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intaki Aideron
#1 - 2014-01-14 10:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: intaki Aideron
Hello and thank you for reading my post. After hearing more and more about the Scorpion Ishukone Watch Battleship and after much thought and consideration I have decided to make 8 of my 10 Special Edition Battleships available to my fellow pilots.

Apocalypse Imperial Issue

Armageddon Imperial Issue

Megathron Federate Issue

Raven State Issue

Tempest Tribal Issue

The above 5 Collectables Ships were ALL categorized by CCP in the EVE online market under "Special Edition Battleships"

On June 4th a new ship was introduced to the Special Edition Battleship Category for the first time in OVER 7 years!

Scorpion Ishukone Watch is now the 6th "Special Edition Battleship"

What makes this ship valuable beyond its attributes and details?
1. It is the first "Special edition Battleship to be released in over 7 years
2. It was only handed out by CCP to its 3rd party sponsors and as fan fest prizes
3. There are ONLY 132 that ever existed and a few of these have already been destroyed
4. This IS a collectable and less than 132 are available for over 500,000 subscribers to share

The fair value of any collectable is simply what the successful buyer was willing to spend to obtain it.
Jump Freighters can be manufactured, destroyed, replaced, and there are thousands of them in circulation in EVE, they historically are valued between 5.5 Bill - 6.5 Bill.

The less than 132 Scorpion Ishukone Watch Battleships can never be manufactured or replaced. That alone should increase the value far past that of a very replaceable Jump Freighter.

I am selling 8 of my 10 (other 2 will NEVER be sold) Scorpion Ishukone Watch - "Special Edition Battleships" for 136 Billion (17x8) on contracts in Jita 4-4 CNAP, because that is what I as an owner feel is a respectable value for the newest addition to CCP's "Special Edition Battleships"

Thankyou once again for reading

PLEASE Enjoy the inevitable, immature, entertaining, ignorant, and over opinionated trolling that will follow.
Berg Talon
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-01-14 10:12:25 UTC
Nice price!
Anton Menges Saddat
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-01-14 11:52:24 UTC
price of the ship more than doubled today :D nice attempt at manipulating the price upwards and i wish you the best of luck with it.
Not Demons Alt
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-01-14 11:59:26 UTC
Anton Menges Saddat wrote:
price of the ship more than doubled today :D nice attempt at manipulating the price upwards and i wish you the best of luck with it.

Yep :)
Captain R J
#5 - 2014-01-14 21:22:58 UTC
will u break the contract to sell one at a time, or does the collector have to take all 8?
Rekkr Nordgard
Steelforge Heavy Industries
#6 - 2014-01-14 21:54:04 UTC
Well hello there, Somer Blink.
Michaell Makanen
#7 - 2014-01-15 00:10:30 UTC
I can't believe that those other ships sell for 250 billion each, I wouldn't know what to do with that much ISK
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#8 - 2014-01-15 01:31:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Great investment you've made.


Michaell Makanen wrote:
I can't believe that those other ships sell for 250 billion each, I wouldn't know what to do with that much ISK

Oh, another 1 day old character. Those other Special Edition Battleships go for a lot more than 250b, but that's because they are actually special and weren't handed out like Ishukone Watch Candy.
intaki Aideron
#9 - 2014-01-15 05:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: intaki Aideron
It is true that some of the EVE online community were unhappy with how this ship was distributed instead of earned like the other 5 collectables in the "Special Edition Battleship" class.

However the fact remains that only 132 were allowed into circulation for over 500,000 players to share and that some of those are already destroyed.

Regardless of whether this ship was introduced as a tournament prize in game or a fanfest prize out of game does not change the fact that it was introduced as a PRIZE ship and now shares a category with its predecessors.

These ships will only increase dramatically in value due to their extremely limited numbers and their category placement in game.

Thank you once again for reading and feel free to EVEMAIL me in game.
New Eden Banking
#10 - 2014-01-15 13:00:51 UTC
Pretty Cool
Berg Talon
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2014-01-15 13:20:29 UTC
These are even cheaper than the ones you bought and re-listed to spike Jita sell price! that's cool!
Malcolm from Marketing
Klaatu Technologies
#12 - 2014-01-15 13:49:18 UTC
intaki Aideron wrote:

These ships will only increase dramatically in value due to their extremely limited numbers and their category placement in game.

Only it wont.

CCP have already stated they can and will hand more of these ships ( and any others past or present ) out to who they believe are deserving. In short, its not going to rise in price, it's more likely to plummet as more are given out.

Poor effort on the market manipulation front too old chap.

That said, i'll offer 2.5b for one ship.

intaki Aideron
#13 - 2014-01-15 14:36:29 UTC
CCP has very clearly stated that the ship is NOT being handed out anymore and that the ONLY reason that 132 were handed out is because of the number of employees at somer blink that received them.

Your effort to troll / insult was both predictable and entertaining :)

Have a pleasant day
Video Gamer
Advanced Training Academy
#14 - 2014-01-15 14:46:08 UTC
Malcolm from Marketing wrote:
intaki Aideron wrote:

These ships will only increase dramatically in value due to their extremely limited numbers and their category placement in game.

Only it wont.

CCP have already stated they can and will hand more of these ships ( and any others past or present ) out to who they believe are deserving. In short, its not going to rise in price, it's more likely to plummet as more are given out.

Poor effort on the market manipulation front too old chap.

That said, i'll offer 2.5b for one ship.

ROFL u just got punked Malcolm. Maybe if u actually read **** u wouldn't claim bull **** LOLPirate
Malcolm from Marketing
Klaatu Technologies
#15 - 2014-01-15 14:50:54 UTC

Somer received approx 30 of the ships after he/she provided CCP Navigator with the names of all Somer employees.

81 were given out at Fan Fest as part of the Charity Poker Tournament and PvP Tournament

1 was given out as part of a role-playing event and SOMER Blink was given another ten to use as rewards.

Those are the ones we publicly know about, you obviously dont do your homework.

Navigator announced in the somergate thread naught that CCP can and will give out ships to who ever they please if they believe its deserving, INCLUDING MORE OF THESE SCORPS.

Try harder.

2.5b stands.
Malcolm from Marketing
Klaatu Technologies
#16 - 2014-01-15 15:01:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcolm from Marketing
Video Gamer wrote:
Malcolm from Marketing wrote:
intaki Aideron wrote:

These ships will only increase dramatically in value due to their extremely limited numbers and their category placement in game.

Only it wont.

CCP have already stated they can and will hand more of these ships ( and any others past or present ) out to who they believe are deserving. In short, its not going to rise in price, it's more likely to plummet as more are given out.

Poor effort on the market manipulation front too old chap.

That said, i'll offer 2.5b for one ship.

ROFL u just got punked Malcolm. Maybe if u actually read **** u wouldn't claim bull **** LOLPirate

Direct quote from CCP manifest regarding these ships :-

We did end up giving Ishukone Ships away to SOMER's people as a "thanks" (as per the email) in a similar manner to our previous issuances of the ship. It's always been meant to be a promo item--for awards, rewards, charity-based efforts, promo items and more. The IshScorp was never meant to be limited at all or "capped" at a certain number--hence why it only refines for 1 Trit and is worse gameplay-wise than the normal Scorpion. There will be more given out in the future by the comm team and others (I will likely give out some some via social and through PR) and I am sure the price will go down--kinda like the pirate noobie frigs we gave out at events.

So, Video Gamer, you were saying?..
Bob FromMarketing
Space Marketing Department
#17 - 2014-01-15 15:02:04 UTC
I like this thread
intaki Aideron
#18 - 2014-01-15 15:19:10 UTC  |  Edited by: intaki Aideron
wow Malcolm , I am unsure what fuels your desire to argue and debate on somebody elses WTS post but since you are so persistent on making false claims here is yet another link for you by CCP not me.

"We recognize that gifting rare in-game items of potential ISK value proactively to select third-parties, whether as prizes for them to hand out or as a personal thank-you, can have implications no matter how well-meaning you are," Guard writes. "We realize that for example in the IWS reward situation, a line was crossed in many people’s minds despite there being certain similarities with previous gifting events. Where the line of acceptability lies is something we need to work out together before we move forward."

Ironically, the pause means that the ships — which CCP Manifest has said were never intended to be particularly valuable — will remain quite rare for the foreseeable future.

Malcolm should u have any further issues with this post I suggest u take it up with CCP Guard as you are now debating his words not mine.

2.5 bill :) u do realize that buy orders still sit at 7 and sell orders at 20?

go troll a different post buddy
#19 - 2014-01-15 15:20:07 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
intaki Aideron wrote:

However the fact remains that only 132 were allowed into circulation for over 500,000 players to share and that some of those are already destroyed.

No. CCP has explicitly said they they intend to keep giving them out indefinitely. Unlike the other special edition ships we will be seeing more and more IW Scorps and the price will go down and down as they become more common. Not a great investment.

Edit - the fact that they have put a temporary hold on giving them at the moment is meaningless as the community objections were restricted to one particular case. Even if they act in such a way as to not give them out as they did to Somer - i.e. as a reward to an ingame business for being a successful ingame business - there is no reason to think they will stop giving them out for genuine community efforts or as freebies at Fanfest, or in nay of a dozen other ways. The purpose of this ship is to be given away, not to be unique. I suspect that most people who can afford one will be clued in enough to know this. But then, some people will use the Mittani as a third party ...

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

intaki Aideron
#20 - 2014-01-15 15:35:51 UTC
The ONLY explicit information regarding these ships is CCP apologies for the excessive distribution and immediately stops any and all further distribution. The posts are linked in BRIGHT YELLOW for anyone who wishes to keep pushing their opinion against fact :)

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