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Mobile Cynosural inhibitor or Chips Ahoy (Chewy) Cookie.

jimmy alt
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-01-23 13:39:32 UTC  |  Edited by: jimmy alt
Some Numbers First .

Mobile Cynosural inhibitor. <= => Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor II <= => Mobile Large Warp Disruptor II

Volume 300 m3 <= => Volume 195 m3 <= => Volume 585 m3

Shield Capacity 10,000 HP <= => Shield Capacity 12,000 HP <= => Shield Capacity 48,000 HP

Structure Hitpoints 150,000 HP <= => Structure HitPoints 30,000 HP <= => Structure Hitpoints 120,000 HP

Armor Hitpoints 10,000 HP <= => Armor Hitpoints 12,000 Hp <= => Armor Hitpoints 48,000 HP

I Fell the M.C.I is to soft right now for larger scale use. I am not saying go over the reading rainbow in buffing it. I am just purposing that it gets the same Armor & Shield Hitpoints as a M.L.W.D II and my be 100 + more m3 in Volume.
Secret Squirrell
Allied Press Intergalactic
#2 - 2014-01-23 16:02:11 UTC
It also has 2.5x the range of a the Large T2 bubble, and 1/2 the onlining time. Seems reasonably balanced to me.
jimmy alt
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-01-23 17:33:34 UTC
Secret Squirrell wrote:
It also has 2.5x the range of a the Large T2 bubble, and 1/2 the onlining time. Seems reasonably balanced to me.

Will let me help focus you to what it is that makes it unbalanced or "unattractive" at this point to me. like my original post shows that the hitpoint distribution is just so unfair. 150k Structure just really helps no one. What I mean bye this is no one hull tanks with out intentionally trolling or your using a iteron V / Noctis to bait a interdictor. Only times I have seen hull tanking work. If my original post miss lead the reader to think to add more effective hitpoints then I am sorry. what I meant was to redistribute the already current hit points to places that can be see as a positive.

For example: Splinting the hit points of Armor and shield in half first and making that sum (10k) to be the new base structure hit points. Then Splitting the already base Structure hit points (150k) in half (75k) and sending both halves to the Armor & Shield blustering there hitpoints. So Shield Capacity becomes 80,000 Hp, Armor becomes 80,000 Hp, and Structure becomes 10,000 Hp. The same Difference just looks better to the eyes.

Aebe Amraen
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#4 - 2014-01-23 18:06:49 UTC
The hitpoint distribution is intentional, to make it impossible for remote armor/shield reps to keep it on field indefinitely.