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More text options for Eve

Brutor Brutor
Kissapasi Corporation
#21 - 2013-12-16 15:01:54 UTC
Steelrattty wrote:
It's impossible to play the game with more than 1000 people in local.

It's impossible to catch people that don't want to be caught unless they're afk. (Entering local before you load the system, chat system standings icons)

It's extremely easy to fly drone assist comps.

It's pointless to fly 70% of the ships in the game as they are useless in most scenarios.

You cant unrent offices remotely or set individual offices to pay automatically while not for others.

There has been nothing but the implementation of more clicks to do anything, since 2006 more clicks is more fun?

I could keep listing more important tasks for CCP to address than giving you what you believe you deserve in the form of expression through text formats which have no impact on anything.

You're nothing more than a disgusting hipster who thinks its cool to type in unreadable font/colour combinations.

He isn't wrong... but ****... we gotta take what we can get :(

El Space Mariachi
Zero Fun Allowed
#22 - 2013-12-16 15:03:29 UTC
Steelrattty wrote:
It's impossible to play the game with more than 1000 people in local.

It's impossible to catch people that don't want to be caught unless they're afk. (Entering local before you load the system, chat system standings icons)

It's extremely easy to fly drone assist comps.

It's pointless to fly 70% of the ships in the game as they are useless in most scenarios.

You cant unrent offices remotely or set individual offices to pay automatically while not for others.

There has been nothing but the implementation of more clicks to do anything, since 2006 more clicks is more fun?

I could keep listing more important tasks for CCP to address than giving you what you believe you deserve in the form of expression through text formats which have no impact on anything.

You're nothing more than a disgusting hipster who thinks its cool to type in unreadable font/colour combinations.

but those things take effort and time and money

let's just slap a bandaid temporary fix on the whole "game is utterly unplayable with more than 300 people on grid" problem and then call it a day

i can't wait for 0.000001% tidi that will solve the lag problem 5 sure

gay gamers for jesus

Broski North
#23 - 2013-12-16 15:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Steelrattty
El Space Mariachi wrote:
Steelrattty wrote:
It's impossible to play the game with more than 1000 people in local.

It's impossible to catch people that don't want to be caught unless they're afk. (Entering local before you load the system, chat system standings icons)

It's extremely easy to fly drone assist comps.

It's pointless to fly 70% of the ships in the game as they are useless in most scenarios.

You cant unrent offices remotely or set individual offices to pay automatically while not for others.

There has been nothing but the implementation of more clicks to do anything, since 2006 more clicks is more fun?

I could keep listing more important tasks for CCP to address than giving you what you believe you deserve in the form of expression through text formats which have no impact on anything.

You're nothing more than a disgusting hipster who thinks its cool to type in unreadable font/colour combinations.

but those things take effort and time and money

let's just slap a bandaid temporary fix on the whole "game is utterly unplayable with more than 300 people on grid" problem and then call it a day

i can't wait for 0.000001% tidi that will solve the lag problem 5 sure

I highly doubt the cost of the manpower they put into Dust 514 exceeds the amount to fix their primary game that makes them all their money.

I am going to invest all my money into making a Halo clone with the most ******** gimmick I can think of (tying it to an online PC mmo) and be surprised when no one plays it on the worst console on the market. (spoiler: they're all ****)

One more thing, why do the forums have word filters but not ingame? also when is the ingame chat filter being implemented? I am a christian and my kids play this game.
Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#24 - 2013-12-16 21:28:18 UTC
Steelrattty wrote:

One more thing, why do the forums have word filters but not ingame? also when is the ingame chat filter being implemented? I am a christian and my kids play this game.

I think that with this statement, you agree that we need to have a chat overhaul next expansion. Both on forums aswell as ingame. First step is to get the best font that exists and allow me to use it, even if it is just client side.

Tweety Bird
Tackled In Belt
#25 - 2013-12-17 01:00:28 UTC
Steelrattty wrote:
One more thing, why do the forums have word filters but not ingame? also when is the ingame chat filter being implemented? I am a christian and my kids play this game.

Please app to Tackled in Belt in game. We are a Christian corporation and understand your concerns. We offer a bi-weekly Bible study on Mumble, if you're interested.
Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#26 - 2014-01-05 06:21:30 UTC
This idea should not go unheard. It is an easy fix that will help me be able to read the text in eve.
Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#27 - 2014-01-20 03:16:07 UTC
It's 2014, why has this not been done yet? this is a disgrace.
Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#28 - 2014-03-12 17:23:59 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#29 - 2014-03-12 17:39:52 UTC
I would pay money for this.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#30 - 2014-05-09 19:29:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Pans Exual
EDIT: nvm
Darin Vanar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2014-05-10 04:33:47 UTC
I would like to be able to change the font used in the various menus and overlays. The default one hurts my eyes sometimes, and the larger scaled font is not as readable. A rock and a hard place.

More choices of fonts would really be a good addition.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#32 - 2014-05-10 06:18:32 UTC
Help me ImDieing wrote:
I think we should have the option to write in comic sans if the channels allow it.

Sure, yes. As long as I don't need to read it in MY chat window in comic sans I absolutely don't care if you cause yourself eye cancer or not.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Darin Vanar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2014-05-10 06:37:42 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Help me ImDieing wrote:
I think we should have the option to write in comic sans if the channels allow it.

Sure, yes. As long as I don't need to read it in MY chat window in comic sans I absolutely don't care if you cause yourself eye cancer or not.

Yes... We don't need to turn this in AOL online. But client side is good!
Pans Exual
Tackled In Belt
#34 - 2014-05-20 02:01:47 UTC
Still need this.
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