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Vargur vs Golem after rubicon

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2014-01-17 09:21:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Heavensend
Rexxorr wrote:
I like using the T2 pulse on my paladin.

Faster pulse cycle time clears frigs/dest/bc that much faster.
Smaller faster volleys means less wasted over kill dps.
Scorch has fantastic range with instant damage.
Close targets ~30k conflag is just brutal.
TC in my mids allow for better tracking or even more optimum range.

Pulse paladin is the strongest lvl 4 marauder imo. (with angel npc I use a vargur)

Exactly this.

Conflag 1300 DPS at 32km with better tracking than Tachys. No more to say.

But back to topic i think vargur has more flexibilty. It has awesome tracking and good falloff.

Ammo has no flight time as CM have. Overkill is very small cause of low cycle times ~3secs.

You will hit even close targets very well. You only have to turn AC on not additionally TP or switch missile type for smaller targets.

If correctly used with MJD or MWD (faction with low -% on cap) it will outperform Golem i guess.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2014-01-17 09:40:27 UTC
Heavensend wrote:
Rexxorr wrote:
I like using the T2 pulse on my paladin.

Faster pulse cycle time clears frigs/dest/bc that much faster.
Smaller faster volleys means less wasted over kill dps.
Scorch has fantastic range with instant damage.
Close targets ~30k conflag is just brutal.
TC in my mids allow for better tracking or even more optimum range.

Pulse paladin is the strongest lvl 4 marauder imo. (with angel npc I use a vargur)

Exactly this.

Conflag 1300 DPS at 32km with better tracking than Tachys. No more to say.

But back to topic i think vargur has more flexibilty. It has awesome tracking and good falloff.

Ammo has no flight time as CM have. Overkill is very small cause of low cycle times ~3secs.

You will hit even close targets very well. You only have to turn AC on not additionally TP or switch missile type for smaller targets.

If correctly used with MJD or MWD (faction with low -% on cap) it will outperform Golem i guess.

At 60 km (clsoest range I need to go to have 1 k dps) I can track frigates with 100% hit rate.

Ungroup your guns...

I ran and tested several times. Tachyon paladin get a way better average time on missions. The no need to MJD to kill that pocked of 4 cruisers far away more than pays off.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-01-17 09:48:22 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Odithia wrote:
Lirs Corum wrote:

Is there any gunboat that is good for all kind of L4 missions?

All gunboat with short range weaponand 1 unloaded tracking comp.
Cruise Golem with 2 painter
4 Damage mod for everyone

Dark Blue Golem
Cyan Kronos
Red Paladin
Green Vargur

short range faction ammo

long range t2 ammo

Why to use fail short range weapons? Put 4 T2 tachyons with 4 damage mods on a paladin and NAVY MF ammo.. with correct implants 1 K dps at 65km.

Meanwhile T2 pulse with 4 damage mods on paladin with just 2 implants you get 989k turret dps at 98km OPTIMAL with scorch and 1385 dps up to 33km with conflag all the while having better tracking and CAP STABLE with a 712 dps OMNI tank.

Best part is you have three TCs you can refit to tracking or mixed depending on range and target ships.

Oh and those stats are with only the damage mods faciton, rest is ALL T2.

T2 pulse is bullshit OP on Paladin.

My stats are not using faction mods for damage mods. My tank is also cap stable, and strong enough to face ANY mission, specially since I do not get within 20 km of rats.

Also your numbers are Lies. They are usign Drone DPS combined. Your drones are not doign damage at that range.

Tachyons have MORE DPS than Pulse lasers at same range!!! Put faction damage mods on my paladin, add the drones as you are using and that 65 km damage goes to 1200 dps... 1200 dps at 65 km!

And at the range you fight with a paladin you do not have ANY tracking issues. Tachyons have the extra bonus of when needed, being able to pop enemies 120 km from you with very high dps still.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anize Oramara
#44 - 2014-01-17 11:02:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
pathetic, the fact that you call me a liar proves that you have not actually bothered to run the numbers.

now before you make any more wild accusations I suggest you read my post thoroughly and actually bother opening eft.

I will gladly help you if you ask nicely.

with drones actually enabled the dps numbers are 1088 for scorch with range of 99+21 and conflag has 1484 with range of 33+21

I can draw you some pictures too if you'd like

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Anize Oramara
#45 - 2014-01-17 16:59:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
Ran a quick actual gameplay test. Same fit, same implants, same damage mods, same skills, everything.

Gone bezerk, I actually thought tachs would do better in this mission specifically because of ranges and spawns but with pulse I finished in 11min and with tachs finished in 12min. Yes everything was in optimal but overkill on the cruisers and some tracking issues and the longer cycle time boned it a bit it seems.

Another factor might be the em/therm split on the conflag/INMF though scorch does almost just EM.

Tachs are great but pulse is better.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Chainsaw Plankton
#46 - 2014-01-17 21:05:31 UTC
megapulse and conflag inside 40km (or so) and use a mobile depot to swap to tachyons when you need the range.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

XiiX Smyth
#47 - 2014-01-18 12:07:34 UTC  |  Edited by: XiiX Smyth
For the isk recommend a Pirate Faction BS. Salvage market is so low that not worth the time, no need to salvage. (unless elite salvage PvP)

I traded my Vargur for the Machariel and so much better. Its also fast enough to pick up loot without a tractor in a little more time than a tractor fitted Vargur.

Missions are going faster, and WH results much better.

anyway at least don't get a Vargur.

p.s. 4 people like me
Take Enemy
Combine Honnete 0ber Advancer Mercantiles
#48 - 2014-01-21 19:46:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Take Enemy
Having used all Marauders accept Paladin and both Mach/Vindi, I believe the Vargur is far and away the simplest L4 mission runner. My $.02 isk:

1) Problem with Mach/Vindi post Rubicon is that in relation to EW it is much more of a pain to complete certain missions - Gurista's/Serpentis with ECM/Damp's especially come to mind - compared to Marauders. Add that they do not have the cargo bays for loot/salavage and they are just sub-par current meta for clearing missions. Some earlier poster stated that no money in salvage, but I beg to defer, salvage + looting is easily more then 1/2 the revenue in missioning (excepting drone missions of course). AE + bonus room is over 40M isk with loot/salvage. I was a Mach/Varg runner for ages depending on mission, but post Rubicon sold the Mach as just no where near the isk/hour ratio for a single pilot as a Vargur.

2) While I have used (and enjoy extremely) Torp Golem/Neutron Kronos - and with MJD/Mobile Depot can get up close and personal very easily and dish out 1200-1350 DPS - they take a little more effort.

3) Cruise Golem is excellent for sitting back and whacking everything at any range for about 1K dps except it is a click fest with 4x faction TP's and having to use combat drones more often for frigs.

4) As mentioned above Golem in either iteration is kinda a click fest - I feel l like I am playing a twitch FPS by how fast you have to cycle TP's/missiles/drones etc. Both are excellent.

All that said, the Vargur I think is the best mission runner of the group. Slightly lower DPS than the other Marauders, but insta-blapping all frigs at 100K range or less (down to about 18K if lucky with my setup) is just huge. With AB fitted is pretty quick and I usually just AB to gate and drop Bastion/MTU/Salvage drones and go to town. Easiest Marauder to omni tank and good damage selection (i always bring appropriate short range faction ammo and Barrage).

However, I must say that I have the most fun in the 1200-1350 DPS Torp Golem/Neutron Kronos. Almost makes missions fun (almost) by 2 to 3 shotting BS. For Null (given safe ratting system - if there is such a thing) Cruise Golem, no question).

My Vargur fit for reference (over-tanked a little):

4x 800 II's
3x Tractor

2x Gistum C-type Adaptive Invuln's
1x Core C-type 100mn AB
1x Gist B-Type Large Shield Repper
2x TC II (w/tracking script)

3x RF Gyro's
2x TE II

Large Anti-Thermal Screen T2
Large Anti-EM Screen T2

Mobile Depot w/MJD/MWD as needed

edited for failed diction
Anize Oramara
#49 - 2014-01-22 12:13:29 UTC
overtanked? you dont say...

that aside with th te nerf id rather swap out a te with a gyro2 and get replace the rigs with a t1 ambit and a t2 burst. youd stll be overtanked but at least now youll be doing a bit more dps.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Rab See
Stellar Dynamics
#50 - 2014-01-22 14:33:55 UTC

As much as I agree about the Marauders being good in general, I hate to say it, but the Golem and Paladin crap all over the Vargur and Kronos.

Doing missions where there are lots of frigates is about the only thing a Vargur is good for, otherwise you use artillery which are crap at doing frigates and painfully low DPS on top (by crap I mean wasted over-dps, or worse, annoying under dps). You fit autos and get great frigate obliteration, but terrible damage application on BS above 40k.

You watch while your mates Paladin obliterates stuff at 40k, you trundle over, MJD MWD or whatever ... its just time wasted. For angel missions it is better - aggro the room and eventually you will be pummelling stuff, but they aren't closing that fast that your DPS is near the top for long.

So Vargur (and Kronos to some extent) have the same issue. Between a Rock and a Crap place. Rats are rarely 'on top'. You deliver less dps even when the Paladin/Golem can MJD away to get range and deliver more. You team up with mates and get relegated to 'kill the frigs while I do the BS'. Its a joke.

The bonuses stop you moving and put you 100k or whatever off. Of course you can jump to an angle, but when you Bastion up, the dps as they split apart goes down rapidly.

Aside from that - the Vargur is better than the other option for Minmatar oriented pilots. The Maelstrom is so slow its like Bastion without the benefits.
Take Enemy
Combine Honnete 0ber Advancer Mercantiles
#51 - 2014-01-27 07:48:17 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
overtanked? you dont say...

that aside with th te nerf id rather swap out a te with a gyro2 and get replace the rigs with a t1 ambit and a t2 burst. youd stll be overtanked but at least now youll be doing a bit more dps.

Partial necro, but I have been away. Yeah, rigs were from pre-bastion days. Been wondering the best way to add dps and will likely switch to damage rigs.
Anize Oramara
#52 - 2014-01-27 12:56:18 UTC
Take Enemy wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
overtanked? you dont say...

that aside with th te nerf id rather swap out a te with a gyro2 and get replace the rigs with a t1 ambit and a t2 burst. youd stll be overtanked but at least now youll be doing a bit more dps.

Partial necro, but I have been away. Yeah, rigs were from pre-bastion days. Been wondering the best way to add dps and will likely switch to damage rigs.

I hear ya, I still had 2 t2 ambits on mine. ripped one out for a t1 burst. havent had the heart to rip out yhe other one when I was in hs last time.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Izuru Hishido
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2014-01-27 13:10:22 UTC
Lirs Corum wrote:
So it seems that

Golem > Vargur

In most situations.

What about Kronos? I like blasters and I have some skills but they arent good for PvE so far (still got T1 blasters).

Is there any gunboat that is good for all kind of L4 missions?

Golem is not necessarily superior to any of the other marauders. I've used all four marauders and experimented with fits ranging from straight T2 to >meta 11, and I've found that the best for engaging high DPS at range is the Vargur. The thing with the marauders is that you have to tailor them to the situation that you're putting them into. Golems tank insanely hard, I won't deny that, but overall, their DPS at range is surprisingly underwhelming. Cruises are very nice, especially for hitting BC and BS at long range, and torps do huge DPS at close range, but I frankly prefer the Paladin or the Vargur.

The thing with the Vargur is that like most AC ships, it does okay with moderate skills, but its true value is only shown with essentially maxed related skills. If you want to take the time to max all your gunnery supplements, the Vargur will be at lowest on par with the Golem, if not better. Vargurs have the same benefit of capless ammo, so neuting doesn't really hurt them (which is very important against sleepers and some rats,) and with an ancillary shield booster, both of them tank like absolute bastards, but the Vargur to me seems to outperform the Golem in the most important areas.

As for the Paladin and the Kronos, the fits I loved the most with them were the long range fits, especially Tachyons on the Paladin. The sheer amount of damage at range easily allows you to annihilate most everything before it can get to a point of being a threat. Its easy enough to hit all ships, with the exception of some frigates before they close in, and the drones certainly make up for the Tach and 425 tracking issues at close range. I wouldn't necessarily think its required to put blasters on a kronos with the flexibility of the railguns, just like I wouldn't put arties on a Vargur due to having essentially maxed gunnery skills.

For level fours in general, any marauder can tank them trivially, and annihilate the NPC's in extremely short order. For Sanctums and Havens in null, they tank perfectly against the incoming DPS, and while the Kronos and Paladin might run into some cap issues at times, its relatively easy to work around. As far as I've seen, anything involving sleepers is best handled with any type of shield tank, and the Bastion module gives both the Vargur and the Golem enough flexibility to tank and apply damage, but it all depends on what you use it for. Honestly, it all comes down to personal preference, and I personally love my Vargurs since they seem to be the most flexible out of all of the marauders.

Hope that helps, but if not, I guess that's fine too.
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