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[Announcement] Formation of the NLIU and NLWPU

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2014-01-03 04:44:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Daten Kalkonen
Joint Announcement by the Northern Lonetrek Worker's Protection Union and the Northern Lonetrek Industrial Union


The Northern Lonetrek Worker's Protection Union is a worker-controlled organization, led by SYNIM. Our objectives are to bring economic prosperity to the workers of Northern Lonetrek, as well as to bring protection to said workers. With economic and political focus being organized in favor of and directed by the Mega-Corporations, the workers of the Caldari State have been left alienated from economic, social, and political control over their own lives. This is especially true for the workers of Northern Lonetrek, who are plagued by Piracy due to the lack of protection by any police organization.

We do not operate by NRDS standards, although we will not shoot any neutral non-combat ships. Anyone who wishes to register for economic protection status, which allows for combat ships to operate economically (i.e. fighting non-capsuleer piracy, contract work for naval or police forces, etc.) in the operational area. The registration has no cost associated with it, and any registered corporations or pilots who engage in piracy shall be removed from our organizational structure and persecuted with prejudice. We view this as a protection against the promotion of victim-hood, as well as protection in keeping our workers-members and security forces safe against unknown threats.

Any pilot, corporation or alliance who wishes to fight against piracy in the region may register for combat duties with the NLWPU, and will be allowed to join fleets run by the Union, as well as organize their own fleets if need be. Leadership in the Union is non-hierarchical and voluntary, with any who have the desire to lead having the ability to do so, with little restriction aside from a probationary period. Resources for pilots who need instruction are available from SYNIM itself.

The Northern Lonetrek Industrial Union is a worker-controlled organization, advocating a form of Anarcho-Syndicalism, which promotes worker control of the means of production through the organization of industrial unions. The NLIU is itself one of these organizations, and shall work to agitate and organize any workers in Northern Lonetrek, because of Northern Lonetrek's strategic interest for capsuleer organizations, as well as the disenfranchisement and alienation of the workers of this area. We do not believe in borders or Utopianism, however concentrating our efforts on a smaller area allows us to demonstrate ourselves to those who will agree or disagree with us and our methods, and promote our ideology to the galaxy.

The NLIU is not a revolutionary organization, as advocating for revolution pushes those who do not have class consciousness or are directly opposed to any sort of revolution away from our organization. While our members may privately hold revolutionary stances, we ask them to not push them to our organization as a whole. The closest to revolution we advocate for is General Strikes among the working class itself, to force the owners of the means of production to release their ownership to the workers. As well as being anti-capitalist, the NLIU is an anti-statist organization and view the state as a tool for the owning class to promote the defense of private property, and therefore the defense of economic social and political privilege.

We are an egalitarian organization, and do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or class; that being said, we do not allow the police or the owning class access to our offices or any of the organizations property, as well as denying access to any who are themselves bigoted. We are aware that many will ask if it is not hypocritical to be against the ownership of private property and then exclude groups from our own property, however we are a non-lifestylist, non-Utopian organization and as we currently must live and survive in a capitalist system we shall use their rules and laws against them if need be.

Our Operational areas shall be worked out with prospective union members, however we currently shall work throughout the Okunda, Minnen, Pietanen, Malariya and Umamon Constellations. Prospective members for either union, or SYNIM itself may contact Daten Kalkonen or Menton Cariner of SYNIM.

Organize and Agitate! 

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#2 - 2014-01-03 05:07:41 UTC
I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse anarchism and the need to regurgitate up walls-of-text full of empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing therein.


Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#3 - 2014-01-03 05:16:41 UTC
So besides fighting "pirates," promoting ideals that are not Caldari, and making me laugh, what are you actually doing for the people of Lonetrek? Are you the Gallente spies I keep hearing about post-Highlander?

Please tell me I read this wrong...

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2014-01-03 05:18:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Daten Kalkonen
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse anarchism and the need to regurgitate up walls-of-text full of empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing therein.

Only a counter-revolutionary could see empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing in our announcement. Although such is to be expected when you're fighting against a majority religion, especially one as anti-human as capitalism.

Eran Mintor wrote:
So besides fighting "pirates," promoting ideals that are not Caldari, and making me laugh, what are you actually doing for the people of Lonetrek? Are you the Gallente spies I keep hearing about post-Highlander?

Please tell me I read this wrong...


Simply because an ideology is inherently against that which is believed by the majority does not make it anti-Caldari. I would call your belief in capitalism anti-Caldari and anti-human.

As to what we are doing to the people of Lonetrek, we are forming unions, appropriating abandoned property, and giving the dissociated a chance to live with the respect and dignity a human deserves. And no, we are not Gallente spies. The Gallente are hardly better than the Caldari.

Organize and Agitate! 

Scope Works
#5 - 2014-01-03 05:19:13 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse anarchism and the need to regurgitate up walls-of-text full of empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing therein.

I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse professionalism and high business standards and the need to comment in a passive aggressive (and pointless) manner in round about legalese style posts in a pathetic attempt at humor.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#6 - 2014-01-03 05:21:31 UTC
Daten Kalkonen wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse anarchism and the need to regurgitate up walls-of-text full of empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing therein.

Only a counter-revolutionary could see empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing in our announcement. Although such is to be expected when you're fighting against a majority religion, especially one as anti-human as capitalism.

Oh but I thought this wasn't a revolutionary organization so to oppose you isn't really "counter-revolutionary," right? What is this....

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2014-01-03 05:25:18 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
Daten Kalkonen wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse anarchism and the need to regurgitate up walls-of-text full of empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing therein.

Only a counter-revolutionary could see empty rhetoric and grandiose posturing in our announcement. Although such is to be expected when you're fighting against a majority religion, especially one as anti-human as capitalism.

Oh but I thought this wasn't a revolutionary organization so to oppose you isn't really "counter-revolutionary," right? What is this....


Perhaps counter-radical would be a better choice of words, just to make you and your kind feel better? Although counter-revolutionary has a rather specific definition, and those going against radical change generally fit into that definition.

Organize and Agitate! 

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#8 - 2014-01-03 05:28:27 UTC
Me and my kind? And what kind is that, hmm? You're already off to a bad start you may want to go back to the drawing board.

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2014-01-03 05:30:24 UTC
By you and your kind, I mean capitalists of course.

Organize and Agitate! 

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#10 - 2014-01-03 05:34:28 UTC
Who says I'm capitalist? I could be socialist or many other things. Just because I find your proposition humorous doesn't mean I'm capitalist! HA! You still didn't answer my question. What do you actually do for the people? I don't think Caldari want or need a civil war right now so I'd like to hear about the aid and other benevolent things you do.

Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2014-01-03 05:36:58 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
Who says I'm capitalist? I could be socialist or many other things. Just because I find your proposition humorous doesn't mean I'm capitalist! HA! You still didn't answer my question. What do you actually do for the people? I don't think Caldari want or need a civil war right now so I'd like to hear about the aid and other benevolent things you do.


I likely edited an earlier transmission, and you didn't see it. My fault.

As to what we are doing to the people of Lonetrek, we are forming unions, appropriating abandoned property, and giving the dissociated a chance to live with the respect and dignity a human deserves. And no, we are not Gallente spies. The Gallente are hardly better than the Caldari.

Organize and Agitate! 

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#12 - 2014-01-03 05:59:40 UTC
This is going places. Carry on. Should I backslash "sarcasm?"

Jace Sarice
#13 - 2014-01-03 05:59:43 UTC
Daten Kalkonen wrote:
Leadership in the Union is non-hierarchical and voluntary, with any who have the desire to lead having the ability to do so, with little restriction aside from a probationary period.

So if a member of the crew on your ship has the desire to lead, they will be allowed to? Can a baseliner join your organization as a member with full rights? Or is it non-hierarchical only within the context of the elite class of capsuleers?

You are the owning class, you are the elites in the cluster. Self-hatred will get you nowhere.
Daten Kalkonen
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2014-01-03 06:42:54 UTC
Jace Sarice wrote:
Daten Kalkonen wrote:
Leadership in the Union is non-hierarchical and voluntary, with any who have the desire to lead having the ability to do so, with little restriction aside from a probationary period.

So if a member of the crew on your ship has the desire to lead, they will be allowed to? Can a baseliner join your organization as a member with full rights? Or is it non-hierarchical only within the context of the elite class of capsuleers?

You are the owning class, you are the elites in the cluster. Self-hatred will get you nowhere.

He does not have the training nor ability to operate as a capsuleer. However, we would of course offer him training as well as the ability to make decisions for himself (which we allow to all of our members and workers), and likely even a ship that he has the ability to pilot if he shows aptitude towards leadership. You seem to misunderstand what hierarchy we fight against, an ancient philosopher once said something to the effect of; for the authority on boots i defer to the bootmaker, however I do not give him absolute authority over me, nor do I not head the opinions of others.

I am aware that I live a life of privilege, however I view it as my duty to the human race to allow those without the resources I have access to, to live a life without the fear of starvation, oppression or exploitation.

Organize and Agitate! 

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#15 - 2014-01-03 07:16:02 UTC
Hmmm... what if someone just happens to be in a known pirate organization but they only come to your area to peacefully trade & do business before heading back to their home turf?

Just, y'know, hypothetically.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#16 - 2014-01-03 07:21:07 UTC
Ms. Luftschreck,

What happened? Stillwater? Lord...

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#17 - 2014-01-03 07:34:21 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
What happened? Stillwater? Lord...

RAEC, as you may recall, was a peaceful mining/industry company based out of the Ammatar Mandate. As such, we got tired of wetnosed snots constantly threatening to attack us because we were Amarrian and looked like easy prey. After most of the other miners got scared off by this happening over & over we finally just said "Screw it" and decided to throw in with some muscle.

I still maintain good standings with both the Empire and the Mandate, in case you were wondering, and my CONCORD rating has stayed on the positive side of the chart. I mostly work in the Salvation Angels department, which does (surprise!) mining and industry... along with occasional PR/charity work. While most "outlaw" corps see everyone as victims, I still see them as potential customers. Auntie and I are still businesswomen, first and foremost. Though I am finally learning which end of a blaster is supposed to point towards the other person, so that's a perk.

My views haven't changed much except for this: If CONCORD can be so easily bought off by any wannabe terrorist tossing a few ISK at them then whatever little faith in them I had left after Jarizza is gone. If the government won't protect it's own people then we'll just have to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves.

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#18 - 2014-01-03 08:08:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Veikitamo Gesakaarin
Anslo wrote:

I've always wondered if there's a link between those who espouse professionalism and high business standards and the need to comment in a passive aggressive (and pointless) manner in round about legalese style posts in a pathetic attempt at humor.

One might say passive aggression is premised on both having a fear of confrontation whilst taking issue with another person. I have no fear of confrontation nor do I take any particular issue Mr. Kalkonen's announcement beyond perhaps a degree of amusement that produced my remarks in question to made in jest. I personally find anarchism as a political theory to be so anachronistic as to almost be quaint and to be regarded as such by anyone not a useless intellectual or suffering from the delusions of youth and naivety.

A flippant remark is about all I could personally manage to conjure up with a discourse that has already gone quite as I expected as I enjoyed my glass of whiskey when I first made them -- although that is not to say there isn't more room for allegations of capitalist oppression and so on. To which I will simply just have to smile and chuckle.

But no, credit where credit is due. Mr. Kalkonen seems to have at least put some time and effort into his thoughts, which is far more than I can say about yours.


Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#19 - 2014-01-03 08:32:07 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Eran Mintor wrote:
What happened? Stillwater? Lord...

RAEC, as you may recall, was a peaceful mining/industry company based out of the Ammatar Mandate. As such, we got tired of wetnosed snots constantly threatening to attack us because we were Amarrian and looked like easy prey. After most of the other miners got scared off by this happening over & over we finally just said "Screw it" and decided to throw in with some muscle.

I still maintain good standings with both the Empire and the Mandate, in case you were wondering, and my CONCORD rating has stayed on the positive side of the chart. I mostly work in the Salvation Angels department, which does (surprise!) mining and industry... along with occasional PR/charity work. While most "outlaw" corps see everyone as victims, I still see them as potential customers. Auntie and I are still businesswomen, first and foremost. Though I am finally learning which end of a blaster is supposed to point towards the other person, so that's a perk.

My views haven't changed much except for this: If CONCORD can be so easily bought off by any wannabe terrorist tossing a few ISK at them then whatever little faith in them I had left after Jarizza is gone. If the government won't protect it's own people then we'll just have to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves.

Ms. Luftschreck,

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your corporation. It is all too common of a story these days that those preyed upon either evaporate or coalesce with those who would attack them otherwise.

I don't really blame you for this decision as you did it for your own survival, but I wonder if there was a better option.

Regardless, the only reason I made any comment was because it's Stillwater....I don't know if it's changed much since Nakatre Read formed it with Marzaq Kha'rific, myself...Kai Zion...

I guess the betrayal of the Cartel associates left a bad taste in my mouth. I just have a hard time trusting WHIST even after Nakatre Read left. With that in mind, I wonder how many members of WHIST even know the history of it...

Best of luck to you, I suppose.

Regarding CONCORD - I'm surprised your opinion has changed just now. It's been this way since CONCORD formed so many years ago. CONCORD is not the government of Jarizza, though. I'm sure you know that, I just say that to remind anyone that despite losses and anger, CONCORD's corruption isn't the end-all-be-all. There are ways around it.

Revenent Defence Corperation
#20 - 2014-01-03 08:58:04 UTC
An interesting, and somewhat amusing, declaration. However, there is a reason the Caldari State is not "anarcho-syndicalist" in nature. I'll be waiting to see how long before a "voluntary" leader becomes lustful with power, and attempts to seize power within your organization. Best of luck.

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