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MegaSite Testers Wanted for the Market Area

Academy of EVE
#1 - 2014-02-17 23:10:21 UTC
Hey all,

The largest Fan Based website nick named "MegaSite" will be going Beta. We are looking for an additional 100 testers for different area's of the MegaSite.

The MegaSite will have access to the S-Market, SFINA, an Improved Killboard, Several Market tools, 5 years of General Data, and much more.

If you are interested in joining the testers please visit the following link :

If you have any questions, please contact me here or In-Game.

Fly Safe,

CEO of Operations
Wrath of Shadows
The Manic State Alliance.
Fiddlestax Atruin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-02-18 08:09:43 UTC
Adarics wrote:
Hey all,

The largest Fan Based website nick named "MegaSite" will be going Beta. We are looking for an additional 100 testers for different area's of the MegaSite.

The MegaSite will have access to the S-Market, SFINA, an Improved Killboard, Several Market tools, 5 years of General Data, and much more.

If you are interested in joining the testers please visit the following link :

If you have any questions, please contact me here or In-Game.

Fly Safe,

CEO of Operations
Wrath of Shadows
The Manic State Alliance.

By what measure are you the "largest" fan based website? Are you just the largest one that is nick named "MegaSite"?

I would like to know more about what you are trying to accomplish with this site. What are the benefits of using it? Your link does not provide enough info. It just promises reduced prices on some sort of market and gives you the "Just Trust It" defense in regards to how prices are lower.

Personally, I won't sign up to beta test something that I don't understand. I need to understand what it is used for and have a vague knowledge of how it works before I want to get involved in anything.
Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-02-18 08:15:28 UTC
Looks ambitious... good luck.

In the menu bar: Corporation - Corporation Benifits... benefit is spelled wrong.
Academy of EVE
#4 - 2014-02-18 18:22:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Adarics
Thank Thur, actually what you are looking at is just the Corporations website. The MegaSite actually has its own address which is provided to the testers.And thanks to all those who have joined so far. We Look forward to having you

@fiddle, you are complete correct. We are measuring it by its functions, tools and capabilities as a whole.

The MegaSite, mixes all major systems, tools and adds requested tools/features and puts them into one convenient organized website.

For just a small example, we recreated all of the functions and tools of Eve-Central and Battleclinic's Kill Board and merged them, cleaned it up, then added major improvements and additions. But then we created a of systems that are very useful as well. We just made them better :)

Over the years, we literately took almost every suggestion we have heard over the years, and saw over the forums and added them and more relating to them.

The purpose of the MegaSite, is to make every out of game tool you could use, more convenient ,easier, and have everything you can think of that would help or assist you through your travels throughout eve-online in one well organized system.

P.S.: Im a pro at programming and organizing a project, but excuse my spelling sometimes, i tend to type very fast. Im also not the best at explaining all the time so if I can answer something please ask and ill do by best.
Elisa Coreli
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2014-02-18 19:27:04 UTC
Looks like a scam.


Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#6 - 2014-02-18 21:06:33 UTC
Two possibilities:

1) OP has no idea what "everything" means and is just lying through his teeth to farm emails for spam lists, or something

2) They ripped off everyone else's coding and front-ends

Either way thumbs down for "just trust us", **** confidence game skills
Academy of EVE
#7 - 2014-02-18 21:41:37 UTC
Lol, that's so funny.

Everything we have coded and created we have done so from scratch. I mean let's be honest that's not really hard to code, lol . And if you don't want to join the testing groups then don't. Very simple.

Again, we are getting groups together for testing of different areas of the MegaSite.

Oh, I Almost forgot, to any people who do not understand something or can't comprehend what's going on and automatically call something a scam, I do truly feel bad for you. Truly. But I understand it's not your fault and you can't help it.

I posted here , to get more testers for one of the greatest fan based sites ever created for EVE Online to help players by offering tools and such. I do understand that there are also a lot of young people who play EVE, so let me mention this again, if you have questions that is what you post here, or contact myself In-Game or via our website. We did not ask for any silly possibilities, or asked if you thought something was a scam.

This is soooo simple. We created a website to help players by offering cool tools and such. Nothing more and nothing less. What's the harm in trying to help others? Be supportive.
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#8 - 2014-02-18 21:50:47 UTC
New site

"one of the greatest"

Did you award yourself most profitable trader 2013, too?
Academy of EVE
#9 - 2014-02-18 22:03:15 UTC
You are correct, it has not became one of the greatest yet. But we hope that it will, especially with all that the system can do. :)
I mean we have worked very hard to create this for the community.

However, in terms of tools and features it could be considered one of the largest fan based websites created for EVE Online
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#10 - 2014-02-18 22:17:47 UTC
in terms of prestige and trustworthiness I could be considered one of the premiere businessmen of eve

I offer you my services as a reputable third party
Academy of EVE
#11 - 2014-02-18 22:40:09 UTC
I thank you if your being serious and look forward to your critique and suggestions, it's not perfect yet but we want to get it there as much as possible before we make it totally public.

Destination SkillQueue
#12 - 2014-02-20 21:13:33 UTC
One time bump to fix forum.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#13 - 2014-02-21 03:21:17 UTC
So you want to create the largest database of api's. I think we can do business. Big smile

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2014-02-21 11:30:54 UTC
Adarics wrote:
Lol, that's so funny.

Everything we have coded and created we have done so from scratch. I mean let's be honest that's not really hard to code, lol . And if you don't want to join the testing groups then don't. Very simple.

Again, we are getting groups together for testing of different areas of the MegaSite.

Oh, I Almost forgot, to any people who do not understand something or can't comprehend what's going on and automatically call something a scam, I do truly feel bad for you. Truly. But I understand it's not your fault and you can't help it.

I posted here , to get more testers for one of the greatest fan based sites ever created for EVE Online to help players by offering tools and such. I do understand that there are also a lot of young people who play EVE, so let me mention this again, if you have questions that is what you post here, or contact myself In-Game or via our website. We did not ask for any silly possibilities, or asked if you thought something was a scam.

This is soooo simple. We created a website to help players by offering cool tools and such. Nothing more and nothing less. What's the harm in trying to help others? Be supportive.

right, let's just ignore the bank that is hidden somewhere in the small print. Roll
