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Thanatos Marathon
#21 - 2014-01-24 19:17:18 UTC
Easy mode:

If you aren't hellbent on running your own corp right this second, drop your corp and either stay in the NPC corp or join a corp that can train you and learn as fast as you can.

Hard mode:

If you ARE hellbent on running your own corp right this second move to lowsec or nullsec and take your lumps and learn as fast as you can. FYI Those lumps are likely to be painful.
Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-01-24 19:18:28 UTC
Eram Fidard wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:

Why so much common sense and good advice to a insulated bucket of entitlement? What is the point of acting this way? Is it helping EVE as a whole to ensure long-term idiot retention? No, it is not.

The new players do ALMOST NOTHING to help themselves in this area. They do ALMOST NOTHING to research the game after the intro tutorial missions. The new players do not bother with a basic google search which would tell you that it is best *NOT* to create a corporation early on.

New players are dropped off into an empty void with a ton of options, most of which are traps that can be easily navigated with the barest modicum of common sense and google-fu.

EVE Newbies need to take some ownership on helping themselves enter the game and deal with the terrible lack of introduction. Maybe then we can get enough funding in CCP to fix bugs faster and maybe even develop more content.

I fixed your post for you.

Damn Bro........ I don't disagree. In fact I agree with Notorious Fellons' original post as well as this one in equal measure.

This is going to escalate quicklyTwisted

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Erufen Rito
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2014-01-24 19:19:51 UTC
I'll make the list of problems I found.

Jaschar Verge wrote:

  1. This is a vent post.
  2. Started a new corporation. / Month old Account
  3. Hiring mercs
  4. You never get to catch up with someone a year ahead of youg
  5. Get some guys together
  6. My corp is new

1)Your tears are delicious. Now he wont stop harrassing you. Welcome to Grief Online.
2)These are pretty much self explenatory. I bet you still fit your ships with armor and shield tanks at the same time.
3)Unless you have loads fo cash to blow off, this wont accomplish much. Second, if it's a well known griefing entity, no one will take you up on it.
4)Actually, you do. There is a hard limit on how good you can be per ship class. It's called specialization. If you maxed out your skills for, say, a friggate, and it just so happens that I have **** skills for the exact same friggate, but I'm a 3 year old player, you'll most likely kill me. Sure, individual know how and skill comes in play, but that's besides the point. No one came here knowing the game.
5)You don't get "some" guys. You get EVERYONE in your corp to ship up and fight. You'd be amazed what a few cruisers can do.
6)Last but not least. I wont tell you to join a big corp and learn the game, because, just like you, I started a new corp with 2 others. We grew and absorbed another noob corp *via griefing actually* and stabilized at around 40 members. After our wardecs, we expanded our contact network, joined an alliance and then broke appart for personal reasons. Again, I'm never going to tell you to quit your corp because you are a noob, and join a pro corp. But I will say that it would be easier to get the grip on things. I speak from experience.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

WoT Misfits
#24 - 2014-01-24 19:26:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Nuela
While I understand your frustration, please consider this:

This is an MMORPG...and, in my opinion, there are way too many small, do nothing, hisec-only corps out there and the harrassing wardecs puts pressure on these corps to justify their existence. Those that probably shouldn't exist will fold. Ones that have strong leadership and strong players that stick around and adapt despite adversity and so a strong seed is born...a corp maybe destined for greatness.

Allowing some schmuck to start a corp and recruit some wimpy, weak-arse players to fart around in hisec doesn't really do anyone any good. Weak leadership is not culled. Weak players are not tested and found wimpy. A corp like that when it starts to grow will look ok but will fold like a wet taco when the first challenge comes along. Best to find that out within the first few weeks of a corps life and have it tested from time to time than to allow this.

New players need to find strong, dynamic, tested corps...not some schmuck thinking "I will start a corp!".

Most players you recruit are not worthy of your corporation. Wardecs allow you to find the ones that are worthy.
Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2014-01-24 19:28:13 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Eram Fidard wrote:
Jaschar Verge wrote:
Started a new corporation.

I quoted the relevant part of your post, which is what you did wrong.

Why do you feel entitled to start a corp? Do you know anything about how to run a corp? Do you have a plan in place for recruitment and creating content for your members?

It's obvious you aren't prepared to run a corporation, so why would you?

Do you think this is wow and you can just auto-invite every player in the starting zone to make gold in your guild bank?

Honestly, HTFU or GTFO. New players and those with zero knowledge of the game shouldn't start corporations. Plain and simple. Obviously there are exceptions but it's a 'rule' for a reason.

Would you expect to succeed with a real life business without a business plan or any knowledge of the market you are entering into? What exactly made you think you'd be a good corp leader?

If you can't handle a single guy wardeccing you, corp leadership is not for you. End of story.

Why so much e-peen and vitriol to a newer player? What is the point of acting this way? Is it helping EVE as a whole to ensure long-term player retention? No, it is not.

The game does ALMOST NOTHING to help new players in this area. It does ALMOST NOTHING to help guide the new player after the intro tutorial missions. The game does not tell the new player that it is best *NOT* to create a corporation early on.

New players are dropped off into an empty void with a ton of options, most of which are basically traps set for leet e-peen stroking pvp-superstars who can prey on the unaware.

The EVE community needs to take some ownership on helping people enter the game and deal with the terrible lack of introduction. Maybe then we can get enough funding in CCP to fix bugs faster and maybe even develop more content.

There are tons of helpful guides online and helpful people ingame.
All you have to do is look.
A year ago i was in the grief war dec stage. I joined a PVP corp willing to train me so that i could fight back but instead moved to null. In eve you can look at these obstacles as things that can never be overcome or you can try and find a way to overcome them.
Whining on the forums is never the correct way.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

#26 - 2014-01-24 19:29:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
This might be a troll, but let's have some fun :D

Jaschar Verge wrote:
I came to EVE because I respect the idea of killing any player, any time, but what is this wardec ****?

So basically you said "I'm fine with the pvp-nature of EVE, but don't you dare make me a part of it!"

Also, how can a single player, keep you docked? I suppose, you really are not so confident of your own skill.

My advice to you, is to join an established, newbie friendly corp to learn the game, before creating a corp.

OR just leave, since obviously this game is not for you.
Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#27 - 2014-01-24 19:33:15 UTC
Nuela wrote:

Most players you recruit are not worthy of your corporation. Wardecs allow you to find the ones that are worthy.

How else can we find people who have the right stuff to want to jam a super into a TiDi infested nightmare lol

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Victor Andall
#28 - 2014-01-24 19:40:00 UTC
Join EVE Uni or RvB for a while?

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#29 - 2014-01-24 19:40:35 UTC
OP: Please check this video:

That's an official video by CCP. "HTFU" is not just a blind shot from people who want to harass you, no. It's essentially the battle cry of EvE Online.

Harden the **** Up.

You have a corp of 27 people, and a single person is attacking you. You have numbers on your side, which tends to be the biggest advantage in the game. Take them out in cheap ships (no joke, all 27 of you could take out fully-T1-fit frigs for under 50m ISK) and, regardless of what he's flying, you would crush him. Your numbers will be his skills regardless of his ship. In fact, they'll beat him BECAUSE OF his ship if he's flying anything larger than a cruiser.

As well, you don't have to have too many character skills, you just need to gain some player skills. It's possible to PvP (and do so well) without topping out a 900k Alpha clone.

Use this time against a single person and turn it into a learning experience. If a fight goes poorly for you, find out why. Go to YouTube. Go to Google. Find the many, many guides that exist, and the next time you encounter a war dec like this, you repeat the process until you are forcing them to go out and improve.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2014-01-24 19:54:57 UTC
Jaschar Verge wrote:
Warning, this is a vent post. It's not in suggestions, it's in general. If you don't wanna hear bitching and moaning, it might be a good idea to stop reading.

I came to EVE because I respect the idea of killing any player, any time, but what is this wardec ****? Here's the setup I got goin'

Oh, yeah, I get it, I should be hiring mercs...with my one-month-old account.

I found your problem. Or at least part of EVEs problem with new player retention.

If you aren't established enough to handle yourself in a wardec, then you aren't old enough ingame to run a Corp

Too many newbs start a oneman Corp or join a Corp ran by newbs for noobs. Its a mistake, and only serves to give the new players a sense of some imaginary wall barring new players from being successful. MAKE FRIENDS. not only will you have older players to learn from, you'll have security to grow and establish yourself.
Then, if you STILL feel its necessary to play singleplayer MMO, you can make you Corp.

Rule of thumb, if your Ceo hasn't spent at least 6 months in each of high/low/null/wh, they don't know enough to be running that Corp. And if you don't fit that criteria, you should be led before putting yourself in a position to lead.
Joshu Mumon
#31 - 2014-01-24 20:13:43 UTC
Sounds like you need to resign.

Too bad you couldn't rally a few members to fight. Even if you all died in a hilarious fireball of T1 frigates, it would have been something to remember and respect.
Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2014-01-24 20:19:21 UTC
Jaschar Verge wrote:


This must be the saddest thing that one can do in Eve. Even my shame for you is ashamed at even showing you shameEvil

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

EvEa Deva
#33 - 2014-01-24 20:48:00 UTC
People in this game live to wardec new corps, AKA easy targets, people who say stuff like (Your tears are delicious) are the ones you need to look out for.

Stay in an NPC corp and take the 11% tax or whatever it is until you can learn a little more or join a corp/alliance that can show you the ropes then make a corp with people you meet on the way.

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#34 - 2014-01-24 21:42:04 UTC
Jaschar Verge wrote:
Therefore, locked.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

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