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Disciples of Ston

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#361 - 2013-12-20 16:57:03 UTC
I have been asked to supervise the fitting and testing of the newly constructed Stratios for DSTON. Since the expressed purpose of this vessel is to expand our capacity for search and rescue in less hospitable areas of space, I have also added a low security patrol area to the newly establish search and rescue coordination channel C3SRC. Vecamia is a low security Amarrian system bordering Concord Assembly sovereignty. As such, there is potential for the presence of deathcans. We will not know until it is patrolled. I conducted a patrol today as I made the Diaderi/Ashokon/Girani-Fa/Zoohen rounds. All was clear. I anticipate that more low security patrol areas will be added if we find the need for rescues in those areas.

Back to the ship: I have conducted a very brief first test of the Stratios making only one short flight to test her agility and to gain perspective on how she should be fit. While all three DSTON pilots are currently trained to fly a basic covert ops cloak equipped version of the Stratios, I would warn Mr. Momaki and Dr. Nalthkh that it is unlikely that they will be able to pilot the fully fit version. So, get to training for tech 2 modules, gentlemen. I refuse to skimp on her fitting. First thing I will do is to instruct the shipyard to gut her superstructure and re-fit her with a lighter, more agile superstructure. As is, she does not yet align or accelerate quick enough for her intended use.

Thank you to those of you contributing ideas for a ship name. Let me advise you, that DSTON tends toward the gentler side when it comes to ship names. Consider our current fleet: DSS Redemption (my ship), DSS Mayflower (Ston's), DSS Assist (Nalthkh's). Beside these, there are a few others that are used less, but have equally "softish" names: DSS Safe Harbor, DSS Generosity, etc. As much as suggestions are appreciated, only those fitting the spirit and intention of a pacifistic, search and rescue operation will be taken seriously. Oh Yes, we also fly the DSS Freedom Liner and DSS Nyansapo for larger passenger transport. None of our ships are offensively armed, if that helps.


Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#362 - 2013-12-23 00:02:23 UTC
Today, we completed additional agility fitting to the Stratios. What a difference! She can turn and warp very quickly. Though not intentionally part of the plan, we also made a rescue during our test flight. She handles much like my agility fit prowler. Her drawback is a Spartan cargo bay, but she has multiple mid and high slots for ECM and other protective measures as well as room for scanning equipment for search and rescue in low and null regions.

Names we are pondering:

DSS Refuge
DSS Hope
DSS Compassion
DSS Recover
DSS Beacon

Thoughts on these or ideas for others are welcome.


Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#363 - 2013-12-31 15:31:06 UTC
After mostly amiable discussion, We have decided on a name for the new Stratios Cruiser. She is Christened the DSS Beacon. Her fitting will continue as I have time to study, fit, and test fly her. I plan to experiment with specific ECM setups and then study the power demands and performance according to the current training levels of the three of us who will occupy the pod. As always, we are open to suggestions from those with more experience in the field.


Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#364 - 2014-01-06 15:29:15 UTC

DSTON Development Office Investigative Hearing Report
Subject: Possible profligacy by pilot Momaki in the loss of the DSS Mayflower and crew in an incident occurring in Uedama 116.01.05.
Finding: The members of the Hearing find Captain Momaki guilty of profligacy in his actions though not guilty of malfeasance.
Action: DSTON Development suspends Captain Momaki from all non-administrative duties for a period of 7 days. Furthermore, all confiscation activities are temporarily suspended pending the establishment of a uniform procedural manual for said activities. Pilots Nalthkh and Todako shall abide by this ruling. Furthermore, Captains Todako and Nalthkh shall be reassigned to cover patrols vacated by Captain Momaki during his suspension.

Selected excerpts from hearing transcript:

Hearing: “Captain, this is your third loss of a blockade class ship in the last 365 days. Is that correct?
Momaki: “Yes”
Hearing: “Describe in brief the order of events as you recall them.”
Momaki: “I was patrolling in Sivala/Uedama after making a sweep through Niarja. There had been activity in the system and a number of cans, so we began to make scans for survivors and weapons.”
Hearing: (interrupting) “Did you at that point note the presence of combat vessels in the vicinity?”
Momaki: “Um, yes, I noted the presence of capsuleer vessels at the time.”
Hearing: “Did you note the number and type of ships in the vicinity?”
Momaki: “No, I did not”
Hearing: “Please continue.”
Momaki: “We were able to make confiscation of one can and immediately enter cloak. Two other cans were a short distance away so we headed toward them, planning a quick check, transfer and recloak…”
Hearing: (Interrupting) “One moment captain, were you not suspect tagged after the first transfer?”
Momaki: “Yes sir, but we have been able in the past to transfer multiple cans with quick recloak”
Hearing: “Continue please”
Momaki: “When we came out of cloak in proximity to the group of two cans we were immediately tackled and subsequently destroyed. I was able to escape in my pod. I have not heard if any crew survived.”
Hearing: “Have you examined the combat report since the incident?”
Momaki: “Yes”
Hearing: “Had you known the ship numbers and types present in the vicinity at the time, would you have proceeded as you did?”
Momaki: “No”
Hearing: “Think carefully how you answer this question. Your honesty in this matter is most important. What was your primary motivation for patrolling Sivala on 116.01.05 rescue or confiscation?”
Momaki: (pause…) “Confiscation”

After further questions, the hearing determined that pilot Momaki, while not exercising deliberate risk, has shown tunnel vision patterns in his flight procedures. He failed to properly assess the risks involved in the field and so endangered his crew. Pilot Momaki failed to maintain situational awareness. The hearing believes that this incident was completely avoidable. Blame is assigned equally to Pilot Momaki and also to DSTON generally for our lack of attention to procedure. Hubris kills. We deeply regret this incident and the subsequent loss of crew lives that we value.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#365 - 2014-01-06 15:52:26 UTC

I sometimes wondered if Ston was a bit too bold in his actions, especially after the Freedom Liner rescue, but this...I did not expect something like this.

I hope he will be able to forgive himself.

My condolences,

-Ché Biko
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#366 - 2014-01-07 16:36:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Jandice Ymladris
Ston did act too bold indeed. It is important to remember some highsec systems are far less safe then many lowsec systems, especially if you are in any kind of transportship. I hope lessons have been learned. I am aware he did it to make the universe a better place, but sometimes you have to make a pass, for a greater good.

The type of these systems are usually (but not limited to) large tradehubs and major crossroad systems. The system where Mr Ston lost his ship is a well known crossroad system. The Uedama system already earned it's infamity among the Arcology Supporters.
While we do check cans we spot, we only do it if we can either approach m under stealth or are close enough to the gate. Added to this, if a major armed capsuleer force is at the gates, we usually refrain from checking cans, the crew of the ship, and the lives of the people we transport at that time carry more value. To risk their lives to save a few more is an injust choice.

A while back we had made a report about Uedama, highlighting two incidents involving ships transporting civilians & refugees:

The Uedama Tragedy

In short, always be cautious at places where many capsuleers gather or pass through.

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#367 - 2014-01-07 22:01:27 UTC
Ston did act too bold indeed.

True enough but...

I've known Ston for longer than most and while Ms. Ymladris is correct in her statement, Ston's problem was not that he acted too boldly but that he didn't recognize his action as bold at all. Ever since I first met Ston, he has suffered the flaw of not seeing his actions as bold or careless or reckless, only necessary. I doubt he was feeling bold when he risked his crew. In the Freedom Liner rescue referred to by Pilot Biko, he likely did not even think to himself, "Oh, this is risky." I'm pretty sure he did think, "Oh, this is necessary." Therein lies the problem. Ston has a driving idealism that informs his actions, sometimes to the detriment of even those he seeks to help. Manwe is right. There needs to be procedural guidelines that are followed "without exception." One can accomplish the necessary within common sense guidelines. In other words, necessary does not always imply urgent. Perhaps we all need a little help with that one.

I have a coffee appointment with Ston in Khanid Prime in the next couple days. Maybe then I'll understand what happened more completely.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#368 - 2014-01-08 00:45:33 UTC
A crew of good men and women died because of my foolishness. Worse, what I was doing wasn't that important when I reflect on it. To all for whom it is owed, I apologize. There is no skin I loathe to be in more right now than my own and hindsight is my dungeon master as I lie awake and replay the one decision that killed those who place their lives in my charge as their captain.

I have remorse, but words are not sufficient to express it. This must not happen again and I will submit to the direction of DSTON Development fully in their directives and sanctions.

I am sorry.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#369 - 2014-01-13 14:16:35 UTC
Development has issued its report along with specific directives. The bulk is internal and involves specifics that pertain to our day to day operation. Some can be shared here.

Captain Momaki has been restored to active patrol status. He has been commissioned to command the DSS Committere and deployed to light duty in Jark until the beginning of the new academic term when I will rotate with him. The light duty is not a punishment but due to the fact that we need him to devote time to the establishment of new centers.

Limited permission has been granted for resumed confiscations but with very specific equipment, procedural, and training requirements. DSTON will be fitting a donated Prowler, the DSS Confiscat. It will be crewed specifically for confiscation work. The crew will be minimal, unlike the extensive medical crew we carry in our rescue vessels. The Confiscat is not yet in service so the lifting of the moratorium on confiscations is moot for the time being. The vessel will be shared until such a time that sister ships can be commissioned. That will not happen until funds can be secured and all of us trained in the necessary skills to pilot the Prowler.

The report also gives specific directives regarding when and how confiscations are performed. It is conservative.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#370 - 2014-01-15 23:11:48 UTC
Got a present for you guys... sorta. As usual, checking the wreckage of various New Eden scumbags I keep turning up survivors. Let's see, this week it's...

50 x Exotic Dancers (Male)
10 x Tourists
70 x Marines
70 x Militants

As you probably guessed, I found the first two groups in escape cans after sending some pirate dens of inequity to meet their judgement. The other two, however, we part the crew of pirate ships themselves. If I was licensed to do so I'd put them to work, permanently, but I'm not so I guess you can have a crack at rehabilitating them.

Meanwhile, the real thing you're going to like is that, oh look what I found laying around, is that a brand new Anathema? Already fitted for stealth & rapid escape? Why, it is! And here you were just talking about losing a ship, too. What luck, eh?

Enjoy the new DSS Grimké. You'll also find a copy of the Pax Amarria in the cargo hold. I have to try, right?

Of course, nothing is completely free. I'm working on a little project and I seem to be just a little short of megacyte at the moment, so you think you can help out? I think 1000 units is more than a good deal for what you're getting, yes?

And please try not to get blown up again.

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#371 - 2014-01-17 14:22:12 UTC
As always, thank you, Ms. Luftschreck. We will care for these refugees to the best of our ability.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#372 - 2014-01-28 15:40:46 UTC
While I have not yet had opportunity today to speak to Ston, I have conferred with Manwe Todako and confirmed that he also has been assigned terrible standing from a new corporation formed just today called Against All Pacifists. I would be curious if there are any other pacifists against whom this new corporation is devoted to destroy.

I bring this up in this thread to clarify our response in such circumstances. From time to time, we also will respond with a tag of "terrible" added to such personages. The reason is not that we feel any spite or anger toward them, but so that when on rescue patrol, we can immediately see and recognize the red minus when it shows up on the monitor. We merely assume that such individuals will want to interrupt our work and we be alert to their presence.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Constantin Baracca
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#373 - 2014-01-28 16:21:14 UTC
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
While I have not yet had opportunity today to speak to Ston, I have conferred with Manwe Todako and confirmed that he also has been assigned terrible standing from a new corporation formed just today called Against All Pacifists. I would be curious if there are any other pacifists against whom this new corporation is devoted to destroy.

I bring this up in this thread to clarify our response in such circumstances. From time to time, we also will respond with a tag of "terrible" added to such personages. The reason is not that we feel any spite or anger toward them, but so that when on rescue patrol, we can immediately see and recognize the red minus when it shows up on the monitor. We merely assume that such individuals will want to interrupt our work and we be alert to their presence.

Hm. All of them?

Seems a rather benign thing to be against even if you believe in warfare, much less form a corporation in the pursuit of eradicating. Although I suppose pacifists are the easiest of targets. You don't have to worry about retaliation from well-equipped pacifists.

In all seriousness, the idea of making a corporation with that intent is disgusting, I can only hope their existence is short-lived and they find a better pursuit of their time, soon.

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

-Matthew 16:26

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#374 - 2014-01-29 12:00:33 UTC
Constantin Baracca wrote:
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
While I have not yet had opportunity today to speak to Ston, I have conferred with Manwe Todako and confirmed that he also has been assigned terrible standing from a new corporation formed just today called Against All Pacifists. I would be curious if there are any other pacifists against whom this new corporation is devoted to destroy.

I bring this up in this thread to clarify our response in such circumstances. From time to time, we also will respond with a tag of "terrible" added to such personages. The reason is not that we feel any spite or anger toward them, but so that when on rescue patrol, we can immediately see and recognize the red minus when it shows up on the monitor. We merely assume that such individuals will want to interrupt our work and we be alert to their presence.

Hm. All of them?

Seems a rather benign thing to be against even if you believe in warfare, much less form a corporation in the pursuit of eradicating. Although I suppose pacifists are the easiest of targets. You don't have to worry about retaliation from well-equipped pacifists.

In all seriousness, the idea of making a corporation with that intent is disgusting, I can only hope their existence is short-lived and they find a better pursuit of their time, soon.

I hear that "Demons run when a good man goes to war." but I suppose that is not a pacifist ideal.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Arkady Vachon
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#375 - 2014-01-29 12:26:27 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Constantin Baracca wrote:
Tahrmal Nalthkh wrote:
While I have not yet had opportunity today to speak to Ston, I have conferred with Manwe Todako and confirmed that he also has been assigned terrible standing from a new corporation formed just today called Against All Pacifists. I would be curious if there are any other pacifists against whom this new corporation is devoted to destroy.

I bring this up in this thread to clarify our response in such circumstances. From time to time, we also will respond with a tag of "terrible" added to such personages. The reason is not that we feel any spite or anger toward them, but so that when on rescue patrol, we can immediately see and recognize the red minus when it shows up on the monitor. We merely assume that such individuals will want to interrupt our work and we be alert to their presence.

Hm. All of them?

Seems a rather benign thing to be against even if you believe in warfare, much less form a corporation in the pursuit of eradicating. Although I suppose pacifists are the easiest of targets. You don't have to worry about retaliation from well-equipped pacifists.

In all seriousness, the idea of making a corporation with that intent is disgusting, I can only hope their existence is short-lived and they find a better pursuit of their time, soon.

I hear that "Demons run when a good man goes to war." but I suppose that is not a pacifist ideal.

Nothing says 'I care about your well-being' like a hypervelocity anti-matter tipped railgun round through his capsule, either.

Looks like this 'Against All Pacifists' is a corporation of one for now.

Arathor Dietrichan

Nothing Personal - Just Business...

Chaos Creates Content

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#376 - 2014-01-31 00:12:15 UTC
Against All Pacifists has declared war on the Disciples of Ston so by this time tomorrow, they may legally fire on our Search and Rescue vessels. I am sending out a communique to Ston and Manwe to proceed with all due caution and to enact further safety protocols. We will also be reducing our crews and unfortunately, leaving behind the full medical crews that are usually with us.

Arathor Dietrichan has been spying out our patrol movements, particularly in the Niarja area so he is familiar with our movements. Our pilots are instructed to continue rescue patrols as much as is practically possible with a mind to the safety of our crews.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#377 - 2014-01-31 00:22:12 UTC
We can see the wisdom of Concord's law changes regarding theft, which has left the Disciples in a precarious position over the past months. The skills you have honed in conducting your work should make evasion of this troublemaker a simple task. Best of luck in the conflict.
Constantin Baracca
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#378 - 2014-01-31 00:47:28 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
I hear that "Demons run when a good man goes to war." but I suppose that is not a pacifist ideal.

Unfortunately, that's true. For non-pacifists, I think it has even less traction. Demons blob when a good man goes to war, then they get credit for his kill and take his things.

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

-Matthew 16:26

Tahrmal Nalthkh
Disciples of Ston
#379 - 2014-02-07 22:50:43 UTC
Quick note that the war declared against DSTON by Against All Pacifists has expired. One thing we have taken away from the experience is a much improved way to monitor high traffic areas for deathcans. What was instituted as a safety protocol turns out to be good every day practice. No shots were fired for the duration of the war.

Dr. Tahrmal Nalthkh CEO, DSTON Rescue Pilot

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#380 - 2014-02-08 07:59:46 UTC
Constantin Baracca wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
I hear that "Demons run when a good man goes to war." but I suppose that is not a pacifist ideal.

Unfortunately, that's true. For non-pacifists, I think it has even less traction. Demons blob when a good man goes to war, then they get credit for his kill and take his things.

Oh, you mean 'capsuleers' right? Are we demons now?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.