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[Rubicon 1.1] Sisters of EVE Battleship

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Bob Niac
Gallente Federation
#1961 - 2014-01-11 23:30:04 UTC
Hey Rise .. care to look into this thing getting RoF bonuses to remote reps, etc. Would rather have that than amount bonuses. Case in point: I can keep a destroyer up with a small rep, but because of cycle time, output bonuses are not optimal.

[u]I <3 Logistics:[/u] Pilot of all  T2 logi and my shiny Archon [deceased.] Also a Chimera which may or may not be horrid. I don't make games, I play them. I get that ppl are passionate about change. I post here to plant seeds. You see your idea as is? Holy **** you win! So let's post, and see what the DEVs and our peers use.

Arne Aratur
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1962 - 2014-01-12 02:05:34 UTC
Its hard to find a reason to fly this ship.

To justify its price i would give it +1 drone per gallente BS skill level and cap the bandwith to 100Mbit/s.
Arthur Aihaken
#1963 - 2014-01-12 02:07:42 UTC
Arne Aratur wrote:
To justify its price i would give it +1 drone per gallente BS skill level and cap the bandwith to 100Mbit/s.

Yeah, I'm sure you would. Keep dreaming... Lol

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1964 - 2014-01-12 02:08:44 UTC
Imiarr Timshae wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
You know one solution to the thing simply not being worth 2 Billion is to drop the LP back to say a bit over double a Stratios ... say 300 LP per Nestor.

There is nothing wrong with the LP cost. What is wrong is that it's not any good. Big smile

I am not sure about that.

There seems to be this idea that despite costing twice other faction battleships it has to somehow be "balanced" to about the same power level so as not to be "OP" and give ppl wiuth SP and ISK to burn some sort of huge advantage.

Thing is if you are charging twice the price but "balancing" it too match overall the performance of stuff at the cheaper price why on earth would people not just get the cheaper item ?
Arne Aratur
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1965 - 2014-01-12 02:29:44 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Arne Aratur wrote:
To justify its price i would give it +1 drone per gallente BS skill level and cap the bandwith to 100Mbit/s.

Yeah, I'm sure you would. Keep dreaming... Lol

Yes, but we have reached a point where it's hard to find a niche for new ships. And I can't see what's the advantage of this besides being pretty.
Arthur Aihaken
#1966 - 2014-01-12 02:33:21 UTC
Arne Aratur wrote:
Yes, but we have reached a point where it's hard to find a niche for new ships. And I can't see what's the advantage of this besides being pretty.

This one's niche is exploration. Give it a Covert Ops cloak and you'll have thousands of happy campers...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1967 - 2014-01-12 03:10:34 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Arne Aratur wrote:
Yes, but we have reached a point where it's hard to find a niche for new ships. And I can't see what's the advantage of this besides being pretty.

This one's niche is exploration. Give it a Covert Ops cloak and you'll have thousands of happy campers...

Do that and you accomplished nothing to add for the exploration niche. Trying to hide a battleship during travel is a stupid idea. Especially after the warp changes.


Arthur Aihaken
#1968 - 2014-01-12 04:32:12 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
Do that and you accomplished nothing to add for the exploration niche. Trying to hide a battleship during travel is a stupid idea. Especially after the warp changes.

Right, because they're so fast those darned things... Roll

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1969 - 2014-01-12 04:41:34 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

Right, because they're so fast those darned things... Roll

Good luck being in warp fast enough. Even if you are, they will just have another chance at the next gate.


Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1970 - 2014-01-12 09:48:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Savira Terrant wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Arne Aratur wrote:
Yes, but we have reached a point where it's hard to find a niche for new ships. And I can't see what's the advantage of this besides being pretty.

This one's niche is exploration. Give it a Covert Ops cloak and you'll have thousands of happy campers...

Do that and you accomplished nothing to add for the exploration niche. Trying to hide a battleship during travel is a stupid idea. Especially after the warp changes.

Actually, by fitting a cloak you enable the Nestor to fill two roles. Exploration and cloaky logi.

The only place a battleship hull can effectively be used as an exploration vessel is in low/null sec or wormhole space and for that you need a cloak.

If it had a cloak, it would fill the current gap in the cloaky logistics role. Currently we have T3 that can be fitted this way but their limited range makes then useless for anything other than spider tanking. With a covert cloak, the nestor would be brilliant for small gang pvp, especially in wormhole space where lots of people are rich but not every corp has 5 guys to fly a guardian/basilisk in their fleets.
Foxy 7
Papeete Retirement Club
#1971 - 2014-01-12 13:08:00 UTC
With that stats this bs is completly useless maybe is good just for station spinning , really a wanna be mini carrier that rep less than a logistic? naaa

Make it a Black Op battlesghip, it will make sense with the other ship of his faction , warping clocked is really not needed just black op cloack bonus is eught , if you want to make it really special maybe give him the ship hangar for keeping a frigate ( maybe cov op only ) like a Astero so maybe it will even make sense in a future trailer, the scan probing bonus on a battleships really isnt needed.
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1972 - 2014-01-12 18:56:02 UTC
Guys, a problem alot of you are forgetting, the Nestor's cap life is horrid, worse then an abaddon. This ship needs a cap transfer bonus to be useful, or needs a better base cap, or a bonus to reduce amount of cap required for each repper
Arthur Aihaken
#1973 - 2014-01-12 21:41:19 UTC
sabastyian wrote:
Guys, a problem alot of you are forgetting, the Nestor's cap life is horrid, worse then an abaddon. This ship needs a cap transfer bonus to be useful, or needs a better base cap, or a bonus to reduce amount of cap required for each repper

That's why the logistics aspect needs to go.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

olo VonBorg
Gallente Federation
#1974 - 2014-01-13 04:08:01 UTC  |  Edited by: olo VonBorg
This is quite a nice ship.The main layout is reminding me a lot of the Eos.
-5 Heavy/Sentry
-Pretty solid turret support
-Remote rep also used to be tied in with the Cmd. Ship Class.

So why don´t u rank this 3rd sister-ship a Battlecruiser.Instead of downgrading a battleship hull- upgrade a BC, to something that would sit on top of the food-chain of the faction BC class. A lot of its aspects would fit in nicely with some of the roles a small gang FC may want.

The Tier 3 BC Large Turret Bonus could find its way in to justify a solid isk-/LP-sink.

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1975 - 2014-01-13 08:41:58 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
sabastyian wrote:
Guys, a problem alot of you are forgetting, the Nestor's cap life is horrid, worse then an abaddon. This ship needs a cap transfer bonus to be useful, or needs a better base cap, or a bonus to reduce amount of cap required for each repper

That's why the logistics aspect needs to go.

Limited cap life would seem to me to be a reasonable balance to the carrier-like remote repping ability, and this can actually be fixed with some cap mods and rigs.

I completely agree that it needs covops cloak. Rise's argument that this should only be possible on T2 ships is invalidated by the existence of the astero and stratios.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

I am disposable
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1976 - 2014-01-13 08:47:46 UTC
sabastyian wrote:
Guys, a problem alot of you are forgetting, the Nestor's cap life is horrid, worse then an abaddon. This ship needs a cap transfer bonus to be useful, or needs a better base cap, or a bonus to reduce amount of cap required for each repper

Especially if you fit lasers like they want you to. Lasers and remote reppers on this thing is a hilarious thought to be honest.
Insane's Asylum
#1977 - 2014-01-13 09:44:25 UTC
maybe could add another bonus to the ship like reduced cap needed to run cap transfer and or lasers? Big smile
Imo I think it would be epic if you had a bonus to increase the amount of drones it could use, or maybe introduce a special sisters of eve drone bastion module that allows you to roll 10 drone while that module is active, when the module shuts off the 5 extra drones fly back to your ship or scoops to your ship automatically?

Would give the ship a more unique bonus imo and would make it more useful, hell I would trade it against 10% drone dmg and the scanning bonus, could change those down to 5% drone dmg and 25% scan bonus if they introduced the drone overclocking bastion module with this ship. Could have the drone bastion module only work with the nestor too P
#1978 - 2014-01-13 10:13:09 UTC
When I first saw the Nestor, and its drive located at the front, I thought that perhaps that was the precursor to how the stargates were going to be constructed, by using the "Nestor" (i.e. it's capital ship replacment) as the "base" station, and establishing a "construction beam" to the "cruiser's" rear-facing warp ring, after it had been flung out amongst the stars via whatever mechanism they're supposed to get there (Wormhole? Slingshotting around a black hole?).

Maybe that's a bit ludicrous, but perhaps that idea could be adapted to allowing the Nestor to "bridge" to the Stratios by synchronising their "special" warp drives together, i.e. not using a cyno or covert-cyno at all. In fact, it would decidedly NOT be able to jump or bridge to an existing cyno or covert-cyno beacon. Nor would it be allowed to use a covops cloak; as has already been pointed out, that would make it overpowered (but I'm ok with the cloaked velocity bonus). Just the bridging capability alone would give it its "special feature" that some are asking for.

To give it a chance of being detected, it would require a period of 30-60 seconds or so to "synchronise" the drives of the 2 ships before establishing a "warp conduit", i.e. you can't get in or out quickly. It's not meant to be a hot-drop ship.

Once the bridge is established, only small mass ships could go through (frigs? cruisers?). If that's overpowered, then perhaps only ships with the special warp technology could use it, i.e. currently, just Sisters ships.

Should you be able to bridge to the Astero?

Should the Nestor be able to jump with it? (which wouldn't make sense, as the bridge would be broken.)

What range would it have? (I would think it would be smaller, as it's not as strong as a cyno beacon.)

Would not using existing cyno mechanics force the creation of new mechanics, effectively nerfing this idea forever?

Would that place too much pressure on the systems with Sisters agents in them now?

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Gauro Charante
Vile Duck Pond
#1979 - 2014-01-13 11:23:16 UTC
I tought this ship was a real exlporing ship. Using some "stupendius quarky" warp drive to fly to systems without gates. And by implenting the new warp-implants you could get to some really exotic locations. Maybe have some range of few LY (1-4) and getting to the edge of a solarsystem never seen. These systems don't need to have anything at the moment, but later on we might get some nice lore going on there. Just some crappy planets and some moons, maybe a asteroid field with whatever-ore you like.
And maybe there is some Ghost sites there, where the Nestor could do its job.

Right now the foodblender is just...a nice looking expensive floodblender
Momiji Sakora
Omni Galactic
Central Omni Galactic Group
#1980 - 2014-01-13 19:32:38 UTC
I'm still not sold on it not having a ship fitting array, if you're arguing that people can just bring a Personal Depo, then why do carriers, and Orcas and various other caps have this ability? :P

Having such an array on a SoE BS just seems to make sense, especially for it's WH orientation. A Personal Depo, whilst small, isn't ideal to carry in some instances, maybe your fleet is going to spend a month or two exploring WH space, we want to maximise our cargo space, and 5 ships all carrying a PD just sits with me wrong. I don't want my fleet sat waiting for 5 Anchoring timers to tick over in a WH, 1 timer, and 4 ships refitting off the "mothership" sounds much more comfortable. This of course is entirely personal opinion, maybe it won't work, maybe PDs are just the future, but without a "Share with Fleet" option for PDs I'm not going to be entirely sold >.<

My two cents, I don't mind the price of the thing so far, it's going to be hella-steep, but I'll still buy it probably. I'm looking forward to our SoE exploration fleet my corporation is putting together.