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[Event] Magna Festiva

Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#41 - 2014-01-29 21:10:43 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Vulxanis Viceroy wrote:

The difference, is I do not claim innocence. Nor do I claim the Amarr Empire is innocent. We make mistakes, but we carry on. You hunt children down, rather than orphans being made as a result of War(no less than any other faction has done).

Just like a Sani Sabik to try and deflect the heat off of them onto the Amarr.

The conquered and enslaved peoples that now make up the Empire due to the Reclaiming might differ with you on your definition of 'war.'

Your definition implies a two-sided conflict.

Ha! Again! This is what you are saying:

"Look, the Amarr have done all these things!

Don't pay attention to the horrors those who practice my religion commit!

No! Let's beat an already dead horse on the subject of Amarr War methods! Bad Amarr! Bad bad Amarr!"

Silas, you are pathetic.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Silas Vitalia
#42 - 2014-01-29 21:13:18 UTC
Vulxanis Viceroy wrote:

Silas, you are pathetic.

The only pathetic thing is when you don't know what you are, what you are capable of, and what ends you serve.

Back to the thread. If you'd like to continue this you can find me in the usual haunts at another time.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#43 - 2014-01-29 21:17:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Vulxanis Viceroy
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Vulxanis Viceroy wrote:

Silas, you are pathetic.

The only pathetic thing is when you don't know what you are, what you are capable of, and what ends you serve.

Back to the thread. If you'd like to continue this you can find me in the usual haunts at another time.

Oh, but I do know. I, however, do not choose to delude myself from the morality of my actions. It is ever present.

But I do concur. This is not worth my time to pursue. Farewell.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#44 - 2014-01-29 23:03:27 UTC
It is a ludicrous perversion of history to compare the sacrifices and choices our ancestors had to make to build an Empire with the heresies of Ms Vitalia and her sort. I rejoice greatly for every soul that could be saved in service of the one, true Lord.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2014-01-29 23:20:53 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:

Guests can expect proper entertainment, culinary delights, and stimulating company! Oh, and there will be gambling, oh yes.

Blooding ritual observing, blood, raider filth, and gambling for the grand prize of a freighter of orphan blood I'd imagine.

Silas Vitalia wrote:
If you fear some chastisement by the public Debbie-Downer parade then contact me privately for an invitation.

Being chastised isn't something the people who associate with you are worried about.

Silas Vitalia wrote:
This will be an in-person, private gathering, so look your best! Dress for excitement, as formal or... informal as you feel appropriate.

Wear red so the blood stains won't show!

Silas Vitalia wrote:
I'll promise the well-being and safety of all invited guests as any good host should


Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Vlad Cetes
Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#46 - 2014-01-29 23:53:30 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:

Guests can expect proper entertainment, culinary delights, and stimulating company! Oh, and there will be gambling, oh yes.

Blooding ritual observing, blood, raider filth, and gambling for the grand prize of a freighter of orphan blood I'd imagine.

One of those freighters would fetch a high price in Delve. If Vitalia cannot find one, I'm sure a buy order in the Blood Raider stations will suffice the Covenant to provide one.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#47 - 2014-01-30 02:40:23 UTC

You of all people should be able to understand that because of recent encounters I'm looking for gatherings where people that might harm me are less likely to show up. Blink

In all seriousness, I think I tried to explain to you before how I work.
Since violence is not the instrument of my preference, words, contacts and knowledge are among my most important tools. Gatherings as these can offer opportunities for improving my knowledge, meeting interesting people and using my words.

My attendance is not to be seen as an approval for any of Miss Vitalia's actions or viewpoints.

-Ché Biko
Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#48 - 2014-01-30 03:11:09 UTC
A freighter! My goodness that is thinking big. I've a bloody Orca full of bloody orphan blood - maybe, or at least I could imagine they were orphans when they entered the flow of commerce. No, I suppose there isn't really that much blood. Maybe a little booboo here and there when one of them scrapes his widdle knee in a free falling soccer bout. Or something.

Does the Covenant have a specialized freighter?

I'm at a loss. Frigates and cruisers and now a bubbly do goody goody bloody nun bloody battleship blah blah blah. It's all same old same old. It would be intriguing to see how the more interesting half of society across the Cluster might modify those voluptuously lethargic largely empty hulls to better facilitate the movement of goods and, you know, "orphans."

Oh! Oh, we do have an orphan! Come sit in Mummy's lap! How were your parents killed?

Of course! Beaten to death by Amarrian masters for spilling salt. You've been reading a decade of Electus Matari alliance chat, haven't you sweetie? What a fabulous year. Midular gets shot in the head, superficial halfwits invade the Federation to avenge her, superficial halfwits dissolve alliance, and Vitalia throws a party.

How is next year going to top all that? Well, there could always be more parties!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2014-01-30 03:25:18 UTC
Hey! Don't put it past Vitalia! That lady thinks big and gets things done. Usually horrible revolting things, but things nonetheless. You have to at least respect her for her ambition and hardwork.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Flaxoloptine Bloodmoon
#50 - 2014-01-30 05:48:58 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
So who is for dinner.......

I have some farm raised calves that would make an excellent entree. I would recommend Gallente. Not quite as flavourful as the Civre, but much more tender.
All of my meat is sacrificed and then consecrated so as to meet even the most rigorous standards of the more conservative sects of the Sani Sabik.
If you're looking for something more substantial and meaty, I could slaughter some of my Brutor bulls. Good steaks off those ones.
Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#51 - 2014-01-31 04:53:47 UTC
Well I was going to attend but Bloodmoon over here disgusted me so thoroughly that I'm afraid I must reconsider. I mean, with a name like Bloodmoon, she has to be a legitimate authority on all things Sabik, right?
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#52 - 2014-01-31 05:11:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkal Hanaya
Edgy cannibalism. Ridiculous name. Not Amarrian.

My 'tacky hanger-on' sense is tingling.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

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