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Totally broken game mechanic who need changed

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#81 - 2014-01-12 19:35:24 UTC
Ynot Eyob wrote:
I have to agree, its become rediculous.

Iv played for 6 years, iv seen over 100 people stop playing because of this unbalanced deal with ganking.

I dont mind ganks its a part of the game, but at least people should have a chance to defend them self and put up a fight before getting slaughtered by 100m detroyers killing your 2b isk mission ship, or you hard earned freighters.

I lost my Mach last night no big deal, but 15 Trashers took 2 sec to burn down the mach, i didnt even manage to lock any of them up before i was dead, with all hardners overheated.

If i took at BS to low sec, not even faction fitted, at least i get a fight if i meet a dessy gang and last 2-3 min before dieing in flames.

Those 100 people people iv seen stop playing, put ALOT of time and effort into fitting their mission ships, their type of game play. They have over the years dragged alot of new people into the game. Now those 100 people will only talk negative about EVE, and i rather see new people joining than anything else.

Your lossmail was linked earlier. You had 85k EHP and a gaping EM hole in that fit, it really wouldn't have been hard to kill you. If you took that BS to lowsec, you'd have died even faster. Maybe you should have refit to something with an actual tank?

On top of that, a maelstrom costing 300 million would do the job of your 1.7 billion isk machariel, it'd tank better and do all of 40 less DPS. Was your ship worth the extra 1.4 billion ISK over a mael?

And, as not one single one of the whiners in this thread has managed to answer the question, why should the pricetag of your ship affect how easily it can or can't be killed?
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2014-01-12 19:51:48 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Your lossmail was linked earlier. You had 85k EHP and a gaping EM hole in that fit, it really wouldn't have been hard to kill you. If you took that BS to lowsec, you'd have died even faster. Maybe you should have refit to something with an actual tank?

On top of that, a maelstrom costing 300 million would do the job of your 1.7 billion isk machariel, it'd tank better and do all of 40 less DPS. Was your ship worth the extra 1.4 billion ISK over a mael?

And, as not one single one of the whiners in this thread has managed to answer the question, why should the pricetag of your ship affect how easily it can or can't be killed?

Tell me how can you tank 13 tornado you genius, no matter how you fit your ship... Big smile
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2014-01-12 20:20:07 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Your lossmail was linked earlier. You had 85k EHP and a gaping EM hole in that fit, it really wouldn't have been hard to kill you. If you took that BS to lowsec, you'd have died even faster. Maybe you should have refit to something with an actual tank?

On top of that, a maelstrom costing 300 million would do the job of your 1.7 billion isk machariel, it'd tank better and do all of 40 less DPS. Was your ship worth the extra 1.4 billion ISK over a mael?

And, as not one single one of the whiners in this thread has managed to answer the question, why should the pricetag of your ship affect how easily it can or can't be killed?

Tell me how can you tank 13 tornado you genius, no matter how you fit your ship... Big smile


The maelstrom mentioned would not have been a 5 BILLION isk ship. 13 Tornado's would not have even bothered.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#84 - 2014-01-12 20:21:40 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Your lossmail was linked earlier. You had 85k EHP and a gaping EM hole in that fit, it really wouldn't have been hard to kill you. If you took that BS to lowsec, you'd have died even faster. Maybe you should have refit to something with an actual tank?

On top of that, a maelstrom costing 300 million would do the job of your 1.7 billion isk machariel, it'd tank better and do all of 40 less DPS. Was your ship worth the extra 1.4 billion ISK over a mael?

And, as not one single one of the whiners in this thread has managed to answer the question, why should the pricetag of your ship affect how easily it can or can't be killed?

Tell me how can you tank 13 tornado you genius, no matter how you fit your ship... Big smile

In Eve, you are never safe. Just as in real life, the police arrive after the crime, not before it. If someone wants you dead, they can find a way and a means to kill you, as long as you undock.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#85 - 2014-01-12 20:24:50 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Your lossmail was linked earlier. You had 85k EHP and a gaping EM hole in that fit, it really wouldn't have been hard to kill you. If you took that BS to lowsec, you'd have died even faster. Maybe you should have refit to something with an actual tank?

On top of that, a maelstrom costing 300 million would do the job of your 1.7 billion isk machariel, it'd tank better and do all of 40 less DPS. Was your ship worth the extra 1.4 billion ISK over a mael?

And, as not one single one of the whiners in this thread has managed to answer the question, why should the pricetag of your ship affect how easily it can or can't be killed?

Tell me how can you tank 13 tornado you genius, no matter how you fit your ship... Big smile

By flying the 300 million ISK maelstrom that came through the gate after that idiot and wasn't touched at all.

5.7 billion ISK is asking for it. 300 million is not.
#86 - 2014-01-12 20:29:20 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Sigras wrote:
So again I ask what change are you proposing that will make you happy?

First of all making security tags much more scarce, so making them much more expensive will be a very, very good start.

Second, concord time response is obvious to long when you deal with big destroyers fleets, so one balanced solution can be that concord to arrive faster when attackers numbers are bigger.

Is a good start to stop the massacre in a way who not break the game mechanics?

Dude, how many people have to tell you that gankers dont care about sec status for you to believe them?

Second, lets say for the sake of the argument that you're right, and concord makes a beam that instantly deals 1,000,000 DPS damage to anyone with a GCC

Gankers would immediately switch to thrashers with artillery cannons which cost about 8,000,000 ISK for a T2 fit doing 1,396 damage all at once to get around concord.

This means each thrasher does 5,731 damage per ISK. Since we know the drop chance is 50% they need to be worth 2x as much as it costs to kill them, so they must be worth at least 11,462 ISK per EHP, so the average ship with 90,000 EHP is profitable to kill if it has just over a billion ISK in modules fitted.

Since they're going to want to make a profit, lets say 2 billion is the minimum point where they will gank you. YOU STILL CANT FLY A BLINGED OUT SHIP

Even instant concord wont protect you from stupid
Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#87 - 2014-01-12 21:28:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Gadicus Sharhrizai
Not one carebare has explained why oh why, even if they insist on flying blingy ships, they can't be bothered to bring along a fleet to help protect them?

The problem, besides the fact that this game and the mentality behind playing on a non-blue server escapes you, is that you think that you should always be able to do everything solo.

You want to solo runs missions in a MMO..... do even see the problem here? Your paying money each month, to sign onto a game with thousands of others in order to play by yourself..... This is your issue.

Try running missions with a couple friends (doesn't seem like you have alot of them, so maybe try to find them)... you won't look like such a tasty / easy target.

Also, quit bringing up ganking miners.. the only reason people lose mining ships is because they yield fit and are afk (or near enough it makes no difference)... seriously it's not that hard to keep from getting ganked (Hint... fly a procure or skiff). Just like in real life, is really a great idea to strut down the inner city with a 60 thousand dollar rolex on your arm and diamonds on your fingers that blind people three blocks away? Not really... same principle in eve.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2014-01-12 22:26:29 UTC
Since the question remains UNANSWERED, let me ask again:

Why should 1 person in a shiny ship be unkillable by 10+?

What justification do you have for this?

If you really want to move 20B in a freighter, WHY are you not bringing your corp mates to fly Logistics or ECM as escort? Why should 10 people NOT be able to kill you? Eve is not designed for 1 person to just Lol their way through high sec no risk. Bring friends, travel in convoy's, PAY merc's to escort you. Don't expect 1 person to just 0 ducks their way through High sec and be completely invulnerable. Take precaution.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Sarah Stallman
Pen2 Logistics
#89 - 2014-01-12 23:26:47 UTC
The underlying premace of EVE is that the place is not nice. "High sec" is hardly secure, it's everything CONCORD can do to keep it from devolving into open warfare. I mean, what government sanctions companies waging legal war against the others?

One of the most important skills to learn in EVE is how to stay alive. This thread is all from someone who doesn't want to learn that.
Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#90 - 2014-01-12 23:34:59 UTC
Sarah Stallman wrote:

One of the most important skills to learn in EVE is how to stay alive. This thread is all from someone who doesn't want to learn that.

Sarah Stallman
Pen2 Logistics
#91 - 2014-01-12 23:39:05 UTC
I mean, hell, if you look at my killboards you'll see that I'm a terrible combat pilot. I go out in a cheap frigate expecting to never see it again. It's fun, because I know my limits and am pleasantly surprised when I occasionally make it out alive. As I lose ships, I'll eventually stop sucking so much, but until then it's a jolly good time.
Johnson Dragoon
#92 - 2014-01-13 02:43:58 UTC
Can I put in my two isk?

Isn't this game about sand boxing? About as few rules and as much sand as possible...

So let me ask, this. If someone comes around and kicks your sand castle down, what stopping you from going right back over and kicking their sand castle in as well?

Hey I just wanted to make a point.
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2014-01-13 02:48:20 UTC
Sarah Stallman wrote:
The underlying premace of EVE is that the place is not nice. "High sec" is hardly secure, it's everything CONCORD can do to keep it from devolving into open warfare. I mean, what government sanctions companies waging legal war against the others?

One of the most important skills to learn in EVE is how to stay alive. This thread is all from someone who doesn't want to learn that.

i never said anything against that. I just think that there should be a better balance as punishment. That excludes the fitting or the cargohold and only includes the hull. CONCORD is practically Police and extract an extra fine afterwards. But Concord should always exclude fitting or freight.
Ice Fire Warriors
#94 - 2014-01-13 03:11:24 UTC
Jeanne-Luise Argenau wrote:
Sarah Stallman wrote:
The underlying premace of EVE is that the place is not nice. "High sec" is hardly secure, it's everything CONCORD can do to keep it from devolving into open warfare. I mean, what government sanctions companies waging legal war against the others?

One of the most important skills to learn in EVE is how to stay alive. This thread is all from someone who doesn't want to learn that.

i never said anything against that. I just think that there should be a better balance as punishment. That excludes the fitting or the cargohold and only includes the hull. CONCORD is practically Police and extract an extra fine afterwards. But Concord should always exclude fitting or freight.

To repeat Danika's question...

Why should ganking an expensive ship be artificially more expensive than ganking a cheap ship?
Whittorical Quandary
Amarrian Infinity
#95 - 2014-01-13 04:19:18 UTC
Suicide gankers are like terrorists lol

Go for high collateral damage on as many unsuspecting rich "nonbelievers" (non believers in highsec ganking)

Now for this we need checkpoints, "green zones", counter terrorism units, and a special concord spy agency (CSA)
Would be a fun counter to it, that would expound on what exists already, i think lol

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine."

— Abraham Lincoln

Ice Fire Warriors
#96 - 2014-01-13 05:00:02 UTC
Whittorical Quandary wrote:
Suicide gankers are like terrorists lol

Go for high collateral damage on as many unsuspecting rich "nonbelievers" (non believers in highsec ganking)

Now for this we need checkpoints, "green zones", counter terrorism units, and a special concord spy agency (CSA)
Would be a fun counter to it, that would expound on what exists already, i think lol

Funny thing is... you are that "counter-terrorist" unit. If a person with -5.0 security status shows up, you are completely free to shoot on sight. Just bring the right "gun" (*hint* something that can target and fire faster than them).
Whittorical Quandary
Amarrian Infinity
#97 - 2014-01-13 05:34:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Whittorical Quandary
So what weapon do i use on a mining barge?

// ill leave this, but mostly im saying this as expensive freight through high sec, but yeah, tank.

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine."

— Abraham Lincoln

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#98 - 2014-01-13 06:13:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrogh Habalu
Dammit, are we really talking about 5 bil missioning ships? For real now, what do you need on your hisec boat that costs that much? I can understand faction damage mods, but where the rest of 4.7 bil goes?..
Ordo Malus
State War Academy
Caldari State
#99 - 2014-01-13 08:32:38 UTC
Panseluta wrote:
This guys effective do a genocide between people who do missions, i bet at this rate CCP will must do something to not lose a lot of subscribers.
Is very obvious that is way to easy to kill very expensive ships in very cheap ones, and moreover, with new dumb pro-piracy feature of sec status instant boost, using pirate insignias, gankers can get security status back instant, and keep going on suicide gank ships at infinitum as long is very profitable too.
They cannot be stopped in that cheap and fast ships, killrights dont have any use because of same reasons...
Look on this and notice that something looks very wrong there...
So guys take care and brick tank your ships, but that will not help to much as long they use enough destroyers...

Gallente Federation
#100 - 2014-01-13 10:03:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Si1viu
21(twenty one) of faction battleships, marauders and t3 killed just yesterday by just one group of suicide gankers:

At this rate of killings, you will get rid of carebears from high sec, and taking in the account the massacre who happens to miners too, i am sure that CCP will gone lose a lot subscribers in close future...

PS: The question is who will buy all that expensive modules that "brave" players who live in 0.0 like to farm and sell to "carebears" if they can get exterminated just because use them...

Edit: is so cheap to use destroyers that they begin to gang even t1 batttleships with t2 fittings: Ugh