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A UI "little thing": Fix the way "My Fleet" copy-pastes

First post
Aebe Amraen
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1 - 2014-02-02 01:22:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Aebe Amraen
It is currently possible select all and copy on the "My Fleet" tab of the fleets window. Unfortunately, this does not actually copy everything: entries which can be expanded and collapsed (in particular, the Fleet Commander spot, all Wing Commander spots, and the Squad Commander spots of non-empty squads) do not get selected or copied. So you end up with a list of everybody who is not a squad/wing/fleet commander, and if a squad is empty you'll get an entry for that squad with a note that it's empty, too.

That's nice and all, but often the people who are in the fleet leadership positions are also of interest. It would be awesome if I could copy-paste and get a list like the following:

Fleet: Fleet Leader Dude
Wing 1: Wing Commander Dude #1
Squad 1: Squad Commander Dude #1
Squad Member 1
Squad Member 2
Squad 2: Squad Commander Dude #2
Squad Member 3
Wing 2: (empty)
Squad 3: (empty)
Squad Member 4
Squad 4: (empty)
Squad 5: (empty)
etc. etc.

Empty leadership positions should be marked, though empty squad positions obviously don't need to be.

Under the current situation, the only way to easily record the entire fleet structure is by taking one or more screenshots. This change would make the information much more accessible, as well as making the copy-paste results actually make sense.

CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2014-02-02 12:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP karkur
Aebe Amraen wrote:
It is currently possible select all and copy on the "My Fleet" tab of the fleets window. Unfortunately, this does not actually copy everything: entries which can be expanded and collapsed (in particular, the Fleet Commander spot, all Wing Commander spots, and the Squad Commander spots of non-empty squads) do not get selected or copied. So you end up with a list of everybody who is not a squad/wing/fleet commander, and if a squad is empty you'll get an entry for that squad with a note that it's empty, too.

That's nice and all, but often the people who are in the fleet leadership positions are also of interest. It would be awesome if I could copy-paste and get a list like the following:

Fleet: Fleet Leader Dude
Wing 1: Wing Commander Dude #1
Squad 1: Squad Commander Dude #1
Squad Member 1
Squad Member 2
Squad 2: Squad Commander Dude #2
Squad Member 3
Wing 2: (empty)
Squad 3: (empty)
Squad Member 4
Squad 4: (empty)
Squad 5: (empty)
etc. etc.

Empty leadership positions should be marked, though empty squad positions obviously don't need to be.

Under the current situation, the only way to easily record the entire fleet structure is by taking one or more screenshots. This change would make the information much more accessible, as well as making the copy-paste results actually make sense.


I'm a bit confused, because I made it so all the fleet could be copied if it was expanded (which can be done with one right click command).
Then you get something like this:

-Fleet (1)
(no commander)
-Wing 1 (0)
(no commander)
Squad 1 (empty)
-Wing 2 (1)
CCP karkur
Squad 2 (empty)

(if you paste it int for example Textpad it's indented and nice)
We wondered if allowing you to copy the whole fleet would make it too easy for spies, but after thinking about it a bit weren't too concerned about it.

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Aebe Amraen
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#3 - 2014-02-02 14:15:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Aebe Amraen
Is there some trick to get it to copy correctly? I get extremely unpredictable behavior when trying to copy-paste, especially with large fleets. For example, I joined everyone's favorite The Forge 23/7 Open MIning Fleet, and expanded all squads. When I hit Ctrl-A, the part of the fleet that I can see at the top looks like this, which is the problem I originally described (I only tried it on small fleets before I posted):

When I scroll down, I see this:

And when I scroll back up, I see this:

So the selection has changed just by scrolling down and back up, without clicking anything, and in no case is the selection what I actually want it to be! When I copy-paste I get the things that are selected, but that's not so much help when the selection is wrong...

Could you try with a larger fleet to see if that works for you as expected? I can't even get a small fleet like yours to work, so maybe there's something weird going on on my end...

CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2014-02-02 14:24:49 UTC
Aebe Amraen wrote:
Is there some trick to get it to copy correctly? I get extremely unpredictable behavior when trying to copy-paste, especially with large fleets. For example, I joined everyone's favorite The Forge 23/7 Open MIning Fleet, and expanded all squads. When I hit Ctrl-A, the part of the fleet that I can see at the top looks like this, which is the problem I originally described (I only tried it on small fleets before I posted):

When I scroll down, I see this:

And when I scroll back up, I see this:

So the selection has changed just by scrolling down and back up, without clicking anything, and in no case is the selection what I actually want it to be! When I copy-paste I get the things that are selected, but that's not so much help when the selection is wrong...

Could you try with a larger fleet to see if that works for you as expected? I can't even get a small fleet like yours to work, so maybe there's something weird going on on my end...


Just give the scroll list focus and copy.... don't select anything.
If you copy with entries selected, it will only copy those entries and you cannot select the commanders.
If you copy a list without anything selected, it will copy all the entries in the list... this is to allow you to copy all from lists where multiselect is not possible.

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur