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L3 security missions ships advice

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#21 - 2014-01-07 02:58:56 UTC
You already fly a worm.

Move up to the Gila!

Best L3 ship in game.
Maxor Swift
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-01-07 23:55:26 UTC
Blitz Haegen wrote:
I have a Worm but low SP. When I can get T2 everything in it including the fitting skills to cram it all in, I was hoping that could hang with L3s. Thoughts on that? Hookbills are great, but I got tired of kiting.

Otherwise I'll train into a Drake with Rapid Heavy Launchers or something.

You will have to use Assault launchers as anything Rapid has a 40 second reload and a tiny tiny ammo clip making PVE painfull at best and dangerous at worse.

"What you talking about willis"

Omega Sunset
#23 - 2014-01-08 00:54:18 UTC
Maxor Swift wrote:

You will have to use Assault launchers as anything Rapid has a 40 second reload and a tiny tiny ammo clip making PVE painfull at best and dangerous at worse.
I use a couple on a BS (2/8), mostly when there are going to be elite frigs jamming, pretty efficient mixed with drones. But yes, not something I'd want on a drake, cruiser sized assaults or heavies were made for that... well efficient enough and with the faster lock of the drake.


Blitz Haegen
Agartha Technologies
#24 - 2014-01-09 02:01:09 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
You already fly a worm.

Move up to the Gila!

Best L3 ship in game.

I've been checking this one out. I want it someday. But it is decided. Drake. I did a fleet with another worm for L3s today. It was fun and not hard. I won't try it solo that is for sure.
Fred P
Carebears of New Eden
#25 - 2014-01-09 04:50:14 UTC
To answer the question in the OP, I did L3 missions in a breacher with really poor missile skills. Did The Blokade just fine, so it wasn't just the easy ones. It was before the rebalance, though, so I assume it would do even better now.
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