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Tournament ideas discussion

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Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#21 - 2014-01-25 02:38:52 UTC
If you really want to have new players involved, the best way is probably to set up leagues. You could have an entry league where ships and fits were announced and publicized well in advance, so that new players who wanted to participate would have training goals. (And, obviously, there would be no bans, because as tactically interesting as they are, they disproportionately hurt new players.) Have them as seasons with schedules, like any sport would. Then, have a championship round once a year. Or, take a cue from American college football and have "bowl" (bubble?) games hosted by the various empires (NPC or capsuleer?), vying with each other for prestige.

I will second the request to have deployables available that facilitate the construction of games. Not "arena-in-a-box" do-everything deployables, but special bubbles, anchors, timers--single-purpose "raw material" items that can be assembled into games by the players. That way, it may be possible for a player-created sport to become popular, even popular enough to eventually become something like the SCL.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Chris Downie
Regal Flying Allumnii
#22 - 2014-01-27 15:01:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Downie
The key imho is uniting the new with the experienced.

So a regular monthly newbie tourney I reckon should be hosted by CCP. I would have X number of teams decided by initial interest each captained by a regular experienced preferably distinguished player with 2 XOs, also experienced. The match would be for fun and to help the newbie's learn but aim still to be competitive so I'd give the team's the same name each month, maybe something to distinguish them, eg team Yoda only flies executioners, whatever. the captains would stay with their team, so lol maybe the captains decide on their team name. the interesting thing I would do is randomise the newbies...draw out of a hat or similar and each month have small prizes. the random newbie draw would happen each month. aim would be to get newbies and also carebears into pvp and tourney games. maybe even carebears could treat it as their monthly forage into danger.

right now there is a chasm from where im standing between tourney players and newbish daily logger-onners like me.

just my thought. Full comms and the newbies can learn from their captains and xo's and by cycling the newbie teams theres variety and chance to learn different ways of doing things.

Charlie Oscar of primarily Thorax Class And Hyperion Class Vessels $$^$$^&%$ (cipher enabled for security purposes), not so fresh out of Dry Dock :) 

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#23 - 2014-01-29 01:57:12 UTC
Sub-warp racing is my favourite eve-sport. It's fun for both viewers and participants, it can be streamed, and it takes little investment to be able to compete.
What would be really helpful to make it easier to host races is a deployable like one I suggested here.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#24 - 2014-01-29 06:28:39 UTC
Lyta Jhonson wrote:
Tournaments in their current format are both exhausting to participate in and exhausting to watch. It would be much better if they were played in the manner of footbal leagues through entire year: like every saturday and sunday two or four matches are played. It's also better for people in other timezones as it's much easier to not spoil yourself the results and watch 1-2 hours of recorded stream instead of watching entire day.

Also disconnect = death is too harsh penalty. Ship should stay in place and allow player to reconnnect. Quite a few matches were stupidly lost because of that.

Pure PVP tournaments = WH to jove space, isolate 1/2 systems and they can fight there.
Azami Nevinyrall
#25 - 2014-01-31 20:11:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
I'm bored at work, seen this thread and I remembered an idea that I pitched to CCP Fozzie at a bar. And this is prolly the wrong place to put this. But I see "Ideas" and "Tournaments" so I decided to shove this here.

I'll just reiterate here...

During matches, you have 2 commentators. As Fozzie told me one trys to describe what mechanics is going on and how they work. This is usually between breaths of the other guy commentating on the actual fight. And I really mean yelling at the top of his lungs when a shot is fired.

Usually a lot of stuff is missed on the actual fight. And viewers are confused to all hell. I usually watch tournaments with IRL non-EVE players. Most of my time is spent explaining what exactly is going on and not getting drunk!

So my idea/suggestion is this:

In other sports, I'll use NASCAR as a horrible example. (Note, I don't watch NASCAR except when I visit my redneck relatives.) What they do is before/after commercials or during points when stuff is not on fire. They have little 20-30 second segments/animations describing how things work. Drafting/cornering/tire wear, etc etc. And they usually do a good job of it.

To help ease the commentators during fights and the vast majority of the audience...ESP nonEVE to do similar. Quick 20-30 second videos on how tracking works, scan res, the various E-war stuffs. There's a lot of dead air during the tournament to do this. (Jita cam for example!)

Just an idea...


Julius Rigel
#26 - 2014-02-01 21:08:39 UTC
CCP Bro wrote:
Ways to provide the community with the proper tools to host their own tournaments, be it on a separate server or on TQ

I'd also like to hear your ideas on new prizes aimed specifically at newer teams, for instance a good prize for "Best new team" for the New Eden Open. If we get good ideas I really want to add something like that to the NEOII
It's not a question of players using the proper tools, it's players using improper tools that is stifling the events business.

As you can see from this post, for example, players are starting to believe that they are not allowed, or not worthy, of creating their own events, because other players are using exclusive tools such as teleporting competitors, special clients with special targeting interfaces, and exclusive prizes that other event organisers can't publicly access as regular players.

Someone answering the question "why don't you organise your own event?" wrote:
I cannot give away cool unique CCP in-game prizes

Someone commenting on someone's PVP tournaments wrote:
What makes your event better than the alliance tournament?
To which the honest response was "nothing", and that person chose to not participate.

Someone on the subject of prizes wrote:
I don't blindly trust the organiser of this event to pay out the prize money. I do trust that CCP will pay out the prizes they advertise.

This is a problem, and there are several facets of it:

  1. One of the fundamental concepts of EVE is the interaction between players, and the inclusion of the entire spectrum of outcomes of this interaction, from very good (making friends, making a corp together, co-operating to set up a starbase or outpost, etc.), to very bad (getting scammed, getting ganked or awoxed, etc.). But currently, the events business exists in a realm outside of that, wherein CCP arranges events that are not subject to the rules of trust. If a CCP employee used his CCP character to host a lottery event, it would completely suck all the customers from all new and potential lotteries, because "what is the point of giving your money to a lottery that could be a scam when you can just play the CCP lottery which can't be a scam?"

  2. The "seal of approval": This issue takes the form of certain events which are given access to special tools (special space, special tournament client), special prizes (unique ships), and special privileges (posting a thread that belongs in In-Game Events & Gatherings into the much more trafficked General Discussion, for example). This stamp of approval give certain events a competitive edge over other events, and other event organisers suffer from the decrease in spectators, sponsors, and participants.

There is a solution to this problem, it is both very simple, and very painful for those who are benefiting from the current state of the events business. The solution is as follows:

Step 1: Firstly, enforce the ideology of "every player should play the game as a player". When a CCP employee logs on to Tranquility, it is either to correct an issue, such as responding to and rectifying quirks in the game engine (for example teleporting a titan that was bumped out of a POS shield at an impossible velocity and cannot be chased down by a player) OR to play the game as a player, whereby they log on to their normal player character, and abide by the game mechanics like every other player. Anything else results in catastrophe, such as the incident in the past with the CCP employee spawning T2 blueprints with his game master character to give his corporation a competitive advantage in the industry.

Teleporting regular players to special protected solar systems, or logging on to Tranquility with a special client for the purpose of an event is, in my opinion, the very same thing as spawning T2 blueprints. You are giving one event organiser a competitive advantage in the events business.

Step 2: No exclusive prizes. (or, everyone gets exclusive prizes)

This builds upon the same fundamental principle of EVE: When you log on to Tranquility and create your character, you are given the opportunity to achieve any one thing that any other player has achieved. If you want to fly that giant titan ship that you saw in a big alliance battle, you can have that. You can own the space, you can build that titan, you can train the skills. The events business is no different. You should have the opportunity right from the start to achieve the things that anyone else has achieved. But you don't. You can never build "the largest PVP tournament in EVE", because the largest PVP tournament in EVE is "official", and you are not "official".

And that, as simple as it sounds, is the solution to fixing the events business. Put everyone on a level playing field, and their accomplishments and failures will mean something. If a CCP employee wants to achieve the same things in his EVE career, then that CCP employee must do it through the same means, opportunities, and restrictions as every other player: Log on as a player, organise an event as a player, and become trusted as a player, the same conditional trust that applies to all players.

Or, the equally simple (but infinitely impractical), equally valid solution: Make everyone a "CCP employee". Let everyone design their own unique prizes, let everyone spawn special ships and log in with modified tournament clients, let everyone teleport each other to POLARIS space if they feel that regular space is too dangerous for their event. I think the former is preferable, and the latter would cause chaos. But they are both the same in terms of solving the problem, just with different consequences.
Order of the Red Kestrel
#27 - 2014-02-02 02:11:03 UTC
CCP Bro wrote:
Ways to reduce the player money gap

I think you've gone a long way to reducing the gap in the recent years with 3% implants only. I think the current cost to entry is fairly decent. A lot of the winning setups last year cost under 2 billion isk which I think is an acceptable price tag for a new team competing in the tournament. (And you can easily do 6 BC/6 Cruiser Rush or whatever if you are struggling to find the cash to compete.) I think maybe refunding the plex entry cost to teams who make it past the group stages could make things more attractive for smaller teams.

CCP Bro wrote:
Ways to increase interest in tournaments, both for participants and viewers

I would like to see more trading cards in the game like the NEO cards you handed out. Perhaps even have Player cards for competing teams (like baseball cards) for players who have taken part in x amount of matches and have their ship history listed in the tournament. Having yourself added as a permanent part of the game's history on an in-game collectible really excites me as a player. You could also then have in-game booster packs that contain so many of these cards given out to people who compete in the tournament, at holiday events, and for sales promotions like a free booster pack for every PLEX you buy etc. They would be relatively low effort to implement would just require someone to do research and type it up onto an in-game item description.

I also think that the prize distribution in the tournament should be changed, currently there is a massive payout for 1st place and 2nd place, 3rd place gets 100x less and 4th place is worthless. I think this creates a less meaningful final series, as essentially, whether win or lose in the final you are guaranteed almost the same prize as the 1st place winner, and there is everything to play for in the 2nd Vs 3rd place match, but 3rd vs 4th place is a complete booby prize fighting for a small amount of isk and a bronze medal. If you redistributed the 50 unique frigate hulls and the 50 unique cruiser hulls to the following I think it would create more interest in the semi final set of matches and also encourage more teams to be competitive because you don't have to make it to the finals to get a prize.

1st: 30 Unique Cruiser Hulls & 30 Unique Frigate Hulls
2nd: 15 Unique Cruiser Hulls & 15 Unique Frigate Hulls
3rd: 5 Unique Cruiser Hulls & 5 Unique Frigate Hulls
4th: Some Plex Prize

Perhaps have smaller plex prizes like refunded entrance fee for teams who make it past the group stages.

CCP Bro wrote:
Ways to encourage new teams to participate in tournaments

Again, by spreading the wealth of victory slightly more outside of the finals and into more places I think more teams will think they have a shot of winning, and getting yourself on a in-game item and being part of history even if you end up going 0-2 in the tournament is attractive to some players.

CCP Bro wrote:
Ways to tier tournaments so everyone can find a tournament to be competitive in

Prehaps you could have a 'little cup' or 'newbies cup' or something that only allows X year old accounts to compete and players who have never competed in a tournament before Obviously this may involve having to look at IPs & Hardware IDs to try and prevent smurfs. And a lesser prize such as pirate faction rookie ships etc. at the end.

You could also just have a tournament that only allows ships which are in easy reach of newer players like "t1 Cruisers, t2/t1 Destroyers and t2/t1 Frigates only".

Contributer to Eve is Easy:

Solo PvP is possible with a 20 day old character! :)

PFU Consortium
#28 - 2014-02-03 04:12:47 UTC
Personally, I'd be in favour of an actual PvP arena setup... something like arena stations that people can dock at, inside of which is a big hollow space that fights can happen in. Undocking into that space would be done through a specialized interface system, which could be used both for tournaments and for other types of consensual PvP. The arena interface would let you set up fights according to some reasonable number of parameters (open fights vs by-invitation ones, limitations by ship class/tech as desired, and so on). The system should also support options for prizes and spectator mode.

That gives individual players the tools to set up their own tournaments, up to and including everything CCP would do for the big-deal tournaments (except for 'spawn prizes', which shouldn't happen anyway), while incidentally setting up a proper system for 'honourable' 1v1 PvP for the guys who whine about that. At the same time, it would still be within the sandbox... people would still need to fly real ships to the arena, and would actually lose them within. At the very least, it'd also be preferable to some tournaments getting the blessing of CCP teleporting stuff out to a magical PvP instance, and some tournaments having to play on Singularity or similar.
Julius Rigel
#29 - 2014-02-03 08:47:20 UTC
Endovior wrote:
Personally, I'd be in favour of an actual PvP arena setup [...]
Your idea includes the criterion that everyone has access to the same tools, both in terms of prizes and location. That makes sense to me.

I'm still concerned about the integrity of the sandbox. I see a minor issue with introducing a feature or tool which is result-oriented rather than process-oriented.

To illustrate the difference between a tool that enables a process versus a tool that enables a result:

Old probes were a process-oriented tool. Drop a probe in a specific location. Hit "scan". The probe gives you coordinates of the signals it finds, no matter how accurate or inaccurate.

If you want to pinpoint the signal, you normally warp to the scanned location, drop a more accurate (but lower range) probe, and scan again. This gives you a more accurate signal that you can warp to.

You can repeat this until you get a signal that is accurate enough to place you within sub-warp distance of the target (generally on the same grid, or in some circumstances a neighboring grid, for example if you're probing for a nano ship that is moving fast, which means it won't be where you scanned it when you get there).

These probes were just a feature of the game that did specific things within the game engine. They would return warpable spots on your map which corresponded to (coordinates of some scannable object) + (some random offset to emulate inaccuracy). There was no purpose, or suggested use built into the mechanism of the probes. There was only the mechanism of how the probes worked, the process for how to use the tool.

This meant that, yes, if you wanted to, you could use the probes to do the thing they were intended to do (find objects). But you could also use the mechanisms to create different results. For example, you could intentionally use a large probe to produce an inaccurate signal, which would give you a warpable location on your map that did not correspond to any celestial or line between two celestials. An instant safespot. Thus, ships that would fit probe launchers had some potential additional tactical abilities which happened to suit them very well. You could use probes to find hidden pilots, and also use them to hide yourself. Now that's what I call brilliant game design.

On the other hand, new probes are the opposite. Drop 8 probes in a pre-suggested formation (which happens to be the optimal formation for blanketing a system), hit scan, and the probes generate non-warpable locations which represent the location of the scanned objects plus some inaccuracy.

Next, arrange the probes into a pinpointing formation (there is a button which arranges the probes for you, and it happens to arrange them into the optimal formation), and keep scanning, moving, and scaling down the probes until you have a 100% signal. Only then do you get a warpable location, which corresponds to exactly where the object was scanned, with no deviation.

These probes are not just a tool that you can use however you like. There is no "flip-side" or alternate process you can use to produce different results. They are just the prescribed way to find hidden objects, and they don't do anything else. That, in my opinion, goes against the grain of the concept of the sandbox. A result-oriented game mechanic as rigid as a mini-game. To put it mildly, I'd call this trashy game design that has no place in this sandbox game.

To put this in the context of your arena idea; I think that the over-arching concept of having a separate place, unconnected to the universe outside, where sterile, pre-arranged fights can take place... it kind of defeats the whole point of EVE. One of the fundamental principles of EVE is that in order to play the game, you must hit the "undock" button to throw yourself out into the wonderful, dangerous, unpredictable galaxy, and subject yourself to the lingering possibility of disaster. You could get suicide ganked. You could have your mining picnic ruined by bumpers. You could have your mission item stolen by a ninja.

You have to incorporate the presence of everyone else into your gameplay considerations.

Running a successful event in the events business demands that you take these things into account. If you're going to have many participants or spectators in one place, you need to figure out how to minimize the risk. You need to get people to spread out to discourage smartbombing. You need to have a contingency in place to deal with potential suicide gankers taking out your contestants. You have to think about where to host your event, who is going to show up, whether you need to accommodate negative sec status pirates, or negative faction standing militia members. You need to know what to tell someone when they inform you that they are at war with another participant.

I think if you had such an arena as you describe, it might sterilize a lot of what makes EVE into EVE. And if EVE is not EVE, then it is just another hotkey MMO, albeit with wonky inputs and complicated damage formulae.
PFU Consortium
#30 - 2014-02-03 13:29:34 UTC
Julius Rigel wrote:
To put this in the context of your arena idea; I think that the over-arching concept of having a separate place, unconnected to the universe outside, where sterile, pre-arranged fights can take place... it kind of defeats the whole point of EVE. One of the fundamental principles of EVE is that in order to play the game, you must hit the "undock" button to throw yourself out into the wonderful, dangerous, unpredictable galaxy, and subject yourself to the lingering possibility of disaster. You could get suicide ganked. You could have your mining picnic ruined by bumpers. You could have your mission item stolen by a ninja.

You have to incorporate the presence of everyone else into your gameplay considerations.

Running a successful event in the events business demands that you take these things into account. If you're going to have many participants or spectators in one place, you need to figure out how to minimize the risk. You need to get people to spread out to discourage smartbombing. You need to have a contingency in place to deal with potential suicide gankers taking out your contestants. You have to think about where to host your event, who is going to show up, whether you need to accommodate negative sec status pirates, or negative faction standing militia members. You need to know what to tell someone when they inform you that they are at war with another participant.

I think if you had such an arena as you describe, it might sterilize a lot of what makes EVE into EVE. And if EVE is not EVE, then it is just another hotkey MMO, albeit with wonky inputs and complicated damage formulae.

I get your point, really... but the fact of the matter is that these "sterile, pre-arranged fights" already take place on a semi-regular basis. That's what the whole point of tournaments is. Maybe you don't like that idea, that's fine. I, personally, don't fly at that level either. My point is that tournaments already exist, they already take people out into a safe random instance to fight. That's a problem for all the reasons you're suggesting, but it's worse since it exists right now in a 'CCP meddling in the sandbox' sense.

If things were changed so that there were a small number of PvP arenas in hisec (no more than 5, I think; one per race, plus a CONCORD-run one), then the alliance tournament (and, for that matter, any other big important tournament) would be held at a specific place in EVE. People interested in meddling with it could wardec the participants and camp the station, trying to stop people from getting their ships into position. They could attempt to suicide gank unique and expensive stuff en-route. That's something that can't happen when the tournaments are exclusively in CCP hands, arranged by magical teleportation, the result of putting these tools into player control. Sure, the actual fights themselves are isolated from the rest of the sandbox while they're going on... that's kind of the point. That kind of even environment doesn't destroy the concept of events, it gives more tools with which to enact them, more ways for people who want that kind of gameplay to get involved with it, and more ways for tournament gameplay to exist within the context of the larger sandbox.
Julius Rigel
#31 - 2014-02-04 07:55:25 UTC
Endovior wrote:
My point is that tournaments already exist, they already take people out into a safe random instance to fight. That's a problem for all the reasons you're suggesting
Yes, we agree on this.

CCP is abusing their powers to monopolise the tournament market.

Endovior wrote:
but it's worse since it exists right now in a 'CCP meddling in the sandbox' sense.
No, I don't think the solution to one problem (abuse of power) is creating a different problem - you be unable to wedding-crash a tournament because the contestants just keep their tournament-fit ships in the station and (if they want to be safe) simply clone-jump there when it's time to participate.

In my opinion these are both equally important aspects of EVE; you have to take risk, and you have access to the same tools as everyone else. Moving the offending aspect of the game (alliance tournament) from one to the other isn't as good a solution as simply removing the problem by having the event abide by the game mechanics that already exist.

Another reason why your solution, the PVP arena, is not adequate, is that it only caters to one type of event; arranged PVP tournaments. Every other type of event that competes for viewers and participants with the offending events is going to be at a new disadvantage. Warp racing, for example - which takes place in space, and over a large number of solar systems, since the goal is to warp and jump from system to system, plan your route carefully to avoid potential hazards, and get to a destination as quickly as possible - would not benefit from the secure environment of the arena, because it would still have to happen in space, and still be subject to all the risks and dangers of undocking.

Same with pretty much any other type of in-space event. If you held a probing competition, you couldn't really do it in the arena. If you did one of those "I'm hiding somewhere in low sec, first person to find me and pod me gets a prize" type things, that would also not be suited for your arena.

The inherent danger of undocking is such a fundamental part of EVE that you can't just push it to the side. You would be turning EVE into a different game.
PFU Consortium
#32 - 2014-02-04 13:22:41 UTC
I don't really see your point. I'm getting "here's a list of arbitrary non-tournament events that would not be improved by an improvement to the tournament system, therefore the tournament system should not be improved."

This strikes me as a bad point, so you may want to elaborate. There is a demand for tournaments. Tournament gameplay requires a measure of protection, since otherwise you don't get 'fair fights', you get 'gatecamps' and 'hotdrops' and such... which are interesting, but are qualitatively different from the kind of content people are looking for in a tournament setting. That measure of protection is currently only provided by CCP for certain official tournaments, and is counterfeited by certain other events (by the method of taking them out of the sandbox entirely and running them somewhere else).

My proposal is to take some of CCP's tools and put them in player hands, as a strict improvement on tournaments being exclusively CCP-run. I don't have a position on 'all the other possible events players might possibly want to run', aside from 'not everything needs its own dedicated subsystem'. That said, this particular kind of content kind of does need a particular subsystem to exist at all, and so I support putting that gameplay in the hands of more people. The kind of people who will proceed to play arena games exclusively, and never venture out beyond the boundaries of hisec weren't ever going to join your other events anyway.

As a side note, the idea that a PvP arena into which two people (or fleets) undock and one is guaranteed to be destroyed being less dangerous than other kinds of events is somewhat bizarre. This isn't the 'VR combat simulator' proposal. If you want to get into a fight in the arena, then you're either winning or losing your ship (barring a few rare cases which legitimately end in draws).
Azami Nevinyrall
#33 - 2014-02-04 14:14:47 UTC I continue to read this thread over.

CCP wants more tournament style gameplay. Readily available for anyone?

Well, this is an option I've thought of...

Why not do arena based PVP..........let me explain this concept!

Make a REALLY big station /somewhere/ where exactly, I don't know. And when I mean big, I mean several hundred kilometres. Its a station, but inside the station is an arena, a really big one!

Make the Arena the only "instanced" place in EVE.

People formup, make teams in a fleet. They randomly get pared up against another fleet. Either Frigs/Cruisers/BCs only or mixed fleets. Killmails work the same, but location is shown up as in the arena. Killboards will more the likely poke their sites to show statistics.

Every weekend/other weekend. Have mini tournaments setup through twitchtv.

Also, have players host events/fights on CCPs TwitchTV channel. (Obviously trusted players)

More gameplay, tournament style fighting readily available for everyone!


Julius Rigel
#34 - 2014-02-05 08:12:26 UTC
Endovior wrote:
I don't really see your point. I'm getting "here's a list of arbitrary non-tournament events that would not be improved by an improvement to the tournament system, therefore the tournament system should not be improved."
You seem hung up on the word "tournament". Would you feel better if I called it "racing tournament" or "probing tournament"?

Endovior wrote:
There is a demand for tournaments. Tournament gameplay requires a measure of protection, since otherwise you don't get 'fair fights', you get 'gatecamps' and 'hotdrops' and such... which are interesting, but are qualitatively different from the kind of content people are looking for in a tournament setting.
Yes, this type of gameplay you are describing is qualitatively different from the type of gameplay that happens within the rules (game mechanics) of EVE. Ergo, it's not EVE.

Endovior wrote:
The kind of people who will proceed to play arena games exclusively, and never venture out beyond the boundaries of hisec weren't ever going to join your other events anyway.
I don't know what high sec has to do with this, most events are held in high sec. But if you have evidence that there is negligible overlap between spectators and participants in "tournaments" versus spectators and participants in "other events", then please present it, as it would contradict my personal experience in running events.

The same people who watch my events, and compete in my events, also watch and compete in so-called "tournaments". That means "tournaments" are in direct competition with "events", and as such it is unfair that one should have access to tools which protect the participants from outside influence, while the other one does not. As an event organiser, I lose ISK when a so-called "tournament" happens, because the people who show up to my events are also the people who show up to "tournaments".

Yes, perhaps your arena idea would cause CCP to stop teleporting people, but in the same way that building a baseball stadium might stop the neighborhood kids from hitting baseballs through your window. It's an overcomplicated solution to a problem that is behavior. The simple solution is that they just stop doing it, and then there's no need to spend lots of resources on building a stadium.

Endovior wrote:
As a side note, the idea that a PvP arena into which two people (or fleets) undock and one is guaranteed to be destroyed being less dangerous than other kinds of events is somewhat bizarre.
An environment in which you are guaranteed that a) there are no surprises (hidden link ships, hot drops, login-traps, etc.) and b) no strategical advantages (such as fortifying a position where the enemy has to come to you through a gate, through a jump animation, through an undock procedure, etc.) doesn't sound very dangerous to me.

More importantly, it doesn't sound like EVE.
PFU Consortium
#35 - 2014-02-05 19:39:17 UTC
Julius Rigel wrote:
Yes, perhaps your arena idea would cause CCP to stop teleporting people, but in the same way that building a baseball stadium might stop the neighborhood kids from hitting baseballs through your window. It's an overcomplicated solution to a problem that is behavior. The simple solution is that they just stop doing it, and then there's no need to spend lots of resources on building a stadium.
Ah, I see. Your position is that you disapprove of tournaments entirely, and want them to not happen. Given that this is a thread about suggesting possible improvements to the tournament system, "Stop having tournaments" is not really a constructive or helpful suggestion.

That's not to say that your point is completely unreasonable... but given that CCP had a CSM session specifically about tournaments, and this thread was specifically framed around brainstorming things like "Ways to increase interest in tournaments", "Ways to encourage new teams to participate in tournaments", and "Ways to provide the community with the proper tools to host their own tournaments", it's pretty much a given that tournaments are here to stay, and that CCP is open to the idea of giving players tournament-hosting tools. Indeed, it's quite likely that they've already started coding improvements to the tournament system, and are looking for feedback on how open those tools should be made.

That's why I suggested what I did; given that tournaments are going to continue happening, the tournament tools used to support that should be open to all players, to the point where people can engage in casual 1v1 'dueling'-style arena PvP using the same system. After all, it's the same dev time that'll be going into the system anyways, and there's certainly people who'd appreciate the use of those systems outside major sponsored tournament-type events, so why not give them the use of that?

Julius Rigel wrote:
An environment in which you are guaranteed that a) there are no surprises (hidden link ships, hot drops, login-traps, etc.) and b) no strategical advantages (such as fortifying a position where the enemy has to come to you through a gate, through a jump animation, through an undock procedure, etc.) doesn't sound very dangerous to me.
"Because I don't like fair fights, I don't want people who like fair fights to be able to enjoy fair fights" is definitely an answer to my question, but it's not enough of a reason to cause CCP to shrug and stop doing tournaments. In all seriousness, I get your point... but you haven't answered my question. What can happen, in an arena into which undocking is guaranteed to result in either a kill or a shiploss, which is less dangerous than undocking anywhere else? If you undock into normal space, your ship may be destroyed at any time. If you undock into an arena, your ship may be destroyed if you fail to destroy your opponent's ship. What makes the arena less of a risk? What is the arena player not risking that any other player is?

Julius Rigel wrote:
The same people who watch my events, and compete in my events, also watch and compete in so-called "tournaments". That means "tournaments" are in direct competition with "events", and as such it is unfair that one should have access to tools which protect the participants from outside influence, while the other one does not. As an event organiser, I lose ISK when a so-called "tournament" happens, because the people who show up to my events are also the people who show up to "tournaments".
"Because I don't want to involve myself in using a proposed new system, I stand to lose competitive advantage against other people who would do so" is also an answer to my question, and it's an even worse answer. CCP will implement new systems which they feel will generate interest and subscriptions for the game. Making PvP more accessible to new players is something which is likely to contribute to that.

Julius Rigel wrote:
Yes, this type of gameplay you are describing is qualitatively different from the type of gameplay that happens within the rules (game mechanics) of EVE. Ergo, it's not EVE.
I shrug. Every time anyone suggests anything that will make EVE more accessible, there's always people who argue against it, purely because they don't want EVE to be more accessible. To be sure, a good part of EVE's appeal is its unforgiving nature... but at the same time, EVE won't grow if it doesn't let new players in. There needs to be a balance, and I really, really don't think the existence of optional PvP arenas in hisec is something that will totally ruin the game forever. That said, there will always be people who feel that any arbitrary change 'x' is something that will totally ruin the game forever, so if you remain unconvinced, that's your prerogative. It seems rather likely that some kind of tournament system will be showing up before too long, so now's your chance to lay out your own view of how you'd like the tournament system to be implemented. Continuing to object to the existing system will not cause it to be removed from the game, so if you really think that this is a problem, you need to reconsider your approach.
Julius Rigel
#36 - 2014-02-06 07:47:11 UTC
Endovior wrote:
Ah, I see. Your position is that you disapprove of tournaments entirely, and want them to not happen. Given that this is a thread about suggesting possible improvements to the tournament system, "Stop having tournaments" is not really a constructive or helpful suggestion.
I said "stop teleporting people". That doesn't stop you from having tournaments. I don't disapprove of tournaments. Just follow the rules that all the other players have to follow, and I'm happy.

I disagree that being employed at CCP means you can play the game differently than all the other players, when your gameplay is taking place in, and affecting, the game environment. Regardless of who pays your salary, you can log on to the game as a regular player, on a regular player character, and if you want to host a tournament as that player, with that player character, then you have the privilege of doing so, same as everyone else.

Endovior wrote:
Indeed, it's quite likely that they've already started coding improvements to the tournament system, and are looking for feedback on how open those tools should be made.
If that's their decision, then so be it. All I can do when faced with the concept of a new feature is to look at the information provided, look at the information I already have, and form an opinion. My opinion is that could make EVE less EVE, and I'm here to play EVE, so that is a step in the wrong direction.

Endovior wrote:
"Because I don't like fair fights, I don't want people who like fair fights to be able to enjoy fair fights"
I like fair fights. I want others to enjoy fair fights. When I want a fair fight, I play a game that has fair fights. So does everyone else. EVE is not that game. EVE does not mechanically support fair fights.

Endovior wrote:
What makes the arena less of a risk? What is the arena player not risking that any other player is?
I don’t know, you tell me.

If there’s no difference in risk between undocking to fight, and using your arena idea to fight, then what’s the point of the arena? We can already undock.

The rest of your idea is great; an interface with brackets and sign-ups and space for indicating prizes and tournament locations and what equipment to bring, restricting who can sign up or making the tournament public, and so on. All that is great. I would love to have that. That would make hosting my tournaments so much easier.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2014-02-07 20:10:27 UTC
CCP Bro wrote:
I really like what I am reading here so far. I'd also want to open the floor for some alternative competitive event ideas. Much like earlier in this thread. We worked on a "hunger games" concept a bit back but that got scrapped. So if you can think of something cool I'd definitely like to do something different.

I would like to think that this is still available. This could be an awesome concept and would really work with modern mobile items.

Have all players start at a beacon say 50 km from the cornucopia. At the cornucopia, there would be various cargo containers full of misc items as well as mobile depots. Along the radius of the cornucopia, say 15 km away, there would be several smaller containers with less items in them. Players would have to scoop and refit there, or scoop and make a run for it. There would be other beacons or celestial that they could warp to, perhaps another outpost with loot. Or maybe they could warp to an asteroid belt and kill the npcs there, which could drop t2 loot, for the user to put on his/her ship if desired.

I am not sure how sponsors would work but I am sure something could be figured out. Maybe a CCP member gives said player a gift from his/her sponsor. Maybe they could "redeem item to cargohold".

Some restrictions would be, no cloaking devices allowed, period. You would have to also have a system wide effect that prevents users from creating bookmarks. This would prevent people from hiding, or if you do allow bookmarks, maybe after 5-10 mins of staying out of the fight, npcs police or rogue drones would come and attack to encourage you to warp away.

Anyways, I think it would be a neat idea. It could be done as a Free For All or in teams of two.

Green Gambit
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#38 - 2014-02-10 11:32:08 UTC
CCP Bro wrote:

  • Ways to reduce the player/money gap

Run tournaments on a dedicated server where all players have all skills maxed, and all items are effectively free.

Or if running the AT on TQ, then add stations in the tournament systems with all allowed items on sale at a reasonable cost, and don't allow players to take anything back with them. You could take this further and have items on sale at a tournament price, and somehow limit spending - eg there's a price budget as well as a points budget.

CCP Bro wrote:

  • Ways to increase interest in tournaments, both for participants and viewers

Take a look at any sports coverage, and how they do the analysis in breaks in the match. Do this for Eve. There should be replays of key points in the fight, and explanations of what happened and why that made a difference.

CCP Bro wrote:

  • Ways to tier tournaments so everyone can find a tournament to be competitive in

Just have different tiers in the competition with different levels of prize - only allow alliances to enter a team at a single tier. The tiers could have different ship/points limitations etc.

CCP Bro wrote:

  • Ways to provide the community with the proper tools to host their own tournaments, be it on a separate server or on TQ

Access to camera ships, and overall team status for streaming purposes - that would probably imply that it would need to be a dedicated server.
Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#39 - 2014-02-11 16:18:32 UTC
Put gankers in the tournament since they are a legit game mechanic, oh wait they cant handle being shot at

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Emiko Rowna
Keys To The Stars
#40 - 2014-02-13 07:07:05 UTC

I’m stuck at work so this will be short to foster though.

Start everyone in a pod at the edge of the arena. At the center place pre-fitted frigates and Cruisers with Destroyers at the edge where the pods start. There could be more ships than people at each level with the exact numbers being worked out later.

At the start the pods race to the center and get into a frigate their goal is to make it to a Destroyer and then back into a Cruiser. Lose a ship try to go back and get inside of one of the same or lessor size until they are gone.

Once you are in a Cruiser you can shoot empty ships if you want.

This could a last person in a ship wins or a team format, maybe even more than two teams at once.
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