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[Rubicon 1.1] Sisters of EVE Battleship

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Arthur Aihaken
#2061 - 2014-01-17 23:29:33 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Maybe if I sell it all now I can at least get ISK out of them.

Rumour has it the Rattlesnake hull is changing from a Scorpion to a Raven... Lol

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

I am disposable
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2062 - 2014-01-17 23:45:24 UTC
Guristas are going to get screwed so hard...
Arthur Aihaken
#2063 - 2014-01-17 23:56:00 UTC
I am disposable wrote:
Guristas are going to get screwed so hard...

The safest ships are the ones that have already seen a balance pass, so you may very well be right.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Roy Alleyne
Dark Knowledge.
#2064 - 2014-01-18 08:52:32 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Roy Alleyne wrote:
I've been thinking lore, dangerous I know... What better way to provide non-capsuleer rescue operations than by carrying around a dry dock with you?

Arguably, between the remote armor reps and drones - you could probably accomplish this with the existing fit. All you'd need is a bonus to remote hull reps and you'd be set… I still won't pay $2-billion for it, I wouldn't even shell out $1-billion for it - and I don't think I'm alone in this respect.

That post wasn't really designed to provide anything to the argument, if anyone does want to see my contributions I have 32 other posts (<- I had no idea I had posted that much) that do contribute.

At this point I think all the cards that we can think of as a community have been discussed and I am mearly waiting on word from Rise on what his team plans to change or not change based on our feedback. Whatever they decide to go with I hope they succeed in giving us pilots a reason to remember it's name and respect its capabilities alongside the Balgorn and Rattlesnake rather than regulating it to the same status of all those other pirate BSs that I can't remember the names or uses of. The one good thing about the Nestor would be that even if the Nestor completely fails as a ship, the SoE line is very well showcased by the Stratios, even if it does spend most of its time cloaked. Big smile
Arthur Aihaken
#2065 - 2014-01-18 10:55:26 UTC
Roy Alleyne wrote:
The one good thing about the Nestor would be that even if the Nestor completely fails as a ship, the SoE line is very well showcased by the Stratios, even if it does spend most of its time cloaked. Big smile

• $2-billion (plus) ISK, non-insurable...
• Lacks power grid and capacitor...
• Doesn't necessarily do anything extremely well…

Is there really any question that it's already failed? Even with a Covert Ops cloak capability, $2-billion is still insane...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2066 - 2014-01-18 11:59:02 UTC
Okay, going to take one last shot at saving this thing.

I've been thinking about this design issue a bit more, looking at the 3 SoE ships in a different way. They would operate together (in an RP way) with each ship having a defined role in the fleet. They could work like this:

Astero and Stratios are the exploration and scout ships, going forward to do the heavy work of the fleet, much in the same way the Venture and barges work in mining fleets.

Then there's the Orca, which assists the mining effort and provides support, cargohold etc. It's part of the mining fleet, even if it doesn't mine itself (aside from drones perhaps).

What if the Nestor was to support an exploration fleet in much the same way? Turn the Nestor into an exploration hub, as it were, able to provide remote repair and other services while operating in deep space.

* Remove the exploration bonuses
* Remove the turret slots.
* Give it the ability to remote rep shields, armour and capacitor so it's sort of like a proper 'hospital' ship. I call this 'role focus' Blink
* Remove that laser range bonus and replace with covert ops cloak (but make it so it won't go thru a covert ops portal if you think it'd be too powerful still).
* Replace the drone damage bonus with a 5% capacitor recharge bonus to aid in its primary function - keeping other ships alive.
* Take away a couple of high slots add a small maintenance bay with enough room for a few shuttles, and even a frigate.

In its current form it's only really good at missions and operating in nullsec as ratter and super overpriced exploration ship. The above changes would increase its survivability and usefulness outside of highsec greatly. Big, tough, and focused on a role aside from yet another killamajig. Eve has plenty of those, try something different Cool

That's it, I'm done. Not even going to think about this anymore. Moving on.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2067 - 2014-01-18 12:53:23 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:

I am very relieved to finally show you the Sisters of EVE Battleship, the Nestor. We weren't able to get it finalized before Rubicon went out, but that's alright because now it makes a nice Christmas present (just kidding it's not until (late)January).

We all agreed that keeping the covert cloak theme was not going to work for the battleship. Instead, we've kept the rest of the exploration feel from the Stratios and Astero by giving the Nestor hacking and probing bonuses, but instead of cloaking it will receive a bonus to remote armor repair amount, drawing on the Sisters of EVE themes of aid and relief. On top of that, the Nestor (as designed currently) has incredibly low mass - around half the mass of a normal Battleship. This should make it very popular in wormholes. The rest of the attribute layout follows the principles from the other Sisters of EVE ships pretty closely, as do the bonuses.

Here's the details:


Amarr Battleship Bonuses:
4% Armor resistances per level

Gallente Battleship Bonuses:
10% drone damage and hitpoints per level

Role bonuses:
50% bonus to remote armor repairer amount
100% bonus to remote armor repairer range

50% bonus to large energy turret optimal range
50% increased strength for scan probes
+10 virus strength for relic and data analyzers

Slot layout: 7H, 6M, 6L; 5 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 11250 PWG, 680 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull): 8900 / 9950 / 9900
Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap/s) : 6200 / 1044 / 5.9
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 92 / .18 / 56000000 / 13.97
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 500
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 85 / 7
Sensor strength: 24 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 465
Cargo Capacity: 700

STEALTH EDIT by Manifest brings high res concept art:

So this is going to be a drone battleship intended for wormhole use. Given that Sleepers make short work of drones, the only way this ship will work is if there is a role bonus to the drone tanks with much greater hp and repair amounts or automatic remote repair from the host ship, etc.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2068 - 2014-01-18 13:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Roy Alleyne wrote:
The one good thing about the Nestor would be that even if the Nestor completely fails as a ship, the SoE line is very well showcased by the Stratios, even if it does spend most of its time cloaked. Big smile

• $2-billion (plus) ISK, non-insurable...
• Lacks power grid and capacitor...
• Doesn't necessarily do anything extremely well…

Is there really any question that it's already failed? Even with a Covert Ops cloak capability, $2-billion is still insane...

They do have a pretty good point about this ship not doing anything very well.

  • It won't do sleeper sites with the drone aggro.
  • It won't scan/explore well because it can't make it through gate camps in null sec or even low sec. No cloak and no bubble immunity, this thing is "dead in the water".
  • It won't do logi work because it can't sustain any meaningful remote reps with its capacitor (no reduced cap bonuses) and its RR range is very limited (maybe 20 km?).
  • No bonuses to drone tracking and range means the domi still exceeds the Nestor for any null sec anomaly work.

It is hard to imagine the Nestor for anything but scanning from within a pos (no cloak) or maybe relic and data site scanning in high sec or in whs. The RR bonus is meaningless, the drone bonuses are meaningless, the energy turret bonus is meaningless. That's 4 out of 7 bonuses being meaningless.

Proposal: How about bonuses to warp from 0 m/s and bubble immunity and auto drone remote repair. These would at least make more sense for the other bonuses and the ship as a whole.

PS: You can't half the mass but not half the signature radius. What, is this thing hollow or something? And with 465 sig radius, it won't stand a chance against serious aggro and certainly does not fall in line with current RR ship mechanics. Sleepers will eat it alive with such a huge sig radius. The 50% RR amount and the sig radius almost cancel each other out, except that 465 is about 4 times as large as an RR cruiser (not 50% larger).

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#2069 - 2014-01-18 18:53:00 UTC
Just use a TP to draw aggro- you can fight sleepers with drones that way (although it isn't easy).

Also, what will the BPC material requirements be?
Arthur Aihaken
#2070 - 2014-01-19 00:00:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Andy Landen wrote:
They do have a pretty good point about this ship not doing anything very well.

I still like the idea that's been put forward by many of us: make it a Battlecruiser, give it a Covert Ops cloak, faster warp and align speed and reduced signature radius. The logistics aspect can get nerfed as far as most are concerned. Why does it need to be a battleship anyway? Battleships have become obsolete with the new warp speed mechanics.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Roy Alleyne
Dark Knowledge.
#2071 - 2014-01-19 05:07:16 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
They do have a pretty good point about this ship not doing anything very well.

I still like the idea that's been put forward by many of us: make it a Battlecruiser, give it a Covert Ops cloak, faster warp and align speed and reduced signature radius. The logistics aspect can get nerfed as far as most are concerned. Why does it need to be a battleship anyway? Battleships have become obsolete with the new warp speed mechanics.

It already is one of the most agile BSs in New Eden and has a warp speed of 2.5 AU/s, the same speed as BCs. It will never and should never get a covops cloak for the multitude of reasons stated throughout the thread and unless you can offer a better reason that it should than 'I want, I want, I want,' stop trolling the thread with it.
I am disposable
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2072 - 2014-01-19 05:22:45 UTC
Roy Alleyne wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
They do have a pretty good point about this ship not doing anything very well.

I still like the idea that's been put forward by many of us: make it a Battlecruiser, give it a Covert Ops cloak, faster warp and align speed and reduced signature radius. The logistics aspect can get nerfed as far as most are concerned. Why does it need to be a battleship anyway? Battleships have become obsolete with the new warp speed mechanics.

It already is one of the most agile BSs in New Eden and has a warp speed of 2.5 AU/s, the same speed as BCs. It will never and should never get a covops cloak for the multitude of reasons stated throughout the thread and unless you can offer a better reason that it should than 'I want, I want, I want,' stop trolling the thread with it.

What are the multitude of reasons again? I've seen CCP say it would be too powerful, and that if they give cov ops to a BS it will be on a T2 hull first. Neither of those are really reasons. The first begs the question as there is no actual evidence to suggest a BS with a cov ops cloak is going to be overpowered inherently (lowered firepower and durability would seem to be the natural answer balance-wise). The second is just a cop out as they have decided to introduce the Nestor before doing a balance pass on Black Ops ships. That in itself is simply not a good reason to not do it.
Arthur Aihaken
#2073 - 2014-01-19 05:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Roy Alleyne wrote:
It already is one of the most agile BSs in New Eden and has a warp speed of 2.5 AU/s, the same speed as BCs. It will never and should never get a covops cloak for the multitude of reasons stated throughout the thread and unless you can offer a better reason that it should than 'I want, I want, I want,' stop trolling the thread with it.

As a battleship, perhaps not. But as a battlecruiser, there's no precedent - and no reason it couldn't. Since the Nestor can't even remotely begin to fulfill any of the roles (with the possible exception of drones) - I don't see what the problem is. I've already made several alternate suggestions: faster warp speed (more as a battlecruiser), smaller signature, reduced penalty on hyperspacial rigs - just to name a few. This thing is a mixed bag of snakes, and with a $2-billion price tag - it has nothing more to offer than "gank me" written on the side.

I am disposable wrote:
What are the multitude of reasons again? I've seen CCP say it would be too powerful, and that if they give cov ops to a BS it will be on a T2 hull first. Neither of those are really reasons. The first begs the question as there is no actual evidence to suggest a BS with a cov ops cloak is going to be overpowered inherently (lowered firepower and durability would seem to be the natural answer balance-wise). The second is just a cop out as they have decided to introduce the Nestor before doing a balance pass on Black Ops ships. That in itself is simply not a good reason to not do it.

This. All I seem to recall is that if any Battleship were to get a Covert Ops cloak, it should be Black Ops. That hardly seems like a reason...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#2074 - 2014-01-19 05:48:54 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Covert cloaking - we discussed this extensively and ultimately agreed that it is both too powerful, and also should belong on a tech 2 battleship before a pirate faction if it were to happen.
This is an extremely powerful capability and it's possible that it should stay off limits for battleships completely. On top of that, if there was going to be a covert battleship, black ops is where we need to start. We will be looking at them for a balance pass eventually, they are one of the remaining classes that haven't gotten their tiericide pass yet, and we can approach this topic when that happens.

Instead of kicking the can down the road, why not use the Nestor as an opportunity to test the water? Give it a covert ops, suitably gimped—there have been a number of suggestions to that effect in this thread, e.g. penalizing its sensor recalibration delay, keeping it out of covert bridges, pulling some or all of its turret DPS, etc. This way the Nestor gets the travel benefits of cloaked warp without gaining too much combat ability, and you get to look at the effect of a covert ops on one hull instead of four (and a substantially more expensive hull, at that). When you finally do get around to rebalancing BlOps, you then have the benefit of actual data from the live server on what to expect from a cloaky battleship, rather than basing decisions on what is essentially unsubstantiated theory. And if the Nestor proves too powerful with a cloak, either increase the penalties on the cloak, or (at the very least) replace covert capability with the cloaked speed bonus as discussed.

The tl;dr version is, saying BlOps need to get it first because *T2* is a cop-out. Covert cloaking is a very powerful ability, that's clear. But that doesn't mean that there's no way to balance it. AND, if it's even a remote possibility that any battleship could get such a powerful ability, it seems more sensible (at least to me) to test it in a limited capacity on one high-cost hull than on four cheaper ones.
Roy Alleyne
Dark Knowledge.
#2075 - 2014-01-19 06:17:12 UTC
Galphii wrote:
Okay, going to take one last shot at saving this thing.

I've been thinking about this design issue a bit more, looking at the 3 SoE ships in a different way. They would operate together (in an RP way) with each ship having a defined role in the fleet. They could work like this:

Astero and Stratios are the exploration and scout ships, going forward to do the heavy work of the fleet, much in the same way the Venture and barges work in mining fleets.

Then there's the Orca, which assists the mining effort and provides support, cargohold etc. It's part of the mining fleet, even if it doesn't mine itself (aside from drones perhaps).

What if the Nestor was to support an exploration fleet in much the same way? Turn the Nestor into an exploration hub, as it were, able to provide remote repair and other services while operating in deep space.

* Remove the exploration bonuses
* Remove the turret slots.
* Give it the ability to remote rep shields, armour and capacitor so it's sort of like a proper 'hospital' ship. I call this 'role focus' Blink
* Remove that laser range bonus and replace with covert ops cloak (but make it so it won't go thru a covert ops portal if you think it'd be too powerful still).
* Replace the drone damage bonus with a 5% capacitor recharge bonus to aid in its primary function - keeping other ships alive.
* Take away a couple of high slots add a small maintenance bay with enough room for a few shuttles, and even a frigate.

In its current form it's only really good at missions and operating in nullsec as ratter and super overpriced exploration ship. The above changes would increase its survivability and usefulness outside of highsec greatly. Big, tough, and focused on a role aside from yet another killamajig. Eve has plenty of those, try something different Cool

That's it, I'm done. Not even going to think about this anymore. Moving on.

It is always nice to have new people throw in their support for changes, so here is my break down to bring out the depth.

Removing all the turret slots would lean the ship toward RR and drones but SoE is all about having as many tools as they can fit on the hull. This leads to the ships having a split weapon system but without bonuses to turrets other than a range bonus to an already expensive weapon, I fail to see how removing them would stay within SoE design templates or prevent OP syndrome.

I do admit, the ability to RR shield, armor, and cap would be neat but no ship in the game can do this and frankly, it isn't necessary for a ship that is only going to be accompanied by ships set up for exploration. Explo ships are fast and lightly defended so in combat they are best used by speed tanking, something you cannot do if you are stuck within the Nestor's RR range. The armor RR comes into greatest effect after PvE is over or when engaging in PvP on a hole or gate where maneuverability is hampered. If anything, a hull RR bonus would be in order for those very close calls but who wants that gumming up the works.

I'm not even going to bother repeating myself on the cloak issue so if you want to know how foolish and irrational a covops would be or a preferred option see the posts on the last few pages.

The drone damage bonus, along with the armor bonus, is one of the major factors in SoE design practice. Removing it would be like removing a bomber's torp bonus, it would still be useful but it would lose that major element of its identity and a good amount of its usefulness.

The SMA has been a rather popular suggestion, if I may say so myself, with almost everyone agreeing that it should be small but idk about that small. I would recomend that at the least it should hold a cruiser so one of your pilots can switch from a scouting Astero to a more powerful Stratios in order to participate in PvE with everyone else. This capability would be necessary to maximize the effectiveness of a small fleet of nomad pilots far away from supplylines.
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#2076 - 2014-01-19 06:21:09 UTC
Roy Alleyne wrote:
I'm not even going to bother repeating myself on the cloak issue

And we all really appreciate it.
Roy Alleyne
Dark Knowledge.
#2077 - 2014-01-19 07:04:35 UTC
Divi Filus wrote:
Roy Alleyne wrote:
I'm not even going to bother repeating myself on the cloak issue

And we all really appreciate it.

Very well, I wont say anything more on covops cloaking since neither logic or reason based arguments are working. However, if anything new or interesting is suggested then I will be happy to discuss them with everyone as that is what these forums are for. Now if you will exuse me, I need to go patch that head sized dent in the wall.
Arthur Aihaken
#2078 - 2014-01-19 07:19:22 UTC
Roy Alleyne wrote:
Very well, I wont say anything more on covops cloaking since neither logic or reason based arguments are working. However, if anything new or interesting is suggested then I will be happy to discuss them with everyone as that is what these forums are for. Now if you will exuse me, I need to go patch that head sized dent in the wall.

You still haven't indicated if you're planning on acquiring one...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#2079 - 2014-01-19 07:57:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Divi Filus
Logic and reason...hmm, I believe I’ve heard them spoken of before. Let me give them a quick try.

First, I will say that you did an excellent job explaining why a covops is so powerful. Look! I'm quoting it so more people can see. Here it is:

Roy Alleyne wrote:
There is a very important reason that covert ops capable ships are designed the way they are. Covert ops cloaks are probably the most powerful pvp modules in the game available to the average player. It allows a ship to move within a system with near impunity and to be immune to all but the best gate camps. This is good for flying around and looking at things but the true power of a covops cloak is that it allows a ship, or a fleet of ships, to always have the decision of engagement, to dictate initial engagement range, and always have the element of surprise over your prey. Therefore it is essential for balance that cloaky ships not be able to go toe to toe with combat orientated ships or risk people completely abandoning noncloaky hulls due to their huge disadvantage of always being prey.

Then having said that, you spent the next several pages doing an excellent job of ignoring or summarily dismissing a number of coherent proposals to let Nestor gain the travel benefit of a covops with minimal combat benefit. Let's see how those proposals compare with your solid assessment.

Why is a covops so powerful? According to you, it's a few things:

  • Allows a ship to move within a system with near impunity—check (though since a ship has to decloak in order to actually do anything aside from warp, this isn't as big a "problem" as some of the others)

  • Grants a ship immunity to all but the best gate camps—half-check (in the very same post I quoted above, you went on to suggest, I think correctly, that even a fairly bad gate camp should have a reasonable chance of success decloaking a battleship)

  • Allows a ship to decide on engagements, dictate initial engagement range, and achieve complete surprise—check

After making this quite astute assessment, you then proceeded to ignore several pages of suggestions indirectly aimed at addressing those concerns for a hypothetical cloaky battleship. So now using :logic: and :reason: I will attempt to address them directly.

There have been three main suggestions as far as how to balance a covert ops cloak with a battleship hull. They are:

  • Remove [some/all] turrets—this one is pretty straightforward, and neatly fits what you say is "essential for balance," i.e. "that cloaky ships should not be able to go toe to toe with combat oriented ships." (This requirement, by the way, is already problematic given the existing covert-capable ship line.) It's also the only suggestion I've seen you even obliquely address, with the somewhat bizarre claim that the turrets need to stay because, essentially, that's how the Sisters do things. (The fact that this argument applies equally well towards keeping the turrets as it does towards extending the existing Sisters cloaking bonuses to the last ship in their line may or may not have been lost on you.)

  • Increase sensor recalibration delay—i.e. make it wait some not-insignificant period of time between decloak and targeting. I've put this one forward myself more times now than I care to count, but suffice it to say that a long enough recalibration delay should greatly reduce the ability to dictate initial engagement range and blunt the element of surprise. For anyone who may understandably be concerned about a scenario in which a smaller cloaky ship lands tackle first and then lets the Nestor wait out its targeting delay, I reply that a similar scenario is easily possible today featuring a cloaked tackler and an off-grid battleship (perhaps with a prototype cloak, for bonus points). If there is no problem with the latter scenario, there should be no problem with the former, as long as the Nestor's targeting delay is sufficiently long.

  • Prohibit the ship from accessing covert jump portals—this is just good sense. It should go without saying that a covert Nestor should also not be able to fit a covert jump portal generator itself. The Nestor would thus be reliant on stargates where, as you and I seem to agree, it would be at least somewhat vulnerable.

As far as I'm concerned, the first and the second suggestions may be nearly sufficient on their own for balance concerns. Now suppose all three are taken together: you are left with a battleship that can warp cloaked, but which would struggle to match (let alone exceed) the DPS of a typical t1 battleship; is considerably more vulnerable to gate camps than existing covert-capable ships, due to its battleship-sized signature radius and align time; cannot reliably achieve surprise or dictate the initial maneuvers of an engagement, due to its penalized sensor recalibration; and, unlike every other covert-capable ship in the game (including the Stratios, which is hardly a second-rate combat ship), cannot instantaneously bypass hostile space by bridging to a covert cyno. Those are not inconsiderable tradeoffs for covert capability, in my book. Hell, maybe there's even more that can be done. I think that's more than a fair start.

Honestly, I don't expect to convince you. I don't need to convince you. I'm sure you've made up your mind on the subject. That's fine. But forgive me if I can't take you seriously when you say that the reason we don't agree with you is because we don't get :logic: and :reason:.

I do wish you well with that dent.
I am disposable
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2080 - 2014-01-19 09:05:10 UTC
Roy Alleyne wrote:
Divi Filus wrote:
Roy Alleyne wrote:
I'm not even going to bother repeating myself on the cloak issue

And we all really appreciate it.

Very well, I wont say anything more on covops cloaking since neither logic or reason based arguments are working. However, if anything new or interesting is suggested then I will be happy to discuss them with everyone as that is what these forums are for. Now if you will exuse me, I need to go patch that head sized dent in the wall.

First, logic and reason are the same thing.

Second, no one including yourself has actually presented a real logic-based argument for why cov ops cloaking should be verboten on battleship hulls.