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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1761 - 2014-02-01 13:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kimmi isn't doing SoE.

Are you? And if you are, which item do you have chosen to sell for? Which agents are you planning on running, with which ones as a backup if you have to decline? How are you planning on mitigating travel times?

This is a good point and one that I think really needs addressing.

I can not comment on this as I do not have data or evidence to back it up BUT

Assuming that Mission X for a Navy Clone mission gives the same LP as Mission X for SOE.
Assuming also that the sec status of the Navy Clone and SOE agents are the same.

Can it be said that LP amount, not ISK value of the LP, is the same?

My first mission, The Assault, awarded 4539 LP. Abagawa and Osmon are both 0.6 systems so if we assume that an SOE Level 4 agent in Osmon gives the same amount of LP for the same mission then the amount of LP gain would be similar or identical as well.

The fact that the LP for SOE trades higher than Navy Clone is related to the player driven economy and is not something CCP likely wants to intervene in and I doubt anyone really wants them intervening in such a thing as it sets a dangerous precedent.

But yes, Hivas is NOT an SOE agent.

For SOE missions, the claimed payout is much higher than 90 mil/hr. Just FYI (read my post above).

Better yet, hear it from the horse's mouth himself:


Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1762 - 2014-02-01 13:55:17 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:

Second, the who, what, where, when, and how will be provided AFTER I run the missions. I wasn't born yesterday. I'm not about to just hand you a gank without you having to work for it.

Caught me.

thats calculating that you're getting over 2-2.5k+ lp/isk each time, that you have a salvage alt and are somehow getting the best missions and blitzing through them like butter.

Heck, nowadays you barely even need a salvage alt, since the existence of the Noctis is basically co-opted by the Mobile Tractor Unit.

A week's skills in a Thrasher with half a dozen Salvagers on it can do the job now.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1763 - 2014-02-01 13:56:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kimmi Chan
Taranogas 3rd wrote:
yup, sounds about right, everytime I hear someone saying 50 - 90 mill/hr I just wanna hit him in the head with a frying pan, thats calculating that you're getting over 2-2.5k+ lp/isk each time, that you have a salvage alt and are somehow getting the best missions and blitzing through them like butter.

I turned in none of the LP. I simply used the ISK per LP Store site to determine that the LP I had exchanges for 1356 ISK/LP. SOE exchanges at 2301 ISK/LP.

I figured that rather than take the time to purchase the rockets, cart them to Jita, wait for them to sell etc., I would use the posted exchange rate so more of the 4 hours could be spent actually being awarded Mission Rewards, Time Bonuses, Bounties, and more LP.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1764 - 2014-02-01 14:01:07 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
For SOE missions, the claimed payout is much higher than 90 mil/hr. Just FYI (read my post above).

If I exchanged my LP for the highest SOE rate (Sisters Core Scanner Probe) my total ISK/hr goes from 29,032,636.00 to 37,441,718.00

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Xira Arienne
#1765 - 2014-02-01 14:22:24 UTC
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the basic claim to justify the nerfing of Highsec is that Highsec mission runners can earn 90+mill ISK per hour in relative safety. However, as Kimmi's initial data has shown, that is a long way from being factually accurate. Now, is it possible to achieve ISK/hour values of those claimed? Certainly, if you have a perfectly fit ship, excellent tactics, near perfect skills and ideal conditions.

One of the posters argued that Kimmi was 'doing it wrong' and therefore having a lower ISK/hour ratio than is possible. Well, that's rather the point isn't it? There may be a few dedicated Highsec mission runners making large amounts of space money, but from my own experience most Highsec mission runners don't have their fit perfectly tuned, or have maxed skills, or even use the optimal tactics; they do it largely for fun.

If SoE LP are overvalued, assuming that they are awarded in the same abundance as LP from other sources (assuming parity between sec status and level of agent), then that's not the fault of the players running SoE missions, but of the nature of the market itself. Inflation, market trends and other economic factors are controlled by players and are just as much a part of the 'emergent gameplay' as scanning down miners and mission runners and ganking them.

As for claims of Highsec missions being as ISK faucet, I would also argue that they are also an ISK sink. This is partly due to ship losses from botching a mission (very common with newer players who assume a faction battleship will ensure easy victory), or more often from the ganking community who proudly state that they make their ISK from scams/ganks/ransoms. I don't have the data to back this statement up, nor to identify the exact number of ISK being generated and lost by Highsec missioners, so this is simply my anecdotal opinion based on my limited firsthand observations.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1766 - 2014-02-01 14:25:58 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
For SOE missions, the claimed payout is much higher than 90 mil/hr. Just FYI (read my post above).

If I exchanged my LP for the highest SOE rate (Sisters Core Scanner Probe) my total ISK/hr goes from 29,032,636.00 to 37,441,718.00

Agreed. But my point is that it's being claimed on this thread that running SOE missions will net you an "easy 180M/hr". So, when running missions for SOE, your goal to meet or exceed is 180, not 90. As you've pointed out, you didn't meet either. I'm simply pointing out how far off you were from the claimed mark. In other words, you're 21% from the mark (running SOE missions), as opposed to 42% (running anything else).

In any case, these numbers that are being thrown out here (90/hr, 120/hr, 150/hr, 180/hr for running missions in hi sec) seem to be way inflated and exaggerated.

I'm going to set some time this week to run some missions and figure out what is this value really closest to. As I mentioned before, I have a decent mission runner with near-perfect combat (PVE) skills.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1767 - 2014-02-01 14:28:08 UTC
I just wanted to comment on Kimmi Chan's work. And it most certainly qualifies as a body of work. And in a scientific sense. You put a question into a testable framework and then performed experiments on that and produced verifiable results. I see other posters questioning that, attacking it, but not in any verifiable way. You've produced results that are 'falsifiable'. We can prove whether they are false or true.

The attacks on your results tend to be 'non falsifiable'. We don't have a way to test them. 'I'm sure I could do better' is not the same as actually having done comparable work so that we have a set of results from a similar experiment.

Basically I'm saying that you've done extremely good work here, Kimmi Chan, and saying one reason why it's so good.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1768 - 2014-02-01 14:35:07 UTC
In any case, these numbers that are being thrown out here (90/hr, 120/hr, 150/hr, 180/hr for running missions in hi sec) seem to be way inflated and exaggerated.

Baltec aside, my assertion has been between 60 and 90 in highsec, which I maintain is still quite easily doable.

I would also like to point out that Kimmi is basically not salvaging, and seemingly not using an MTU. Which would take a fairly hefty cut off the total.

Heck, even going to the correct corporation was a 28% increase in her profits by itself. I suspect that she can hit 60 with ease once we've streamlined her process and/or fit.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1769 - 2014-02-01 14:37:56 UTC
Joia Crenca wrote:
I just wanted to comment on Kimmi Chan's work. And it most certainly qualifies as a body of work. And in a scientific sense. You put a question into a testable framework and then performed experiments on that and produced verifiable results. I see other posters questioning that, attacking it, but not in any verifiable way. You've produced results that are 'falsifiable'. We can prove whether they are false or true.

The attacks on your results tend to be 'non falsifiable'. We don't have a way to test them. 'I'm sure I could do better' is not the same as actually having done comparable work so that we have a set of results from a similar experiment.

Basically I'm saying that you've done extremely good work here, Kimmi Chan, and saying one reason why it's so good.

Thank you.

I really wanted the numbers to be higher. I was hoping it would be a lot closer to the 90m ISK/hr but the numbers just weren't there.

A note about the "you're doing it wrong thing":

If I take 5 minutes off the times for the 2 missions I failed to blitz properly, Unauthorized Military Presence and Intercept the Saboteurs, AND take 1 minute off each of the other 12 mission times for a "poorly fit ship", I would have had an extra 22 minutes to run 1 maybe 2 more missions. I'm afraid it would be unlikely that I could have gotten an additional 240m ISK from 2 missions to get me to that 90m ISK/hr mark.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1770 - 2014-02-01 14:45:01 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
In any case, these numbers that are being thrown out here (90/hr, 120/hr, 150/hr, 180/hr for running missions in hi sec) seem to be way inflated and exaggerated.

Baltec aside, my assertion has been between 60 and 90 in highsec, which I maintain is still quite easily doable.

I have no doubt that it is doable. I disagree that it is sustainable.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
I would also like to point out that Kimmi is basically not salvaging, and seemingly not using an MTU. Which would take a fairly hefty cut off the total.

Heck, even going to the correct corporation was a 28% increase in her profits by itself. I suspect that she can hit 60 with ease once we've streamlined her process and/or fit.

That is correct. I did not salvage. I did not loot. Under normal conditions when I am running L4 missions, I kill every thing, tractor everything (Marauder bonus), loot everything, and salvage everything. All the loot gets melted and carted off to Jita.

The impression that I got was that part of blitzing is to ignore loot and salvage. The point of blitzing being to maximize agent rewards, time bonus rewards, and LP acquisition. To keep in line with this I looted and salvaged nothing (which was hard because of my SOP).

And I think I've been very clear about how I feel about the MTU and other random boxes in space.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1771 - 2014-02-01 14:50:14 UTC
Xira Arienne wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the basic claim to justify the nerfing of Highsec is that Highsec mission runners can earn 90+mill ISK per hour in relative safety. However, as Kimmi's initial data has shown, that is a long way from being factually accurate. Now, is it possible to achieve ISK/hour values of those claimed? Certainly, if you have a perfectly fit ship, excellent tactics, near perfect skills and ideal conditions.

One of the posters argued that Kimmi was 'doing it wrong' and therefore having a lower ISK/hour ratio than is possible. Well, that's rather the point isn't it? There may be a few dedicated Highsec mission runners making large amounts of space money, but from my own experience most Highsec mission runners don't have their fit perfectly tuned, or have maxed skills, or even use the optimal tactics; they do it largely for fun.

If SoE LP are overvalued, assuming that they are awarded in the same abundance as LP from other sources (assuming parity between sec status and level of agent), then that's not the fault of the players running SoE missions, but of the nature of the market itself. Inflation, market trends and other economic factors are controlled by players and are just as much a part of the 'emergent gameplay' as scanning down miners and mission runners and ganking them.

As for claims of Highsec missions being as ISK faucet, I would also argue that they are also an ISK sink. This is partly due to ship losses from botching a mission (very common with newer players who assume a faction battleship will ensure easy victory), or more often from the ganking community who proudly state that they make their ISK from scams/ganks/ransoms. I don't have the data to back this statement up, nor to identify the exact number of ISK being generated and lost by Highsec missioners, so this is simply my anecdotal opinion based on my limited firsthand observations.

I have to correct you here. Losing ships is not an ISK sink. A material sink yes. But no ISK is leaving the Eve-conomy when a ship is lost. In fact, ship loss constitutes an ISK faucet as soon as Pend ponies up the insurance payout.

You are precisely right with the LP. The LP store is a sink and I believe that CCP uses this sink to great effect.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1772 - 2014-02-01 14:51:41 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Once again, your lies of omission are hilarious.

150mil/hr was the incursion figure.

Baltec1 wrote:
I also chose 100-120 mil for missions as thats more the norm although 180 mil is easily doable in SOE missions.

You're right, I should have said 180 mil Roll.


I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1773 - 2014-02-01 14:51:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
In any case, these numbers that are being thrown out here (90/hr, 120/hr, 150/hr, 180/hr for running missions in hi sec) seem to be way inflated and exaggerated.

Baltec aside, my assertion has been between 60 and 90 in highsec, which I maintain is still quite easily doable.

I would also like to point out that Kimmi is basically not salvaging, and seemingly not using an MTU. Which would take a fairly hefty cut off the total.

Heck, even going to the correct corporation was a 28% increase in her profits by itself. I suspect that she can hit 60 with ease once we've streamlined her process and/or fit.

60mil/hr is most certainly much more feasible, assuming ideal conditions (ship, agent, missions, etc.).

Also, in reference to MTU's, if you use them you'll have to babysit and waste time on them. You will eventually lose them to probers (they're appx 6 million a pop), as I have learned. I don't bother with them anymore in hi sec. And I doubt using while blitzing through missions will add any value, as you are wasting blitz time and isk (if/when they get blown).

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1774 - 2014-02-01 14:52:54 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
baltec1 wrote:
I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.

And I see you ignored the part where you stated 180 mil is easily doable. You know, I expect you guys to start backpedaling once actual numbers are revealed. I'd be surprised if you didn't.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1775 - 2014-02-01 14:55:03 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.

And I see you ignored the part where you stated 180 mil is easily doable.

It is.

But its not the norm.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1776 - 2014-02-01 14:57:03 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.

And I see you ignored the part where you stated 180 mil is easily doable.

Merely swapping which corp's LP Kimmi was using increased her isk/hr by 28%. And as has been discussed, she certainly has room for improvement.

Specifically, her Security Connections skill, which her initial post did not mention was being taken into account.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1777 - 2014-02-01 14:59:05 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.

And I see you ignored the part where you stated 180 mil is easily doable. You know, I expect you guys to start back-peddling once actual numbers are revealed. I'd be surprised if you didn't.

Guys I know it's easy to be confrontational here in GD but we all know what we've all said.

Let's discuss the data and conclusions that can be drawn from it. We've had almost 90 pages of nullsec and highsec buffoonery and I think we need to all shut down our afterburners and evaluate what we have.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1778 - 2014-02-01 15:00:04 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Once again, your lies of omission are hilarious.

150mil/hr was the incursion figure.

Except as has been pointed out & proven, that number is not a sustainable figure for incursion runners. That is a best case figure totally ignoring any wait time for fleet to form & any wait time for you to get in fleet.
So..... Yet again, you are taking the best case figures for high sec, while ignoring the 500/hr Null figures which are the best case scenario's. Since people have achieved that kind of ratio obviously it can be taken as a correct figure using the argument being applied to high sec where you want to take the best case achieved by any single person on any mission and apply that as a blanket 'everyone will get these times'. Without even knowing their true fit or if they used alts/OGB's or anything like that.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1779 - 2014-02-01 15:03:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kimmi Chan
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I see you ignored the first part where I stated what the norm is.

And I see you ignored the part where you stated 180 mil is easily doable.

Merely swapping which corp's LP Kimmi was using increased her isk/hr by 28%. And as has been discussed, she certainly has room for improvement.

Specifically, her Security Connections skill, which her initial post did not mention was being taken into account.

I posted my EveBoard profile earlier in the thread.

I've also estimated roughly how much more I would have made doing SOE with SC V. Though I have not posted it. Posting it now:

35546 LP * 1.5 (SC V) * 2301 (ISK/LP) = 122,852,691

(67,865,081 + 122,852,691)/4 = 47,679,443 ISK/hr

ED: The LP is based on an estimate of earned LP * 1.5 for the SC V. This may not be entirely accurate but is the best I can do without training the skill up to V and going about this again to generate additional data. This is not outside the realm of feasibility but not at this time.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1780 - 2014-02-01 15:03:46 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Once again, your lies of omission are hilarious.

150mil/hr was the incursion figure.

Except as has been pointed out & proven, that number is not a sustainable figure for incursion runners. That is a best case figure totally ignoring any wait time for fleet to form & any wait time for you to get in fleet.
So..... Yet again, you are taking the best case figures for high sec, while ignoring the 500/hr Null figures which are the best case scenario's. Since people have achieved that kind of ratio obviously it can be taken as a correct figure using the argument being applied to high sec where you want to take the best case achieved by any single person on any mission and apply that as a blanket 'everyone will get these times'. Without even knowing their true fit or if they used alts/OGB's or anything like that.

Please tell us what gives half a billion isk an hour in null.