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AFK Cloaking

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Chambers of Shaolin
#21 - 2013-12-30 06:19:09 UTC
OR they just need to rock with a mobile Cyno jammer.. THATS WHAT THEY ARE FREAKING FOR!!

Well, to be fair, mobile cyno jammers (just like the POS ones) don't prevent covert cynos, only the regular ones. They also are of relatively limited range.

That said, I agree that the problem here is local, not cloaking. Nullsec isn't supposed to be safe. Honestly, it's safer than high-sec ratting most of the time. AFK cloaking is the only answer to that perfect intel. Shift it over to constellation-wide chat instead, and the problem basically solves itself.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#22 - 2013-12-30 06:22:19 UTC
Ecoskii wrote:
Clusterfuck would be full of lols if we followed your advice :p

Much has been said but nothing has been done or replied, therefore more has to be said until something is actually changed

Cloaks are fine for normal gameplay - the ability to afk grief for months on end with no viable counter removes PvE and PvP content

Explain how a player who is not at their keyboard is even capable of griefing. Or affecting your gameplay in any way, shape or form, outside of your own fear?
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#23 - 2013-12-30 07:02:21 UTC
Just because the other threads are locked, I will repeat common sense in this thread.

AFK - AWAY FROM KEYBOARD. One cannot see local, influence anything, respond, make commands tot he computer, do anything related to the computer.

Threat level: -5000 / 10

CLOAKING - ******* CLOAKED FOR **** SAKE. One cannot activate any module while cloaked. At all.

Threat level: .05 / 10

AFK CLOAKING - COMBO OF THE ABOVE. See above. See also: fear of the boogeyman.

Threat level: -10000 / 10

Now, if someone uncloaks and gets you... they were not AFK, and is now not CLOAKED. He was CLOAKY HUNTING. Someone engaged in cloaked hunting is at their keyboard and is actively trying to kill you.

Threat level 1 / 10 (lowered significantly by being active and smart while PvEing. See also 0/10)

I can tell you one thing for sure, I actively camp 5 systems every day while im at work. I NO LONGER EVEN CLOAK THEM. That's right, a noobship is sitting 351km off a planet not moving...AND IS SHUTTING DOWN A WHOLE SYSTEM. No one tries to fight back, no one searches, no one probes, NO ONE EVEN USES D-SCAN. Nothing has been mined, all the same anoms are here, people just type stupid **** in local and log off. I used to train up for AFK cloakers, now...I roll a fresh alt and park it in your system. My wife no longer even bothers to type random things to make you think im not AFK. I actively debate trial subbing 10 more accounts just to shut down more systems.

So tell me, Oh AFK CLOAKER savior, how is AFK Cloaking the problem, when it seems the insane fear of the unknown is your greatest enemy?

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-12-30 08:13:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Malseir Dabian wrote:
The simplistic fix to this is to add the very much requested....

Anti Cloak POS Array, Which inhibits all cloaking abilities within it's system when active (Like the Cyno Jammer Array inhibits Cynos).

* This allows AFK cloakers to continue AFK cloaking in non arrayed systems.
* This does not change any mechanics of Cloaking
* This solves all the AFK cloaky issues.

Oh god.

Why i it that everytime someone mentions afk cloaking some random fool suggests something like this?

If it's not anti cloaking pos arrays it's decloaking ammunition, decloaking probes, or the demand for the cloaking module to use fuel, the need of some random clicks, some mini game to stay cloaked or something equally ********.

Pease, please please please PLEASE(!) stop posting such horribly bad and lopsided ideas.

The afk cloaking collection thread is locked, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore, all your bad ideas have been collected in that thread on the first 5 pages and all of them are there so you do not have to post anything that bad ever again.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Shepard Wong Ogeko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2013-12-30 08:33:19 UTC
Joe Boirele wrote:
I agree that AFK cloaking is bad. However, I also believe it is only a symptom of a deeper problem. That problem is local. Why are AFK cloaking and local linked? Because AFK cloaking and hotdrops are the only real counter to local. Given that in most cases, the second you enter a system everyone who isn't looking for a fight can (and probably will) flee either to a POS or a station, thus making kills impossible, unless you feel like dropping enough black ops battleships to take down a POS. Thereby, AFK cloaking is the only way to actually kill a non-AFK player without a full scale invasion. Just my opinion of the matter.

You know, you could try fighting the people looking for fights, instead of the people just out to shoot rocks. Just a thought.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#26 - 2013-12-30 14:46:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Sura Sadiva
Ecoskii wrote:
The unbalanced aspect is long term ability to disrupt null-sec content for 0 risk.

How this? I often come from low to null for PVE (exploration, anomalies, ratting, etc.). To me is operating in hostile territory with no docking option and no back up The possibility to go AFK and to stay cloacked are key tools to make this gameplay viable.

So it's something that allow to a larger number of players (and gamestyles) to access that "contents" how is this "disrupting"?

Also, why can I - coming from outside - earn bilions farming your (suposed) home systems and you, having docking, friends backup, infinite free intel from your channels, blue standings and all, have problems? Maybe is simply cause I'm more willing to take some risk instead of crying?

You don't want to balance anything, you only want to remove competitions and risks, and disrupt other gamestyle.
Penal Servitude
#27 - 2013-12-31 01:58:53 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Ecoskii wrote:
The unbalanced aspect is long term ability to disrupt null-sec content for 0 risk.

How this? I often come from low to null for PVE (exploration, anomalies, ratting, etc.). To me is operating in hostile territory with no docking option and no back up The possibility to go AFK and to stay cloacked are key tools to make this gameplay viable.

So it's something that allow to a larger number of players (and gamestyles) to access that "contents" how is this "disrupting"?

Also, why can I - coming from outside - earn bilions farming your (suposed) home systems and you, having docking, friends backup, infinite free intel from your channels, blue standings and all, have problems? Maybe is simply cause I'm more willing to take some risk instead of crying?

You don't want to balance anything, you only want to remove competitions and risks, and disrupt other gamestyle.

Nope - that's your guess - very glad to see anyone try to use PvE and PvP content. The broken bit is solely long term cloaky griefing - OCD butthurt individuals logging in for months at 0 risk closing down PvE and PvP content.

Unsuccessful At Everything - almost tl;dr - nothing to do with fear of the unknown - just simple common sense. Read the start, your points were covered.
Apostrof Ahashion
#28 - 2013-12-31 06:15:52 UTC

1. Grow a pair
2. Use the manly powers of a ballsack for courage
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#29 - 2013-12-31 16:37:13 UTC
16. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

Thread closed.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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