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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Newbie with old char(s) looking for corp [EU TZ]

No Inspiration
Eldar Army
#1 - 2014-01-12 14:48:39 UTC  |  Edited by: No Inspiration

I discovered Eve in 2006 and fell in love with this sandbox immediately.
Did some missioning in solo, eventually got bored to death (even though Eve Radio helped mitigate this), decided to join a big alliance (French-Navy, TCF). But moving my stuff 40 jumps away, being requested twice in a row to play a tackler in a laggy 500vs500 fight, with no way to lock anything anyway, was definitely not fun for me.

Frustrated by this experience and also the very slow character advancement (that was back when you had to train Learning skills for months), I started to AFK-train skills, bought 1 PLEX to fund further advancements at some point, and planned for comeback at a later date.

I've been meaning to get back into Eve for a very very long while.
My main and alt are respectively 67M sp and 22M sp old. And my own (player) skills are seriously lacking in comparison now. Although I did play for a few months in total and read quite a bit, I'm still practically a newbie.

Considering my chars have quite a bit of sp, I think I can be useful to a corp in different ways.
What I ask in exchange is some tutoring, no "mandatory" ops (or at least not in the beginning) yet opportunities to participate fairly often (20 active people at least?) and I guess.. my fair share of the loot.
I'm OK with a bit of tax. The corp has to grow, and if I can help with that while having fun, that's great.
I'm mostly interested in low-scale stuff (mining ops, small-gang pvp, missioning, ..). Basically stuff that can ease me into the multiplayer aspects of Eve. Not looking for a very specialized corp, I'd like to keep my options open.
Looking for a corp with members who are a healthy mix of serious and fun (I'm not really into trolling/PEWPEW mentality).

My chars:
- No Inspiration (subcap pilot):
- No Expiration (trader/miner/support, different account):
They're both in my temporary 2-man corp currently, living in Heimatar.

A little about me:
- 32 yo. Software engineer.
- Speak French (native) and English.
- Hobbies: Go (board game), Padel (Hispanic tennis/squash mix) and obviously video games (online competitive ones mostly: GW1 GVG, LoL, etc.)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate.

CEO, Eldar Army.

Flames Of Chaos
Unspoken Alliance.
#2 - 2014-01-12 15:22:38 UTC
Hey Bud.

We are currently recruiting. We have a good area of 0.0 and run a lot of fleets in the EU evenings and US TZ.

What we can offer:

Arrow Excellent PvP and target rich environmental to enjoy
Arrow FCs that understand tactics and game mechanics well to deliver you an on the edge of your seat experience
Arrow Ship Replacement Program
Arrow Versatile game play
Arrow Access to excellent 0.0 space to cultivate and a target rich Environment to hunt in
Arrow Roams and Covert Hotdrops that will make your jaw drop
Arrow Teamspeak 3, Forums and Jabber
Arrow Be part of the best coalition in the game (N3)
Arrow Ability to make ISK through ratting, exploration or mining

We also get involved with competition in EVE online when possible, and to a high standard too, for example. Also, here is our killboard

We also have quite a few french speakers in alliance who are very active, so when you are tired and fed up of English you can switch back to you native tongue :D

If your interested then drop me a message or join Sneaky Public
roy oakes
boom boom long time
#3 - 2014-01-12 16:36:35 UTC
join ingame chat hades pub, sov holding nul sec

No Inspiration
Eldar Army
#4 - 2014-01-13 23:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: No Inspiration
Still looking. :)

Gave myself about a week to make my choice. . Just exploring my options. :)

Do not hesitate to emphasize on relevant aspects about your corp which'd make it a good fit for me, like Saven did here.
Can be done via PM too if you prefer.


CEO, Eldar Army.

No Inspiration
Eldar Army
#5 - 2014-01-15 07:48:23 UTC
Still looking.

CEO, Eldar Army.

No Inspiration
Eldar Army
#6 - 2014-01-16 19:13:31 UTC
Still looking.

CEO, Eldar Army.

Ashe Erbh
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#7 - 2014-01-16 19:42:12 UTC
I can offer you literally nothing. PM if interested
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-01-16 19:46:34 UTC
Are you tired of blob warfare? Are you tired of feeling like you're just a peon for a basement dwellers tech empire? Do you miss getting that rush in PVP? Does it feel like PVP is just F1-F8? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, and are looking to move away from blobs, and sov, then keep on reading!


Mafia Redux started as a small gang corporation, and was founded by a tight group of players who have been playing EVE off and on since 2005. We've lived in Empire, and roamed the local 0.0 areas, terrorizing the sov holding alliances, carebears, and picking fights that generally weigh in the enemies favor.

Today we're a medium-sized group of pilots, we have a strong presence in the USTZ. We specialize in small/medium gang PVP, in the 0.0 environment. We fly a mixture of ship types, often fight outnumbered, and will engage even if the fight is not in our favor. Taking risks is part of what EVE is about, and we take those risks.

We roam lowsec and 0.0 looking for fights out of our C5. Individual pilot skill is a critical aspect of our corporation and often determines the outcome of our battles.

If fighting against the odds, outsmarting the enemy, and learning more about PVP sounds exciting to you, keep scrolling down.

Mafia Redux Wants:

Competent pilots who seek a competent corporation.
18+ with a working a microphone + TS3
Active at minimum several days of the week
Ability to pilot some (bonus if all) Shield and Armor Cruisers, HACs and Recons, all t2 fit.
Desire to PvP above all else, and maintain the high standard set by Mafia Redux.
Self sufficient pilot who needs little guidance or direction while in combat

Mafia Redux Offers:

Medium/small gangs during USTZ
Competent pilots, FC's and scouts
No SOV-holding bullshit, no politics, only 2-3 groups set blue
A healthy mix of different fleet compositions, regions to roams, enemies, etc.

Phobia. Alliance:
Open for small gang bitter vet elite pvp corps.

Joining Process:
Fill out an application on our forum located here
No Inspiration
Eldar Army
#9 - 2014-01-18 23:45:12 UTC  |  Edited by: No Inspiration
Last day.



CEO, Eldar Army.