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Can a rattlesnake outperform marauders?

Ailio Industries
Blood Eagle Syndicate
#41 - 2014-01-31 00:05:22 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:

But make no mistake. Putting a 6 slot tank on any marauder is fail.

I've already explained why i've choosen my slot layout.

Appearently you know to little about missiles, the modules that you can use in cojunction with them, and efficient tactics on how to use the golem, cant count (there are 8 tank slots on my fit instead of 6) or read (its peak non overheated tank is 5000 not 4000 as i've already said) , and are only able to respond to something you don't grasp with "fail"

Gregor Parud wrote:
That sounds like the same illogical excuses I've been hearing for years now

Odd from a 3 month old character

But what do i know, Clearly a 2 year old gallente pilot and a 3 month old amarr pilot know better how to fly a Golem, Clearly someone with 16 confirmed kills 5 losses with 1.2 Billion killed and 1.1 Billion lost and a 3 month old character know better whats isk efficient then someone thats had 1544 confirmed kills 269 confirmed losses with 945.1 Billion killed and 13.4 Billion lost. Clearly a 3 month old character with years of experiance, can see with one glance what would or wouldn't be an painfull loss for me.

But i'm guessing your right, I am fail because i post with my main on forums, i guess i am fail because i post a fitting and i guess i am fail because instead of starting to insult people i want to know why they chose certain things. Because if that is what Fail is to you guys, then i consider it a compliment.
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#42 - 2014-01-31 01:14:20 UTC
Kesthely wrote:
I've already explained why i've choosen my slot layout.

Yes you have, and it's still fail.

Kesthely wrote:
cant count (there are 8 tank slots on my fit instead of 6)

LOL you are right. I keep missing that pesky DC. But if you are going to try and slam someone for counting errors, you should double check your own. I count 7.

Damage Control II
Gistum B-Type Medium Shield Booster
Caldari Navy EM Ward Amplifier
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400
Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier
Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier

And yes I have several pilots with near perfect missile skills. And I guarantee you they make more isk/hr using them than you do (hint, I don't waste time using them in missions).
Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#43 - 2014-01-31 03:55:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler
You can pretty much tank all L4s with a single LSB and an MJD in a golem. Why would you want to spend that many slots on tank?

Here is a min-maxing LP farming Golem for reference (you can alternatively go for double rigors if you are not proficient enough with dual target multitasking with TPs)

[Golem, de23]

Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Core B-Type 100MN Microwarpdrive
Large Micro Jump Drive
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Republic Fleet Target Painter

Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Scourge Fury Cruise Missile
Bastion Module I
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]

Large Warhead Flare Catalyst II
Large Bay Loading Accelerator II

With implants, the above will give you 1113DPS while costing less than 2bil. You can drop the 4th BCU to T2 if you like.
Actaeon Versaea
#44 - 2014-01-31 04:09:40 UTC
Torpedoes + Drones + Less traning time than a Golem = Yes, In My opinion.

Excuse me. *Checks for Khanid Battleship on horizon*
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#45 - 2014-01-31 12:28:25 UTC
Kesthely wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

But make no mistake. Putting a 6 slot tank on any marauder is fail.

I've already explained why i've choosen my slot layout.

Appearently you know to little about missiles, the modules that you can use in cojunction with them, and efficient tactics on how to use the golem, cant count (there are 8 tank slots on my fit instead of 6) or read (its peak non overheated tank is 5000 not 4000 as i've already said) , and are only able to respond to something you don't grasp with "fail"

Gregor Parud wrote:
That sounds like the same illogical excuses I've been hearing for years now

Odd from a 3 month old character

He's an alt...I'm reasonably sure that's obvious.

He's also correct.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2014-01-31 16:26:05 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:

Kesthely wrote:
And thats whats important here FOR ME. For you it might not work.

And I'll repeat, if your failfit blinged out overtanked gank magnet gives you joy, then that really is all that matters.

But make no mistake. Putting a 6 slot tank on any marauder is fail.


because all ships in Eve Online have standard and approved fittings noone can change in a bit.

or this is from "playing Eve Online differently that i is wrong" crowd?

Not sure What?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#47 - 2014-01-31 16:35:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler
Putting a 6 slot tank on any marauder is fail.


because all ships in Eve Online have standard and approved fittings noone can change in a bit.

A bit. Not pants-on-head-re-tarded bit. Different is cool, worse will always be worse though. No buts or ifs.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2014-01-31 17:07:46 UTC
Bertrand Butler wrote:
Putting a 6 slot tank on any marauder is fail.


because all ships in Eve Online have standard and approved fittings noone can change in a bit.

A bit. Not pants-on-head-re-tarded bit. Different is cool, worse will always be worse though. No buts or ifs.

fit either works and you ship does it's job
or fit doesn't work and your ship becomes wreck

in this case fit works. so we return to bolded part

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Ailio Industries
Blood Eagle Syndicate
#49 - 2014-01-31 17:19:04 UTC
Different then your vision or expectations doesn't mean worse. It means that it will behave differently in different situations.

If theres only one right way to fit a ship, why have any fitting options? Why have different modules, why have different ships?

EG if you honestly think that 3 Target painters on a golem is better then 1 you've never taken a golem out. And worse you've also didn't read why theres "only" one target painter on my setup.

you post a 2B Faction / deadspace paper bag wich in essence can't even outperform a command ship 10% of its cost in blitzing a mission, in a reply to a post that clearly said its intended to clear pockets, loot and salvage the pocket while clearing and then moveing on.

In that i have to conclude that your either to ignorant to understand the fit (expecially even after beeing told theres 8 mods you still are unable to count to 8) (unless a bastion module to you doesn't count as a tank mod) Have no grasp of the ship, its modules, its weapon system or its intended purpose

Or hide behind alts to troll as much as possible.

For your sake i truelly hope its the last one, because then your at least moderatly competent at something
Federal Navy Academy
#50 - 2014-01-31 17:23:43 UTC
oh, you're counting the bastion module as a tanking slot. Okay sure Roll

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-02-01 00:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: IIshira
Kesthely wrote:
IIshira wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

OMG there is so much fail on that fit it is hard to know where to begin.

I have to agree... Way overtanked! My Golem tank consists of one T2 invuln and one deadspace XL SB.

If you're worried about gank just T2 fit it. 4 T2 BCS give you the same DPS as your 3 faction ones. You won't need the DCU because no one will bother ganking you for your T2 modules.

And your calling my tank overtanked? you know that any deadspace XL SB with T2 invul combo outtanks my combo right? not to mention you probably paid more for that booster then my tank, and you have to keep watch of your capacitor, or severely fit other mods to compensate...

You have to manage your tank more, are more vulnerable to sustained damage, cost about equal, and are less likely to survive if someone want to gank you.

To your question if i'm worried about getting ganked? No i'm not worried about gank. Its paid itself more as 5 times over already. because of the price of the hull, even if you fit it T2 its still goning to hurt. It is always annoying if a pve ship dies, no matter if its a frigate or a marauder, because pve ships aren't ment to die.

I have over 100m skillpoints, can fly every subcapital and use every weapon system with at least lvl 4 specialization. With the playstyle i like for pve, there is nothing that comes remotely close to the golem currently. Is it the best fitting possible? Probably not. are cheaper modules equally effective, most likely, but hey heres the thing. I have the modules already. Why would i switch out to something cheaper, just so i can have the modules ly around not beeing used?

Id have to lose similar ships about 10 times before i'd have to consider its isk efficiency, or have to check if i can replace it on the spot. For me Loseing this ship is as annoying as loseing a pvp ship. Id have to replace it. I've had fun in it, (Trust me theres nothing more fun, then seeing 20 destroyers fail trying to suicide gank you) its efficient and i like it. For me no other (Faction) battleship, Marauder, T3, Command ship or any other ship does what i want out of my pve ship better.

And thats whats important here FOR ME. For you it might not work.

The fit I'm using has all T2 modules except the 150 mil XL Pith A-Type XL SB... Not even close to the cost of your fit but does the same DPS. I have 3 target painters so I think I'm getting more applied DPS... If double target painting frigates and cruisers doesn't help someone please correct me. I don't claim to be a "Know it all"

Yes I don't have a 5k stable tank... It gives me about 1800 tank for 1 min 23 sec... You have to remember I'm pulsing the SB so I don't actually run out of cap in 1 min 23 seconds. I'm not a gank magnet so I don't need an "anti gank" tank.

People are beating up your fit because it's the typical overtanked gank magnet new pilots fly.... Obviously you're not a new pilot.

You're going to get beat up on the forms because you could make it more efficient for a whole lot less ISK. Discussion about what works better is what the forms is about. Gank over tank in missions is always considered better with the exception of new players. This being said I'll say the same thing I said to the Rattlesnake pilot. If you like the ______ by all means fly it. You will still make decent ISK per hour and you'll have fun. Eve is about having fun!
#52 - 2014-02-01 05:02:09 UTC
Kesthely wrote:

EG if you honestly think that 3 Target painters on a golem is better then 1 you've never taken a golem out. And worse you've also didn't read why theres "only" one target painter on my setup.

According to my spreadsheet, at NPC orbit speed, three PWNAGE TPs and 2xRigor IIs means you can one shot Mercenary Commanders and two shot elite Angel cruisers. Your fit requires two and four salvos. Not counting NPC regen.

Multiple TPs also have the advantage when fighting in TP falloff range.

Otherwise, your 1TP,3BCU fit is as effective against BCs and battleships as a 4xBCU,2xRigor setup.

you post a 2B Faction / deadspace paper bag wich in essence can't even outperform a command ship 10% of its cost in blitzing a mission, in a reply to a post that clearly said its intended to clear pockets, loot and salvage the pocket while clearing and then moveing on.

Meh, your Golem fit has too much bling and too much tank. If you're relying on an MTU to loot then you're staying too long in the mission (and probably not making your isk from LP.)

A Pithum C-Type MSB is all you need in Angel space. Turn it on and pretty much not worry about tanking. You can carry an XL ASB for comfort or swap it for a MJD or another TP. Bastion module is there just in case.

[Golem, Level 4 - ASB]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
100MN Microwarpdrive II
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 400
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron

Cruise Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile
Small Tractor Beam II
Small Tractor Beam II
Small Tractor Beam II
Bastion Module I

Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst II
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst II

Salvage Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x10


Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#53 - 2014-02-01 09:53:52 UTC
Kesthely wrote:
Different then your vision or expectations doesn't mean worse. It means that it will behave differently in different situations.

If theres only one right way to fit a ship, why have any fitting options? Why have different modules, why have different ships?

EG if you honestly think that 3 Target painters on a golem is better then 1 you've never taken a golem out. And worse you've also didn't read why theres "only" one target painter on my setup.

you post a 2B Faction / deadspace paper bag wich in essence can't even outperform a command ship 10% of its cost in blitzing a mission, in a reply to a post that clearly said its intended to clear pockets, loot and salvage the pocket while clearing and then moveing on.

In that i have to conclude that your either to ignorant to understand the fit (expecially even after beeing told theres 8 mods you still are unable to count to 8) (unless a bastion module to you doesn't count as a tank mod) Have no grasp of the ship, its modules, its weapon system or its intended purpose

Or hide behind alts to troll as much as possible.

For your sake i truelly hope its the last one, because then your at least moderatly competent at something

If you only have 1 painter then you can only shoot one target at the same time without losing applied dps, which is dumb as hell given the overall dps, amount of launchers and alpha they do. Shooting one target at a time is a hilarious time waste.
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