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About sentry drones, control range and engage range (not F&I)

First post
Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#101 - 2014-02-02 00:35:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Erufen Rito
Tippia wrote:
Ok. You have built a convincing enough "that's the way I understand it" argument and I'm through having a conversation with you. I'd go back and highlight all of your contradictions, but I'm limited to 5 quotes per post and I don't fee like trying to make the blind see. Reply if you must, rest assured I won't direct myself to you any further. Claim it your victory, or that I'm running because i can't _____ or whatever. I'm tired of arguing and bickering with your stubbornness and irrationality, but mostly your lack of thinking.

Your Dad Naked wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Ok, so, just recapping the situation as I understand it:

You are wondering why, in this situation, your drones cannot shoot the target when the target is outside your drone control range, despite the target being in your drones range.

Mechanically, this would be broken. Like OP broken so bad that nobody else would fly any snipers that are not Ishtars or Dominixes. Reason being, as the distances are labeled in my diagram, a ship sniping with sentry drones would come out to an effective range of Dt = Ddc + Ddw. This is a problem because there are range-enhancing mechanics for both of the component ranges of this total range.

More simply put, a Dominix with Garde IIs has would have the following stats:

  • 750 DPS using 3 DDAs, from a range of:
  • 171 km away: 132 km drone control range after 3x Drone Link Augmentor II, and 58 km Garde II optimal 3x scripted Omnidirectional Tracking Link II (completely discarding falloff range)
  • 0.0495 rad/s tracking for the drones
  • 402 CPU and 10 PG fitting costs, across 9 slots

Compare this to the quintessential sniping ship, the Rokh. When firing at that sort of range, it can only do:

  • 406 DPS using 3 MFSs, from a range of:
  • 152 km away, using 3x range scripted Tracking Computer IIs
  • 0.0207 rad/s tracking, using 2x tracking scripted Tracking Computer IIs
  • 709 CPU and 1664 PG fitting costs, across 16 slots

All other battleships fall even shorter. That is not what "balance" looks like.

If you would like to rationalize why drones can't do this, you can imagine that your ship needs to "paint" a target for the drones to hit, and it cannot paint targets further than your drone control range. You can even rename "drone control range" to "drone target paint range" if that helps. The name "drone control range" is misleading anyway, since it is not the "signal" range of your ship, but rather a cap on the range from you to your drone's targets.

This is the correct answer to the OP. The other arguments - essentially "but that's how it is" - are invalid as they fail to accurately address the concerns in the OP.

The OP brings up a good point about the logic of it all. It is indeed illogical and "realistically" his way of seeing things makes the most sense. Game balance has always taken precedence however as it should be. Some may argue that hence makes this the logical way but I won't start arguing semantics now.

It indeed does, but I feel something could be done to bring it back in line. What that "something" is, I haven't thought of yet, without wrecking the rest of the mechanics for the drones.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Sunshine and Lollipops
#102 - 2014-02-02 00:40:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Erufen Rito wrote:
I'd go back and highlight all of your contradictions, but I'm
…not finding any, I know, and an empty post isn't going to be very convincing so I suppose you'll just have to make up a claim that you found massive amounts of them without being able to provide any evidence.

If that doesn't work, I suppose you could always resort to ad hominems instead, because those are really good for showing you have a good grasp of the topic.

It indeed does, but I feel something could be done to bring it back in line. What that "something" is, I haven't thought of yet, without wrecking the rest of the mechanics for the drones.
Back in line with what?
Why is there such a huge problem with having a limit on how you can project damage that this limit must be removed?
Why is it a good idea to put a limit on how close your drones must be to your ship?
Rastafarian God
#103 - 2014-02-02 01:46:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Rastafarian God
God i get a kick out of this thread.

I only have one confusion about drones that I have never checked.

If said target is out of drone control range you can not tell the drones to attack it meaning that's basically how far the radio signal to them can go.

But if the drones themselves are farther away then the max drone control range you can still control the drones by telling then to come back to you or attack something else within your drone control range.

That doesn't really make sense to me. I know its designed that way so you are not constantly loosing connection with your drones while you are on grid with them, but it still seems kind of silly that you can control drones outside your drone control range, you just cant tell them to attack anything farther then that lol.

I get why that is the case and getting rid of the max range is not the answer. The only answer would be to have to stay within a certain distance to your drones, and that would just suck to all hell.
ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#104 - 2014-02-02 01:49:05 UTC
Personal attack post removed.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

Sunshine and Lollipops
#105 - 2014-02-02 02:04:05 UTC
Rastafarian God wrote:
That doesn't really make sense to me. I know its designed that way so you are not constantly loosing connection with your drones while you are on grid with them, but it still seems kind of silly that you can control drones outside your drone control range, you just cant tell them to attack anything farther then that lol.
From a lore perspective? Look at it this way: there's a difference between just communicating with the drones and providing the drone with accurate target data.

You're not really limited in from how far away you can communicate with your drones — as long as you can see them at all (i.e. they're on the same grid), you can tell them to do things. The limitation is in what parts of space you can designate as an operational area for them, and that amounts to a sphere centred on your ship. As long as a part of space is close enough for your control systems to designate it properly, you can tell your drones to go there and do stuff. Maybe it's just low-precision spherical coordinates and at longer ranges, the margin of error becomes so large that you can't safely use it as a distinct point in space (blame the Gallente for being bad at maths or something P).

Or as someone else said earlier in the thread, look at it as a form of target painting: you can either tell your drones to home in on your communication signal (return and dock / return and orbit) or to home in on a signal reflected from another target (attack, repair, mine, move to and wait for partial command transfer etc).
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#106 - 2014-02-02 02:10:52 UTC
Rastafarian God wrote:
God i get a kick out of this thread.

I only have one confusion about drones that I have never checked.

If said target is out of drone control range you can not tell the drones to attack it meaning that's basically how far the radio signal to them can go.

But if the drones themselves are farther away then the max drone control range you can still control the drones by telling then to come back to you or attack something else within your drone control range.

That doesn't really make sense to me. I know its designed that way so you are not constantly loosing connection with your drones while you are on grid with them, but it still seems kind of silly that you can control drones outside your drone control range, you just cant tell them to attack anything farther then that lol.

I get why that is the case and getting rid of the max range is not the answer. The only answer would be to have to stay within a certain distance to your drones, and that would just suck to all hell.

Yeah weird isn't it?

They could just make it that you can't recall either outside of drone range. But for some RP reason they are still tenuously connected so that when they can be bothered to wander back in range from that frig they were chasing 250 km away, you don't have to scoop them to regain control.

But that's the core of why they need an overhaul from the ground up. Year after year they've just had code slapped on them or deleted willy-nilly until it's a total mess. It's a disaster that's not waiting to happen. It already happened. And every time they try to modify some part of it now, they break another.

Mr Epeen Cool
Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#107 - 2014-02-02 03:34:01 UTC
So because the whole concept is broken, but it is what we have, suggesting anything different is a sin against Bob, and worthy of ridicule.

Not sure what kind of mentality that is, but I can't accept it.

Drone Control range implies how far from your ship your drones can be and still receive and act on those orders.

If the mechanic dictates that Drone Control Range refers to the target's distance from your ship, it should a)be called something else or b) be adjusted to perform as it's expected by the name. But I'm not interested in coining a name for it.

Moving on.

Drones from light to heavy perform as expected. They will engage any ship within the DCR, because a drone cannot travel outside of it by command.
Any drone class will stay on target once engaged, even if the target falls outside of the DCR.

With sentries, being a semi-stationary turret-type drone, the current behavior limits you to engage your drones onto targets within the DCR, which causes (me) conflict with the mechanic, as it shouldn't work like this.

As explained above, the term "DCR" suddenly falls out of line, and the drones don't behave as the name implies.

And it makes sense, too. Any movable drone should not be able to engage a target outside of the DCR, because it's movable. By 4th wall logic, you could say that the drone loses communication and fail-safes to a return flight to the last known location of the ship. If a semi-stationary drone, such as the sentry, remains within the DCR, it should then, again, 4th wall logic, be able to engage a drone outside of it, for the simple fact that it has the weapon range to do so, and the drone itself is not outside of the DCR.

The way I see it is like a remote controlled turret. The turret will have the same range, regardless of where the transmitter is located.

As said above, you can also rationalize the current mechanic by thinking the ship paints the target, thus the DCR makes sense.
All i'm suggesting here is, for sentries, it would be great if it worked as I've tried to explain for 6 pages now.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Sunshine and Lollipops
#108 - 2014-02-02 04:03:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Erufen Rito wrote:
So because the whole concept is broken, but it is what we have, suggesting anything different is a sin against Bob, and worthy of ridicule.
How is it broken that there is a limit on your damage projection?

Drones from light to heavy perform as expected. They will engage any ship within the DCR, because a drone cannot travel outside of it by command. Any drone class will stay on target once engaged, even if the target falls outside of the DCR.

With sentries, being a semi-stationary turret-type drone, the current behavior limits you to engage your drones onto targets within the DCR, which causes (me) conflict with the mechanic, as it shouldn't work like this.
Sentries work like every other drone in relation to the DCR. Their behaviour is not any more or less limited than other drones.

They will engage any ship within the DCR and once engage, they will stay on the target even if it falls outside of the DCR. Hell, they even move, just like all the other drones… albeit very slowly. Conversely, the behaviour of all other drones limits you to engage your drones onto targets within the DCR. In short, all drones — including sentries — behave the same because… well… they're all the same. They're all drones. They all follow the same drone logic and use the same drone mechanics.

The way I see it is like a remote controlled turret. The turret will have the same range, regardless of where the transmitter is located.
This is already the case.
Joan Greywind
The Lazy Crabs
#109 - 2014-02-02 04:41:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Joan Greywind
CCP buff the strongest and most broken weapon system NAOW because of naming terminology that I don't understand. This should be a priority fix. Everyone that tries to offer their opinion that is different from mine, I will call them without logic and stupid, because that way I can win 100% of the arguments.

I sincerely believe that a domi should be able to shoot shi* that is 250km away for 750 dps because names.

It is me or rpers that claim "reasons of lore" have the worst ideas that completely break game mechanics?
I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#110 - 2014-02-02 04:57:43 UTC
It's really simple why it's drone control range of the ship, and not the drones themselves. No other ship is able to leave their main weapons platform in one spot, and then MJD out of range so you don't get shot up yourself. It should be your ship's drone control range, not be applied to the drones themselves.

If you're using Sentries, then they're probably your main weapon system on your ship, and you're getting bonuses for them. If you're using guns on your drone ship, then think of the guns as drones would be on a ship with gun or missile bonuses. Guns on a drone ship are a secondary platform, just like drones are a secondary weapons platform on the other ships.

Like I said, you cannot leave your main weapons platform in a spot and jump off on any other ship, so it's balanced the way it is.
Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#111 - 2014-02-02 07:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler
It all boils down to this.

As has been said a lot of times in this thread, DCR is an effective limit for the distance between your ship and the targets you are firing at. That is intended. Removing DCR as a damage projection limit makes a drone ship OP, simply because you can put more distance between you and the target without having to use high slots for it.

A practical example for your suggestion being broken would be a sniper Domi squad with no DLAs whatsoever. You can fit all the highs for RR, and placing the drones 60km in front of you would give a maximum projection of 60DCR+120OP+80FALL=260km ahead of you with bouncers. You would be able to hit up to 180km in front of you with 750DPS explo damage in optimal, and no fear of putting your own ship in trouble (both due to range and spider tanking).

Now, add drone assist on top of that, and you should begin to understand exactly why a suggestion like that is broken.
Rastafarian God
#112 - 2014-02-02 10:05:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Rastafarian God
Wait wait wait.... I get it know..

The OP wants to have the DPS of sentry drones with the versatility of combat drones.


You do not realize that sentry drones are called sentry drones for a reason, they are supposed to work differently then combat drones and are not meant to be equal.

If your ship sucks and you cant tank then just put the drones on aggressive and make sure not so have a MTU in space. problem solved.

Also no matter what you want to call drone control range, it will still sound like it applies to the drones and not your ship so who cares.
Decian Cor
Stronghelm Corporation
Solyaris Chtonium
#113 - 2014-02-02 10:39:36 UTC


[u]Unfiltered for the masses.[/u]

Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#114 - 2014-02-02 18:57:23 UTC
Bertrand Butler wrote:
It all boils down to this.

As has been said a lot of times in this thread, DCR is an effective limit for the distance between your ship and the targets you are firing at. That is intended. Removing DCR as a damage projection limit makes a drone ship OP, simply because you can put more distance between you and the target without having to use high slots for it.

A practical example for your suggestion being broken would be a sniper Domi squad with no DLAs whatsoever. You can fit all the highs for RR, and placing the drones 60km in front of you would give a maximum projection of 60DCR+120OP+80FALL=260km ahead of you with bouncers. You would be able to hit up to 180km in front of you with 750DPS explo damage in optimal, and no fear of putting your own ship in trouble (both due to range and spider tanking).

Now, add drone assist on top of that, and you should begin to understand exactly why a suggestion like that is broken.

Ok, so my suggestion raises a balance issue. Then again, I'm certain sentries are easy to kill, and RR BS have a range of 16.8km *nestor*. You are worried about drone assist alpha? Don't be, it would be the same as it is now.

Would it make sentry boats a lot more agile in the field? Sure. They could sit further out from their DPS source and move about, until the DPS source is popped. At that point, all they could really do is leave.

Rastafarian God wrote:
Wait wait wait.... I get it know..

The OP wants to have the DPS of sentry drones with the versatility of combat drones.


You do not realize that sentry drones are called sentry drones for a reason, they are supposed to work differently then combat drones and are not meant to be equal.

If your ship sucks and you cant tank then just put the drones on aggressive and make sure not so have a MTU in space. problem solved.

Also no matter what you want to call drone control range, it will still sound like it applies to the drones and not your ship so who cares.

You are so far off the mark, I don't even know where to begin. Nice try though.

Decian Cor wrote:


This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Sunshine and Lollipops
#115 - 2014-02-02 19:26:24 UTC
Erufen Rito wrote:
Ok, so my suggestion raises a balance issue.
It's not so much a “balance issue” as “completely and utterly broken”. So why do you think it's a good idea to break the balance that way just to solve the problem of your feeling the term is unintuitive?

Would it make sentry boats a lot more agile in the field? Sure. They could sit further out from their DPS source and move about, until the DPS source is popped. At that point, all they could really do is leave.
No, it would make all drone ships less agile in the field since they would have to sit closer to their DPS source and move around less. That's a second problem on top of them being able to engage new targets from much further away. So, again, why would you want to restrict drones in such a way?

You are so far off the mark, I don't even know where to begin. Nice try though.
Put another way: he's so close to the mark that you can't think up of any kind of counter-argument without being horribly blatant about how bad an idea it is, so you'll have to try (and fail, as always) to just dismiss it out of hand and hope that it'll be enough…
Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#116 - 2014-02-02 20:02:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Erufen Rito
Tippia wrote:
Erufen Rito wrote:
Ok, so my suggestion raises a balance issue.
It's not so much a “balance issue” as “completely and utterly broken”. So why do you think it's a good idea to break the balance that way just to solve the problem of your feeling the term is unintuitive?

Would it make sentry boats a lot more agile in the field? Sure. They could sit further out from their DPS source and move about, until the DPS source is popped. At that point, all they could really do is leave.
No, it would make all drone ships less agile in the field since they would have to sit closer to their DPS source and move around less. That's a second problem on top of them being able to engage new targets from much further away. So, again, why would you want to restrict drones in such a way?

You are so far off the mark, I don't even know where to begin. Nice try though.
Put another way: he's so close to the mark that you can't think up of any kind of counter-argument without being horribly blatant about how bad an idea it is, so you'll have to try (and fail, as always) to just dismiss it out of hand and hope that it'll be enough…

a)You have yet to answer how it would be a nerf to drones as you claim it to be. Try to get out of your comfort zone and you might finally understand what i'm about

b)This clearly points out out to me that you still don't have any clue what i'm talking about here. How in the hell would it imply having all drone ships have to sit closer to their dps and move around less? You have failed to grasp the concept from it's core, thus your continuous efforts to try to beat the mechanics into me.

c)So every argument built around the "op is wrong and i didn't understand the concept" premise is completely acceptable because it falls in line with you. Alright then, I guess you are the absolute holder of truth.

Put another way: You are so wrong and incapable of understanding what I'm saying that you can't think up any kind of argument to disprove my point, other than "it is what it is". Cute, but wrong.

Also your reverse psychology bullshit has been disproved. Go ask Freud about his mom.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#117 - 2014-02-03 00:02:50 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
I wasn't aware that drones would engage things outside of DCR. My experience has been that even when set to aggressive, they would not engage targets that, had they been within DCR, they would have. I very well be mistaken, but if I'm not I'm not sure how they would be able to engage well beyond DCR.

If set to aggressive, controlled drones will engage any enemy that either targets the drones themselves, regardless of whether or not they are in control range. Also, if I remember correctly, drones can be ordered to recall to your ship even if they are outside of your control range, which is odd but not something that I would complain about.