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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Priano Trans-Stellar - nullsec US TZ PvP, PvE, shenanigans

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#1 - 2014-01-16 16:35:25 UTC
Welcome! Priano Trans-Stellar State Services is looking for qualified pilots! We're a small, established corporation with presence in Syndicate, in highsec, and an expanding presence in a wormhole system, providing plenty of opportunities for ISK making and PvP at both small gang and fleet levels.

What we're looking for:
ArrowMotivated pilots with grasp of EVE basics
ArrowPrior PvP experience, or a willingness to learn and join fleets
ArrowAbility to use voice comms; Mumble required for alliance operations
ArrowWillingness to train into primary alliance doctrines for PvP operations

What PRIAN and I-RED provide:

  • Fleet doctrines with ship replacement program
  • Experienced FCs with daily fleets
  • Active pilots at corp in US TZ, and at alliance in all TZ
  • Research POS
  • Corp-level and alliance-level jump freighter service
  • Mining boosts in HS and NS, depending on enemy presence
  • Low corp tax rate at 2.5%
  • Alliance voice comms
  • Training assistance with most EVE skillsets
  • Mature corpmates; many of our pilots are established, and know that RL comes first
  • RP background if that's your thing (not mandatory!)
  • Alliance hosted killboard
  • Cooking lessons (if you ask nicely)

Recruitment procedure:

  • Contact Makoto Priano or Eliana Eros with interest and CV
  • Provide full, non-expiring API
  • Complete interview with Makoto Priano
  • Be active during initial probationary period

AttentionMumble for fleet operations
AttentionMaintain full, non-expiring API for PRIAN

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#2 - 2014-01-20 15:48:15 UTC
PRIAN, still open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#3 - 2014-01-29 15:35:43 UTC
PRIAN, still open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#4 - 2014-01-30 16:55:32 UTC

PRIAN, still open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#5 - 2014-02-04 15:32:36 UTC
PRIAN, still open for recruits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#6 - 2014-02-05 17:44:23 UTC
Come have fun on PRIAN fleet adventures.

Still open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#7 - 2014-02-06 18:05:59 UTC
PRIAN, still open for recruitment!

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#8 - 2014-02-11 16:28:12 UTC
PRIANAttention, we want youAttention

ArrowOpen for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#9 - 2014-02-12 18:22:49 UTC
PRIAN, still open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#10 - 2014-02-13 21:13:14 UTC
PRIAN, open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles

Eliana Eros
Sentinel Event
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#11 - 2014-02-27 20:29:42 UTC
PRIAN, open for recruitment.

♥'s and Glomps for everyone...well almost everyone.

Ze Goggles