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[Rubicon 1.3] Drone Assist change

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Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#1201 - 2014-02-10 21:46:54 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
The end result should be enough with this bandaid crap that you're doing.

Any change to any drone mechanics should come as an overhaul of the entire drone system, no just one part because one part of the player base waged some forum campaign that amounted to 10 posts a day because they were fighting an enemy that used Sentry Drones.

Change drone assign when you

Overhaul the drone code

Overhaul fighter mechanics

Overhaul the Drone UI

Fix non Sentry Drone tracking and Movement

Fix Ewar Drones

Its like "hey guys, we know that drones in general actually suck the sweat off a dead donkey's balls, but these guys cried really really loud and long about this one part, so the rest of it can sit and stew for a year while we address their cries".

Ah yes, the old "throw everything in front of the change that I don't like to delay the change for years" approach, truly the best way to approach game balance

Or we could actually prioritize drone overhaul for the near term instead of pretending that this band-aid moves the state of drones as a whole into some level of acceptability.

Naw, it's generally preferable to knock a couple of easy ones out of the park immediately

not only does it make the game better for everyone who matters basically instantly

but it shows the player base that they are making incremental improvements rather than stagnating with their noses to the grindstone and nothing to show for it
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1202 - 2014-02-10 21:57:33 UTC
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Naw, it's generally preferable to knock a couple of easy ones out of the park immediately

not only does it make the game better for everyone who matters basically instantly

but it shows the player base that they are making incremental improvements rather than stagnating with their noses to the grindstone and nothing to show for it

The only issue is that this doesn't make the game better for everyone. And contrary to the intent of your statement, everyone matters to some degree. Depending on where you stand the incursion impact may be something individuals see as inconsequential, or if you are bitter enough, beneficial, but it's not a step in a positive direction. Additionally the impact there is arguably greater than the impact to large scale drone conflicts where the argument of 99% of the fleet assisting and walking away becomes 90% doing the same. This assumes that the omni nerf didn't discourage drone fleets on the subcap end enough to initiate some shifts in doctrine already.

Having nothing to show but a nuisance neither inspires the idea that the love drones need is incoming, nor makes things better for any group outside of those where the numbers involved can make working around it much less consequential.
Backwater Redux
Tactical Narcotics Team
#1203 - 2014-02-10 22:00:06 UTC
xHxHxAOD wrote:
GeeBee wrote: This Is A Battlereport Which Clearly Shows The Overpowered Ability Of Drone Assist In Smaller Gang Warfare. The Ishtars Kiting Ability, Damage, Damage Projection, And Alphastrike Is Far Above Anything Else In Its Class.

Following That Fight We Switched To A Dominix doctrine To Counter ishtars As The Only Thing To beat drone doctrine Is More Drone Doctrine.

i Know FirstHand the Power Of drone assist Since I've Been multiBoxing Sentry Assist Domis For The Last 4 Years.

sent From My Phone Very Terrible will Edit Later.

lols that fight is no where near small or med gang stuff. with 250+ people in that fight with no seeable logi which means its closer to more like 300 people there is no way u can call that small or even med gang at all. from the kms it looks like u had both armor and shield fleets which is just fail unless u tried to reship from on to the other but u said u only switched to domis so i dont think so. and the best part most of ur dps is eagles which do kin/therm dps which is just as fail as that is the ishtars highest resists anyway. ps as for ishtars duh they have good dps and damage projection with sentrys that is how ccp made them to be. now as for alpha even with gardes and 3 dda u only do a bit over 3k alpha which even med arty can do that. all large guns can do that or more so i really dont see the problems here. no as to the kiting they must have kited away from the drones so why did u not use bombers or smartbombing bs to kill the drones. u know its not like ishtars can carry hundreds of senterys to replace being kill dont blame ishtars sentrys and drone assists for the cfc stupidity and inability to counter in game tactics that can be countered.

Smaller Gang Is In The Context Of The OP, 250 Pilots Is Much Smaller Than 4000. There Were 2 Gangs With Logi Support Camping A Gate And The Ishtars Jumped Into Us, Pulled 100Km Range Dropped Drones And Were 2 Volleying Everything Before Reps Landed. The Broken Part Of Drone Assist With Sentries In This Manner Is The Perfect Alphastrike Ability With High dps And Range That Far Surpasses Anything Else. The Inability To Know If You're Being Targeted To Prebroadcast For Reps Is Completely Broken.If therThere Was A Tick Delay Sentries Lock Then Sentries Fire It Would At Least Give The Possibility For Reps To Land Before The Second Drone Strike Lands Assuming It survives the First Strike.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1204 - 2014-02-10 22:35:47 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
I waited 60 pages, to see if the noise would settle out, wrote a blog post while I was waiting.

Look, the difference between Incursions assist and slowcat is the incursion pilots are still really active in the fleet, not going off to make a sandwich. THAT is why I argue that some drone assist needs to stay.

Other options were considered and the hard cap was what was settled on so I ask this of you forum pundits.

What will happen next?

Will drone usage change in null?

Will Incursion fleets end because they cannot maker the ball o doom?

Will the intended outcomes be achieved or do you even agree what the intended outcomes are?

I can assure you this was NOT a kneejerk reaction to any recent battle in the past month so drop that garbage now.


i do have a few questions for u about this if u dont mind answering them. as a bunch of people have said this many times this change does nothing to fix anything, so if this does not fix or change anything to make things better they why do it.
to quote rise
We feel that drone assist, at a large scale, leads to passive gameplay that most players do not enjoy.
• Assist places too much control in the hands of a single person and leaves the majority of the fleet with little to do
idk about u but how does ccp know that players not like passive gameplay bc they do for the most part take a look at how many afk ways there are to make isk. afk mining, missions, hauling,trading, and pi. has rise ever done fleet pvp before bc even tho im not locking and shooting every target does not mean im sitting on my ass watching tv and not playing eve. i still have to broadcast for reps us mods etc etc. now as if we want to talk about fun i dont think people really care what they fly in 10% tidi as are they really playing or is it more afk. also i look at this change more in line with the pve change for me it did not make pve more fun/better or make me want to do it more it just made it more of a pain and want to pve less. so this change will make me want to do less sov fight in tidi not more why would i want to be a less relible assest for dps.

Drones, for the time being, are the most taxing weapon system for our hardware
•, which means overall play experience has suffered some because of the popularity of sentry doctrines
ok for this if drones are so stressful for the server then why not change the way drones act on the server this changfe does nothing to help how stressed/taxed as it does nothing to change how many drones are on grid or used. just bc a fleet of say 200 domis for dps and now need 20 people to assign drones do does nothing to the fact that i still have the same amount of drone as before.

now for will drone usage change no bc almost every ship in every fleet comp has ships that can drones, so drones will still tax the server bc this change does nothing to change how many drones are use or how taxing they i would like to see the huge spike in drone usage was and was it when the cfc started using them to get them nerfed.

people will still do incursions bc unless its nerfed in to the ground isk wise but it will be more of a pain to do so. that means less people may put the time and effort in to them now so it may affect them which in turn could hurt other areas too.

no **** will not change bc this change does nothing to fix anything drones will still be just as stressfull as before and this change does not make it anymore fun to do
Lin Fatale
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1205 - 2014-02-10 23:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
I still dont understand why players should or cannot control their drones on their own.
It does not matter if it is pve or pvp.

And the dronecontrol limit is now 50.
Because CCP feels that mission / incursion runners dont have to control their own ships.

drone limit = max what the own ship can control.
Thats easy, thats logical, thats not op, thats everybody has to fly his own ship.

*Snip* Please refrain from spreading baseless rumors. ISD Ezwal.
Galactica Industrial Facilities
#1206 - 2014-02-10 23:45:56 UTC
Remove drone assist. The whole drone thingy is not working very well.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1207 - 2014-02-10 23:47:54 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

Will drone use change?
No. People will still bring drones in subcaps and capitals, people will still deploy drones, with or without drone assist.

Will incursions end?
No. Players will adapt, us PvE folk always adapt when nullsec breaks our toys. Either by actually adapting, or just leaving the game.

Will the intended issues be fixed?
No because if the issue is people actually hitting buttons and having "fun" then having any drone assist at all does not fix this, since drones are used regardless if drone assist is or not then the lag issue also is not solved

Not a kneejerk reaction, give me a break. First off Drone assist has never been an issue, at least not until N3 started killing Baltec Fleets in the fountain war, when CFC Leadership first had their groupies run off to various forums and troll N3 members about their boring fleets. (Kugu/EVEO/ScrapHeap all had these discussions) This lasted until about October, when CFC declared they would fly nothing but Domi's until drone assist was nerfed.

2 Weeks after HED and now we have a "fix" specifically targeting Drone Assist, and Server load. Doesn't get any more Knee Jerk than that.

Now I don't think Drone assist impacts the game either way. I don't care if it is in or out. I want to know what CCP actually plans to do regarding the issue with drones causing latency through the whole server when 4K dudes brawl in nullsec. The issue is not Drone Assist, we all can see that. The issue is with drones themselves and this "fix" does not fix that. At all.

Back to the drawing board. Or why even post a discussion topic if there is no room for discussion. Either axe Drone assist entirely or not at all, assist cap doesn't change the game to people mashing buttons. 25 people playing instead of 1 out of 250 isn't a fix

Thanks for actually answering the questions, directly Taking your last paragraph, first. IF they axed assist completely then how would that change the fact that people would still bring drones and field them, still have the lag issues, and the fleet size issues? Would the bandwidth argument others make have an effect on that either?

Kneejerk, all I can say is Correlation does not Imply Causation.

Drones have been under the microscope a lot lately . . .Omnis, shield regen, assist cap. If you step back then this becomes part of a spectrum of change and not a one shot quick fix.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#1208 - 2014-02-10 23:52:14 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:

Kneejerk, all I can say is Correlation does not Imply Causation.

tl;dr hey guys i know it looks like we're caving to the demands of a portion of the player base instead of actually addressing the overall problem but i swear thats not actually whats happening.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1209 - 2014-02-10 23:53:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Mike Azariah wrote:

Drones have been under the microscope a lot lately . . .Omnis, shield regen, assist cap. If you step back then this becomes part of a spectrum of change and not a one shot quick fix.


In all seriousness, it would be nice to have an idea of the goal here. Most of the changes have been decidedly negative (Edit: well, I suppose that isn't all true with med/light drones gaining in the shied recharge changes), and CCP's statements only echo their belief that the performance of certain drones is out of balance.
Mario Putzo
#1210 - 2014-02-11 00:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Mike Azariah wrote:

Thanks for actually answering the questions, directly Taking your last paragraph, first. IF they axed assist completely then how would that change the fact that people would still bring drones and field them, still have the lag issues, and the fleet size issues? Would the bandwidth argument others make have an effect on that either?

Kneejerk, all I can say is Correlation does not Imply Causation.

Drones have been under the microscope a lot lately . . .Omnis, shield regen, assist cap. If you step back then this becomes part of a spectrum of change and not a one shot quick fix.


Well this is mostly the point I was making. Server load caused by drones is not related to drone assist. It is related to actually deploying drones. One way to reduce this would be to reduce the number of ships that can field drones, another is to change large scale battles to be more encouraged to spread out through various systems. Like B-R was fought with 3-4 different battles going on in various systems.

The bandwidth argument still does not address either issue. The point is that Drone latency is not a symptom of Drone assist, so making changes to drone assist does not actually address that as an issue. Thus there isn't any correlation between drone assist and server lag. Outside the fact its called drone assist thats about all the issues have in common.

The problem ultimately comes back to once again the use of drones period.

And I believe drones have been under the microscope, I just don't believe drone assist has been an issue. I can not buy the premise behind it. The issue is drone assist does not actually impact this game at all, outside of a "morale" victory for one entitiy over another.

Personally I think it should be removed, because I think if you are going to play you should play, I also think that other passive things need to be looked at as well.

Most importantly however I think that CCP should be looking at solving the issue that for every major timer battle in nullsec it is just a dog pile. Fix the blob and spread the strain across many nodes (like B-R) and you can have massive battles with 7K+ people. Ultimately the issue is always going to come back to the number of people, and number of objects being tracked by the server. Both of which are completely independent of whether drone assist is or is not a mechanic.

Something that was 10 years old, doesn't magically become and issue, and obviously Rise agrees otherwise he wouldn't keep it in at all. Ultimately the "fix" screams appeasing 65K dudes who all came to the forums complaining about a mechanic because their leadership asked them to, not because there is an actual issue with the mechanic.

(and thank you for responding its nice to see that not all CSM are bound to a masters will)
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1211 - 2014-02-11 00:11:37 UTC
xHxHxAOD wrote:

i do have a few questions for u about this if u dont mind answering them. as a bunch of people have said this many times this change does nothing to fix anything, so if this does not fix or change anything to make things better they why do it.
to quote rise
We feel that drone assist, at a large scale, leads to passive gameplay that most players do not enjoy.
• Assist places too much control in the hands of a single person and leaves the majority of the fleet with little to do
idk about u but how does ccp know that players not like passive gameplay bc they do for the most part take a look at how many afk ways there are to make isk.

Good start. Well, one would assume that CCP does research into what people like about their game and what makes them stay. They may not get it right for everybody but I am fairly sure they will be chasing the biggest populations of players with that in mind both for retention and new player gains. It just makes business sense, no?

xHxHxAOD wrote:

Drones, for the time being, are the most taxing weapon system for our hardware
•, which means overall play experience has suffered some because of the popularity of sentry doctrines
ok for this if drones are so stressful for the server then why not change the way drones act on the server this changfe does nothing to help how stressed/taxed as it does nothing to change how many drones are on grid or used. just bc a fleet of say 200 domis for dps and now need 20 people to assign drones do does nothing to the fact that i still have the same amount of drone as before.

now for will drone usage change no bc almost every ship in every fleet comp has ships that can drones, so drones will still tax the server bc this change does nothing to change how many drones are use or how taxing they i would like to see the huge spike in drone usage was and was it when the cfc started using them to get them nerfed.

people will still do incursions bc unless its nerfed in to the ground isk wise but it will be more of a pain to do so. that means less people may put the time and effort in to them now so it may affect them which in turn could hurt other areas too.

no **** will not change bc this change does nothing to fix anything drones will still be just as stressfull as before and this change does not make it anymore fun to do

I am not clear on what the second question is.

Oh for the record and to respond to some other posts out there,

1) I am a hisec carebear, most of the time
2) I fly a lot of Gallente ships and mission in a Domi weith sentry drones
3) I fly in incursions for some of my isk (/me waves at Warp to Me and Valhalla Project)
4) Nobody in Null gives me talking points, marching orders, or isk to represent them.
5) There are two distinct wormhole space candidates also on the council who pretty much laugh at null politics

Take from that what you will


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Mario Putzo
#1212 - 2014-02-11 01:04:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
You are missing the point that nerfing or removing drone assist does not accomplish the goals set out in CCP Rise's OP. Nothing he has presented is going to address the lag issue, and nothing he has presented will make .01% Real time fights fun or enjoyable.

About all he is going to do is make Incursions guys pissy for a few days.

There is no reason to implement his "fix" because it doesn't actually fix anything.

And you are right we should have a comprehensive overhaul of Drones, their mechanics, and the ships using them.

Frigates don't need drones. Neither do cruisers. Neither do destroyers.
We don't need drone assist
Only Capitals should field sentries, Heavies/Mediums for BS, Mediums in BC's and Lights used for utility against frigs/dessies.

But it still won't matter until CCP makes it worth while for 1500 people to split into 6 fleets across 6 systems instead of blobing into 1 system.

Fix Sov and make it playable without max Tidi, and I bet you have people who would rather play then afk.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1213 - 2014-02-11 01:33:58 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:

All of the CSM posts I have seen in this thread come across as a little condescending, often taking one part of a posters' quote and then using that to reinforce how right and correct the dev decision was, whether in context or not.

I am sure that the dev team and the CSM had protracted and calm discussion on the issue and came to a consensus. However, the tone of communication I am seeing from both the devs and the CSM members is coming across as somewhat defensive, often nitpicking at small holes in the arguments of a selected few posters and not addressing the broad concern presented.

This is counterproductive as it serves to create a gulf of mistrust between 'us' players and 'them' the CSM and the devs. The us/them divide exists because of an unfortunate information asymmetry and the lack of credence given to the many reasonable voices in this forum.

I think we would all welcome a little more humility and a little less hubris from both devs and CSM. We really don't want to create the situation where non-csms start forming a 'player action group' or somesuch and start taking down jita in protest at the non-representation of their interests by the CSM.

I was there when Hillmar publicly apologised for being an arrogant so-and-so and we had 12 months of excellent relations between devs and players. Sadly, that period seems to be ending. Rise and what seem to be his sycophantic followers in the CSM are becoming the new 'Trust me, I know what I am doing' Hillmar.

We all know how that ended.

I write this in the best of faith. I love this game and its ecosystem as much as you do. Enough even to waste my own time appealing to you, Rise and anyone who will listen, to listen with humility to the very many excellent arguments and ideas presented in these forums.

Rejections should come with solid reasons for rejection, stating hard facts. Dev's opinions are only useful when they are backed with hard data. If the data is there, you should make it available so that we too are convinced that you are right.

It's exasperating. CCP seems to have the corporate communications skills of an 18th century labour camp. The world has moved on. Your players and friends are intelligent, educated people. You should treat them that way.

Thanks for listening.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Mario Putzo
#1214 - 2014-02-11 01:39:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
I don't think CCP should be doting on any matter how big or small it is. They should be going by the data. Considering the only impactful history of drone assist exists from summer 2013-Now, in lock step with CFC specifically skewing the data for this reason I would say CCP should stay as far away from touching drone assist as they can from a developer standpoint, until a time they have a concrete solution for the problem that is the entire drone weapon system.

There was no over use of drones prior to CFC announcing **** Drone Assist. Even when N3 was using prophecies the 200-300 man fleets they had put less load on the server than the 1K man Baltec fleets they faced off against. Ultimately the data does not support the position. Even if you simply look at specifically the halloween war, every engagement played out as per normal in Tidi. Except in HED where CFC and RUS willingly tried to jump some 500+ Dreads into a grid with over 3K people on it all ready, and even then it was the dread asking for the information on the 15K+ Objects, not the 15K+ Objects already there. The fight was laggy and in Tidi, but otherwise a normal brawl in 0.0 before the Dreads came in.

There is no actual evidence that the Drone Assist mechanic causes issue with the game at all, and there hasn't been in 10 years. Hence why it has never been a problem. (until The Martini said it was a problem and send his Goonies to cry to CCP) The only possible link it has to being a game issue is "fun" which is entirely subjective, and hardly an indicator of a balance issue.

Ultimately it just makes CCP look really weak. It is like if CCP limited the amount of people that could be blue to each other, just because N3PL spent 12 months shitting up every forum discussion on EVEO crying about how imbalanced being able to make friends is.
Mario Putzo
#1215 - 2014-02-11 02:29:15 UTC
things like this:

Don't go very far in securing the "unbiased" dev position. TBH.

Captain StringfellowHawk
Forsaken Reavers
#1216 - 2014-02-11 02:31:16 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
things like this:

Don't go very far in securing the "unbiased" dev position. TBH.

The actual Tweet and not a Imgur would be better....
Mario Putzo
#1217 - 2014-02-11 02:33:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo

But hey Im sure it was just a joke right. No harm no foul. Still bad PR move when you have 1/4 of your "game" accusing devs of being in bed with the other 3/4

(it is funny though.)
Captain StringfellowHawk
Forsaken Reavers
#1218 - 2014-02-11 02:33:54 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

LOL found it as you posted it... Still laughing my ass off....
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1219 - 2014-02-11 02:36:22 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

But hey Im sure it was just a joke right. No harm no foul.

ahahahaaha yeah, that was Fozzie (aka former PL) showing his ~true colours~ and not at all rustling his former CEO's jimmies. Good catch Mario!!!! Just don't' read the rest of the conversation on that link or anything. It's a bit too reasonable and not at all the same thing.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Phox Jorkarzul
Deep Void Merc Syndicate
#1220 - 2014-02-11 04:19:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Phox Jorkarzul
At this point I'm inclined to to agree with Grath and Mario. This "fix" is dumb and does not solve the issue. Instead CCP should be working on a complete Drone overhaul. From tracking and damage output of fighters to a drone bandwidth assist cap, to drone coding, and the drone UI. This all needs to be done in in a single expansion, not a "fixed" soon(tm) point patch.

EDITED: autotype

Blasters for life