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[Announcement] Formation of the NLIU and NLWPU

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#21 - 2014-01-03 09:28:09 UTC
Unions are bad for business.

It's all fun, games and annual leave entitlements until some back-water, non-union Matari chop-shop manages to do the job for half the cost.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#22 - 2014-01-03 09:29:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Eran Mintor
Erica Dusette wrote:
Unions are bad for business.

It's all fun, games and annual leave entitlements until some back-water, non-union Matari chop-shop manages to do the job for half the cost.

...,with slave labor.


Edit: Note - before someone throws a fit, this was a joke. Put down your Khumaaks.
Ber Kan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-01-03 11:10:24 UTC
An interesting proposition. Something that quite a few people should take note, and even follow. I do enjoy and find why you are doing this to be acceptable. Even as a Caldari, and even more as a Guristas. But this is a pirate speaking out towards you wishing to fight other pirates. It is possible though, that we pirates of the low and null variety, are slowly becoming the protectorates of the small and weak. And at the same the Empires are slowly becoming the Pirates themselves.

We within certain factions have noticed this, and began to plan for the future. You seem to be ahead of the game, and hope for the best of the civilians, and poor within Lonetrek. I do salute you and hope your efforts do gain you favor in the coming times. I will say how ever that i will keep an I, and that I have become curious as to see how far this will come.

                                 This thread has been Plundered.

Laurentis Thiesant
Institute of Social Development
#24 - 2014-01-03 11:18:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Laurentis Thiesant
I wonder how many more Caldari disassociated this group will create should they ever be even the slightest bit successful in their apparent quest to raise operating costs? I mean, without a public sector to speak of in Caldari society...

Not that I think the megacorps should ever be concerned that much...
Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#25 - 2014-01-03 11:25:24 UTC
I forsee this pro-Caldari anti-pirate group gaining a lot of support from non-Caldari pirates.

I said it first, though I'm sure I didn't think it first.

Scope Works
#26 - 2014-01-03 12:49:21 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
]But no, credit where credit is due. Mr. Kalkonen seems to have at least put some time and effort into his thoughts, which is far more than I can say about yours.

And yourself it seems.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Jace Sarice
#27 - 2014-01-03 14:01:33 UTC
Daten Kalkonen wrote:

He does not have the training nor ability to operate as a capsuleer. However, we would of course offer him training as well as the ability to make decisions for himself (which we allow to all of our members and workers), and likely even a ship that he has the ability to pilot if he shows aptitude towards leadership. You seem to misunderstand what hierarchy we fight against, an ancient philosopher once said something to the effect of; for the authority on boots i defer to the bootmaker, however I do not give him absolute authority over me, nor do I not head the opinions of others.

I am aware that I live a life of privilege, however I view it as my duty to the human race to allow those without the resources I have access to, to live a life without the fear of starvation, oppression or exploitation.

If I misunderstand your specific conception of hierarchy, it is because you have not made it clear. First, you say that anyone with the desire to lead can lead. Now, you add the phrase "if he shows aptitude toward leadership." This implies meritocracy.

You may find further along your path that a one page announcement is not enough to found a social theory upon. You should not use terms like syndicalism and anarchism if you do not know what they mean.
Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#28 - 2014-01-03 15:34:27 UTC
Pilot Kalkonen,

Our Caravan consists of free-traders and profiteers who aren't going to lend much sympathy to this anti-capitalist stance of yours.
I trust any disagreements won't extend beyond the ideological when we next visit Umamon to harvest gas?

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2014-01-03 17:01:38 UTC
Korsavius wrote:
An interesting, and somewhat amusing, declaration. However, there is a reason the Caldari State is not "anarcho-syndicalist" in nature. I'll be waiting to see how long before a "voluntary" leader becomes lustful with power, and attempts to seize power within your organization. Best of luck.

If such a man or women were to try and seize power, he would be killed by the workers themselves, then removed from our organization in the case of a capsuleer.

Jace Sarice wrote:
If I misunderstand your specific conception of hierarchy, it is because you have not made it clear. First, you say that anyone with the desire to lead can lead. Now, you add the phrase "if he shows aptitude toward leadership." This implies meritocracy.

A spaceship is a valuable tool, and living and surviving within a capitalist system as we must currently do requires us to not waste our resources. As such, until we can provide such accommodations for every such man or woman who wants the ability to lead or pilot a ship, we must rely on those who have the ability to do so.

Karynn Denton wrote:
Pilot Kalkonen,

Our Caravan consists of free-traders and profiteers who aren't going to lend much sympathy to this anti-capitalist stance of yours.
I trust any disagreements won't extend beyond the ideological when we next visit Umamon to harvest gas?

Of course, however you seem to misunderstand what we mean by anti-capitalism. When we say capitalism we mean the ownership of the means of production, in which the owner hires laborers who he exploits in order to profit off of them. We are not anti-market whatsoever, and we have many Market Socialists and Mutualists among our ranks.

Erica Dusette wrote:
Unions are bad for business.

It's all fun, games and annual leave entitlements until some back-water, non-union Matari chop-shop manages to do the job for half the cost.

If such were to happen, we would strike and of course attempt to appropriate the formerly unionized factory, either by purchasing it or having the union work the factory while we guard it from attempts to re-take it. The purpose of industrial unionism is not to simply improve their pay or working conditions, although that does of course come with it. We want the workers to own the means of production at which they work, and for them to have autonomy from capitalism or government, boss or master.

Organize and Agitate! 

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#30 - 2014-01-04 00:27:49 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
I guess the betrayal of the Cartel associates left a bad taste in my mouth. I just have a hard time trusting WHIST even after Nakatre Read left. With that in mind, I wonder how many members of WHIST even know the history of it...

All blank to me. Current boss is Leopold Caine. I think they're trying to expand their legal, legitimate side of the company... and the first step is, naturally, hiring hisec industrialists. So now Amarr Prime will be even more saturated with lots of cheap goods for their loyal allies.

(And yes, the company as a whole does in fact have, well, not excellent but positive standings with the Empire. Otherwise you most certainly wouldn't be seeing me here under any conditions).

Anyway, enough hijacking ... I want to hear more about this new trade hub. That is my focus, after all ...

Menton Cariner
Goonswarm Federation
#31 - 2014-01-04 19:36:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Menton Cariner
Northern Lonetrek Industrial Union

Stance Against Slavery.


Part of our stance of protecting the working class is fighting against slavery, whether that be in the form of Chattel slavery or Wage slavery. These means condemning all acts of such slavery, as well as actively fighting against and freeing those slaves. Therefore, to further this goal I myself have freed my parents former slaves, which were granted to me in their inheritance as their only child. I freed them, and my own followers throughout the Khanid, Aridia and regions have freed their own slaves. These men and women are those who shall be granted entrance to heaven, those who forcibly keep humans in the murderous and torturous practice of slavery are truly those who shall be damned to hell, with all of Gods wrath directed towards them, not those slaves freed early, who's souls and labor were not 'dedicated' to God.

I have freed close to 350,000 slaves throughout my days preaching in Amarrian and Khanid space, and they I offered each of them a choice. Travel with me and my comrades, preaching to others and helping their brothers and sisters still in slavery, or a place to live and work freely, without a boss or master to profit off of them. However, tragically my lands and titles have been stripped from me, as I was accused of heresy by the Theology Council, and in order to continue my promise to those slaves who wished to work and live a peaceful life, my comrades and I have recently appropriated an abandoned factory-city on Daras VII, which we are currently re-constructing and re-tooling to produce High-Tech materials which will eventually be for sale in worker-run markets in the Pietanen constellation. The ownership of the property will belong with the Union to avoid predation by capitalist interests, with no profit being derived from it. We will offer training to all former slaves, as well as any dissociated and others who are without a means of living in Caldari society.

We shall continue to agitate and organize throughout the area, helping any workers unionize and fight back against any threats they face by the corporations. We have also started an appropriation fund, which will allow the Union to purchase property that corporate entities do not wish to maintain themselves, but will not turn it over to the workers to whom it rightfully belongs.
Domanique Altares
#32 - 2014-01-04 21:11:55 UTC
Menton Cariner wrote:
appropriated an abandoned factory-city

I find it amusing in the extreme how your organization seems so adept at 'appropriating' so many 'abandoned' things.

I myself appropriated some useful ship parts and salvage the other day, after their previous owner had abandoned them. It seems he was hurting for space in his capsule, and decided they were better left behind as he warped off.
Menton Cariner
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2014-01-04 22:17:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Menton Cariner
Domanique Altares wrote:
Menton Cariner wrote:
appropriated an abandoned factory-city

I find it amusing in the extreme how your organization seems so adept at 'appropriating' so many 'abandoned' things.

I myself appropriated some useful ship parts and salvage the other day, after their previous owner had abandoned them. It seems he was hurting for space in his capsule, and decided they were better left behind as he warped off.

Appropriation has a rather specific definition, especially among socialists, we don't use violence against the Mega-Corps when we take ownership over their properties, vandalism and destruction of property perhaps, but that's far from being violent action. Although in this case the property we appropriated was indeed abandoned, deemed unprofitable by it's former owners.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#34 - 2014-01-05 06:10:06 UTC
Whether you believe in violence or not is irrelevant - capitalists most certainly believe in violence, especially against anyone they think is going to cut into their power profit margins.

In light of this fact the worst thing you could possibly do is be successful, because then more of the capitalist's workers would leave them to go join you, which would make them jealous, and it would not be long after that before they fabricated some sort of justification for trying to destroy you.

So I would advise maintaining an image of poverty & desolation, no matter how prosperous you actually become, so that they can continue to feel superior enough over you to not warrant military action.

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