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[CSM] December Summit - Art

First post
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-23 16:26:58 UTC
Please discuss issues related to this session in this thread. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Solo Player
#2 - 2011-11-23 20:58:22 UTC
Again, this seems like an awful waste of time compared to a lot of issues that are fiercely fought about and have been around for years. Why did this make the list.

The art is nice. We like it. Bravo. Now make more of the same.

#3 - 2011-11-23 23:31:36 UTC
they should make a survey to chose the next ship to be redone if they have artists available
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-24 11:21:14 UTC
Solo Player wrote:
Again, this seems like an awful waste of time compared to a lot of issues that are fiercely fought about and have been around for years. Why did this make the list.

The Art session is not about the final product, it's about the process. CSM needs a better understanding of the process and the constraints the Art department operates under, because it is often a bottleneck that affects everything else.

For example, everyone wants the Dead Horse POS, but Art may be a bottleneck that prevents or delays that. By having a better understanding of the constraints, CSM feedback about other aspects of the game can be improved, and we can also give Art some input about prioritization.

For example, if we'd been asked about the new turrets, we'd probably have said "gee, that's nice, but other things have a higher priority, since the turrets are eye-candy"

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Saul Dhampir
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#5 - 2011-11-24 12:45:39 UTC
Change Field Command Ships to Tier II Bruiser models. No mechanics reason. It will just look good.

See this thread for details.
Serpentine Logic
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2011-11-24 13:39:57 UTC
Animated realtime camera view for locked targets instead of static image, assuming this doesnt ruin usability. Also stop making all ui elements rectangles and more like movie OS.

Eve should look more like minority report and less like windows 3.1

Also, inb4 rage about removing locked pinned windows.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-11-24 13:46:26 UTC
Serpentine Logic wrote:
Eve should look more like minority report and less like windows 3.1.

So you want a UI that looks cool but is physically uncomfortable to use for more than 30 minutes at a time?
Hiram Alexander
State Reprisal
#8 - 2011-11-25 02:30:21 UTC
Nex-store clothing is mostly ghastly, and miles away from the old-style that most players 'grew up' with, which brings me to this...

The recent competitions which eventually resulted in the new tier 3 BC's highlighted just how good some of the players out there are with 3D packages. And given that (as far as I understand from Dev interviews) current design is outsourced, why doesn't CCP release a design document for players, ie. file format, poly-counts, etc. and see what the playerbase can come up with?
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#9 - 2011-11-25 03:33:35 UTC
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Nex-store clothing is mostly ghastly, and miles away from the old-style that most players 'grew up' with, which brings me to this...

The recent competitions which eventually resulted in the new tier 3 BC's highlighted just how good some of the players out there are with 3D packages. And given that (as far as I understand from Dev interviews) current design is outsourced, why doesn't CCP release a design document for players, ie. file format, poly-counts, etc. and see what the playerbase can come up with?

This is the best idea all day. I mean, seriously, if art is part of the problem, then by God, I'll step up and create it myself if I have to (some may laugh, but I do have a degree in Computer Modeling and Animation from AIP.)
Tahna Rouspel
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-11-25 04:11:51 UTC
I would like crisp new effects for explosions and guns detonation.
I saw this video a few weeks ago;

It's from the game Heagemonia - made in 2002!

The visual combined with the sounds make the simple slow fight intense! This is really something that could add more appeal to the game. The effects in EVE right now feel a bit lackluster compared to everything else.
#11 - 2011-11-26 01:06:36 UTC
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Nex-store clothing is mostly ghastly, and miles away from the old-style that most players 'grew up' with, which brings me to this...

The recent competitions which eventually resulted in the new tier 3 BC's highlighted just how good some of the players out there are with 3D packages. And given that (as far as I understand from Dev interviews) current design is outsourced, why doesn't CCP release a design document for players, ie. file format, poly-counts, etc. and see what the playerbase can come up with?

Yes, let players make the content; then characters can become EVE famous designers or at least see their work in-game. All submissions must agree to relinquish all copyright claims on the design or whatever your legal team decides.
Let us, the players, help fix these half finished features.
Saul Dhampir
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#12 - 2011-11-26 11:17:49 UTC
Not sure if this should come under art or 'little things'

Put in some dual monitor support for Walking in Stations. Whilst there is an alter camera position function it only changes which shoulder you are looking over. Your character is still always slap bang in the center IE. Right on the overlap between your two monitors.

We have this function in space so you move the focus onto the center of one monitor or the other and use the second monitor for other stuff (chat channels, comms etc). Please duplicate this function in stations. I can't see it being a big fix to do.

Avila Cracko
#13 - 2011-11-27 11:53:21 UTC
Yeep wrote:
Serpentine Logic wrote:
Eve should look more like minority report and less like windows 3.1.

So you want a UI that looks cool but is physically uncomfortable to use for more than 30 minutes at a time?

And this UI is comfortable to use??? LOL
just ask noobs that are starting to play EVE...
there is no more uncomfortable UI then EVE UI...

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Jareck Hunter
UPS Trading and Mining
#14 - 2011-11-27 15:03:27 UTC
Well if they have nothing to do in Art department, then they could change the player created outposts, so that they maybe show what upgrades they have. Maybe a modular system like the T3 ships.

Same could be done for regular NPC Outposts and it could show what services they offer.
Seeing that an outpost has an medical, without show info would be a nice feature.

CCP t0rfifrans wrote: "We are simply fixing some things that we broke so that we can move forward. Tbh we've had our head somewhat placed in the lowermost segment of the large intestine and are finally coming out for air."

Breaking Ambitions
#15 - 2011-11-28 02:30:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolodymyr
I think the art department could really help with the new player experience. Especially with the UI, it does look a little Windows 3.1

If the UI was a little more intuitive and approachable it might stop people from giving up when they start the game.

Also you could make more variety in the things people will see most in the game, namely the level 4 mission, haven, and sanctum set pieces.

For example right now there are only two types of havens in the game. The rock haven and the gas cloud haven. for variety's sake I'd make as many types of haven's and sanctums as I could.

I have never really done that much mission running but I assume they could use some variety as well.

I honestly think PoCo based sov is a good idea

Saul Dhampir
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#16 - 2011-11-29 23:21:44 UTC
Add the new nebula onto the Map to further build a sense of presence. (Freelancer anyone?)
Tango Hotel
4th Drake Squadron
#17 - 2011-12-01 16:51:47 UTC
[quote=Hiram Alexander]Nex-store clothing is mostly ghastly, and miles away from the old-style that most players 'grew up' with, which brings me to this...

On that note: Why not ask some brand name designers (Armani, Boss, Prada and what have you) or designer-schools to come up with their EVE-collection. Personally I will stay my with my JC Penny suits, but perhaps that's just me.
Cold Moon Destruction.
#18 - 2011-12-01 19:12:28 UTC
ok, here's a short laundry list.

Arrow Jita 4-4 needs to be much, much larger. completely unique. Amarr should as well.
In fact, all trade hubs should be.

ArrowThe nebulae are great. Let's go one step farther, and make some, limited areas truely unique.

ArrowOld Man Star should have a unique gate leading back to Villore. I'd like to see it "open" and maybe crawling with drones.

ArrowUpgrade the City of God, make it visible in system from anywhere so someone passing through doesn't see a beacon but SOMETHING.

ArrowUpgrade Serpent's Coil

ArrowUpgrade the Eve Gate- it should be visible throughout Genesis.

ArrowHeaven constellation should be uniquely done

Risktech Analytics
#19 - 2011-12-08 19:14:39 UTC
The UI does need to be redone. It needs to be done very carefully though.

Bring in UI experts. Take your time. Don't try and cram it into one release cycle if it won't fit.

EVE is a UI heavy game, I don't think there is a way to get around that but I think it could look better and be more streamlined at the same time.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2011-12-08 19:34:24 UTC
I think CSM should take a look at the Features & Ideas Discussions on daily bases... there there are allot of complains and sugestions about all sort of eve features... and since noone from the Dev teams take care of that part of the forum... I think you guys could have a use for it...
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