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question: why are there no caldari/minmatar ships?

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Kas Croix
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-01-21 01:56:30 UTC
They're not explicitly enemies(more of you don't like these guys I'm allied with, so by extension I don't particularly care for you) and their combat doctrines even see some crossover(they both like shields, and their "main" enemy is armor tanked to high heaven, and they both favor a wide engagement range and varying damage types to get the job done)

So why aren't there any crossover ships between them?
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-01-21 02:23:46 UTC
You'd need a Dev to answer this I think.
There are long term plans for other ships, so it's a possibility in the future.

If you try to keep it lore based I'm not even sure there are any minor factions that would qualify for this racial split.
There are several unrepresented minor factions however.

I guess it's a wait & see situation.
Omega Sunset
#3 - 2014-01-21 04:17:41 UTC
I don't know, something to do with putting Caldari paint onto a pile of rust and burnt duct tape, the result just disintegrates before your eyes! Once they can solve that engineering conundrum...
Best crossover imo is the Caldari/Amarr Vengeance.


Dani Dusette
Division 13
#4 - 2014-01-21 04:49:30 UTC
You might find someone has an answer if you ask in the EVE Fiction forum.

I notice CCP Falcon is pretty active answering such questions of lore there.

dαní ㅤㅤ

σиlу ιи dαякиєѕѕ cαи уσυ ѕєє тнє ѕтαяѕ

ISD Ezwal: "Might I inform you that I am as real as it gets?"

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#5 - 2014-01-21 05:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: NightCrawler 85
This thread might also be of interest, but yes you should ask in the EVE fiction section Smile

Edit - phone does not like my attempts at linking stuff Lol
Anomaly One
#6 - 2014-01-21 07:03:07 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
You'd need a Dev to answer this I think.
There are long term plans for other ships, so it's a possibility in the future.

If you try to keep it lore based I'm not even sure there are any minor factions that would qualify for this racial split.
There are several unrepresented minor factions however.

Mordus Legion

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Paul Otichoda
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-01-21 08:21:05 UTC
Omega Sunset wrote:
I don't know, something to do with putting Caldari paint onto a pile of rust and burnt duct tape, the result just disintegrates before your eyes! Once they can solve that engineering conundrum...
Best crossover imo is the Caldari/Amarr Vengeance.

or they put mimmitar paint on a caldari built hull and stick projectile weapons on it. CCP know pirate faction gun ships are preferred for things like incursions so their unlikely to make it missiles focused
Omega Sunset
#8 - 2014-01-21 09:19:41 UTC
Paul Otichoda wrote:
Omega Sunset wrote:
I don't know, something to do with putting Caldari paint onto a pile of rust and burnt duct tape, the result just disintegrates before your eyes! Once they can solve that engineering conundrum...
Best crossover imo is the Caldari/Amarr Vengeance.

or they put mimmitar paint on a caldari built hull and stick projectile weapons on it. CCP know pirate faction gun ships are preferred for things like incursions so their unlikely to make it missiles focused
Mimnitar use paint?!? ...oh the new models :/ heeh
Or they take a Caldari hull, invert it, turn it inside out, beat it with hammers, drill some extra holes into it, torch the rest with an arc welder then submerge the whole shebang in salt water for six months. Lol


erg cz
Blood Blind
Short Bus Syndicate
#9 - 2014-01-21 09:30:54 UTC  |  Edited by: erg cz
Anomaly One wrote:

Mordus Legion

Mordus uses gallente hulls. It is Thukker Tribe, who will get Shields bonus from caldary and artillery bonus from minmatar, from what I know...

I am really looking for ORE mining Battleship...
Concord Okken
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-01-21 11:28:56 UTC
erg cz wrote:
ORE mining Battleship

Kill it with fire
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#11 - 2014-01-21 12:10:56 UTC
As this is not exactly a New Player question, this thread has been moved to Ships & Modules.

That said, I have taken the liberty of relaying the question to CCP and pointed them at this thread.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

To mare
Advanced Technology
#12 - 2014-01-21 12:30:29 UTC
CCP actually shoved some interest not long time ago about introducing a pirate missile boat and min/caldari its kind of the obvious choice. said that its not gonna come anytime soon if ever.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#13 - 2014-01-21 12:31:24 UTC
Any new pirate faction involving one or more of these races should definitely use that new raptor hull that has been seen. As for bonuses perhaps explosive? It seems to be the least utilised damage type of the bunch.
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#14 - 2014-01-21 13:30:55 UTC
Kas Croix wrote:
They're not explicitly enemies(more of you don't like these guys I'm allied with, so by extension I don't particularly care for you) and their combat doctrines even see some crossover(they both like shields, and their "main" enemy is armor tanked to high heaven, and they both favor a wide engagement range and varying damage types to get the job done)

So why aren't there any crossover ships between them?

Until very recently there was no crossover between Amarr and Gallente either, the SoE ships are the first to do so. Up until that point there was less reason to consider a Cal/Min crossover - give things time and someone will have an idea which fits into the game well and has supporting lore to justify the crossover.

Anomaly One wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
You'd need a Dev to answer this I think.
There are long term plans for other ships, so it's a possibility in the future.

If you try to keep it lore based I'm not even sure there are any minor factions that would qualify for this racial split.
There are several unrepresented minor factions however.

Mordus Legion

Mordus Legion are Intaki crews in Caldari hulls.
The Legion has no Matari Heritage and there is no reason at all that they should have Minmatar crossover.
If Mordu's Legion ships were introduced they would be Gallente/Caldari. And given their heavy favouring of electronic warfare I would imagine they would have ECM and Sensor Damp bonuses and be more hated than the Falcon.
Treborr MintingtonJr
#15 - 2014-01-21 15:10:12 UTC
Concord Okken wrote:
erg cz wrote:
ORE mining Battleship

Kill it with fire

Send it to hell!
Capt Retard
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-01-21 16:24:23 UTC
Thukker Mordu Tempest.

Looks tempest like, but Gunmetal rather than rust.


6 Launcher + 2 Highs

Caldari BS Bonus 7.5 % bonus to all missile velocity.
Minmatar BS Bonus 7.5% bonus to shield boost amount.

Special Ability 37.5% reduction in missile explosion velocity.

175m3 drone bay.
Aeril Malkyre
Knights of the Ouroboros
#17 - 2014-01-21 18:02:07 UTC
erg cz wrote:
Anomaly One wrote:
Mordus Legion
Mordus uses gallente hulls. It is Thukker Tribe, who will get Shields bonus from caldary and artillery bonus from minmatar, from what I know...
Capt ****** wrote:
Thukker Mordu Tempest.

Looks tempest like, but Gunmetal rather than rust.
Not to reiterate myself from previous threads, but no no no no.

Aeril Malkyre wrote:
I've been researching the Thukker Tribe a bit lately. Clarifying a few things:

  • The Thukker Tribe is a voting body within the Minmatar Republic. They have tribal members living within the Republic. That being said, the bulk of their society does live in the Great Wildlands, traveling in nomadic caravans.
  • Thukker Mix is the name of a Thukker run corporation that builds T2 ships. (The only other Thukker Tribe corporation is Trust Partners.) That's why you see Thukker Mix vessels like the Vagabond, Cheetah, and Nomad. The Thukker Mix corporation designed and built them.

While I'd really, really love to see a series of Thukker specific ship models, it seems unlikely. The Thukkers are not a pirate group, nor are they really even a minor faction. They may live on the fringes, but they're still putting out advanced ships and participating in the political process. That makes them solid, if enigmatic, members of regular society.
Thukker are not pirates. Mordus are not Matar.
Federal Navy Academy
#18 - 2014-01-21 19:42:54 UTC
Since CCP is onboard with introducing new "pirate" ship lines that are not pirates and thus only available in the LP store and not through drops... then that means Mordus is a candidate for a new line of ships.

However, Mordus makes far more sense as a gallente/caldari hybrid than guristas do, as they are originaly an Intaki mercenary group aligned with the Caldari. Furthermore, guristas ships are drone ships despite their NPC ships being missile boats.

I say the solution is to overhaul guristas as a minmatar/caldari line of ships that are fast and missile focused, and introduce Mordus ships as caldari/gallente ships that are drones/missiles/shields. Unfortunately it would be a very rough transition, and it would make both drone factions not available as drops, thus making them also the most expensive.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2014-01-21 19:49:25 UTC
I blame Galente.

Life is short and dinner time is chancy

Eat dessert first!

The Church of Awesome
#20 - 2014-01-22 02:02:45 UTC
Kas Croix wrote:
They're not explicitly enemies(more of you don't like these guys I'm allied with, so by extension I don't particularly care for you) and their combat doctrines even see some crossover(they both like shields, and their "main" enemy is armor tanked to high heaven, and they both favor a wide engagement range and varying damage types to get the job done)

So why aren't there any crossover ships between them?

At Eve Downunder CCP Fozzie said they were looking to fill this gap.

So it seems this is something that is already on his radar.
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