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DD Alternative - AoE Wormhole generator

Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1 - 2014-01-23 14:55:43 UTC
So, random idea of the day...

I used to like the old AoE DD, admittedly I didn't like being on the receiving end but thought it was an apt device for the ship class. And I thought the targeted DD was akin to lopping its nuts off.

So how do we feel about a module that scatters the ships it hits into wormholes? the users objective is completed as ships are cleared from the field of battle but the victim doesn't actually lose their ship, it may be as good as dead if they have no idea where they are and no equipment to get them out but its not as one sided as 'I win you lose'. There are an awful lot of variables to how it could be implemented, these include:

Only affecting objects with a certain sig or mass (including drones, figs and figbees)
Affecting both sides (blues and reds get blapped all the same) *would be interesting little side fights if they happened to end up in the same wormhole.
Counter - some new deployable that Super Friends seem to enjoy churning out these days

Obviously the user would have to be at some disadvantage too, you couldn't have a titan appear on grid, do a Houdini on the red fleet then vanish at will, either the same disadvantage as the existing DD or force it to be in some kind of siege mode + reactivation delay.


Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-01-23 15:01:33 UTC
BogWopit wrote:
So, random idea of the day...

I used to like the old AoE DD, admittedly I didn't like being on the receiving end but thought it was an apt device for the ship class. And I thought the targeted DD was akin to lopping its nuts off.

So how do we feel about a module that scatters the ships it hits into wormholes? the users objective is completed as ships are cleared from the field of battle but the victim doesn't actually lose their ship, it may be as good as dead if they have no idea where they are and no equipment to get them out but its not as one sided as 'I win you lose'. There are an awful lot of variables to how it could be implemented, these include:

Only affecting objects with a certain sig or mass (including drones, figs and figbees)
Affecting both sides (blues and reds get blapped all the same) *would be interesting little side fights if they happened to end up in the same wormhole.
Counter - some new deployable that Super Friends seem to enjoy churning out these days

Obviously the user would have to be at some disadvantage too, you couldn't have a titan appear on grid, do a Houdini on the red fleet then vanish at will, either the same disadvantage as the existing DD or force it to be in some kind of siege mode + reactivation delay.



can you even think in something more overpowered than a module that instantly wins ANY FIGHTS? ALWYAS?

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2014-01-23 15:16:54 UTC
Well the titan would be hit as well.
Sucks to be the one sent to a C1
PFU Consortium
#4 - 2014-01-23 18:41:19 UTC
Well the titan would be hit as well.
Sucks to be the one sent to a C1

I'd argue in favour of this, except...
1: It'd put supers in WH space.
2: It'd put supers in WH space.

The random portal idea is interesting, but you don't want it to be something that people could exploit intentionally to bypass the mass restrictions and fill up the wormhole of their choice with a super fleet, which will thereafter be untouchable. After all, if any titan can use this module to take any fleet around it into any random place, what you do is you get a group of them and you fire them off in succession until your capfleet is in the desired WH. Which is not cool.

Personally, I'd favour putting the concept into a deployable, instead; call it a Hyperspatial Destabilization Generator or something; a one-shot AoE portal to somewhere. Once deployed, it bubbles the area, and then starts a short-ish countdown, following which the HDG pops, sucking a random mass of nearby ships into some random place with it. The overall number of ships is semi-random, up to a certain mass limit... so it won't grab supers, and may or may not grab ordinary caps, but will probably grab a sizable portion of any subcap fleet in range. Note, of course, that this is in no way unstoppable; a prepared force can immediately target and destroy the HDG before it's finished spinning up, since it's not much stronger than any other deployable bubble.
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#5 - 2014-01-24 10:01:15 UTC

Agree that it shouldn't present anyone with a chance to invade or fill wormholes, I had in mind that 'scattered' would mean thrown into random and different WH's perhaps half a dozen. Why limit it to just W-Space though, since K-Space can lead to k-space, k-space to w-space and so on, the same could be applied here. One minute you're ready for a scrap in vale, the next thing you know you're sat in period basis.

My thinking behind the titan as a delivery mechanism was to keep an element of risk, were a deployable would reduce the risk a lot. But on reflection, I like the deployable idea as it reduces the barrier to use, you don't have to have a 60bn isk asset sat around to use it.

Taking it a back to a ship module then, a few people have suggested on here BS class HIC's/DIC's. Could this be an alternative there as well? You have destroyers and cruisers able to pin capitals down, a bs sized ship (maybe even give BLOP's a proper use) would be a fairly tasty addition.

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#6 - 2014-01-24 10:05:38 UTC
DD Module which project a random WH Effect for the whole Pocket. ;P
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#7 - 2014-01-24 16:39:49 UTC
**Double Face palm**

A unique idea but no.
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#8 - 2014-01-24 17:06:29 UTC
So, your going to throw a randomn group of people into wormhole space without a probe launcher?

Can you think of anything in else eve that is even close to that annoying?

It would make wormhole space interesting, if by interesting you mean - lots of T2 loot salvage and abandoned ships for thw WH community.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#9 - 2014-01-24 17:15:29 UTC

1.) While I agree, that the ONLY way to stop 4000 people from blopping a system into an unplayable lag fest is to create a mechanic that moves players back out of system, I think your solution has many flaws:
a.) Putting them into a WH gets supers trapped in WH's, and more importantly, will often trap most players in WH's so their only option is to self destruct.
b.) WH's are incredibly far away from the objective people are fighting over, meaning you just gave the defenders an I-win button.

2.) A more reasonable solution would be to send them randomly to other systems within the constellation, so they can reform and return to the fight in a moderately timely manner. However, this would also drive player mad.

3.) The only way to truly limit the pile-on is to have sov objectives require simultaneous attacks. Unfortunately, combat mechanics will still result in most players piling onto one grid to stomp a particular fleet.

At the end of the day, the only "fair" solution is to enhance pilot attrition within the fight zone. That realistically means inhibiting logistics, as they are ultimately responsible for players remaining on field.
Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2014-01-24 17:18:12 UTC
Noxisia Arkana wrote:
So, your going to throw a randomn group of people into wormhole space without a probe launcher?

Can you think of anything in else eve that is even close to that annoying?

It would make wormhole space interesting, if by interesting you mean - lots of T2 loot salvage and abandoned ships for thw WH community.

Which is why this is a good idea
Some ships might make it out over a period of time, others would be forever stuck in the WH, a curio and a monument to a time long past.
Also something fun to randomly kill a POS with until it runs out of fuel gets bubbled and dies to a velator fleet.