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[Rubicon 1.3] Drone Assist change

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Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#1001 - 2014-02-09 05:59:39 UTC
ps hi mynnna
pps why are there three ns in your name

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Mario Putzo
#1002 - 2014-02-09 05:59:45 UTC
Lyris Nairn wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Lyris Nairn wrote:
Did you seriously just ask if a politician should abandon the people who put him there? I am sure you think congresspersons and parliament members should just ignore lobbyists, too.

I thought [my country's legislature] existed to be a voice for the [People] for the betterment of the [country]. Not to lobby for things that their [moneyed interests] wish to come to fruition. Doesn't seem like a very good system if that is the case, and if that is the intent behind [the legislature] then why even have a player body to input on [policy] if it is going to result in biased opinions.

If that is what [my country's legislature] is for, then that is pretty pathetic, and it should be abolished.

You are just the cutest. Did you just discover politics?

Its a good thing EVE online is a video game and not a country then, Otherwise I might look like a fool. CSM isn't a political body, it is a player advisory council for CCP. They don't even have to listen to you guys. So really its like a group that gets to hang out in Iceland and have a cool forum badge.

I guess if you want to call that politics. :thumbs up:
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#1003 - 2014-02-09 06:00:06 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

I thought CSM existed to be a voice for the playerbase for the betterment of the game. Not to lobby for things that their ingame entities wish to come to fruition. Doesn't seem like a very good system if that is the case, and if that is the intent behind the CSM why even have a player body to input on gameplay if it is going to result in biased opinions.

If that is what the CSM is for that is pretty pathetic, and it should be abolished.

this is mostly correct however it has a fatal flaw

a csm member is not obligated to speak for the player base at large

they are only (nominally) obligated to speak for the people who voted for them

note that the CFC has the largest organized voting bloc and we can pretty much singlehandedly decide who gets on the CSM and who doesn't

feel free to not vote for our reps next time but know that your vote is meaningless in the face of our bloc :sun:
Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#1004 - 2014-02-09 06:02:11 UTC
nerf bloc voting, nerf charisma, nerf friendship, nerf standings, and also give me a pony

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Lyris Nairn
Caldari State
#1005 - 2014-02-09 06:04:53 UTC
a space pony, with blackjack and hookers

Sky Captain of Your Heart

Reddit: lyris_nairn Skype: lyris.nairn Twitter: @lyris_nairn

Mario Putzo
#1006 - 2014-02-09 06:13:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
mynnna wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:

I don't disagree that Sentries are strong going down in size projection and in like projection. They however are terrible against targets going up the scale. I am sure I don't need to tell a member of the CFC how well Domis fare against Capital ships for example. While other weapon systems downsized projections aren't as good, their like size are comparable and their upsize projection is actually higher than sentries in most cases. (An 1400 Arty weapon is going to have better projection against a Carrier than a Sentry.)

Application, the thing I was actually talking about, is how well that paper DPS number is actually applied. Tracking, sig radius, all that stuff. Any battleship sized weapon is going to apply its damage equally well to carriers, since they have a huge sig and are very easy to track.

Now I dunno what you mean by projection, but when I think of projection I think of how far you can shoot, and obviously "the size of the target" has nothing to do with that.

So maybe you can explain to me what the **** you mean?

Projection is my wordage for application sorry.

As for application going up. Other BS weapons are going to have a higher peak damage potential than Sentries do. Arty Cannons will do more damage to Carriers than Sentry Drones. Sentry Drones have better application against targets going down the scale than Arty weapons, and thus a higher peak damage potential.

2 different weapons for 2 different purposes. However you are now asking CCP to keep sentries worse in their upwards application, and worse in their downwards application. To what benefit. The only out come is the removal of drone ships. Why even bring a domi when its projected damage is inferior in all aspects against other weapons platforms.

I totally get the cyclical rock/paper/scissors ****, but at this point you are asking CCP to manufacture Rock beating Scissors. It doesn't actually beat Scissors right now and the changes being mentioned in combination with changes already in place manufacture an imbalance that isn't actually present.

In short the proposed changes don't actually solve an issue, because there is no issue in the current game. Even CCP Rise has not defined and issue.

He said:

People aren't having fun only one guy is doing anything and we think more people should actually push buttons.

~ First this is entirely subjective. CCP Rise has no idea how I have fun, neither do you nor anyone on the CSM. I didn't fill out a survey asking if I have fun assining drones to a target myself or not. So really this is just an arbitrary change that actually has no bearing in the game at all as fun isn't a concrete mechanic but a subjective opinion that varies wildly between each individual person.

We also want to reduce drone load (hopefully) and think that reduced assigning can help in this.

~ Drone assign doesn't cause people to bring drones. The fact that I have a drone bay in my ship is why I bring drones. Because even an extra 150 DPS * number of ships can win or lose a fight. Just because I can't have another pilot assign my drones, doesn't mean I won't bring them.

My argument is that the proposed changes don't solve either of the issues. One isn't even a tangible issue, and the other is unchanged because as long as every ship has a drone bay, then drones will be on field.

so again, we can discuss actual changes, or we can hi five and circle jerk each other for changes that don't address the only actual issue. How to cram 4K dudes into a system and make it as enjoyable and as server friendly as possible.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1007 - 2014-02-09 06:21:45 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
incoherent misunderstanding of mechanics

Nothing about this change has altered the ability for sentry drones to deal damage to capital ships, nor their raw damage. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Mario Putzo
#1008 - 2014-02-09 06:33:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
mynnna wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
incoherent misunderstanding of mechanics

Nothing about this change has altered the ability for sentry drones to deal damage to capital ships, nor their raw damage. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Who uses Sentries to fight capitals? My concern is their like size and under fights. Omni's has already impacted this. If you use Sentries against Capitals you should just go back to highsec...or you are trying to manufacture an issue that doesn't exist.

The fact that this change does nothing to impact server load is the issue. Even if you eliminate Drone Assign you are still going to have Drone Bay * Number of ships... CCP Rises "fix" doesn't actually solve the only actual issue drones have. (He already fixed the application of damage going down the ship scale with omni changes.)
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1009 - 2014-02-09 06:39:48 UTC
All I said is that their ability to deal & apply damage exceeds nearly any other BS sized weapon in the game, both now and after this goes through. You're the one who started spewing a bunch of nonsense about capitals here, not me.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#1010 - 2014-02-09 06:39:59 UTC

at 25 mbps of bandwidth per drone

sentry drones fit into the BATTLESHIP class of weapons

trying to argue that a battleship class weapon necessarily needs the ability to engage on any given terms with lower ship sizes without using webs, target painters, or a steady eye on the angular velocity column of the overview is pretty silly

just because the current settings allow you to engage all ship sizes without respect to transversal or signature radius doesn't make it right
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1011 - 2014-02-09 06:48:42 UTC
Weapon classes are a bit odd when it comes to drones. Heavy Drones have the same 25mbps yet have the sig resolution of cruiser guns.

Even weirder, Fighters (which are indisputably capital weapons) also have the same 125m sig resolution of cruiser guns.

All that said, sentries have both the bandwidth/volume and the sig resolution to consign them firmly into "battleship weapon" class.

The more you know!

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Mario Putzo
#1012 - 2014-02-09 06:50:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
mynnna wrote:
All I said is that their ability to deal & apply damage exceeds nearly any other BS sized weapon in the game, both now and after this goes through. You're the one who started spewing a bunch of nonsense about capitals here, not me.

Their damage application exceeding other BS only applies when talking about going backwards in ship progression though. All other BS weapon system deal more damage against like size and larger size. Sentries cap out damage before any other weapons platform against like size ships and ships going up in scale. Every other BS weapons platform is going to out damage sentries against other BS and Capitals. (this has been addressed with Omni changes, and Drone assist doesn't make this any more or any less potent)

I only brought up Capitals because sentries damage spectrum behaves in such a way that they essentially become the defensive capability for larger sized ships to defense themselves against smaller sized ships. Thus showing a distinct place for drone use against comparable like weapon sizes. This applies for all drone sizes not just sentries.

You keep ignoring however CCP Rise's second point regarding server strain. Which his fix does not actually address.

If the server strain issue is actually a problem (obviously it is) then he should be focusing on minimizing drones. The fact of assigning drones is irrelevant to the use of drones. If you have 100 Megathrons, or100 Domis, you are going to still have 500 drones regardless if you assign them or not. But if Megas can't use drones...then only Domis add to the server strain minimizing potential use of drones by a sizeable percentage at the BS hull size.

His "fix" doesn't actually fix anything. All it does is change the amount of people making drones attack from 1 to 5 per fleet. All his fix does is just add really unneeded additional fleet setup. It doesn't fix a damn thing. Ultimately on the large scale it makes Drone boats just irritating to use in a setup sense.

Why not fix the issue and just get rid of drone bays from ships that dont actually need them. The problem isn't Drone Assist. The problem is with drones themselves.

But hey we already know CCP loves addressing symptoms and not causation.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#1013 - 2014-02-09 07:18:28 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Lyris Nairn wrote:
Did you seriously just ask if a politician should abandon the people who put him there? I am sure you think congresspersons and parliament members should just ignore lobbyists, too.

I thought CSM existed to be a voice for the playerbase for the betterment of the game. Not to lobby for things that their ingame entities wish to come to fruition. Doesn't seem like a very good system if that is the case, and if that is the intent behind the CSM why even have a player body to input on gameplay if it is going to result in biased opinions.

If that is what the CSM is for that is pretty pathetic, and it should be abolished.

CSM representatives represent the people who bothered voting for them.
You know, like how it's actually supposed to work.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Mario Putzo
#1014 - 2014-02-09 07:20:07 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Lyris Nairn wrote:
Did you seriously just ask if a politician should abandon the people who put him there? I am sure you think congresspersons and parliament members should just ignore lobbyists, too.

I thought CSM existed to be a voice for the playerbase for the betterment of the game. Not to lobby for things that their ingame entities wish to come to fruition. Doesn't seem like a very good system if that is the case, and if that is the intent behind the CSM why even have a player body to input on gameplay if it is going to result in biased opinions.

If that is what the CSM is for that is pretty pathetic, and it should be abolished.

CSM representatives represent the people who bothered voting for them.
You know, like how it's actually supposed to work.

Neat, then it should be abolished. There is no need for banner waving in game design. Has the CSM actually ever accomplished anything worthwhile, or only commented on **** CCP was going to do anyway?
Arkady Romanov
Whole Squid
#1015 - 2014-02-09 07:25:11 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Neat, then it should be abolished. There is no need for banner waving in game design. Has the CSM actually ever accomplished anything worthwhile, or only commented on **** CCP was going to do anyway?

Off the top of my head?

Before Mittens went on camera, got drunk and made some very poor choices, he made some very noisy arguments about why CCP should stop focusing on space barbies and move towards "FIS" content.

Whole Squid: Get Inked.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#1016 - 2014-02-09 07:27:31 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Lyris Nairn wrote:
Did you seriously just ask if a politician should abandon the people who put him there? I am sure you think congresspersons and parliament members should just ignore lobbyists, too.

I thought CSM existed to be a voice for the playerbase for the betterment of the game. Not to lobby for things that their ingame entities wish to come to fruition. Doesn't seem like a very good system if that is the case, and if that is the intent behind the CSM why even have a player body to input on gameplay if it is going to result in biased opinions.

If that is what the CSM is for that is pretty pathetic, and it should be abolished.

CSM representatives represent the people who bothered voting for them.
You know, like how it's actually supposed to work.

Neat, then it should be abolished. There is no need for banner waving in game design. Has the CSM actually ever accomplished anything worthwhile, or only commented on **** CCP was going to do anyway?

I'll file that in the box labeled "safe to ignore".

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1017 - 2014-02-09 07:35:10 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
His "fix" doesn't actually fix anything. All it does is change the amount of people making drones attack from 1 to 5 per fleet. All his fix does is just add really unneeded additional fleet setup. It doesn't fix a damn thing. Ultimately on the large scale it makes Drone boats just irritating to use in a setup sense.

Which is of course making the assumption that everyone is just going to keep on trucking with their sentry assign fleets with 5 drone assign targets instead of 1 (10 instead of 1 for a slowcat fleet). Spoiler alert: CCP Rise and co. are betting that won't happen.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#1018 - 2014-02-09 07:41:54 UTC
are there seriously people on page 51 who are still conflating 50 drones with 50 persons

it's like the critical thinking train derailed and caused a critical shortage of reading comprehension

let me do a math for you

a subcap can control 5 drones, therefore a drone assist will be able to handle 10 shipsworth of mans

a carrier typically fields about 10 drones depending on fit and skills, therefore a drone assist will be able to handle 5 carriersworth of drones
Mario Putzo
#1019 - 2014-02-09 07:42:45 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
His "fix" doesn't actually fix anything. All it does is change the amount of people making drones attack from 1 to 5 per fleet. All his fix does is just add really unneeded additional fleet setup. It doesn't fix a damn thing. Ultimately on the large scale it makes Drone boats just irritating to use in a setup sense.

Which is of course making the assumption that everyone is just going to keep on trucking with their sentry assign fleets with 5 drone assign targets instead of 1 (10 instead of 1 for a slowcat fleet). Spoiler alert: CCP Rise and co. are betting that won't happen.

So your ship that has a drone bay will carry no drones at all. If you carry drones in your drone bay you will not deploy them in a fleet fight at all.

Do you understand that nearly every single ship in this game has a drone bay. That every large fleet ship has a drone bay. Are you saying that nobody is ever going to carry drones again because CCP Rise made a fleet assign to 5 people instead of 1. Even if CCP Rise removed Drone Assign are you telling me that no one is ever going to use drones again. Ever.

Do you realize how impractical and utterly outrageous you sound.

Even if you don't use drone assign, you will take and use drones if your ship is capable of fitting drones and using them. Even if you have 4K dudes fighting in ships with 1 drone you have 8K objects to track and all 8K of those objects are asking all the time for the information on what the others are doing.

Nerfing Drone assist, or even removing drone assist, does not solve the issue with server stability because Drone assist isn't the problem. Drones themselves are the problem.
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1020 - 2014-02-09 07:44:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Snow Axe
Mario Putzo wrote:
Do you understand that nearly every single ship in this game has a drone bay. That every large fleet ship has a drone bay. Are you saying that nobody is ever going to carry drones again because CCP Rise made a fleet assign to 5 people instead of 1. Even if CCP Rise removed Drone Assign are you telling me that no one is ever going to use drones again. Ever.

Of course drone usage won't end. It'll likely return to more acceptable (server-strain wise) levels. You know, before drone assist sentry fleets became all the rage. That's what they're betting, anyway.

BTW if you think that drone assist wasn't one of the biggest reasons said fleets were popular then looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["