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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Returning player looking for WH/PvP corp.

Twisted Surge
#1 - 2014-01-12 20:16:20 UTC
I'm looking for a well established WH/PvP corp to call home. More than 5 members, less than 100.

About me:

- been away for about a year
- 109m SP (mostly combat)
- Capital capable
- EU timezone
- Self sufficient
- Mic
- Active

roy oakes
boom boom long time
#2 - 2014-01-12 20:50:26 UTC
hey wassup man

we are currently looking for new recruits, pvp toons are the best of course imo, feel free to mail me or join our ingame chat hades pub

Pulling The Plug
#3 - 2014-01-12 21:19:57 UTC
Hey Fizixx,

Pvp toon with 109 SP very nice, sure us and lots of other corps would be interested!

We're a C5 wormhole pvp corp within a well established WH alliance.

Take a look at us Probe Patrol, we're chilled out gamers who like to have a laugh on comms & on our roams for the lolz..

My forum post:

Contact: Dorn Val, Duke Wendo and Rek Seven
Public channel: Polarized

Fly dangerously Fizixx!
Twisted Surge
#4 - 2014-01-13 18:35:26 UTC
Xanos Xellos
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-01-14 21:28:04 UTC
Hey man, just wanted to give you another option if you would like to take a look at us although we don't really deal with WHs.

Take a look, if it sounds like something you would be interested in come have a chat with us in our public channel. I hope to hear from you soon, if not I hope you find a corp to fit what you enjoy doing.

Have fun and fly safe!
Kylie Rose
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-01-14 21:55:51 UTC
Come Have a Cahte with us "Scorpius Pub"

Fill Out A App
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-01-14 21:59:14 UTC
Are you tired of blob warfare? Are you tired of feeling like you're just a peon for a basement dwellers tech empire? Do you miss getting that rush in PVP? Does it feel like PVP is just F1-F8? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, and are looking to move away from blobs, and sov, then keep on reading!


Mafia Redux started as a small gang corporation, and was founded by a tight group of players who have been playing EVE off and on since 2005. We've lived in Empire, and roamed the local 0.0 areas, terrorizing the sov holding alliances, carebears, and picking fights that generally weigh in the enemies favor.

Today we're a medium-sized group of pilots, we have a strong presence in the USTZ. We specialize in small/medium gang PVP, in the 0.0 environment. We fly a mixture of ship types, often fight outnumbered, and will engage even if the fight is not in our favor. Taking risks is part of what EVE is about, and we take those risks.

We roam lowsec and 0.0 looking for fights. Individual pilot skill is a critical aspect of our corporation and often determines the outcome of our battles.

If fighting against the odds, outsmarting the enemy, and learning more about PVP sounds exciting to you, keep scrolling down.

Mafia Redux Wants:

Competent pilots who seek a competent corporation.
18+ with a working a microphone + TS3
Active at minimum several days of the week
Ability to pilot some (bonus if all) Shield and Armor Cruisers, HACs and Recons, all t2 fit.
Desire to PvP above all else, and maintain the high standard set by Mafia Redux.
Self sufficient pilot who needs little guidance or direction while in combat

Mafia Redux Offers:

Medium/small gangs during USTZ
Competent pilots, FC's and scouts
No SOV-holding bullshit, no politics, only 2-3 groups set blue
A healthy mix of different fleet compositions, regions to roams, enemies, etc.

Phobia. Alliance:
Open for small gang bitter vet elite pvp corps.

Joining Process:
Fill out an application on our forum located here
Blademaster Hattori
Ruby Code
#8 - 2014-01-15 02:07:03 UTC
Hey bud,

Were currently building up our EU timezone for a C5/C3 WH. We are a pvp focused corp but will also do the PvE side to fund the pvp ;)

If your interesting checkout our post


Were currently having a UK corp of about 10 merge with us to boost our coverage in your TZ.

Corporate Channel ingame: Flying with Animals

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