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Intergalactic Summit

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Disciples of Ston

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#381 - 2014-02-08 08:16:30 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Constantin Baracca wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
I hear that "Demons run when a good man goes to war." but I suppose that is not a pacifist ideal.

Unfortunately, that's true. For non-pacifists, I think it has even less traction. Demons blob when a good man goes to war, then they get credit for his kill and take his things.

Oh, you mean 'capsuleers' right? Are we demons now?

Quite a few of us could be viewed as such. Wouldn't you agree?

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#382 - 2014-02-08 14:50:53 UTC
If I am to be a Demon then I suppose I'll be the apotheosis of war.


Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#383 - 2014-02-08 17:59:02 UTC
Wow, that's um....bold.

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#384 - 2014-02-08 18:40:12 UTC
Manwe Todako wrote:
While all three DSTON pilots are currently trained to fly a basic covert ops cloak equipped version of the Stratios...

Gallente Cruiser 2
Amarr Cruiser 2
Cloaking 4
CPU Management 4

*golf clap*

I'm sure it was an agonizing three days for all of you.

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#385 - 2014-02-08 21:27:56 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
Wow, that's um....bold.


Fortunately, no one would think me a Demon.

Why, I have nothing but the best hopes for humanity. That truly, one day we shall all be able to forgive our forefathers for blessing the soil with their blood; and forget that we built our homes upon their graves, as they died so that we may live.


Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#386 - 2014-02-12 05:27:32 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Manwe Todako wrote:
While all three DSTON pilots are currently trained to fly a basic covert ops cloak equipped version of the Stratios...

Gallente Cruiser 2
Amarr Cruiser 2
Cloaking 4
CPU Management 4

*golf clap*

I'm sure it was an agonizing three days for all of you.

*looks up at the camera and points at a data pad*

Seems I can fly the Stratios and can equip a covert cloak as well. However I don't think this ship is worth what the market is asking for it.

*Motions his hand to a scrolling list of cruisers*

For the cost of 1 stratios hull I can buy one of these cruisers and fit it as well.
Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#387 - 2014-02-14 00:58:32 UTC
It is curious how a tiny group of people who claim to only do courier missions have managed to amass so much wealth in such a short time.
Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#388 - 2014-02-14 01:15:35 UTC
Lady Katherine Devonshire wrote:
It is curious how a tiny group of people who claim to only do courier missions have managed to amass so much wealth in such a short time.

Absolutely, dear. They are clearly minions of Serpentis drug overlords. I miss Taisia already.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#389 - 2014-02-25 14:47:08 UTC
116.02.24 1,480,000 ISK (384,000,000 ISK) Weapons Lockdown Report

I hope to be more regular in reporting our weapons confiscation activity. For those who might question what happens to the weapons and ammo we confiscate, these reports can serve as a record. The numbers, while variable according to current market figures represent items that remain in storage indefinitely. This can verified via inspection. The first number indicates the addition to the lockdown on the date given. The number in parentheses indicates the current estimated value of the whole lockdown at the time the log was made.

The Disciples of Ston make it a regular practice to remove weapons, ammunition and offensive systems out of circulation when it is practical and relatively safe to do so. These are then perpetually stored at a lockdown facility separate from our other locations.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#390 - 2014-02-26 19:25:15 UTC
116.02.25 29,600,000 ISK (414,000,000 ISK) Weapons Lockdown Report

This is confiscation done by Captain Todako on his patrol route.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#391 - 2014-04-23 14:09:01 UTC
The DSS Reunion is enroute to mooring in Yulai along with the DSS Benefactor. These two vessels will serve as reserve ships on rapid standby. Off rotation crews will be trained and ready for rapid deployment in the event that they are needed. Minor fitting work is yet to be completed on these vessels but as is they are ready for deployment.


Goonswarm Federation
#392 - 2014-04-23 14:58:59 UTC
Manwe Todako wrote:
The DSS Reunion is enroute to mooring in Yulai along with the DSS Benefactor. These two vessels will serve as reserve ships on rapid standby. Off rotation crews will be trained and ready for rapid deployment in the event that they are needed. Minor fitting work is yet to be completed on these vessels but as is they are ready for deployment.

Yay thread necromancy!

This is now a WIDOT thread!

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#393 - 2014-04-26 20:48:31 UTC
Today, during a weapons confiscation in which several valuable faction battle drones were seized and subsequently locked down, DSTON was threatened by members of the The Marmite Collective. Eager to obtain these weapons in order to use them as tools of violence and killing, they were upset that we were confiscating them and removing them from circulation forever. They threatened to declare war if we proceded with the confiscation. We proceeded and they have declared war.

Therefore: The Disciples of Ston now enter war declaration protocol. The only difference in our reporting is an additional item that Development has requested in our rescue operations and reporting. In order to reduce the number of concurrent tasks involved in rescues, during war declarations we will not log or report deathcan owners. Reports will only contain numbers rescued and logged times. We are sorry to those who appreciate the information about deathcan perpetrators. As soon as and if the war dec expires we will return to the earlier reporting.

I have noted that The Marmite Collective is a very violent group and is eager to declare war and fight for what appears to be no particular ideal other than their own bloodlust. From their war history, It appears that DSTON is the first Pacifist organization to come under the sights of their guns and missiles. We will do our best to continue rescues and confiscations albeit with greater caution.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Hoi Andrapodistai
#394 - 2014-04-26 21:05:06 UTC
With this war, the Marmite Collective has greatly increased its chance of salvation. Should they manage to destroy the vessels of the Disciples of Ston/Molok, then surely they will have washed away their sins and will stand counted among the Chosen of a holy and righteous God.
Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#395 - 2014-04-27 00:32:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Eran Mintor
I don't forsee the Marmites really doing much to your operations. The many vs the few often results with the many losing interest quickly because they can't be bothered to camp a pilot or two for hours, especially with all the other wars going on.

I am guessing though that it was a mistake to say you will stop posting during a war as I forsee many wardecs for you now, as there's quite a few who despise you for whatever reason and want you to be silenced.

While I don't agree with all your methods I do think there is some good to what you do and would love to see these enemies choke on a slaver bone. If there's any way I, or others, can help let us/me know.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#396 - 2014-04-27 13:06:11 UTC
Weapons Lockdown Report:

116.03.07 6,920,000 ISK (422,000,000 ISK) Including 6 1400 cannons
116.04.26 14,700,000 ISK (420,000,000 ISK) Decrease in est market value
116.04.26 13,800,000 ISK (434,000,000 ISK) factional drones

This report represents one of those enjoyable but rare times when all three of us get to work together on something. Since I am the administrator in charge of the weapon lockdown program, Manwe and Tahrmal meet with me on occasion to transfer weapons and ammo for lockdown. We were all in close proximity on 116.04.26 so we decided to make the transfers then. We have had a recent lull in confiscation work just because of its risk and a desire to not subject our crews to undo peril. However, it remains an important part of our work as was made clear by Tahrmal's crew and cool thinking recently.

I salute Tahrmal and the crew of the Plowshare for not giving in to the threats and intimidation of the vile and violent Marmite Collective. Proceeding with the confiscation was the right thing to do. It is because of the violence and unmitigated bloodlust of groups such as the Collective that DSTON continues its confiscation program.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#397 - 2014-05-01 13:41:35 UTC
Corporate News: In a separate legal action, the capsuleer corporation Alcohol Fuelled has declared war on the Disciples of Ston. Until recently, the corporation was a member of the Marmite Collective Alliance. Upon leaving the alliance, an automatic war declaration was made against us on behalf of the now unallied corporation. We re-iterate to Alcohol Fuelled that DSTON is a pacifist organization and is never armed and will never aggress.

May Peace Prevail

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#398 - 2014-05-02 13:17:52 UTC
Corporate Update: As explained above, corporations leaving an alliance in war declaration automatically declare war on the all entities under the alliance war declaration. Thus, CONTRATTO has declared war on the Disciples of Ston. We will watch to see if this is a pattern that continues.

Corporate policy amendment: Since during war declarations, we often patrol in teams, the rule regarding logging and posting deathcan owners is suspended in the case of a team patrol where the standby ship and crew record the data while the other crew is in rescue ops.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#399 - 2014-05-04 23:29:49 UTC
Corporate News: DSTON is pleased to announce that all three war declarations against us have expired without renewal. The world is once against safe enough for Ston to dock and have coffee.

In other news: DSTON Development has issue an invitation to three diplomats of the Amarr Empire and to three official counterparts from the Republic to join our Development office in Yulai to discuss the cultural aspects of humanitarian work in and amongst their respective cultures. The theme of the summit has yet to be worded but the idea is to communicate the specific cultural tension creators and how we as an organization can structure our programs and facilities to reduce the possibility of conflict. Special thanks to Captain Ymladris for her recent report regarding the precipitation of conflict between Matari and Amarr elements of the Arcology project. This report lights the proverbial fire under our own backsides to begin more concerted efforts toward preventative planning in this area. Invitations have been issue and we are awaiting responses from the officials invited.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#400 - 2014-05-06 18:50:43 UTC
We are ecstatic! Four out of the six invitations to attend our summit have come back affirmative. We will proceed with two Amarrian Representatives and two from the Republic. The dates for the summit will soon be set and schedule arrangements made. The tentative meeting location will be at our Development Office in Yulai. Dates and times will not be announced in this forum. We hope for a productive time.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot