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Improve visual quality

Liu Orlendar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-01-17 18:03:36 UTC
I really like how EVE is looking at the moment, but there is much room for improvement. It is clear, that the visual quality is not a top priority feature of EVE. But for me it would add a lot of fun, if the game would be better looking and if there would be more often visual updates. I'm not talking about changing the engine, just add or improve some of the visual effects. For example the the look of the "flames" of the propulsion, if you are accelerating. Sorry, I don' know the right word. It looks very outdated and unrealistic. The lens flare or blending effect is very fuzzy, blurred and should be much more high def and sharper. Here are some examples:

a bad example "Eve":

unreal3 engine:

Some textures could be updated too, and some of the ships need shader effects. Some visual filters would look great too, like bokeh.

The Hangar should be reworked. I think many people spend hours inside a station, looking at the hangar. The lightning could be more exciting, at the moment it looks kind of boring. I thought of an atmosphere like blade runner. look at this screenshot:

Hope somebody understands what I'm talking about and maybe a Dev could comment on that.

Fly safe!

Michael Loney
Skullspace Industries
#2 - 2014-01-17 18:50:38 UTC
I agree better graphics would be nice.

However, the engine is 10 years old and looks very good for its age!
#3 - 2014-01-17 19:00:45 UTC
If it weren't for people trying to play EVE with ten year old hardware, we'd have far better graphics. They HAVE the technology. They don't implement it... Because again, of these people who insist on playing EVE with truly ancient computers.

I also think that some ship models (Dominix, most of the Minmatar lineup, and the Moa apparently) could probably do with an overhaul.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#4 - 2014-01-17 19:06:09 UTC
Why are you comparing FPS ground scenes to a space scene? You should be comparing EVE against other space settings, not something on the ground.

Katrina Oniseki

Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#5 - 2014-01-17 20:43:21 UTC
Aglais wrote:
If it weren't for people trying to play EVE with ten year old hardware, we'd have far better graphics. They HAVE the technology. They don't implement it... Because again, of these people who insist on playing EVE with truly ancient computers.

I also think that some ship models (Dominix, most of the Minmatar lineup, and the Moa apparently) could probably do with an overhaul.

they go by the average stats of the collected pc data of CPU rmp and GPU. so yeah.. then again it would make multiboxing or running more then one client hard to impossable with much higher grafics which may cause a decline in players in space.


Panopticon Engineering
#6 - 2014-01-17 22:08:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
EVE looks fine. The graphics are good, and the aesthetics are, barring a few models, great.

If any visual improvements are to be made, it should be replacing certain horribly ugly ship models.

Also, good job using a screenshot as an example for a visual effect that was never made to be stationary.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Obscure Joke Implied
#7 - 2014-01-17 22:14:53 UTC
The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#8 - 2014-01-17 22:19:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyndrogen
They did finally implement direct x 11, so it should be realistic to improve the quality.

Older players could still use their old shaders but people with good hardware should not be punished and limited to old shading looks and graphics.

Overall the look of eve is not on par with modern graphics and perhaps they will have a harder time getting people into the game and staying when the graphics look so primitive.

I think we should have more interesting vistas to fly around, perhaps even structures that we can fly through like in the latest rubicon trailers. I think the lack of a landscape of "scenic" visuals is greatly lacking and could be improved. Eve, when played with a group, does not feel cinematic at all, you are staring at little icons and red ticks zoomed FAR out because the smoke FX KILL performance when you are close. Alpha transparency and smoke FX need to be fixed too, they are too heavy to render in realtime.

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Liu Orlendar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-01-17 22:55:50 UTC
Yes, I know. Many EVE players useing old hardware, but it should be possible to implement new effects, that can be deactivated. I'm very happy, that they included a DX11 version, but I hope they will do the next step and enable some DX11 effects.

But I totaly agree, EVE is still looking nice most of the time!
Claud Tiberius
#10 - 2014-01-18 00:12:11 UTC
Lighting effects are fine imo. Not great, but there are better things that could be improved on.

Ship textures need urgent attention in the graphics world. Their resolution is just not high enough when you zoom-in to look at the ships. You can easily notice blurred colours and fuzzy patterns in the texture.

We should update eve with better textures.

And an option to use this level of detail, for slower hardware.

Once upon a time the Golem had a Raven hull and it looked good. Then it transformed into a plataduck. The end.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2014-01-18 01:34:37 UTC
Thread is unneccesary, CCP has already stated numerous times they are MORE THAN HAPPY to up the graphics AS THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.

unfortuneately, a makjority of the players refuse to upgrade from XP and non-DX11 compatible computers, so until that "majority" CHOOSE to upgrade (hint, every thread that this has coem up in, they have blatantly refused to EVER upgrade until their computer finally dies outright), CCp cannot and WILL NOT upgrade the textures to the exclusion of a majority of the playerbase.

you can say "oh, well then 2 clients, oh, just make it toggle", but for alot of things you/people want, thats impossible. you cant have 2 separate models/textures for the same ship, you cant have 2 separate ambient/environmental effects, you cant have asteroid-collision for some and not others, besides giving clear advantages to those who use one over the other, it requires TWICE THE DEV WORK for EVERY UPDATE until the second client is phased out, which is why CCP stoppped having dual clients a LONG time ago.

sorry for wall of text, im bad at choosing punctuation.
The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#12 - 2014-01-19 00:59:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyndrogen
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Thread is unneccesary, CCP has already stated numerous times they are MORE THAN HAPPY to up the graphics AS THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.

unfortuneately, a makjority of the players refuse to upgrade from XP and non-DX11 compatible computers, so until that "majority" CHOOSE to upgrade (hint, every thread that this has coem up in, they have blatantly refused to EVER upgrade until their computer finally dies outright), CCp cannot and WILL NOT upgrade the textures to the exclusion of a majority of the playerbase.

you can say "oh, well then 2 clients, oh, just make it toggle", but for alot of things you/people want, thats impossible. you cant have 2 separate models/textures for the same ship, you cant have 2 separate ambient/environmental effects, you cant have asteroid-collision for some and not others, besides giving clear advantages to those who use one over the other, it requires TWICE THE DEV WORK for EVERY UPDATE until the second client is phased out, which is why CCP stoppped having dual clients a LONG time ago.

sorry for wall of text, im bad at choosing punctuation.

Tell me more, what else can't we have?

CCP can't have my money until the graphics are improved.

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#13 - 2014-01-19 04:51:46 UTC
Cyndrogen wrote:
Tell me more, what else can't we have?

CCP can't have my money until the graphics are improved.

We also cannot have nice things, and this may be why.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#14 - 2014-01-19 06:23:02 UTC
Tell me brother, have you heard the word of the V3 Update Project.
To be followed by the Lighting update project!

Also known as, CCP has an ongoing update to their visuals. Get with the times.