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Dear Chitsa,

First post First post
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#41 - 2014-02-21 13:39:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
We need to promote Wspcae, yes, thats true.
How do we do it?
Helping new blood in. Taking bad blood out.

Who are you to decide what is good or bad blood ? People who agree and disagree with you ? What ? If by good blood you mean people with the same stuck up attitude and lot's of forum trolling and by bad blood you mean people who have constructive criticism and actually have different opinions then you do... then I fear for your so called "promotion of WH space" approach.

You are bad blood.

Edit: I didn't put myself in the position of a judge. The community does that pretty well. You know the community, right?, the hole of the people that plays Wormholes Online?

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#42 - 2014-02-21 13:46:17 UTC
Text Comprehension = 0.
Moving on.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#43 - 2014-02-21 13:46:25 UTC
Hey hey guys I thought this was a thread about me :P

/Me grabs popcorn

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#44 - 2014-02-21 13:48:25 UTC
Your lack of text comprehension made it so.
Back on trail :

We need to promote Wspcae, yes, thats true.
How do we do it?
Helping new blood in. Taking bad blood out.
Having things worth to get involved in. IE: Good products comming out of W-space to make it worth it staying inside. Different meta than null.

What else would you guys add or improve over this ideas or the ones that you have to improve this concepts?

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Lenroc Elisav
Lenny'S TAX evasion 101
#45 - 2014-02-21 13:54:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Lenroc Elisav
Caius Beriat wrote:

Can you guarantee you wont drop 5 dreads, 3 archons and a sub cap fleet on me? Lol

You fail at counting, there were 9 dreads and 5 carriers, imagine the glory of killing all that Shocked. Sadly, you were humping the hole and kicked the chance at glory Blink.
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-02-21 14:12:44 UTC
Caius Beriat wrote:
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Caius Beriat wrote:
Rengas wrote:
Serious question time for CSM Chitsa Jason:
1. Why do you feel that there is such an urgent need to "promote" wspace? What do you ultimately hope to achieve with these "publicity" events?

Promoting J-Space was just some crap Chitsa threw out there when he realised no one wanted in on this terrible OP.

"err yeah errr we are going to null to errr.........shoot things"

**10 minutes of silence pass**

"Publicity! It will be the most ballin' publicity for J-Space"

Are you Sir calling me a liar!? I demand a duel to the death!

Can you guarantee you wont drop 5 dreads, 3 archons and a sub cap fleet on me? Lol

Honor duel in high sec!

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Caius Beriat
O'Coin Enterprises
#47 - 2014-02-21 14:38:17 UTC
Lenroc Elisav wrote:
Caius Beriat wrote:

Can you guarantee you wont drop 5 dreads, 3 archons and a sub cap fleet on me? Lol

You fail at counting, there were 9 dreads and 5 carriers, imagine the glory of killing all that Shocked. Sadly, you were humping the hole and kicked the chance at glory Blink.

Nobody wants to get shot in the face.... Well maybe Sasha Grey does.

Lets just agree that there was 16 dreads, 9 slowcats, 53 T3's and a noctis on field. Lol
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2014-02-21 14:46:08 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
We need to promote Wspcae, yes, thats true.
How do we do it?
Helping new blood in. Taking bad blood out.
Having things worth to get involved in. IE: Good products comming out of W-space to make it worth it staying inside. Different meta than null.

What else would you guys add or improve over this ideas or the ones that you have to improve this concepts?

Who watches the watcher? Shocked
Verge of Collapse
#49 - 2014-02-21 14:54:48 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
We need to promote Wspcae, yes, thats true.
How do we do it?
Helping new blood in. Taking bad blood out.
Having things worth to get involved in. IE: Good products comming out of W-space to make it worth it staying inside. Different meta than null.

What else would you guys add or improve over this ideas or the ones that you have to improve this concepts?

Who watches the watcher? Shocked

Will Smith.
Rall Mekin
#50 - 2014-02-21 15:09:21 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
I don't care about destroying any campaign. I care about wormhole space.

I'm voting for Bane.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2014-02-21 15:57:26 UTC
Aquila Sagitta
#52 - 2014-02-21 16:34:14 UTC
TL;DR Make BNI-esque lowclass wh corps to populate wspace with corp provided pvp ships

I would love wspace to have more people in it. Frankly tho I don't think its gonna happen because living in wspace is for a niche group of hardcore players. Casuals can't live in higher class wh's cause they get stront checked constantly and will eventually get bullied out. I'm not saying to make living in wspace easier or anything like that but if you want new blood to come into wspace we need to usher it in.

What needs to happen imho is that ambitious people need to start a few lowclass wh corps. Get as many newbros in as you can. Basicly 2-3 BNI-esque corps in like a c2 hs/c4. Provide t1 cruisers/dessies/frigs for them. Lead roams thru/from wspace. These corps could fight eachother and the higher class wh blocs.

If your wondering how you get loads of newbros its pretty easy. You sit alts in the starter systems and every couple hours you send mails to everyone in system inviting them into corp with flashy recruitement vids and stuff like that. Its easier if you make a web app that you put all the names into so you can cross reference who got mails and also so you don't spam the same newbro every couple hours. You send one mail to each newbro and thats it.

If I had the patience to deal with teaching newbs this is how I'd set up the corp(s). Set up two towers to begin with. One tower is staging has all the corp ships which would mostly consist of t1 cruisers and smaller. The other tower is personal living space for people. It holds a personal hanger array and stores everyones personal stuff. Obviously this corp will get robbed if you're not careful. Even if you are careful it will probably still get robbed. Just make sure there is nothing to steal. People won't be inclined to bring in blingy ships if pvp ships are provided for free. And who is gonna steal a bunch of t1 cheap fit cruisers. It would be more effort then its worth.

All pvp loots would go to corp to pay for pvp ships and fuel. If that isn't able to cover then maybe all data/mag sites run in home would go towards corp as well. But I'm sure pvp loots would be more then enough. Reward scanners and content creators heavily. Focus on pvp aspects of the game. The corp will have high turnover but if you want to get people into wspace the best way imo is to get people into wspace P
Hidden Fremen
#53 - 2014-02-21 16:50:44 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
I don't care about destroying any campaign. I care about wormhole space.

Fuuuuck... Why's you have to go and say that, huh? You now have my vote and support.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2014-02-21 16:58:16 UTC
^^ I don't know if i agree with the method but i respect the goal.

We have fantastic groups like brave newbies that bring newer players into wormhole space but i am of the opinion that the only real way to get a spike in population is for CCP to add new content.

However, a couple months ago there was a suggestion of organizing a wormhole pvp tournament. If organised and promoted correctly, this could be something the players could do to increase interest in wormhole space.
Suddenly Carebears
#55 - 2014-02-21 17:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: J3rz11
Chitsa, your a tool - just wanted to get that outta the way

But he is right, his past plans have included lowsec too! (not accomplish more the unnoticeable welps.)

Your idea that taking WH space people, grouping them up to sit on a titan, waiting to sit on a titan, to jump into a tidi fight.....thats the life style that has brought people to us. I read every application that comes in hard knocks, mostly to see "How did you hear about us?"

many many apps reference articles from, EN24, youtube video, and battlereports relating to our many unique WORMHOLE lifestyle adventure. A lot of times our references are from world of mouth from current members, convincing their null friend of all our fun. We're recruited null pilots who knew our name, cause we're in nullsec almost nightly hunting carrier and skirmishes, then we disappear like magic back into our WHs.

Stop trying to make WH space like null, cause we are our own unique monster - and I for one, wont change.

Plus as you've seen, WH space doesnt like you trying to do this either.


Tyrant Scorn - dont want you to feel left out, but you associate yourself with a site known for its terrible article background checks, plagiarism, and you god awful news reporting.
HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#56 - 2014-02-21 17:21:47 UTC  |  Edited by: HTC NecoSino
Does eve uni still have their C2? I know every time I went in there they'd have 40+ online. That was really nice to see, and should be commended even if only a few of their members moves on to other WH corps.
Rall Mekin
#57 - 2014-02-21 18:33:54 UTC
J3rz11 wrote:
Chitsa, your a tool - just wanted to get that outta the way

But he is right, his past plans have included lowsec too! (not accomplish more the unnoticeable welps.)

Your idea that taking WH space people, grouping them up to sit on a titan, waiting to sit on a titan, to jump into a tidi fight.....thats the life style that has brought people to us. I read every application that comes in hard knocks, mostly to see "How did you hear about us?"

many many apps reference articles from, EN24, youtube video, and battlereports relating to our many unique WORMHOLE lifestyle adventure. A lot of times our references are from world of mouth from current members, convincing their null friend of all our fun. We're recruited null pilots who knew our name, cause we're in nullsec almost nightly hunting carrier and skirmishes, then we disappear like magic back into our WHs.

Stop trying to make WH space like null, cause we are our own unique monster - and I for one, wont change.

Plus as you've seen, WH space doesnt like you trying to do this either.


Tyrant Scorn - dont want you to feel left out, but you associate yourself with a site known for its terrible article background checks, plagiarism, and you god awful news reporting.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#58 - 2014-02-21 19:09:57 UTC
I have always viewed W-space with the potential of it becoming the "highlands" where you have small bands of people that can descend into the lower lands (k space) and wreck havoc. I've always liked that concept and the general game play of being a smaller entity using wit to defeat a larger force, and thought it a great oppertunity for pvp for w-space other than rolling wormholes for 18 hours before you can get a fight (sort of.) However for this to happen we need to implement several elements.

1. Farms and fields. We need it in in order to have a bottom to top economy employed so that an alliance lives or dies on the activities of its common members. Not based on which CEO can acquire what moon to mine. We need FW mechanics applied to 0.0 understanding its own unique qualities. Now you may be asking, why am I talking about 0.0 here in a wormhole discussion? Because of this one thing is implemented, it gives w-space the mechanic to truly affect k-space.

Imagine that your wormhole pops open in some renter rich region full of targets. You descend upon that region and wreck havoc. You have a wide variety of targets and you get to make waves in the water. ALL regions of Eve space interact with one another. What should set w-space apart isn't that it doesn't interact with k-space, but HOW it interacts. It should do so in a unique fashion that maintains the style of w-space while still being relevant. Let's face it, as it stands right now w-space isn't very relevant to anyone but those who live there. On the other hand, highsec, lowsec and 0.0 all have levels of relevance to one another depending on the entity in question.

2. However, for this to be effective, w-space needs a way to be capable of being consistent in said regions. What if we had a structure that could "regenerate" wormhole stability. The way things are now when you jump through a wormhole, its stability lessens the more and more you send ships through. The initial idea I had was a structure that keeps the wormhole from decaying it so long as you fuel it. But we want to maintain the "small/med gang" nature of w-space. Doing that would ensure that we simply add the huge fleet play style to w-space, something no one really wants. We have 0.0 for that.

So instead the structure would regenerate the wormhole (as long as you fuel it) so that you can send small gangs in and out over a longer period of time (to keep consistency) but you are not able to jump a 500 man fleet one way or another. This prevents w-space alliances from getting too big and becoming like 0.0 entities AND it keeps 0.0 entities from being able to burn down w-space simply due to their sheer size. The structure would be deployed 100 km from the k-space hole on the w-space side of things in order to give the smaller w-space entity the advantage of when and where to fight. I would recommend that it does NOT have a timer to balance it out.

3. Another idea I had in mind is based on Sansha Incursions and i'm sure others have considered it as well. What if you have a ship module, a bit like a cyno, that when activated, it would link the a linked ship (or the structure mentioned above) and force open a wormhole in the system of your choosing? This would work only w-space to k-space as w-space to w-space would too dramatically change the way the game is played and suddenly all w-space residence are 1 jump away from one another. Suddenly these small gang w-space entities now can choose when and where to fight and can use this advantage in off setting the huge numbers 0.0 entities can bring forth.

Something to consider however would be that it would be better if said implementation was limited to a structure either the same or seperate to the one previously mentioned. I don't want to link w-space to w-space so easily. I like the random element of that and due to the size of w-space entities that works. But w-space to k-space interactions require more consistency. Anyway if it's tied to a structure than it's easier to defend against another w-space entity linking w to k and k to w bringing us the issue of having w-space players too close to one another. I see this as a proper implementation to avoid that issue before it happens.
Proclus Diadochu
Mar Sarrim
Red Coat Conspiracy
#59 - 2014-02-21 19:26:53 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
I have always viewed W-space with the potential of it becoming the "highlands" where you have small bands of people that can descend into the lower lands (k space) and wreck havoc. I've always liked that concept and the general game play of being a smaller entity using wit to defeat a larger force, and thought it a great oppertunity for pvp for w-space other than rolling wormholes for 18 hours before you can get a fight (sort of.) However for this to happen we need to implement several elements.

1. Farms and fields. We need it in in order to have a bottom to top economy employed so that an alliance lives or dies on the activities of its common members. Not based on which CEO can acquire what moon to mine. We need FW mechanics applied to 0.0 understanding its own unique qualities. Now you may be asking, why am I talking about 0.0 here in a wormhole discussion? Because of this one thing is implemented, it gives w-space the mechanic to truly affect k-space.

Imagine that your wormhole pops open in some renter rich region full of targets. You descend upon that region and wreck havoc. You have a wide variety of targets and you get to make waves in the water. ALL regions of Eve space interact with one another. What should set w-space apart isn't that it doesn't interact with k-space, but HOW it interacts. It should do so in a unique fashion that maintains the style of w-space while still being relevant. Let's face it, as it stands right now w-space isn't very relevant to anyone but those who live there. On the other hand, highsec, lowsec and 0.0 all have levels of relevance to one another depending on the entity in question.

2. However, for this to be effective, w-space needs a way to be capable of being consistent in said regions. What if we had a structure that could "regenerate" wormhole stability. The way things are now when you jump through a wormhole, its stability lessens the more and more you send ships through. The initial idea I had was a structure that keeps the wormhole from decaying it so long as you fuel it. But we want to maintain the "small/med gang" nature of w-space. Doing that would ensure that we simply add the huge fleet play style to w-space, something no one really wants. We have 0.0 for that.

So instead the structure would regenerate the wormhole (as long as you fuel it) so that you can send small gangs in and out over a longer period of time (to keep consistency) but you are not able to jump a 500 man fleet one way or another. This prevents w-space alliances from getting too big and becoming like 0.0 entities AND it keeps 0.0 entities from being able to burn down w-space simply due to their sheer size. The structure would be deployed 100 km from the k-space hole on the w-space side of things in order to give the smaller w-space entity the advantage of when and where to fight. I would recommend that it does NOT have a timer to balance it out.

3. Another idea I had in mind is based on Sansha Incursions and i'm sure others have considered it as well. What if you have a ship module, a bit like a cyno, that when activated, it would link the a linked ship (or the structure mentioned above) and force open a wormhole in the system of your choosing? This would work only w-space to k-space as w-space to w-space would too dramatically change the way the game is played and suddenly all w-space residence are 1 jump away from one another. Suddenly these small gang w-space entities now can choose when and where to fight and can use this advantage in off setting the huge numbers 0.0 entities can bring forth.

Something to consider however would be that it would be better if said implementation was limited to a structure either the same or seperate to the one previously mentioned. I don't want to link w-space to w-space so easily. I like the random element of that and due to the size of w-space entities that works. But w-space to k-space interactions require more consistency. Anyway if it's tied to a structure than it's easier to defend against another w-space entity linking w to k and k to w bringing us the issue of having w-space players too close to one another. I see this as a proper implementation to avoid that issue before it happens.

tl;dr - "wormhole stabilizer!!! guise? ... guise...?"


Minister of High Society | Twitter: @autoritare


My Blog:

The Diogenes Club | Join W-Space | Down The Pipe

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#60 - 2014-02-21 19:29:05 UTC
You don't want to open up your wormhole in the middle of 0.0, raid, pillage and kill for as long as you want and then pick a new region to do the same? Why not?