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Stealth Winmatar Buff

Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2011-11-27 23:00:57 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
How to fit a brawling Minmatar ship:
1. Fit largest autocannons
2. If applicable, fit correctly sized neuts
3. Fit oversize/extra plates
4. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:gyrostabs you feel like
5. Fit MWD
6. Fit all those mids with whatever you want. Webs, cap boosters, sebos, anything
You now have absurd dps, speed, tank and utility.
7. Winmatar at all PVP

1. 800s.
2. 2x hvy neuts
3. 2x 1600mm plates
4. DC, 2 EANMs, 1 gyro
5. Goddamn, I'm over PG, gotta downgrade something, lets go with the heavy neut.
6. Hvy cap injector, 2x web, point.

Final fit and stats:
[Tempest, Brawl fit as instructed]
Gyrostabilizer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

809 EFT DPS, 119K EHP (146K against IN MF).

How to fit armour anything else:
1. Fit largest guns
2. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
3. Realise you can't fit a tank with your guns
4. Move the guns down a size
5. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
6. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:damage mods you feel like
7. Fit MWD
8. Realise that MWD gets you over the powergrid
9. Move a gun down another size or reduce the size of a plate
10. Fit warp disruptor
11. Realise you're over CPU. Make warp disruptor meta
12. Fit cap booster.
13. Realise you're over powergrid. Downsize the cap booster.
14. Realise you were over CPU as well. Make the DCU meta and replace an EANM with adaptive nano plating
You now have an extremely tight fit, with less dps, tank, speed and utility than a Minmatar counterpart
15. Die terribly for not flying Winmatar.

1. MPLs
2. 1x 1600mm plate
3-5. Fits fine for me!
6. 1 DC2 + 2x EANM + passive exp hard.
7-14. Fits fine!
15. lol

Final stats and fit:
[Abaddon, Brawl fit as instructed]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Reactive Plating II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Warp Disruptor II

Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

1025 DPS (including drones ofc), 141K EHP omni, 134K EHP against PP (lowest Minmatar relevant tank).

It's almost as if we should be looking at balancing ships instead of races?!
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2011-11-27 23:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Knight
Emily Poast wrote:
Poster above me is right.

I have only flow Gallente my whole career. I just recently trained up for rifter/rupture/hurricane. The fitting diferences are just stupid. Utility slots galore. The GTFO ability is insane.

When I undock in my Gal ships, I expect to get popped. That is the price of playing in scram range 100% of the time. The risk factor of losing your ship, as a Minmatar is vastly reduced. They have the best tank that exists in the game - GTFO. Plus a great weapon system and the top speed. The weapon system alone is a perfect example. The very fact that ALL FOUR RACES have ship(s) that regularly fit ACs should be enough to tell you something is at issue. You can deny it all you want, but that is the truth.

That being said - I dont want them nerfed if it can be helped. I think they are pretty close to Amarr as far as balance. Gallente, and to some extent Caldari (excluding Draek) need to be brought up to a comparable level.

Just my opinion.

yep drake is fine the other caldari ships should be buffed to it , same with gallente

Mfume Apocal still fails ... is your op rusty ships dont give confidence anymore?:( poor matard
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2011-11-27 23:05:36 UTC
Emily Poast wrote:
The very fact that ALL FOUR RACES have ship(s) that regularly fit ACs should be enough to tell you something is at issue. You can deny it all you want, but that is the truth.

The issue is that those ships don't get a damage bonus to their turrets and ACs use no cap, so you're losing nothing by fitting them. This is an issue that has been present for (allegedly) years now. OTOH, I've seen HPL Domis flown without a shred of irony along with HBL Nighthawks, laser Keres, etc. and no one sane is claiming beams are overpowered.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#24 - 2011-11-27 23:10:04 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
How to fit a brawling Minmatar ship:
1. Fit largest autocannons
2. If applicable, fit correctly sized neuts
3. Fit oversize/extra plates
4. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:gyrostabs you feel like
5. Fit MWD
6. Fit all those mids with whatever you want. Webs, cap boosters, sebos, anything
You now have absurd dps, speed, tank and utility.
7. Winmatar at all PVP

How to fit armour anything else:
1. Fit largest guns
2. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
3. Realise you can't fit a tank with your guns
4. Move the guns down a size
5. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
6. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:damage mods you feel like
7. Fit MWD
8. Realise that MWD gets you over the powergrid
9. Move a gun down another size or reduce the size of a plate
10. Fit warp disruptor
11. Realise you're over CPU. Make warp disruptor meta
12. Fit cap booster.
13. Realise you're over powergrid. Downsize the cap booster.
14. Realise you were over CPU as well. Make the DCU meta and replace an EANM with adaptive nano plating
You now have an extremely tight fit, with less dps, tank, speed and utility than a Minmatar counterpart
15. Die terribly for not flying Winmatar.

This is an extremely stupid post. We have repeatedly been down the path of showing that Minmatar DPS isn't all that spectacular, and neither is the tank. There's a sweet spot that Minmatar occupies perhaps too much of, but claiming that you die horribly for not flying "Winmatar" is just utter hogwash.

Stop being melodramatic about it - if there's a game imbalance its quite small all things considered.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-11-27 23:10:49 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Not an excellent post.

You're comparing tier 2 and tier 3 battleships.
Try comparing the Apoc and Tempest, instead.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-11-27 23:13:46 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Mfume Apocal still fails ... is your op rusty ships dont give confidence anymore?:( poor matard

lol, it's bizarre I have more kills in a drake than any other ship across all my accounts, with amarr BS (abaddon) counting for the majority of my BS kills and you lump me in with "matar."

It really is because I'm black, isn't it?

anyway it's DarkAegix's fit, if anyone's. I'd never fit a Minmatar ship for brawling.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-11-27 23:16:05 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Not an excellent post.

You're comparing tier 2 and tier 3 battleships.
Try comparing the Apoc and Tempest, instead.

Why would I ever fit a shipwith RANGE BONUS but no DAMAGE BONUS for BRAWLING???
The Baros Syndicate
#28 - 2011-11-28 00:36:55 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:
Being fast = dictating engagement range = Win

Plus their weapon systems track better with base stats, and have ammo that can give tracking boosts, and many of their ships have tracking bonuses.

Plus they just plain take less damage due to small sigs. If you do more damage, but then miss or lose a lot of it due to firing at a small sig radius target, then your actual DPS isn't nearly as good as the paper DPS.

Winmatar win because they can hit you when you can't hit back.
I see the problem now. You're arguing with numbers, but not actually providing any, you know, NUMBERS to back it up. Let me show you an example of how we argue while using actual proof to back our claims:
Zealot versus vaga:
For the zealot we'll use the fist fit, swapping the tc/sebo for a web and a WD:
For the vaga, we'll go with the standard 2 LSE 2 damage mods + DC II (the other slots are largely irrelevant since we're not looking at speed or range, this is just a brawling fit)
Raw numbers:
Zealot has 500 DPS with 56k EHP
Vaga has 530 with 29k EHP
After resists on opposing ship are factored in:
Vaga deals 135 DPS with RFPP
Zealot deals 130 with INMF
Zealot takes 223 seconds to kill a vaga
Vaga takes 437 seconds to kill a zealot

Right away you can see the problem. The zealot has twice the dps/EHP fielded even AFTER taking resists into account (and ignoring range, even though the vaga would only be doing that damage at 1.8km, even with 2 TEs).

But what about tracking?
Well, inside 10km it's irrelevant, because our zealot has a web and our vaga does not, because the zealot dictates range/transversal at that point (unless the vaga runs its mwd, in which case it caps out in under a minute)
At 10km+ both ships track each other perfectly. Even if the zealot sits still and the vaga gets a perfect orbit.

And cap usage? The zealot does actually lose out on this, capping out in about a minute and a half (versus the vaga capping out at 4 minutes with the neut running) But then, not being cap dependant and being fast are the 2 big things minmatar have going for them, and complaining about them would be like complaining about amarr having more range and instant ammo swapping.

Verity Sovereign wrote:

Either you can't track them, or you can't get within range while they continue to do damage to you (even if they are not doing all that much due to falloff).
Zealot ODs the vaga by a mile past the 10km mark, and keeps on ODing it right up until 36km or so, which is outside of point range, and can't be maintained anyway (the vaga caps out quickly running the mwd, an AB zealot never caps out)

Verity Sovereign wrote:

Then figure that they are going to select their damage type, and go against your weakest resist. Your laser/hybrid may have started with more DPS, but does that still hold true when resistances are taken into account?
Likely not. Then when tracking/range and sig are taken into account, your poor hit chance/quality just hands the win to the Winmatar.
I just illustrated why sig radius, tracking, and damage type selection, even after being taken into account, STILL don't make the vaga anywhere near as good at actually FIGHTING than the zealot. See? When you actually look at some of the numbers involved, minmatar don't seem that amazing. It's almost as if they're worse at actually fighting, but make up for it by being able to more easily pick their targets...

Mfume Apocal wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

You're comparing tier 2 and tier 3 battleships.
Try comparing the Apoc and Tempest, instead.

Why would I ever fit a shipwith RANGE BONUS but no DAMAGE BONUS for BRAWLING???
This. You don't look at tiers in the battleship line, you look at roles. You compare the apoc to the rokh, for example, despite them being different tiers.
That said, if we do it his way:
Highs: 800mm ACs
em hardener
2 invulns


1100 DPS
111k EHP

Not bad, but it can only apply this damage up to 3,5km, and beyond that it's in falloff. It has about 10% more DPS and 20% less EHP. Picking one over the other is simply a matter of preference, which is fine given that the only BS you can really nano fit is the pest (so the ship in question doesn't really have the target selection abilities of the smaller matari ships) and when it comes to brawling the abaddon blows the pest out of the water.
Emily Poast
The Whipping Post
#29 - 2011-11-28 00:40:57 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

Why would I ever fit a shipwith RANGE BONUS but no DAMAGE BONUS for BRAWLING???

Like I said, I dont want any nerfs, just a rebalance of the other races.

But you forgot to list a few things in your fits:
1. The Abaddon gets armor resist bonus and the Pest has almost as much EHP.
2. The Pest has 2 neuts and dual webs
3. And most imporant, speed is 861 v. 689. I'll let you guess which is higher. ;)
The Baros Syndicate
#30 - 2011-11-28 01:02:37 UTC
Emily Poast wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:

Why would I ever fit a shipwith RANGE BONUS but no DAMAGE BONUS for BRAWLING???

Like I said, I dont want any nerfs, just a rebalance of the other races.

But you forgot to list a few things in your fits:
1. The Abaddon gets armor resist bonus and the Pest has almost as much EHP.
2. The Pest has 2 neuts and dual webs
3. And most imporant, speed is 861 v. 689. I'll let you guess which is higher. ;)

1)The abaddon gets higher resists, which means that it gets more from RR, which is important.
2)The abaddon has a cap booster and a web of its own. Advantage does go to the pest there, but trading utility for damage + ehp is what minmatar does. Why would anyone fly them if you got rid of one of those advantages?
3)You're in an armor tanked BS, you're not running anywhere in a brawl ;)

You're also ignoring range, another huge advantage for the abaddon, and unlike speed, in medium-large brawls this advantage is actually useful.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2011-11-28 01:11:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Emily Poast wrote:
Like I said, I dont want any nerfs, just a rebalance of the other races.

But you forgot to list a few things in your fits:
1. The Abaddon gets armor resist bonus and the Pest has almost as much EHP.
2. The Pest has 2 neuts and dual webs
3. And most imporant, speed is 861 v. 689. I'll let you guess which is higher. ;)

1. That was deliberate, to put them somewhere within the same realm of EHP/DPS. Taking off a plate is disastrous to the Tempest's EHP (95k omni and 114K MF) and the 2nd gyro still doesn't redress the DPS imbalance between the two (714 turret DPS vs 814). Tempest loses either way, all other things being equal.
2. Yes, it has the slot layout and utility highs.
3. Yes, Minmatar ships are faster.

At any rate, I'll just quote the overall point of my comparison:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
It's almost as if we should be looking at balancing ships instead of races?!
Vigdis Thorisdottir
#32 - 2011-11-28 01:27:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigdis Thorisdottir
Nerf WINgineering!

Nerf WINlectronics!

Buff some people's Core Fitting skills! Big smile

Seriously, in my Alliance, the people complaining about not enough grid/CPU are usually the ones who have neglected these (and other) skills.
Julia Connor
#33 - 2011-11-28 05:42:07 UTC
Funny dudes in this thread tbh. If you don't know or just feel like acting like a insert curse word, hybrids now have the best tracking on all turret sizes plus some other significant changes. These changes won't make gallente viable for kiting and such but it will deffo make them the best choice for close range brawling like some of them weren't already... hint(megathron).

P.S. to those of you comparing a pest to a baddon. You are all insert curse word.
m0cking bird
#34 - 2011-11-28 06:12:52 UTC
Lol! Another one. Honestly! Fock it! Nerf Minmatar so we can be done with these constant stream of threads. Why I even look on the forums still is beyond me.

I would like a boost to Caldari ships. Make them all Missile ships. Also, i'd like scorch to be boosted to. Amarr weapons use to much capacitor. Something needs to be done about cruise and siege missiles. The other good caldari battleships are the Scorpion and Rokh. One of which is a turret ship.

Why do 2 races that h8 each other still use the same weapon system? You know! I want more ships to. Maybe we should get rid of super caps and just use regular capitals.

I would like to expand the t1 destroyer class and have more cruisers. What happened to t3 frigates?
Niko Takahashi
Yoshitomi Group
#35 - 2011-11-28 10:10:58 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
How to fit a brawling Minmatar ship:
1. Fit largest autocannons
2. If applicable, fit correctly sized neuts
3. Fit oversize/extra plates
4. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:gyrostabs you feel like
5. Fit MWD
6. Fit all those mids with whatever you want. Webs, cap boosters, sebos, anything
You now have absurd dps, speed, tank and utility.
7. Winmatar at all PVP

How to fit armour anything else:
1. Fit largest guns
2. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
3. Realise you can't fit a tank with your guns
4. Move the guns down a size
5. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
6. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:damage mods you feel like
7. Fit MWD
8. Realise that MWD gets you over the powergrid
9. Move a gun down another size or reduce the size of a plate
10. Fit warp disruptor
11. Realise you're over CPU. Make warp disruptor meta
12. Fit cap booster.
13. Realise you're over powergrid. Downsize the cap booster.
14. Realise you were over CPU as well. Make the DCU meta and replace an EANM with adaptive nano plating
You now have an extremely tight fit, with less dps, tank, speed and utility than a Minmatar counterpart
15. Die terribly for not flying Winmatar.

Actually this describes the whole problem rather well.

You cn fit easily biggest guns plus mwd plus neuts plus cap injector onto a minmatar ship.
Try it on other ships without fitting mods ...
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-11-28 10:33:49 UTC
Cambarus wrote:
Verity Sovereign wrote:
Being fast = dictating engagement range = Win

Plus their weapon systems track better with base stats, and have ammo that can give tracking boosts, and many of their ships have tracking bonuses.

Plus they just plain take less damage due to small sigs. If you do more damage, but then miss or lose a lot of it due to firing at a small sig radius target, then your actual DPS isn't nearly as good as the paper DPS.

Winmatar win because they can hit you when you can't hit back.
I see the problem now. You're arguing with numbers, but not actually providing any, you know, NUMBERS to back it up. Let me show you an example of how we argue while using actual proof to back our claims:
Zealot versus vaga:
For the zealot we'll use the fist fit, swapping the tc/sebo for a web and a WD:
For the vaga, we'll go with the standard 2 LSE 2 damage mods + DC II (the other slots are largely irrelevant since we're not looking at speed or range, this is just a brawling fit)
Raw numbers:
Zealot has 500 DPS with 56k EHP
Vaga has 530 with 29k EHP
After resists on opposing ship are factored in:
Vaga deals 135 DPS with RFPP
Zealot deals 130 with INMF
Zealot takes 223 seconds to kill a vaga
Vaga takes 437 seconds to kill a zealot

500DPS Vaga?

LOL not even overheated, and even then its only 445 DPS from 3km and NO ONE in their right mind is going to willing walk a Vagabond in that close......ever.

Compare your numbers from 23k where you can reasonably expect to find a non-moronic vaga pilot.
The Baros Syndicate
#37 - 2011-11-28 14:38:48 UTC
Onictus wrote:

500DPS Vaga?

LOL not even overheated, and even then its only 445 DPS from 3km and NO ONE in their right mind is going to willing walk a Vagabond in that close......ever.

Compare your numbers from 23k where you can reasonably expect to find a non-moronic vaga pilot.

First off:
Counting drones and perfect skills, vaga does 535 DPS with faction ammo and 220s.
Why count drones? Because the vaga has them and the zealot does not. It's an advantage for the vaga, and ignoring it would quickly prompt people to say "Well of course the zealot looks better, you weren't even counting drones!"

But what really gets me is this:

You do realize that I was comparing the zealot and the vaga in order to show that the zealot is much better at actually fighting, right? The whole point of the comparison was that even with the deck slightly stacked in favour of the vaga, the zealot still comes out looking MUCH better, because when it comes to actually FIGHTING, minmatar tend to be worse than their amarrian counterparts. It's what they give up in exchange for better speed/target selection.

OF COURSE the situation was made in such a way as to make the vaga look better than it really is, that's the whole POINT. If I came in and stacked the deck against the vaga instead of with it, I wouldn't be proving that the zealot is better, I'd just be showing that I can fudge numbers. The idea is, when you want to show that X is underpowered or that Y is overpowered (or that one is simply better than the other at something) you say:
"Here I have laid out a scenario in which I give X as many advantages as I possibly can, rigging the match to an extent that will almost never see actual use in game, and STILL X comes out losing to Y."

If you used that same argument to try to show that X is OP/better, no one would take it seriously, because you've fixed the fight in Xs favour, of COURSE it's going to win (unless it doesn't in which case it must REALLY be worse).
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2011-11-28 14:42:49 UTC
nerf Minmatar Twisted
Asuka Smith
#39 - 2011-11-28 14:48:12 UTC
Every race is balanced, some are just more balanced than others. Why don't you try flying minmatar before you complain.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2011-11-28 14:52:05 UTC
Asuka Smith wrote:
Every race is balanced, some are just more balanced than others. Why don't you try flying minmatar before you complain.

I do