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Totally broken game mechanic who need changed

Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2014-01-12 01:50:17 UTC
Sigras wrote:
Mojo Joo wrote:
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...

I believe this is correct, High sec is for people who dont want to get shot at without their attacker suffering some sort of consequences.

Those consequences are the loss of their ship and any insurance that ship had.

Now I understand that you think those consequences arent enough, but you have yet to make a suggestion to change them. BTW as a non-ganker, I think those consequences are enough. Nobody should ever be 100% safe in New Eden unless docked or logged off, and TBH i believe docking shouldnt even be safe in 0.0 which is why I would like stations in 0.0 to be destructible.

What are the consequences when gankers lose just some dirty cheap destroyers and kill ships who worth billion, getting loot who make them rich? Also the security status loss consequence was also removed by pirate lovers from CCP. That will come back and hit now in the head when the suicide ganking will begin to get epic proportion.

That gankers make tens of billions every day suicide ganking in destroyers, and that is a isk print machine at zero risk cost who need to be stopped.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2014-01-12 01:56:56 UTC
So, the guys who lose sec status, their ship and their insurance, and if they do it enough can be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, don't face a speck of risk.

Yet the guys who spend tens of billions on fittings for ships for no apparent reason should be completely immune purely because they spent a lot of money, do I understand the point you're trying to make?

Considering the fact that the tags for status thing has been in for MONTHS, why are you only whining about this now?
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-01-12 02:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Danika Princip wrote:
So, the guys who lose sec status, their ship and their insurance, and if they do it enough can be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, don't face a speck of risk.

What they lose, a 800k destroyer when kill a ship who worth 1000-2000 times more? Insurance for destroyers?!?!?!? You are a free time clown or what? Shocked
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#44 - 2014-01-12 02:14:17 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
So, the guys who lose sec status, their ship and their insurance, and if they do it enough can be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, don't face a speck of risk.

What they lose, a 800k destroyer when kill a ship who worth 1000-2000 times more? Insurance for destroyers?!?!?!? You are a free time clown or what? Shocked

Explain why it should be impossible to gank a pimpfit ship.

Now explain why a ship should be invulnerable purely because it's expensive.
Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2014-01-12 02:48:55 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
So, the guys who lose sec status, their ship and their insurance, and if they do it enough can be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, don't face a speck of risk.

What they lose, a 800k destroyer when kill a ship who worth 1000-2000 times more? Insurance for destroyers?!?!?!? You are a free time clown or what? Shocked

It's been asked time and again... why do you need to fly a ship worth that many billions (if you don't want to be a target)?

I think on the first page, someone linked this article:

You really need to read it, i know... logic.. it can kinda suck

Its the same thing for miners, running around in yield fit Rets, Macks, Hulks is a very bad idea.. If you want to be safe, tank out a procure and no one will bother... why? Because of isk loss ratio. It takes way to many catas to kill a well tank proc and its only worth a few million.

Use this same mechanic with your ship... want to fly a fraction BS or Marauder, great, don't fill the damn thing with officer fit and you won't be a target.


We have argued back and forth for pages, the only thing you keep saying is
"wahh... i shouldn't be able to lose my expensive ship to dessies" without even considering the possibility that there is another solution besides CCP making the best single player game, just for carebears like you.

Bring in some corp mates (Do you even have any)
Bring in extra mods (ECM Burst and jammers or smartbombs) and drop a mobile depot so you can quickly change fitting.

Your problem is that just because you have been butt hurt you just want to stick your head in the sand and cry for someone else to fix you problem instead of trying to find a solution. We have all given you ideas and things you can do, but you still get hung up on the fact that you can be suicide ganked. Get over it., if you play with your head in the sand then you are gonna have a bad day every now and again.

You can either:
1) Play Smarter
2) Play the same way you have been, and lose more ships
3) Say screw missions and become a day trader (trader one PVP for another)
4) Uninstall eve

It doesn't matter what consequence they put on gankers (E.G. take away tags..) people will still do it... a certain point they will do just to spite people like you regardless of the repercussions .

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2014-01-12 03:46:56 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Darwin's law is still true.

Is not, and you are the proof. All that ships are killed in same area by same gankers, not by war targets.

Reading comprehension isn't your thing is it?

The simple fact that a pilot is willing to undock in a 2 bil isk macharial, in an obviously popular mission hub, during an active wardec is an excellent illustration of someone who threw their common sense out the window (if they had any to begin with).

You still have done NOTHING to show that ganking is even on the rise as a result of tags for sec, which seems to be one of your major talking points.

Sarah Stallman
Pen2 Logistics
#47 - 2014-01-12 03:52:53 UTC
Seriously, why are we still discussing this? Someone is butt hurt because they had their USS Compensator spectacularly taken away.

Solution: Stop flying expensive ships when the profits don't match the risks.
Dolorous Tremmens
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2014-01-12 04:45:20 UTC
Sometimes troll bait is too tasty looking, and other trolls are circling. Might as well get a taste.

General Summary of thread:

"Lost shiny Soother, WAH"

"make it less shiny, people will want it less"

"Wah, they shouldn't be able to take it, they smell bad and have no manners"

"You baited them by wearing that slutty looking ship, you were asking for it"

"Wah, but they smell bad and have bad manners"

"WAH WAH WAH But it was expensive, and they get away with it. and the smell bad and have no manners"

"I'm done here, stop feeding them"

(in anticipation):

"Wah, they sm...."

ad nauseam

Get some Eve. Make it yours.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#49 - 2014-01-12 05:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: FT Diomedes
As much as I hate to say it, I think some of us are missing his point by not looking at the kiilboard. If these are indeed all suicide ganks, then these guys are not always doing it for the ISK. Rather, they seem to be doing it for the green killboard or simply for tears (not that there is anything wrong with that). For example, a T2 fit Cynabal is hardly a pimped mission ship. Some of the ships do scream "gank me!" in bright red letters, but others do not.

Edit - After looking at more killmailss, I take that back. I think the Tornado and Cynabal pilots must have tried to come back and attack them after losing expensive ships.

It is a little disconcerting to me that 11 destroyers can suicide gank a Machariel - I knew high sec was dangerous, but not that dangerous. I am not saying this should be changed - far from it. Just surprised at how cheaply someone can ruin your day. I say this as someone who used to run a lot of missions in Nakugard. I always felt relatively safe in my moderately pimped ships (faction damage mods, everything else T2). Now I realize that it was the low population density that worked for me (local was never more than 30-40 when I used to mission there).

All the more reason to move to 0.0, my dear OP. I prefer to live where I know who is trying to kill me (everyone not purple, green, or blue). My skin always crawls when I visit high sec (all those neuts in local!).

My analogy for this has always related back to my time in Afghanistan. I always felt safer on a convoy or patrol out in the desert or sparsely populated fields than I did in the market on bazaar day. Anyone could be lurking inside those crowds - you never knew if today was going to be the day for a suicide motorcycle or just another walk through the bazaar. High sec is the same way. Terrorists lurk in the crowds - in 0.0 they stand out like sore thumbs with their little grey, orange, or red icons in local.

PS - please stop linking that damn article. People might read it! Then they might stop buying my loot drops to put on their high sec Level 4 mission ships! Blink

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2014-01-12 09:06:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
This ones are for profit too or just for tears?
When enough low skill players with a bit of leadership will do this "en masse" you will see that will become a very serious game play problem. Only reason for what you still don't see it like a broken game mechanic, is that are still not many players who know how funny and easy is to kill very expensive ships at almost no cost (in isk or security status).
To be honest i think very serious to get few friends in destroyers, pay for their security status tags and go ruin the day to all people who i do not like Big smile
Think, for example, about when some multi-boxers will see that kills on killboard and begin to decimate ships in high sec for money or just for fun and tears... and they will not even need to get 10 friends in fleet to do that job...
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-01-12 09:17:34 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
This ones are for profit too or just for tears?
When enough low skill players with a bit of leadership will do this "en masse" you will see that will become a very serious game play problem. Only reason for what you still don't see it like a broken game mechanic, is that are still not many players who know how funny and easy is to kill very expensive ships at almost no cost (in isk or security status).
To be honest i think very serious to get few friends in destroyers, pay for their security status tags and go ruin the day to all people who i do not like Big smile
Think, for example, about when some multi-boxers will see that kills on killboard and begin to decimate ships in high sec for money or just for fun and tears... and they will not even need to get 10 friends in fleet to do that job...

Those are actually specifically for profit, not from the gank itself, but as an incentive to get people to pay the "license fee".
#52 - 2014-01-12 09:42:27 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Sigras wrote:
Mojo Joo wrote:
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...

I believe this is correct, High sec is for people who dont want to get shot at without their attacker suffering some sort of consequences.

Those consequences are the loss of their ship and any insurance that ship had.

Now I understand that you think those consequences arent enough, but you have yet to make a suggestion to change them. BTW as a non-ganker, I think those consequences are enough. Nobody should ever be 100% safe in New Eden unless docked or logged off, and TBH i believe docking shouldnt even be safe in 0.0 which is why I would like stations in 0.0 to be destructible.

What are the consequences when gankers lose just some dirty cheap destroyers and kill ships who worth billion, getting loot who make them rich? Also the security status loss consequence was also removed by pirate lovers from CCP. That will come back and hit now in the head when the suicide ganking will begin to get epic proportion.

That gankers make tens of billions every day suicide ganking in destroyers, and that is a isk print machine at zero risk cost who need to be stopped.

You know a 100% reliable way to stop them? STOP FLYING TRILLION ISK SHIPS WITH 0 EHP

Seriously, it wouldnt be an isk print machine if people werent stupid.

CCP has stated several times that concord is not there to protect you, they're there to make sure the guilty parties lose their ships. If they really wanted to protect you they would just disable non-consensual combat in high sec, but they dont because it is working as intended.

The fact that people can actually set up a protection racket is one of the best parts of eve.

What change exactly are you suggesting? because as long as people can fire against targets in high sec there will always be a soft cap over which you are profitable to gank. Even if they changed it so you got blown up as soon as you fired a shot, there would still be a point where you're profitable to gank, and that point would be around 22,000 ISK/EHP or 2.2 billion ISK for a 100,000 EHP ship.

So again I ask what change are you proposing that will make you happy?
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2014-01-12 10:12:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Sigras wrote:
So again I ask what change are you proposing that will make you happy?

First of all making security tags much more scarce, so making them much more expensive will be a very, very good start.

Second, concord time response is obvious to long when you deal with big destroyers fleets, so one balanced solution can be that concord to arrive faster when attackers numbers are bigger.

Is a good start to stop the massacre in a way who not break the game mechanics?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2014-01-12 10:27:50 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Sigras wrote:
So again I ask what change are you proposing that will make you happy?

First of all making security tags much more scarce, so making them much more expensive will be a very, very good start.

Second, concord time response is obvious to long when you deal with big destroyers fleets, so one balanced solution can be that concord to arrive faster when attackers numbers are bigger.

Is a good start to stop the massacre in a way who not break the game mechanics?

Concord's response time is adequate.

Many, many suicide ganks fail. There is not supposed to be a 100% Safe zone in Eve, with 1 exception:

Dock up and DO NOT undock.

Any time you think about undocking a ship, you have to ask yourself if you're prepared to lose it. That is the rule of Eve, and has always been. That's not going to change. If it does, we might as well all go play WoW. If you insist on hauling your own goods, then do so with an escort. Pay a high sec merc alliance for escort. Or use a freight service. Or do so with your 'goods' broken into loads small enough to not be worth ganking... or get an Orca and tank the heck out of it.

You have almost as many options to avoid being a statistic in suicide ganks as gankers have in ways to gank you. It is poor balance to believe that your freighter should have no natural enemies. A suicide gank requires several people to do. The ships involved in the shooting, the looters, the scanners, the scouts. If 10 people(actual people or 5 people and their alts is w/e) plan to gank you, you should have to have people of your own to stop them.

Stop telling the people here who are trying to help you NOT get ganked that they are wrong and freighters/etc should have free range of high sec, and listen to what they are telling you instead. Eve should NOT be 100% Safe anywhere, except docked up in station. That is the way Eve is, and how it should remain.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Psychoactive Stimulant
#55 - 2014-01-12 10:36:12 UTC
Azn Empire
#56 - 2014-01-12 11:05:20 UTC
Why shouldn't suicide ganking be profitable?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2014-01-12 12:43:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Kenrailae wrote:
Concord's response time is adequate.

were is the proof for your baseless statement?
No, it's not adequate at all, and here is the proof:

and this, 2000 billions of damage made with destroyers in high sec:

Is so huge unbalanced to be able to do more damage in high sec with a destroyer in few weeks than super-capitals pilots do in years of combat in 0.0...

Next killmail is from a very experienced pilot who pvp most of the time and FC in low sec and 0.0 in many fleets, participated in EVE Tournament as FC for Obsidian Front team, so have much more combat experience than many of EFT warriors who come and post here a lot of nonsense about tanking big fleets of destroyers in PVE ships.
He lost yesterday his machariel to same gang of destroyers:

He is not knowing how to fit a ship, to use a d-scan or survive attacks? No, is just no way as a pilot to prevent what become a big plaque of high sec area.
Critically Preposterous
#58 - 2014-01-12 12:46:16 UTC
I was awoxed yesterday. the lesson I learned: stick to the ishtar.
Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#59 - 2014-01-12 13:15:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Gimme more Cynos
Danika Princip wrote:
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
So, the guys who lose sec status, their ship and their insurance, and if they do it enough can be shot by anyone, anywhere, anytime, don't face a speck of risk.

What they lose, a 800k destroyer when kill a ship who worth 1000-2000 times more? Insurance for destroyers?!?!?!? You are a free time clown or what? Shocked

Explain why it should be impossible to gank a pimpfit ship.

Now explain why a ship should be invulnerable purely because it's expensive.

Not that I agree too much with the OP, but ganking should have a consequence imo. If the consequence is completely non existent, something is wrong.

Imho, you shouldn't be able to:

- gank a player
- loot his stuff
- sell the stuff
- buy sec-status back
- still having profit

That's no consequence at all imho. That's pretty laughable to the point that average mission-runners have 10 times more consequences than gankers do. After all, they do get consequences for shooting stuff in missions (standing-loss), while gankers have a get out of jail card, which is paid by the victim..

Or do you seriously feel that buying sec-tags and moving them to a proper concord-station is an appropriate consequence? 5 minutes of flight-time in a cov-ops to make up for all the consequence? Really?

I don't think so.

Same is true for ganking frighters. Just that the issue is not the ganking, it's the out of jail card gankers can obtain.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#60 - 2014-01-12 13:36:46 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Concord's response time is adequate.

were is the proof for your baseless statement?
No, it's not adequate at all, and here is the proof:

and this, 2000 billions of damage made with destroyers in high sec:

Is so huge unbalanced to be able to do more damage in high sec with a destroyer in few weeks than super-capitals pilots do in years of combat in 0.0...

Next killmail is from a very experienced pilot who pvp most of the time and FC in low sec and 0.0 in many fleets, participated in EVE Tournament as FC for Obsidian Front team, so have much more combat experience than many of EFT warriors who come and post here a lot of nonsense about tanking big fleets of destroyers in PVE ships.
He lost yesterday his machariel to same gang of destroyers:

He is not knowing how to fit a ship, to use a d-scan or survive attacks? No, is just no way as a pilot to prevent what become a big plaque of high sec area.

If they caught that mach with his hardeners off, he's got 43k EHP and ZERO EM resist. From the looks of the damage taken thing on the killboard, that's exactly what happened.

Now, if he's as big a name as you say and these guys recognized him, they could have ganked him for that reason alone. The 500+ million ISK profit they gained is incidental if this was a prestige gank.

And that fit isn't very good. T1 ammo, T1 cap boosters, massive piles of faction mods, and while he has got nice tank against Guristas or Serpantis, he hasn't got any ammo to deal with them. Assuming this wasn't a setup in the first place, you can get BETTER tank, sustained for longer, and only ~40 less DPS out of a Maelstrom for a total cost of under 330 million. Is 40 DPS worth 1.4 billion?