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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Suicide ganking - put the suicide victim on the kill mail when concord kills the ganker.

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-11-23 16:12:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
When the gankers get concorded, issue a kill mail to the victim that caused Concord to spawn. The victim will sit there at the bottom of the KM most likely with no damage caused, much like the ECM or Logistics guy in a normal battle. But it will result in the KM making it onto the Killboards in most cases.

I think the current situation whereby a suicide ganker not worried about his security status can pad out his killboard with undefended kills, while at the same time not posting his losses is ridiculous.

I would like to say that I have nothing against suicide gankers. I have never been ganked and have actually suicide ganked two other players in my career. Neither time was my loss recorded and that just seemed wrong to me. I didn't post them, why should I when nobody else does?
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-11-23 16:18:28 UTC
Becasue you totally deserved that kill by being gankable.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-11-24 11:44:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
This is not about the victim deserving the kill, it is about pluging the Killboard exploit of not posting your loss mail to make you look more leet than you are.

Currently a player can suicide someone, get the kill and 100% isk efficiency, when the reality is he might actually lose more than he killed.

An untanked hauler with 100M cargo is still going to look a re-tard when he is ganked by a Catalyst even with the Catalyst KillMail. But what about the untanked hauler carrying 2M worth of Ore who gets ganked by a Typhoon for the lols. Who should look like the re-tard after that? The 3M loss to the hauler pilot or the 60M loss to the Typhoon.

This suggestion is not about changing a game mechanic, just accurately reporting the facts on the killboards. If killboard efficiency doesn't factor in gankers minds then nobody is going to complain. If it does... well then my argument has just been proved... they are exploiting a hole in the game.

I know on the two times I did it, I didn't post my loss mail, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I posted the kill mails and they were of particular value that made me look leet, because they were both solo kills.
Azn Empire
#4 - 2011-11-24 13:01:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Major Trant wrote:
I think the current situation whereby a suicide ganker not worried about his sector status
What's a sector status?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-11-24 13:23:13 UTC
Sorry I meant Security Status. But you knew that didn't you? Thanks for the bump.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-11-24 13:39:04 UTC
The problem here is people who care about killboard stats, not suicide ganks.
Vizvayu Koga
#7 - 2011-11-24 14:33:02 UTC
Major Trant wrote:
When the gankers get concorded, issue a kill mail to the victim that caused Concord to spawn. The victim will sit there at the bottom of the KM most likely with no damage caused, much like the ECM or Logistics guy in a normal battle. But it will result in the KM making it onto the Killboards in most cases.

I think the current situation whereby a suicide ganker not worried about his security status can pad out his killboard with undefended kills, while at the same time not posting his losses is ridiculous.

I would like to say that I have nothing against suicide gankers. I have never been ganked and have actually suicide ganked two other players in my career. Neither time was my loss recorded and that just seemed wrong to me. I didn't post them, why should I when nobody else does?

Sorry but I don't agree. Doing this would mean that CCP accepts suicide ganking as a legal kill, when IMO is a clear abuse of a flawed game mechanic.
Jaketh Ivanes
Rigorous Rivals
#8 - 2011-11-24 15:10:38 UTC
Vizvayu Koga wrote:
Major Trant wrote:
When the gankers get concorded, issue a kill mail to the victim that caused Concord to spawn. The victim will sit there at the bottom of the KM most likely with no damage caused, much like the ECM or Logistics guy in a normal battle. But it will result in the KM making it onto the Killboards in most cases.

I think the current situation whereby a suicide ganker not worried about his security status can pad out his killboard with undefended kills, while at the same time not posting his losses is ridiculous.

I would like to say that I have nothing against suicide gankers. I have never been ganked and have actually suicide ganked two other players in my career. Neither time was my loss recorded and that just seemed wrong to me. I didn't post them, why should I when nobody else does?

Sorry but I don't agree. Doing this would mean that CCP accepts suicide ganking as a legal kill, when IMO is a clear abuse of a flawed game mechanic.

CCP condones suiciding with consequence. You have to lose your ship if you try to suicide. This is what they have stated a few times themselves. You might think it's a flawed game mechanic, but EvE is a sandbox where you are give a lot of tools. How you use them is up to you.
That said, I would like to see some better counter tools, like a scan blocking module that makes ship/cargo scanners fail 50% of the time or show incomplete results. Perhaps you should be able to buy fake items, so when they scan your ship they think they will get a lot of valuables, but instead get items worth 1k isk each. That way they (suiciders) will run more risk and suicide will return more to a tool of revege and sabotage (I hope Smile)
Vizvayu Koga
#9 - 2011-11-24 16:44:19 UTC
Jaketh Ivanes wrote:
Vizvayu Koga wrote:
Major Trant wrote:
When the gankers get concorded, issue a kill mail to the victim that caused Concord to spawn. The victim will sit there at the bottom of the KM most likely with no damage caused, much like the ECM or Logistics guy in a normal battle. But it will result in the KM making it onto the Killboards in most cases.

I think the current situation whereby a suicide ganker not worried about his security status can pad out his killboard with undefended kills, while at the same time not posting his losses is ridiculous.

I would like to say that I have nothing against suicide gankers. I have never been ganked and have actually suicide ganked two other players in my career. Neither time was my loss recorded and that just seemed wrong to me. I didn't post them, why should I when nobody else does?

Sorry but I don't agree. Doing this would mean that CCP accepts suicide ganking as a legal kill, when IMO is a clear abuse of a flawed game mechanic.

CCP condones suiciding with consequence. You have to lose your ship if you try to suicide. This is what they have stated a few times themselves. You might think it's a flawed game mechanic, but EvE is a sandbox where you are give a lot of tools. How you use them is up to you.
That said, I would like to see some better counter tools, like a scan blocking module that makes ship/cargo scanners fail 50% of the time or show incomplete results. Perhaps you should be able to buy fake items, so when they scan your ship they think they will get a lot of valuables, but instead get items worth 1k isk each. That way they (suiciders) will run more risk and suicide will return more to a tool of revege and sabotage (I hope Smile)

Yeah the consequence is that your corp gets the loot of the victim. You used to also get the insurance payoff for loosing your ship to Concord, but that was fixed recently and I hope they'll also fix the loot ownership and punishment for looting somebody else's wrek in empire, which is completely absurd the way it is right now.
EVE is not a sandbox, at least not in empire space where there are laws and rules. A true sandbox wouldn't have laws nor NPCs enforcing those laws.
#10 - 2011-11-24 16:55:56 UTC
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Becasue you totally deserved that kill by being gankable.

Contrary to what epeen humpers think, km/kb's original purpose is intel tool/record keeping. It's a valid form of intel on identifying gankers, as well as gankee. If the gankee is willing to accept the tradeoff of giving away intel on himself in order to provide other with ganker intel, then it should be allowed.

Supported. +1
Elson Tamar
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-11-24 19:20:34 UTC
Nah give concord a killmail boardBig smile
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-11-24 22:55:05 UTC
Goose99 wrote:
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Becasue you totally deserved that kill by being gankable.

Contrary to what epeen humpers think, km/kb's original purpose is intel tool/record keeping. It's a valid form of intel on identifying gankers, as well as gankee. If the gankee is willing to accept the tradeoff of giving away intel on himself in order to provide other with ganker intel, then it should be allowed.

Supported. +1

I like it too for a different reason.

"50 losses" - "20 kills" -- I think it would radically deflate the idea that suicide gankers are these omniscient players that know how to perfectly fit out ships to kill every time. Right now, all folks ever see from them are kills - not the lulz of how many times they succeed vs fail.

Seeing that failure count would probably generate as many laugh threads as we see whine threads about it.

To OP: - Many/most killboards remove ship losses to NPC's - that's why you don't see all those lossmails for newbie missions, the ratter who fell asleep, the incursion ships that are blown up... So on and so forth. With a player showing, it would interfere with careful removal of NPC cause lossmails.

I once asked our CEO (E-Uni) about how many ships are lost to NPC's vs in PvP. He laughed about it and said I wouldn't believe it but Recon 3 takes mass numbers of newer player ships out.
#13 - 2011-11-24 23:01:54 UTC
Mocam wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Becasue you totally deserved that kill by being gankable.

Contrary to what epeen humpers think, km/kb's original purpose is intel tool/record keeping. It's a valid form of intel on identifying gankers, as well as gankee. If the gankee is willing to accept the tradeoff of giving away intel on himself in order to provide other with ganker intel, then it should be allowed.

Supported. +1

I like it too for a different reason.

"50 losses" - "20 kills" -- I think it would radically deflate the idea that suicide gankers are these omniscient players that know how to perfectly fit out ships to kill every time. Right now, all folks ever see from them are kills - not the lulz of how many times they succeed vs fail.

Seeing that failure count would probably generate as many laugh threads as we see whine threads about it.

To OP: - Many/most killboards remove ship losses to NPC's - that's why you don't see all those lossmails for newbie missions, the ratter who fell asleep, the incursion ships that are blown up... So on and so forth. With a player showing, it would interfere with careful removal of NPC cause lossmails.

I once asked our CEO (E-Uni) about how many ships are lost to NPC's vs in PvP. He laughed about it and said I wouldn't believe it but Recon 3 takes mass numbers of newer player ships out.

Maybe ppl don't upload their lms?P
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-11-24 23:23:42 UTC
Goose99 wrote:
Mocam wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
Nalha Saldana wrote:
Becasue you totally deserved that kill by being gankable.

Contrary to what epeen humpers think, km/kb's original purpose is intel tool/record keeping. It's a valid form of intel on identifying gankers, as well as gankee. If the gankee is willing to accept the tradeoff of giving away intel on himself in order to provide other with ganker intel, then it should be allowed.

Supported. +1

I like it too for a different reason.

"50 losses" - "20 kills" -- I think it would radically deflate the idea that suicide gankers are these omniscient players that know how to perfectly fit out ships to kill every time. Right now, all folks ever see from them are kills - not the lulz of how many times they succeed vs fail.

Seeing that failure count would probably generate as many laugh threads as we see whine threads about it.

To OP: - Many/most killboards remove ship losses to NPC's - that's why you don't see all those lossmails for newbie missions, the ratter who fell asleep, the incursion ships that are blown up... So on and so forth. With a player showing, it would interfere with careful removal of NPC cause lossmails.

I once asked our CEO (E-Uni) about how many ships are lost to NPC's vs in PvP. He laughed about it and said I wouldn't believe it but Recon 3 takes mass numbers of newer player ships out.

Maybe ppl don't upload their lms?P

At least with the uni, you don't have to upload it.

A director's API key pulls the kills/losses and uploads them. They see every ship lost or killed involving a corp member, so it's done at the corporate level vs each individual having to do the posts themselves.
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2011-11-24 23:40:40 UTC
If you have any means of fighting back, say, a warp disruptor, or even drones, you will appear on any killmail generated by NPC's so long as you are using said means.

If you are flying a defenseless hulk and get suicide ganked without aggressing the ganker then you get nothing. The system is working as intended.

Before posting in Features and Ideas, please remember that Eve is in no way obligated to change based on your stupidity, ineptitude, or well honed sense of personal butthurt.

Shadowed Veil
The Shadow Network
#16 - 2011-11-25 00:52:04 UTC
Jaketh Ivanes wrote:
[quote=Vizvayu Koga][

CCP condones suiciding with consequence. You have to lose your ship if you try to suicide. This is what they have stated a few times themselves. You might think it's a flawed game mechanic, but EvE is a sandbox where you are give a lot of tools. How you use them is up to you.

The point is that they do exploit game mechanics to create a form of piracy with 0 risk. Nobody is arguing that there shouldn't be high sec piracy, nor forced PvP, they are arguing that by definition high security space should be harder to pirate in, not be easier.

1) They exploit concord mechanics so that they can not be agressed, even once they have a negative ecurity standing.

2) They exploit npc corp mechanics so that they can not be war-deced.

3) They exploit insurance mechanics so that even if they fail, they take no loss finanacially, or at least little enough to make no difference.

People complain about carebear war-dec shields. So why not pirates using npcs as dec shields?

People complain about carebear miners sticking to high sec to be protected. So why not high sec pirates?

It's these three points that anoy people. Not they fact there is piracy. Not that there is unconsetual pvp.

If the police see criminals hanging around a shop with weapons, they would arrest them on suspision, or at least force them to move on. If you commit a crime, law abiding companies offer fire you. If you damage your car whilst ram raiding a shop, your insurance sill not pay out.

High sec pirates are nothing but griefer and carebears themselves. The simple fact that they exploit these three mechanics in such a way spoils the immersion of the game, which is what anoys most people who do or don't complain about it.

CCP have proposed contraband being player enforced? So why not system security?

3 simple actions will make high sec piracy hard, and limit the exploitation of the afformationed 3 points.

1) Any form of criminal act in high security space results in a degredation in security standing to an automatic -4. Should the player already have a negative standing of -4 they recieve the normal security penalty based on the rating of the system.

2) Any player with a security standing of +5 or may purchase a Policing License / Bounty Hunter permit from each of the 4 space holding factions providing that they have a faction standing of +5 also. The license/permit will be withdrawn should their standing or security rating fall below +5. This license/permit will allow them to shoot anybody with a negative standing in empire space regardless of the security standing. - This is a good compromise. Carebear pirates will not lose complete protection in that they may not be shot at by just anybody, just people who have worked very hard to obtain the priviledge and will open up bounty hunter as an effective career to make money from.

3) No insurance payouts for criminal acts. That just seems common sense.

As you stated CCP condones suiciding with consiquences. Yet as of yet there are none. You lose a ship but get the money back for it, so no consiquence there. You lose a tiny bit of security standing, which as of yet means nothing. People with negative security standing of above -5 can fly around high sec as freely as anybody else. Even if they were to make it so that people can shoot negative security standing characters the current security standing hit means all you have to do is go ratting every couple of days and your fine. So by what you have said that they have stated, they should not condone the current situation as there is no true consiquence to Carebear pirate actions.

Everytime somebody suggests high-sec pirate countermeasures they are accused of wanting to ignore unconsentual combat and break the sandbox. Well I have news for you. Carebear pirates are doing the same thing. They are using concord as a shield against unconsentual combat. By using npc corps to avoid war-decs, they are avoiding unconsentual combat. Carebear pirates are not only avoiding the sandbox, they a breaking the immersion of the universe of EVE.
Azn Empire
#17 - 2011-11-25 08:59:43 UTC
Shadowed Veil wrote:
Clueless rant....
Insurance is being removed from concord related kills.

As for the rest of your post, lol.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.