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Please revise the Insurance payouts for Hulks.

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-25 09:42:10 UTC
Hi. I would like the developer team to address the issue of low insurance payouts for pilots flying hulks. The market prices for hulks are steep (read as disproportionate) as compared to the payouts. Should simething be done to address this; a system comparison between prices and payouts?

I would not want to spend almost 200 million isks on a hulk, have it blown up again by some good in Empire space and then get a paltry return on insurance.

Something has to be done on this or else mining in hulks will be extinct soon.

For your information, should something be done with this hulkageddon or something...

Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#2 - 2011-11-25 10:10:06 UTC
Kandred wrote:
Something has to be done on this or else mining in hulks will be extinct soon.

I highly doubt that.

Insurance payouts are low for all T2 ships. The Hulk is, and should be, no different.

CCP isn't going to do anything about suicide gankers, Hulkageddon or the Goons' ice embargo. It's a cold, harsh universe, and nobody is going to watch your back but you. Welcome to EVE.
The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#3 - 2011-11-25 10:26:27 UTC
It amazes me how people continual bang their heads against a wall instead of turning around and walking in a different direction.

There are too many hulks in gam and this insurance reflects the value. No hulks would be a good thing. Fly missions you will make a lot more money and have skills that can actually be used for combat.

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-25 10:36:32 UTC
cyndrogen wrote:
It amazes me how people continual bang their heads against a wall instead of turning around and walking in a different direction.

There are too many hulks in gam and this insurance reflects the value. No hulks would be a good thing. Fly missions you will make a lot more money and have skills that can actually be used for combat.

And who would produce the ships you need for missions and pvp?

T2 insurance payout is low. Fact. Try losing a couple of marauders, the payout won't be any bigger than for your hulk.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

#5 - 2011-11-25 10:58:45 UTC
Insurance for hulks is fine. What we need is more bounties for killing them Pirate

NiGhTTraX wrote:
And who would produce the ships you need for missions and pvp?

Sadly for you, we can do this for ourselves.


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-11-25 17:14:57 UTC
ShipToaster wrote:

NiGhTTraX wrote:
And who would produce the ships you need for missions and pvp?

Sadly for you, we can do this for ourselves.

Well of course, but you still need the minerals. I was just pointing out that miners need their hulks and need not refocus on combat and pvp, as suggested in one of the posts above.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Planetary Interactors
#7 - 2011-11-25 17:18:11 UTC
insurance factors mineral costs
t2 and t3 production uses items on top of minerals
hence insurance will never properly pay out for t2 and t3 ships
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-11-25 17:33:08 UTC
Better off removing hulks (+ all mining vessles except orca which the skill reqs are change to keep it in game as a transport and ship mover) and having NPC seed minerals at over inflated prices (plus refining skills is removed to donkey punch mission runners Ugh). Fixes both the ganking (cause they won't have such an easy target), insurance (cause the ship won't exist to pay back), and creates a massive isk sink from those NPC buy orders. F*** yeah, know that you miners taking one for the team ruins everyone elses game Twisted