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Highsec PvP-ers needed for foreverwar against Goons

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Goonswarm Federation
#521 - 2014-01-19 17:44:10 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

Mere words can't reflect my thoughts about your posts, so I refer to this video.
Also, some grave news will be posted for the beefolk on my blog on Tuesday.

"the goons really love trolling me they must be upset"
"surely this victory, of getting trolled into the ground by goonswarm, will erase the stench of my unbroken chain of hilarious failures"

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#522 - 2014-01-19 18:10:38 UTC
I'll do my part to help out. For every 100th Goon killed, I plan to randomly select someone who got on the killmail a special bonus round to dramatically multiply their wealth.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#523 - 2014-01-19 18:27:14 UTC
Northern Misfit wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

Also, some grave news will be posted for the beefolk on my blog on Tuesday.

why wait till Tuesday? Surely if it's that dire the good folk deserve to know now. Seriously, you've spent 26 pages with grr goon propaganda, are you afraid without the carrot, the thread will die and you will be come irrelevant?

You have a day or two to secure your chair so that you don't fall over laughing. Warning: Do not consume any drinks while reading to avoid making a mess.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Goonswarm Federation
#524 - 2014-01-19 19:27:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
I would also wish to lend my support against the outrageous trolling of PL posters who claim that CFC was obliterated because they were cowards to field supers and titans. The truth is that they simply can't afford such things, since they are poor as dirt (see also: bombless bombers), but even if they had, the betrayal of RvB sealed their fate. Had the RvB ganked fleet make that one jump from highsec to HED, the battle would have been a titan graveyard for PL-N3. Of course PL-N3 have more than 80 members, so their caution is - though unhonorable - understandable.

You really can't be that stupid. Nobody can be this stupid.

Sending 1000+ subcaps in before trying to (all at once mind you) jump in 600 Dreads into a already loaded capital superior force is more than 'pretty risky' at best, if you actually knew literally a single thing about PvP and looked at their fits, it was quite obvious why they managed to kill little more than a small assortment of dreads and carriers.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#525 - 2014-01-19 22:26:26 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Nobody can be this stupid.

I'm sorry, have you met Gevlon Goblin?

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

General Lemming
The Marmite Mercenaries
#526 - 2014-01-19 22:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: General Lemming
Erotica 1 wrote:
I'll do my part to help out. For every 100th Goon killed, I plan to randomly select someone who got on the killmail a special bonus round to dramatically multiply their wealth.
My heroo,,,,, Big smile

EDIT : Kill 100 was from Doc Know Blink

Did I mention Goonies rental guys are also having fun with us ?
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#527 - 2014-01-19 22:44:37 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Xolve wrote:
Nobody can be this stupid.

I'm sorry, have you met Gevlon Goblin?

I have.

Xolve would have an aneurysm form and pop immediately if he did.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Goonswarm Federation
#528 - 2014-01-19 23:24:31 UTC
i actually took a look through the lemmings killboard

once you take out the dreads/carriers they whored on it appears they get routinely dunked and manage to only kill autopiloting shuttles, frigates and pods, nearly all of whom would have died to marmite instead

quakin in my boots here at this terrifying threat to the rvbee poco authority

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

General Lemming
The Marmite Mercenaries
#529 - 2014-01-20 00:09:17 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
i actually took a look through the lemmings killboard

once you take out the dreads/carriers they whored on it appears they get routinely dunked and manage to only kill autopiloting shuttles, frigates and pods, nearly all of whom would have died to marmite instead

quakin in my boots here at this terrifying threat to the rvbee poco authority
Yes, youy're right they don't count, because you didnt want them anyway.... hahahahahahaha P.
Louis Robichaud
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#530 - 2014-01-20 00:53:06 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
I would also wish to lend my support against the outrageous trolling of PL posters who claim that CFC was obliterated because they were cowards to field supers and titans. The truth is that they simply can't afford such things, since they are poor as dirt (see also: bombless bombers), but even if they had, the betrayal of RvB sealed their fate. Had the RvB ganked fleet make that one jump from highsec to HED, the battle would have been a titan graveyard for PL-N3. Of course PL-N3 have more than 80 members, so their caution is - though unhonorable - understandable.

You really can't be that stupid. Nobody can be this stupid.

Sending 1000+ subcaps in before trying to (all at once mind you) jump in 600 Dreads into a already loaded capital superior force is more than 'pretty risky' at best, if you actually knew literally a single thing about PvP and looked at their fits, it was quite obvious why they managed to kill little more than a small assortment of dreads and carriers.

Remember, he said that PL was afraid of him because he might defeat CFC before you do! I *literally* face-palmed when I read that.

But Gevlon isn't stupid - he's foolish. His lack of understanding of how most people think and operate lead him astray, again and again. In this case, either thinking the nonsense he's posting, or thinking the nonsense he's posting *is* nonsense but will be good propaganda (either notion is silly) . And that's why it's so hard for him to fathom that he could be wrong - his cleverness blinds him to his weaknesses.

All that being said though, if this nonsense got a few carebears to dare to fight and learn a bit, then it's not all bad.

I blog a bit

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#531 - 2014-01-20 01:47:55 UTC
I logged in yesterday hoping gevlon had done something meaningful so I would have something to do. I logged out 8 seconds later.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Goonswarm Federation
#532 - 2014-01-20 02:11:28 UTC
Louis Robichaud wrote:
All that being said though, if this nonsense got a few carebears to dare to fight and learn a bit, then it's not all bad.

the problem is it's really bad at teaching the members because the most important thing of fighting is organization and coordination, even on a small gang level

this alliance doesn't have that at all, because gevlon's trying to basically brute force it because he realized - in a shocking and rare moment of introspection - that he has the charisma of a potato and that trying to be a leader wasn't going to work at all

though now that i think about it it's probably because if he tried to lead he'd have a harder time blaming everyone else for his failure

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Northern Misfit
Far Mt Logistics
#533 - 2014-01-20 02:33:09 UTC
We did an event today, 10 noobs joined 2 vets and in no less than 30 minutes had scouted out my Rattlesnake and killed it. All it really takes is an FC who can get their pilots to understand the dscan, warp to, tackle, kill concept. The fleet was rewarded with a payout from my bounty, and a little bling on their killboard, the individual pilots were rewarded with the understanding that a small fleet that's working together can do big things!

Imagine if he undocked and led his merry band of carebears on an adventure, they would learn something and have fun all at the same time.

High Priestess of the Sovereign Realm of Explosions and Light

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#534 - 2014-01-20 02:37:00 UTC
Northern Misfit wrote:
We did an event today, 10 noobs joined 2 vets and in no less than 30 minutes had scouted out my Rattlesnake and killed it. All it really takes is an FC who can get their pilots to understand the dscan, warp to, tackle, kill concept. The fleet was rewarded with a payout from my bounty, and a little bling on their killboard, the individual pilots were rewarded with the understanding that a small fleet that's working together can do big things!

Imagine if he undocked and led his merry band of carebears on an adventure, they would learn something and have fun all at the same time.

I think there would be lots of lessons about what not to do.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Goonswarm Federation
#535 - 2014-01-20 03:15:38 UTC
Louis Robichaud wrote:
But Gevlon isn't stupid - he's foolish. His lack of understanding of how most people think and operate lead him astray, again and again. In this case, either thinking the nonsense he's posting, or thinking the nonsense he's posting *is* nonsense but will be good propaganda (either notion is silly).

The inconvenient truth for him is that nobody on this forum could give a single honest **** about what anyone else on this forum has to say and/or thinks.

Normally one would think, that a PL member disproving his notions against GoonSwarm would be enough (especially since I can be found arguing with all the same people agreeing with me here on a forum who's name shalt not be mentioned here); special circumstances I guess.
Joan Greywind
The Lazy Crabs
#536 - 2014-01-20 03:47:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Joan Greywind
Little realization after reading this post. Like it or not the goons fill a hole in this game that is essential, the enemy that everyone loves to hate, and you what, they like it. Are you a fledgling alliance with no purpose? Grr goons. Are you a place where elite pvpers flock and want to kill those that dishonor you with bombless bombers? Grr goons. Are you a game blogger that has run of things to write about and seeing a decline in writing quality? Grr goons.

So let me give my humble thanks to the goons, for making this game playable and enjoyable, and embracing that very crucial role.
Leigh Akiga
Kuhri Innovations
#537 - 2014-01-20 04:20:15 UTC
If it wasnt for the dirty goonies and their toonies PL would have all of 0.0 rented out and do nothing but permacamp the Ossogur gate!
Mourning Souls
Minmatar Republic
#538 - 2014-01-20 06:01:04 UTC
First off, this thread just blows my mind.

Second, despite my dislike of numbers, I really like stats:

General Lemming wrote:
Lol, think we are about 400M ahead of you

The in-game war report is inaccurate representation of your actions against us. Here is a far more accurate representation:
Arkady Romanov
Whole Squid
#539 - 2014-01-20 06:39:23 UTC
Northern Misfit wrote:
We did an event today, 10 noobs joined 2 vets and in no less than 30 minutes had scouted out my Rattlesnake and killed it. All it really takes is an FC who can get their pilots to understand the dscan, warp to, tackle, kill concept. The fleet was rewarded with a payout from my bounty, and a little bling on their killboard, the individual pilots were rewarded with the understanding that a small fleet that's working together can do big things!

Imagine if he undocked and led his merry band of carebears on an adventure, they would learn something and have fun all at the same time.

What have you done!? What about your precious killboard effiency!?

Whole Squid: Get Inked.

Joan Greywind
The Lazy Crabs
#540 - 2014-01-20 06:45:43 UTC
Arkady Romanov wrote:
Northern Misfit wrote:
We did an event today, 10 noobs joined 2 vets and in no less than 30 minutes had scouted out my Rattlesnake and killed it. All it really takes is an FC who can get their pilots to understand the dscan, warp to, tackle, kill concept. The fleet was rewarded with a payout from my bounty, and a little bling on their killboard, the individual pilots were rewarded with the understanding that a small fleet that's working together can do big things!

Imagine if he undocked and led his merry band of carebears on an adventure, they would learn something and have fun all at the same time.

What have you done!? What about your precious killboard effiency!?

To hell with the killboard efficiency, what about opportunity cost?! If those 12 were minning ice they could have gotten twice the price of that rattlesnake in an hour. Scrubs.