:
He doesn't really play EVE and I know he has a good sense of ethics, so you'll just have to take our word that it's safe

Asking somebody to take your word that it is safe ... you don't see that as asking them to act carelessly?

Try this for size.

Send me 1,000,000,000 ISK and I'll send you double back. Trust me. I will.

Do you see the similarity? Trust is earned. You don't get it because you ask for it.

On the off-chance though... 2/10.
Jenn Makanen
#26 - 2011-11-28 03:56:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn Makanen

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::Simple;
use Date::Manip;
use Encode;
use MIME::Lite;

my $name;

my $response=get("");

my $details=XMLin($response);

foreach my $message (@{$details->{result}->{rowset}->{row}})

if ((time()-UnixDate(ParseDateString($message->{sentDate}),"%s"))<7200)
# Message is less than an hour old
my $bodyxml=get("".$message->{messageID});
my $parsedbody=XMLin($bodyxml);
my $messagetogo='';
my $charnamexml=get("".$message->{senderID});
my $parsedname=XMLin($charnamexml);
my $subject="Email From Eve - ".$message->{title}." -".$name);
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new
Subject => $subject,
From => 'an@emailaddress',
To => 'an@emailaddress',
Type => 'text/html',
Data => $messagetogo



Tada. One perl script for sending mail to places. You just need a box to run it on. could probably be used with activeperl on windows, if the modules are available.

designed to be run once an hour (cronjob, or other scheduler). (hence the check for mail being one hour old). total time to write, around 40 minutes or so. XML::Simple produces data structers that are a pain to work with. Simple enough to throw in a DB and a loop for the keys. Then you just need a basic form to allow keys to be shoved into the db, along with destination addresses, though excessive if you're only doing it for yourself.
#27 - 2011-11-28 04:01:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyna
Oh my creator... Are you guys seriously? Okay, what do people want to know? If you have questions for me, why aren't you posting them in the relevant thread?

As far as this thread goes, I understand my name is fairly new to you all, but I have been in EVE since 2004... I understand the risks and concerns and have done everything I can think of to both enable solid functionality, and provide security by reducing the amount of data requested and reserved (cached) to only tidbits here and there from the whole picture. I understand that I'm not "trustworthy", but so were all of those other services when they came out, nobody knew them from the ground they stood on.

I ask for a bit of trust yes, I can affirm many times over that I'm not logging anything (and definitely will NEVER share ANY information that comes through the server), though, to quell concerns, I could provide a means to track accesses by key ID and IP address, of course vCode specifically to ID you and give you access to that list. It means that if your key is compromised, and you suspect somebody is fetching your mail, you can check that page and see all the IPs that have accessed it with your ID and vCode authenticating you to access that list. (List cannot and will not be purged until ID has not been used for say a month or 3.)

I think what scares a lot of people is the fact that the service is completely anonymous... there's no secondary layer of protection like with the giants... Well that's not what's intended here, this is meant to be a fast, easy means to access your eve mail with a limited CAK that only YOU should know. I'm giving you guys responsibility to be responsible with your key, and I'm in turn accepting responsibility for handling your data in the highest regards to privacy.

Rather than give you a false sense of security by making you register to a website before you provide a CAK to do anything, I'm letting you define your own access. This service is not meant to replace anyone, just to augment the API in a new fashion that makes it even more convenient for those on the go or for those that can't be on EVE-Gate all the time to watch their mail.

Reply to Jenn Makanen: That's a nifty shorthand version of kinda what's going on here, I go through a lot more to do that though since I cache repeat requests so the EVE API servers don't get trashed. That's what that other eve notification service is using too essentially, but I wanted to avoid having a third party mail server in the way unless the user wants it in the way (like GMail), I wanted to allow direct access by the user into say Thunderbird.

Love EVE, love the environment, (most of) the players, and the programming! My projects: EVE POP3 Mail Service

Malinae Jor
McClardy Fiduciary Logistics
#28 - 2011-11-28 05:03:40 UTC
Just like to throw this out here... an API key

To quote from the API section directly
"API Section from" wrote:
The API key is in no way generated from your account password - there is no way to calculate your password using this information.

It could, however, give them access to anything they could access through your API key, just like EVEMon, EFT, Skill Sheet websites, etc.

If you don't like that idea, you might want to rethink your decision to use any API service that you give access to sensitive information.

With the new API system, you can give this POP3 forwarder ONLY access to your mail. If you still don't want to share your mail with an unknown user, again, don't use the service.

I personally don't like the idea of doing this. I don't care if people see my skill sheet, etc., but mail can have some pretty sensitive information in it that I wouldn't like having the possibility of being shared.
Liam Mirren
#29 - 2011-11-28 05:24:20 UTC
Cyna wrote:
As far as this thread goes, I understand my name is fairly new to you all, but I have been in EVE since 2004...

Your char (and your corp) are from 2004 but haven't been played at all, you're not on any killboard whatsoever. You may be a very inactive player but more likely you're an alt, which doesn't really help your credibility when it comes to stuff like this. So... no, not buying it.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

#30 - 2011-11-28 05:49:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyna
Liam Mirren wrote:
Cyna wrote:
As far as this thread goes, I understand my name is fairly new to you all, but I have been in EVE since 2004...

Your char (and your corp) are from 2004 but haven't been played at all, you're not on any killboard whatsoever. You may be a very inactive player but more likely you're an alt, which doesn't really help your credibility when it comes to stuff like this. So... no, not buying it.

I apologize that I play so infrequently... I also don't do PvP, I do PvE and Incursions, last Incursion I was in was about 2 months or so ago. I like programming for EVE, I like playing EVE when I've got time and a good fleet to run with, but I was wrapped up in this project. And my other character is Cynagen, that was my alt, Cyna is actually my main char.

Would you like me to dump my wallet information and show you? Would you like a CAK ID and vCode to be able to read all my information? I've got nothing to hide while you've seemingly got everything to prove.

CAK ID: 352112
CAK vCode: o4NJX109RHAacURzccK7xh2WF3W254oUL6JTEoIzGxHRp9I0pamKVVYunzTrYQte

Do what you want, nothing you can change with the API, just read information. It's a Character key that expires Tuesday 11/29/11. I'm no longer a member of my own corp so I'm not giving access to somebody else's corporation data like that, otherwise I wouldn't give a ****. Your privacy is key to me, it's why nothing sensitive is cached.

Now would you just quit all the freakin speculation and take a look for yourself? I'm a legit player, I just don't play a lot, and went a couple years in the dark while I was moving from place to place.

Love EVE, love the environment, (most of) the players, and the programming! My projects: EVE POP3 Mail Service

Ai Shun
#31 - 2011-11-28 07:15:10 UTC
Cyna wrote:
Oh my creator... Are you guys seriously? Okay, what do people want to know? If you have questions for me, why aren't you posting them in the relevant thread?

Because your numbnuts promoter decided to post this one, asking people to trust you because he says so.

I personally understand now that you require a limited API key that only grants access to the mail segments. I only discovered this by reading your thread, instead of relying on your promoter / agent.

I personally dislike the idea of "Trust this, because I say so".

There is, at the moment, nothing except your word to us, stopping you from snooping all EVE Mail passed through your service.

I don't know you.

You don't have a reputation that I can trust.

Thus, I have no personal desire to trust you.

If I had come across your original thread first and spoken to you it would have been different. But that other chap made it look too suspicious.

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#32 - 2011-11-28 14:09:46 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Because your numbnuts promoter decided to post this one, asking people to trust you because he says so.
If I had come across your original thread first and spoken to you it would have been different. But that other chap made it look too suspicious.

Yeah, I'm kind of bad about the whole talking thing. I'd probably express myself better by submitting videos of me bashing my keyboard against the monitor and eating the keys that fall off.
#33 - 2011-11-29 03:58:22 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Cyna wrote:
Oh my creator... Are you guys seriously? Okay, what do people want to know? If you have questions for me, why aren't you posting them in the relevant thread?

Because your numbnuts promoter decided to post this one, asking people to trust you because he says so.

I personally understand now that you require a limited API key that only grants access to the mail segments. I only discovered this by reading your thread, instead of relying on your promoter / agent.

I personally dislike the idea of "Trust this, because I say so".

There is, at the moment, nothing except your word to us, stopping you from snooping all EVE Mail passed through your service.

I don't know you.

You don't have a reputation that I can trust.

Thus, I have no personal desire to trust you.

If I had come across your original thread first and spoken to you it would have been different. But that other chap made it look too suspicious.

I would care to point out that I DO have a domain, and that by regulation, it does have a valid contact name and address for me on it. There are paths for retribution should I betray trust, but alas, everyone is afraid, nobody is willing to trust anyone but big corporations/entities on the internet, and we wonder why there's stagnancy in new program development/startups? Had I written and posted this project say... 4 years ago, I'm sure I would have had at least 1 person try it. At least the proof of concept works, you can get EMail from EVEMail. I understand you're ALL afraid, and that's fine with the next great EVE scam just around the corner. I still read the news, I saw the stories about the ponzi schemes and stuff. That's why I'm not asking for your money, just your trust, you stand to lose far less. There's plenty for you to gain from my project... I wrote this project for you, the people, shame I'm just going to have to move it someplace else and relinquish it to the cluttered confines of my HDD forever.

Thanks for the wake up call, I doubt any of you would trust any of the other projects I have in mind because those require your character sheets and some other sensitive data.

I did what I could, I wrote the program, I set up the server, I asked for a little shred of trust so people could help me make this a great and powerful tool for the users... I don't see where I failed personally, but somehow, I failed, thanks again for all the useful information about how my project doesn't work because of a thing called humanity, or the lack thereof, I'm not quite sure yet.

Love EVE, love the environment, (most of) the players, and the programming! My projects: EVE POP3 Mail Service

#34 - 2011-11-29 22:24:28 UTC
Cyna wrote:
I would care to point out that I DO have a domain, and that by regulation, it does have a valid contact name and address for me on it. There are paths for retribution should I betray trust, but alas, everyone is afraid, nobody is willing to trust anyone but big corporations/entities on the internet, and we wonder why there's stagnancy in new program development/startups? Had I written and posted this project say... 4 years ago, I'm sure I would have had at least 1 person try it. At least the proof of concept works, you can get EMail from EVEMail. I understand you're ALL afraid, and that's fine with the next great EVE scam just around the corner. I still read the news, I saw the stories about the ponzi schemes and stuff. That's why I'm not asking for your money, just your trust, you stand to lose far less. There's plenty for you to gain from my project... I wrote this project for you, the people, shame I'm just going to have to move it someplace else and relinquish it to the cluttered confines of my HDD forever.

Thanks for the wake up call, I doubt any of you would trust any of the other projects I have in mind because those require your character sheets and some other sensitive data.

I did what I could, I wrote the program, I set up the server, I asked for a little shred of trust so people could help me make this a great and powerful tool for the users... I don't see where I failed personally, but somehow, I failed, thanks again for all the useful information about how my project doesn't work because of a thing called humanity, or the lack thereof, I'm not quite sure yet.

To further this, remember that CAK I posted earlier in the thread? That was completely legitimate... and all of you saying I'm an alt, blah blah... go back to thumping whatever book you swear by because you're no better than the rest. What I saw was "I've made my judgement, and no matter of empirical evidence to the contrary shall ever sway my decision in the matter." You know what, enjoy living in the dark ages... I have new found resolve to continue programming for EVE, because honestly, there's some good ideas out there that need to be implemented, and maybe you guys weren't ready for such a radical tool as mine, doesn't mean the rest of you aren't going to enjoy some of the other stuff I had in mind. And to Ai Shun, what I read from you was "One person's over-zealousness soured me... and I refuse to try something that they recommend even though it might be sweet." I honestly doubt you ever visit the tech board unless you're looking for your updates to whatever program you give all your information to and it does who knows what with it, and if I'm so calm and collected in my thread, why are you going to base your decision off of my nutcase-for-a-CEO's thread? You had me hoping for a second that you were reasonable, but it just goes to show you're one of the crowd.

Frankly all I see is GD trolling, and I'm not the one doing it, and Aphox, well... is kinda out there, but still isn't trolling.

Me: 0/10 (I'm super cereal about this project)
Aphox: 0/10 (Just a wee bit overzealous)
Everyone else: 8/10

Hey, everyone... look! It's the bandwagon, go hop on! (P.S. It's also nicknamed 'the short bus'.)

Love EVE, love the environment, (most of) the players, and the programming! My projects: EVE POP3 Mail Service

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