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So, I cant quit eve because....

Rin Valador
Professional Amateurs
#41 - 2013-12-31 00:15:13 UTC
Every day is different.

Also, lore. Quite a good story EvE has and the players use it as a catalyst to make even more great storys.

"There will be neither compassion nor mercy; Nor peace, nor solace For those who bear witness to these Signs And still do not believe." - The Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 25:10

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2013-12-31 00:27:59 UTC
Fal Dara wrote:
why do YOU still play?

To become Eve Famous.


Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-12-31 00:35:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Fal Dara wrote:
I have been playing nearly 10 years and would feel too guilty to stop the training.

Current Skills: 363 (Skill Points: 160,507,697)

I have done nearly everything in this game, from mining in 2004 with frigs and cruisers...

to being part of an 'alliance' in querious before there were game mechanics to make it official...

to being a major person in a founding corporation of what became, at the time, a top-5 alliance (i was a recruiter, a director, and eventually CEO)...

ran my own industry 'hub' from a POS, making nearly 10b a month without undocking much at all...

dabbled in WH's where i became too terrified to move, and thus left...

to low sec PvP with some npc corp nubs, who really are the funnest people i have played with in more than 8 years... most of them have played less than 6 months, and are awesome.

BUT, i have also had some downsides.

I have been ganked multiple times carrying things, once in an AFK occator, the guy used over 30 fully insured ravens (back when insurance on a raven was a profitable loss), and once in a 1B+ pod, and another time in a 3.5b isk CNR... i could have rage quit at any of those times, and didnt--very nearly, but didnt.

I lost my first BS in 2004 hours after i built it (i spent months saving for it). i DID quit then, but came back with a bit more determination.

I have seen the best of EVE, and the WORST of it--including the people in it. I have flown every race of ship in every security of space, and ran every mission there is (including the Cosmos), mined every rock, built everything up to capitals, ganked, griefed, explored...

and every day, i still feel like i dont know enough about EVE...

so i keep playing.

The trick is, that playing eve is not about ease, or pleasure, or 'fun' in the traditional sense, EVE is ... about learning things, about growth, about grief and moving on--it sets childish things asside and makes you deal with the harshness of existing in a world full of very dangerous people. The funny thing is, it's terribly easy to become one of those terribly dangerous people, and justify what you are doing with good intentions.

I used to feel a terrible guilt for PvP ... like a theif, a murderer, a low life.

Then i met the Scope PvP group, and used all these years of what i know in EVE to help some new people, to pvp a little, to lose a LOT of isk... and i grew. I ended up having no problem with pvp, and justified it by ... havign fun with friends. I wasnt EVIL, i was helping!

... and that's sort of when i realized, when i got ganked for a 3.5b loss, that... they were only trying to help me.

So, i stayed. I have to, if i dont, my personal growth stops.

So, thanks EVE, for makin me feel too guilty to stop training...


why do YOU still play?

have you tried to manipualte forum opinions using multiple accounts, actign as independent conflicting personalities (not impersonating, just attackign your own ideas in a stupid way to make your own ideas look better and undermine the point of views of people that you supportede like an idiot in the forums, but that in fact you wanted to be neutered) to influence people in order to achieve support so that a game balance or ship change to reach pressure enough to be implemented in a grand plan of 5 years achieving success in several of those?

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2013-12-31 06:23:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrogh Habalu
Minty Aroma wrote:
The harshness of life in New Eden makes real life look like a doddle! Even though it's just a game, it kind of puts things into perspective IRL once you start thinking of it as another mode of living.

That feeling when EVE universe doesn't cut it for you and you have to use 40k for that instead P
Okay, I may be overdoing it... Big smile
Diamond Zerg
Taking Solo Away.
#45 - 2013-12-31 06:38:44 UTC
Minions LLC
#46 - 2013-12-31 07:22:14 UTC
I agree with OP, personal growth is the only reason I can use to justify my skillque addiction. I better start showing some or my therapist(s) are going to start charging me double for counseling. Its so nice to have them on text. I got my first one addicted and now she's free, the next couple are begging for a buddy invite but I just can't destroy their lives like this just so they can learn to rebuild and reshape their lives like they should. The emotional and moral dilemmas, the mental twists and convoluted turns of my mind never fail to anger or confuse them. I think this week I will ask them why you don't like me, why yu call me goo, why the fleet whelped at the hands of my logi doesn't respect me or why competitors are so stupid about pricing that they are driving me out of business. These things I have to know.

The only people cheaper are GD's. which brings me to my second addiction...
Michael Ruckert
Hohere Kavallerie-Kommando
#47 - 2013-12-31 08:14:46 UTC
Cue theme music for OP.

"No matter how well you perform there's always somebody of intelligent opinion who thinks it's lousy." - Laurence Olivier

Anthar Thebess
#48 - 2013-12-31 13:28:40 UTC
I'm asking myself this for a while now.
Game is fun, but "eve is real" and "balanced" makes me sometimes mad when i see all this ....
Yarda Black
The Black Redemption
#49 - 2013-12-31 15:07:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Yarda Black
I'm currently on a holy Jihad against the CFC to liberate all their slaves from the Greater Western Conspiracy plantations.

No idea yet what will be next.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#50 - 2013-12-31 15:12:00 UTC
Because I want to be able to post on these forums when they are shut down as CCP eventually fails because they catered to the blob-sec crowd, and the bulk of their sub base left for greener pastures.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-01-02 02:54:01 UTC
I just playing eve for chatting and trolling in GN forums. O wait..... Uhm i mean i can not stop i can not i can not. I need some pills now and some drinks...,.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2014-01-02 03:06:20 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Because I want to be able to post on these forums when they are shut down as CCP eventually fails because they catered to the blob-sec crowd, and the bulk of their sub base left for greener pastures.

nah ...

EVE works on the same marketing model as a famous space based game using tabletop miniatures that appeals to young boys.

Basically you need a hardcore of tragic diehards with no life that live for the game. These people spend minimal real cash but create the publicity to attract the real group you actually want.

Then you have this much larger group that get attracted by the "awesome cool" factor, spend a huge amount of real cash over a short period, and then quit.

The money comes from churning the second group.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#53 - 2014-01-02 03:15:20 UTC
I still play for the same reasons I still do a lot of other things.

Because I can.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#54 - 2014-01-02 03:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
I play because of the lore and the amazing looking spaceships.

I've always loved spaceships.

That and the awesome feeling of accomplishment I get when I achieve something- no other game does that like EVE, because it makes you realize that you can lose whatever you work for in an instant Big smile
Julius Rigel
#55 - 2014-01-02 05:46:25 UTC
As long as I can still tell a frigate to turn, I will keep coming back.

I probably shouldn't put such personal secrets in GD, because CCP might actually figure out a way to remove that part of eve. But I respect them enough that I'm comfortable speaking my mind, both regarding truths that may be uncomfortable for them to hear, and truths that may be uncomfortable for me to speak.
Xzar Fyrarr
Anime Masters
#56 - 2014-01-02 08:45:52 UTC
'course this thread already existed.

Personally, just like looking at my ship(s) now.
It's not about PvP or PvE or marketing, it's just about passing the time in an enjoyable, non stressful, entertaining way.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#57 - 2014-01-02 11:00:46 UTC
Frank Millar wrote:
The skill queue is like crack, and I am an addict. Oops

Not sure which path to take at the moment. My online time is irregular at best.

I too play Skill Queue Online it's awesome.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#58 - 2014-01-02 11:07:41 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
I'm asking myself this for a while now.
Game is fun, but "eve is real" and "balanced" makes me sometimes mad when i see all this ....

+1 Eve was better when it was wildly unbalanced, yes some ships were crap, but flying them taught you that they were crap and encouraged you to get into something better.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Scope Works
#59 - 2014-01-02 15:27:20 UTC
We <3 you Fal! Come back to us! D:

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#60 - 2014-01-02 22:25:45 UTC
hm, Im not nearly as old as you, or have nearly as much SP as you (Im currently hovering around 4.7 mil sp) but i play because every other MMO out currently is a carbon copy of the next, one can say video games in general are carbon copies of each other recently. EVE Truly is orginal, there is something for everybody, me personally I love being blown up, i say that because Im not that great at pvp yet, but the rush of a fight is sensational and thus very hard to ignore. Then you have the interactions with others, this can be harvesting tears in local or in GD to having some drunken laughs in comms while attempting to do anything remotely constructive, this game truly is one of the best on the market and I play for that reason.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.