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Considering quitting eve , may drop my titan for people to kill for funz

#1 - 2014-01-07 20:51:33 UTC
Should i? Also i think it would be fun if people killed it in just frigs.... just a thought. let me know if anyone is interested i don't fly the titan with this alt btw.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#2 - 2014-01-07 20:53:10 UTC
I'm kinda curious how you'd go about ensuring someone didn't drop a bunch of titans to kill your titan that you wanted killed with frigs? I don't doubt that it's possible... but it might be difficult?


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Hanelil Sasen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-01-07 20:53:18 UTC
Can I haz your stuff. 1st
#4 - 2014-01-07 20:55:57 UTC
Im giving all my stuff to friends i just want to see my titan die in a fire
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#5 - 2014-01-07 20:57:16 UTC

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Anomaly One
#6 - 2014-01-07 21:01:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Anomaly One
Sell your titan and give me 5bill
or 2bill
maybe a t-shirt

go gatecamping and clear out Low sec

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Jill Chastot
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2014-01-07 21:03:04 UTC
Asaki Reloaded, coming to you this winter! OATHS wants you. Come to the WH "Safety in eve is the greatest fallacy you will ever encounter. Once you accept this you will truely enjoy this game."

Notorious Fellon
#8 - 2014-01-07 21:04:13 UTC
If you offered a cash award to "every frig that gets on the killmail" you may be able to encourage the kind of fiery explosion and fun fight you want. It wont stop a large blob of titan-tards, but the ISK encouragement may help.

Just an idea :)

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#9 - 2014-01-07 21:10:39 UTC
Let it be something heroic, not the vultures feast.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#10 - 2014-01-07 21:13:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Wacktopia
Liang Nuren wrote:
I'm kinda curious how you'd go about ensuring someone didn't drop a bunch of titans to kill your titan that you wanted killed with frigs? I don't doubt that it's possible... but it might be difficult?


Stick it in a pos in low sec. Wait for incursion. Announce event and location ad-hoc on forums.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

#11 - 2014-01-07 21:14:18 UTC
I really would not be suprised if i drop it in amamake and no one will jturn up to kill it XD
Tajic Kaundur
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2014-01-07 21:28:31 UTC
If you really want that all-frigate kill... just drop it in Barleguet.

We'll do our thing.
Annathalia Blood
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2014-01-07 21:43:46 UTC
Can I have your stuff ?

Or at least your ISK ?

thx in advance and live safe o7
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#14 - 2014-01-07 21:48:19 UTC
Why the vandalism? You know the people who "like to see things explode" are not really going to benefit. They'll be one shiny object from forgetting all about it.

Why not just donate the titan to some trusted party who can raffle it off for PLEX or something when the next fundraiser drive comes up?

Heck maybe the next fundraiser will bring in enough ISK to get more than CCP devs being shot with paintballs and shaving their heads. I'm thinking area combat or something involving battery cables.

Just saying.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Lord Jita
Lord Jita's Big Gay Corp
#15 - 2014-01-07 21:56:09 UTC
yep, offer a bounty but say only people flying a frig will get a peice, might help.

3 R Corporation
#16 - 2014-01-07 21:57:33 UTC
Tajic Kaundur wrote:
If you really want that all-frigate kill... just drop it in Barleguet.

We'll do our thing.

BNI, blob people? What a filthy lie. Every Brave Newbie I fight has been a 1 v 1 fair fight every single time...
Radius Prime
Tax Evading Ass.
#17 - 2014-01-07 21:58:50 UTC
Why not give the alt to a friend in your corp? Am sure they can use it. Senseless destruction is just senseless after all..
What are your reasons for quitting? Am sure the demands of being a super pilot in a null alliance have a lot to do with it. They just demand so much out of their veteran pilots.. It can suck the fun right out of your game. Unless you are absolutely sure you will never want EVE as a hobby again I would keep the door open. Get rid of the super and take a long vacation away. Keep your main(s) and when you feel the itch again come back at a level that feels less like a job.
Never biomass a toon on a low, give it some time, if after the time passes you still don't miss EVE at all, only then biomass your main.

Whatever you decide, good luck in everything you do,


Reopen the EVE gate so we can invade Serenity. Goons can go first.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-01-07 22:18:00 UTC
I don't know.

I'm pretty sure asking someone who is quitting for their stuff in 2014 is officially lame and makes you just look bad.

Now if you offered to give them stuff to not quit, then that would be interesting.

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Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Tollen Gallen
Glory of Reprisal Enterprise
#19 - 2014-01-07 22:26:45 UTC
Mnemic001 wrote:
Should i? Also i think it would be fun if people killed it in just frigs.... just a thought. let me know if anyone is interested i don't fly the titan with this alt btw.



I like Bacon.

Zimmy Zeta - I f*cking love martinis. the original ones, with gin, not that vodka martini crap. Your old Friends can use me for 7 days, free!!!

Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#20 - 2014-01-07 22:34:48 UTC
Probably late for stuffz darn.

My suggestion is yes, get the titan killed, but keep playing eve but without the shackles called super caps.

Death to supers

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

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