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Ships & Modules

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Sansha Ships

Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#21 - 2014-01-29 12:09:12 UTC
Lephia DeGrande wrote:
One Question, why there are no Pirate Battlecruisers or Destroyers?

Tl;dr, pirate destroyers and battlecruisers would be redundant.

Because the efficiency of the Pirate Cruisers and Battleships bleeds into these categories, making such hypothetical ships redundant.

Take the Angels' Cynabal and Machariel for example:

Cynabal has more mobility than most destroyers out there. (I believe a Sabre is still only slightly faster than one), and has the dps of a battlecruiser.
The Machariel has more mobility than most battlecruisers out there. An Angel Battlecruiser just wouldn't have any kind of a niche to work with between the two.

Another thing is, that with the exception of the Blood Raider line, all Pirate ships have same bonuses across the board, only applying them to different ship sizes and h/m/s layout to a different effect, thus covering the main 3 ship sizes - small (frigate & destroyer), medium (cruiser & battlecruiser) and large (battleship).

  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-01-29 14:31:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Darius Brinn
Leopold Caine wrote:
Lephia DeGrande wrote:
One Question, why there are no Pirate Battlecruisers or Destroyers?

Tl;dr, pirate destroyers and battlecruisers would be redundant.

Because the efficiency of the Pirate Cruisers and Battleships bleeds into these categories, making such hypothetical ships redundant.

Take the Angels' Cynabal and Machariel for example:

Cynabal has more mobility than most destroyers out there. (I believe a Sabre is still only slightly faster than one), and has the dps of a battlecruiser.
The Machariel has more mobility than most battlecruisers out there. An Angel Battlecruiser just wouldn't have any kind of a niche to work with between the two.

That makes absolutely zero sense.

Not only because those reasons would be just as valid for denying us regular BCs and Destroyers. Also because they only apply to Angels' ships which have had an appointment with the chopping block o' nerfs for some time now.

Claiming an Angels' Destroyer is reduntant because a Cynabal is faster than most Destroyers is absurd. What about cost? What about a hull devoted to planetary bombardment and frigate destruction? What about the fact that this is a GAME and you don't really NEED anything, but still we want as many new ships as possible?

Also, the Phantasm is not faster than most Destroyers. Can we get a Sansha Destroyer, then?

Not all ships need a specific niche. BCs are between Cruisers and Battleships in terms of firepower, price, and skills involved. So, another "step" towards bigger and more expensive firepower is all the excuse I need to justify the existance of pirate BCs, for instance.
Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2014-01-29 14:36:12 UTC

Another thing is, that with the exception of the Blood Raider line, all Pirate ships have same bonuses across the board, only applying them to different ship sizes and h/m/s layout to a different effect, thus covering the main 3 ship sizes - small (frigate & destroyer), medium (cruiser & battlecruiser) and large (battleship).

More bullcrap.

Rupture: bonus to ROF and damage.
Tempest: bonus to ROF and damage.

Guess what's in the middle? CORRECT! The Hurricane, with bonus to...guess what? ROF and damage.

You don't need niches. Just OPTIONS. More sizes, more ships, more options.
Prince Volcae
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-02-14 16:17:36 UTC
Wow so if just one person built the ship it get blown up by everyone? Hahaha funny but sad but i still want one one day.

De la mesure dont nous mesurons les autres nous serons mesurés.

Ginger Barbarella
#25 - 2014-02-14 17:33:39 UTC
Chribba wrote:

You have one of those?? Nice... :)

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-02-15 08:34:19 UTC
Prince Volcae wrote:
Wow so if just one person built the ship it get blown up by everyone? Hahaha funny but sad but i still want one one day.

I suspect you are too new to fully understand the scope of what it takes to build one of these things. It is pretty much a team effort by definition to build super caps of any description. The materials alone would be a massive undertaking for one player to build alone to say nothing of the tower you will need to build and store it.

On top of that you would need either a place holder trained up to at least sit in the ship or once you get into the thing it becomes your very shiny tomb because you can't dock it to get out of it and if you leave it unmanned behind a pos shield there is about a 217% chance someone will attack your pos to get to it. In fact your best hope would be that two different fleets destroy each other in a race to be the one to bash your pos down. So you will wind up sitting in your very shiny super carrier until someone kills it without a place holder.

This is all to say nothing of the incursion site you have to run in order to maybe get the BPC in the first place. If you think you can solo it, then I wish you best of luck. You are really going to need it.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2014-02-15 08:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Chribba wrote:

You have one of those?? Nice... :)

Since you apparently live under a rock, in a cave...on Mars, let me be the first to welcome you to Earth. So without further ado may the forums proudly introduce: Chribba.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

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