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Replacing Caldari Kinetic Damage Bonuses

First post
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#21 - 2013-12-20 05:14:56 UTC
I would point out the fact that one of the main features of missile weapon systems is being able to select damage type, along with a myriad of other pros & cons.I agree that it does seem kind of redundant to give a faction such a flexible weapon, but then limit them to a single damage type.

Missiles in general are not where they should be; capital missiles are a joke, light missiles are a bit OP, heavy missiles have no damage application (or damage at all for that matter), and people are conflicted on torps and cruise.

As a note, there is already a thread up about fixing missiles.

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Zansha Expansion
Brave Collective
#22 - 2013-12-20 05:15:11 UTC
Iudicium Vastus wrote:
Things like Amarr and Gallente have no damage type bonus because they're perma-locked in those ranges. They get the flat 'turret rate of fire/damage' bonuses because we already know what they're gonna do. Tons of EM for amarr (with some thermal) and Thermal for Gallente (with some kinetic). While most ammo in Projectile is rather all over the place, the T2 ammo is all distinctly explosive heavy.

Giving Caldari general damage bonuses on such a wide scale is just an across-the-board buff.

Gee, and I thought people were supposed cry over when things get more generalized and made the same. But anytime the Caldari damage bonuses come up, people chime for homogenization, giving up the racial flavors.

My Sacrilege and my Vengeance tend to disagree with you here and my Prophecy also likes missiles alot, any damage will do.

Maybe some other fact might be of interest for you, tech2 blaster ammo does kinetic and thermal damage in an 1:1 ratio.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Ice Fire Warriors
#23 - 2013-12-20 05:50:41 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Daenika wrote:
To be fair, not *all* Amarr boats are laser. There are a number of them that use predominantly drones (which can use any) or missiles. Specifically, the Vengeance, Malediction, Heretic, Sacrilege, Legion (with Assault Optimization), and Damnation all primarily use and receive bonuses to missile damage. In addition, the Magnate, Anathema, Dragoon, Arbitrator, Curse, Prophecy, and Armageddon all have at least as many launcher hardpoints as turrets, and receive no specific bonuses to any turrets (and all of them except the Magnate and Anathema instead receive bonuses to drones). I'm intentionally excluding the Purifier, as it's obviously irrelevant.

That's a fair amount of missile-oriented ships, and not a single one of them has an EM focus (the Purifier being the only Amarr ship that has an EM exclusive bonus). Minmatar are the same way, the only ship of theirs that has an explosive-specific launcher bonus is the Hound.

So yes, every single race has a secondary option for weapon systems that allow omni damage types on a fair number of their hulls. Minmatar have that innately with faction ammo on projectiles, as well as their non-typed missile bonuses. Gallente have drones. Amarr have missiles and drones. Caldari...have hybrids, which allow thermal in addition to their base kinetic, that's it.

Basically, it just flat makes sense to remove the restriction to kinetic damage.

You bring up a fair point...


Bear in mind that the missile ships which are not restricted by damage type tend to have less launchers than their Caldari missile-boat counterparts (the idea is that they deal less damage overall, but can target the resistance hole).

Honestly though... this isn't going to happen.
- CCP is big on "racial flavor"
- Outside of drones (which is a moot argument for a number of reasons*) 3 out of the 4 races are pretty much locked into a certain damage dealing profile unless they are willing to give up raw DPS numbers to compensate (which the Minmatar do overall as projectile weapons operate primarily in falloff range... which means they are always dealing less than their "on-paper" damage).

*The drone argument is silly because...
- all ships larger than cruisers can use them to varying degrees (so at that level and above everyone has the same options).
- outside of sentry drones, you ALWAYS use Minmatar drones and/or Gallente drones (for speed/tracking and damage respectively). No ifs, ands, or buts. Using Caldari or Amarr drones is just sub-par in every respect.
Chambers of Shaolin
#24 - 2013-12-20 06:08:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Daenika
- Outside of drones (which is a moot argument for a number of reasons*) 3 out of the 4 races are pretty much locked into a certain damage dealing profile unless they are willing to give up raw DPS numbers to compensate (which the Minmatar do overall as projectile weapons operate primarily in falloff range... which means they are always dealing less than their "on-paper" damage).

Which is precisely why I tend to favor what they started to do with a couple Caldari hulls: large bonus to kinetic missile damage, half that bonus to all other types. Still lose damage by going non-racial damage type, but it's not nearly as severe as it currently is.

That said, there's a stiff difference between being able to field 2-4 light drones, and being able to field an entire flight of mediums (or 3-5 sentries). Caldari ships tend toward the former, Amarr and Gallente towards the latter, as drones are their secondary "weapon system". The Prophecy, for example, can field 3 sentries or a full flight of medium drones. The Myrmidon can field 4 sentries, or a flight of mediums (or 4 heavy drones, if any actually ever uses those). The Drake, on the other hand, can field a maximum of 5 light drones, 2 medium drones, or a single sentry drone.

Similar on the other of the pair for BCs. Harbinger can field 50 Mb/s. Brutix is 50. Ferox is 25. Even the Hurricane and Cyclone can field more (30 and 50, respectively).

Caldari have without a doubt least options when it comes to drones, and yet have arguably the most crippling of damage restrictions (predominantly Kinetic, some thermal mixed in for their limited hybrid boats). Amarr has EM/Thermal primary, large drone bandwidth secondary (and the drone bays to back that), and any tertiary on their limited missile boats. Gallente has Kinetic/Thermal primary, large drone bandwidth secondary (even larger than Amarr, on average), and no real tertiary. Minmatar have any on their primary, any on their secondary, and moderate drone coverage.

Giving Caldari more options on their primary makes sense. They are very easily the most type-locked of the races, even if you take into account the usual preference for Minmatar and Gallente drones (though changing drones types is a lot less crippling, in general, for a drone boat than changing missile damage types is for a Caldari missile hull).
Jax Slizard
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-12-20 06:10:22 UTC
For everyone asking for a boost to their race to compensate for Caldari getting an omni damage bonus how about:

Take every damage bonus on every ship. Replace it with a damage bonus only to racial damage type.

Congratulations Minnes, you can select different damage profile ammo, but you only get a bonus to the explosive component.

Amarrians, you do extra EM damage (great, huh).

Gallente-people, + therm. (so much for warrior IIs)

I'd be perfectly happy with Caldari missile boats only getting + racial damage as long as everyone agrees that the balancing theory behind it is sound enough to apply it to every weapon system (drones included)...
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#26 - 2013-12-20 06:45:01 UTC
Caldari get more launchers and a larger bonus in order to compensate for limiting their optimal damage type.

Do the math, and figure out how many EFFECTIVE TURRETS/LAUNCHERS a hull class has.

The Drake, with six launchers, and a 50% bonus, equals NINE effective turrets.

I'm on my iPad, so I don't have access to all of the hull bonuses, but I'm certain someone can make a quick chart.
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#27 - 2013-12-20 07:02:43 UTC
Meyr wrote:
I'm on my iPad, so I don't have access to all of the hull bonuses, but I'm certain someone can make a quick chart.

Drake gets 9 kin locked or 6 free type
Cyclone gets 6.25 free type

I think they can manage.
Cassius Invictus
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2013-12-20 07:38:57 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
TL;DR - Ditch Caldari kinetic-specific damage bonuses.

Caldari is continually the only race still relegated to kinetic-specific missile damage bonuses for many of its hulls. This is not the case for any other race, who typically receive generic damage bonuses that apply to any type. With few exceptions, Caldari ships don't even rank in the Top 10 picks for any specific hull size or category. So this is a simple and straightforward petition:

• Nighthawk receives 7.5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Damage
• Drake receives 10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Damage
• Tengu receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage on the Accelerated Ejection Bay
• Cerberus receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Onyx receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Osprey Navy receives a 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Corax receives 5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Damage
• Hawk receives 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Buzzard receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Crow receives 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Hookbill Navy receives 20% bonus to Missile Damage
• Condor receives 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Damage

I think that's it. Oh, I missed one...

• Phoenix receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage

Sorry have you even looked at the stats of your ships? You either have no idea what are you talking about are you are deliberately requesting an undeserved buff, while offering no penalties.

1) Caldarii ships can fire all missiles not only kinetic. With resist hole on some ships it's much better than a bonus damage. Both amarr and gallente don't have that luxury.

2) Compared to other missile ships (amarr) caldari get much better bonuses to their damage. Moreover T2 ships who have 2 dmg bonuses get one bonus to ALL dmg types, and the other specifically to kinetic. Legion with HAMs gets +10% dmg to all missiles, while tengu gets +5% dmg to all types AND +7,5% RoF to kinetic. Not only your kinetic dmg is insane, but you also get decent dmg to other dmg types.

3) If what you say should be even considered you should at least offer some kind of penalty for that buff.

Bottom line the problem is that missiles suck at the moment but that is a different problem. For me, even though I fly caldari a lot the OP is rubbish. Massive kinetic bonuses + ability to use unbounded other dmg types is a nice trade off and should stick with caldari. Fix missiles instead.
Arthur Aihaken
#29 - 2013-12-20 07:46:02 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:
Fix missiles instead.

Yes, because we've seen how well that worked out for heavy missiles and rapid light missile launchers...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

To mare
Advanced Technology
#30 - 2013-12-20 07:52:10 UTC
Dorian Wylde wrote:
Actually, only the minmatar get a bonus to all types of damage.

to all except kinetic if we speak about gunboatsLol
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#31 - 2013-12-20 08:23:06 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Cassius Invictus wrote:
Fix missiles instead.

Yes, because we've seen how well that worked out for heavy missiles and rapid light missile launchers...

I don't think you know what fix means.
Luscius Uta
#32 - 2013-12-20 08:37:23 UTC
The issue at hand is that all turrets do (at least) two types of damage, while missiles, regardless of size or type, always do only one type of damage. This allows greater flexibility but then you limit that flexibility by giving bonus only to kinetic missile damage.
This makes Minmatar missile boats superior to Caldari missile boats in a a number of situations.
I reckon that Rattlesnake would become pretty sucky if it would have bonuses only to Drone kinetic damage, instead of damage of all drones (similarly with Dominix and drone thermal damage, but to a lesser extent, since Gallente drones are still good against all rats except Angels).
Also, lasers have that advantage of being great against typical shield tank PvP setups.

So for some ships like Manticore kinetic damage bonus makes sense, but I would definitely remove it from most Caldari ships, especially the Phoenix (while the thing is great for shooting POSes, unless you're shooting a Minmatar POS or a dickstar, you'll still do more damage with other ammo).

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Cassius Invictus
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2013-12-20 09:17:42 UTC
Luscius Uta wrote:
The issue at hand is that all turrets do (at least) two types of damage, while missiles, regardless of size or type, always do only one type of damage. This allows greater flexibility but then you limit that flexibility by giving bonus only to kinetic missile damage.
This makes Minmatar missile boats superior to Caldari missile boats in a a number of situations.
I reckon that Rattlesnake would become pretty sucky if it would have bonuses only to Drone kinetic damage, instead of damage of all drones (similarly with Dominix and drone thermal damage, but to a lesser extent, since Gallente drones are still good against all rats except Angels).
Also, lasers have that advantage of being great against typical shield tank PvP setups.

So for some ships like Manticore kinetic damage bonus makes sense, but I would definitely remove it from most Caldari ships, especially the Phoenix (while the thing is great for shooting POSes, unless you're shooting a Minmatar POS or a dickstar, you'll still do more damage with other ammo).

Basicaly you are right but form an amarr pilot perspective: most pvp is done with armour not shield. Every T1 ship has EM resist as it's best. Some T2 ships have sick EM resists (loki) altough some have nice EM weaknes (bot not a large hole). Despite lasers being the worst weapon system in terms of going through resists I still like them very much. So don't cry missile boy.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2013-12-20 09:30:05 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
TL;DR - Ditch Caldari kinetic-specific damage bonuses.

Caldari is continually the only race still relegated to kinetic-specific missile damage bonuses for many of its hulls. This is not the case for any other race, who typically receive generic damage bonuses that apply to any type. With few exceptions, Caldari ships don't even rank in the Top 10 picks for any specific hull size or category. So this is a simple and straightforward petition:

• Nighthawk receives 7.5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Damage
• Drake receives 10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Damage
• Tengu receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage on the Accelerated Ejection Bay
• Cerberus receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Onyx receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Osprey Navy receives a 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Corax receives 5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Damage
• Hawk receives 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Buzzard receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage
• Crow receives 10% bonus to Missile Damage
• Hookbill Navy receives 20% bonus to Missile Damage
• Condor receives 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Damage

I think that's it. Oh, I missed one...

• Phoenix receives 5% bonus to Missile Damage

Caldari bonuses are also much more powerful because they apply over MORE missile slots.

All races must have a skew into their main damage type. That is caldari way. Some ships havign kinetic focused bonus.

Want to have all type sof missiel bonus? then the bonus value must diminish.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-12-20 09:31:13 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:
Luscius Uta wrote:
The issue at hand is that all turrets do (at least) two types of damage, while missiles, regardless of size or type, always do only one type of damage. This allows greater flexibility but then you limit that flexibility by giving bonus only to kinetic missile damage.
This makes Minmatar missile boats superior to Caldari missile boats in a a number of situations.
I reckon that Rattlesnake would become pretty sucky if it would have bonuses only to Drone kinetic damage, instead of damage of all drones (similarly with Dominix and drone thermal damage, but to a lesser extent, since Gallente drones are still good against all rats except Angels).
Also, lasers have that advantage of being great against typical shield tank PvP setups.

So for some ships like Manticore kinetic damage bonus makes sense, but I would definitely remove it from most Caldari ships, especially the Phoenix (while the thing is great for shooting POSes, unless you're shooting a Minmatar POS or a dickstar, you'll still do more damage with other ammo).

Basicaly you are right but form an amarr pilot perspective: most pvp is done with armour not shield. Every T1 ship has EM resist as it's best. Some T2 ships have sick EM resists (loki) altough some have nice EM weaknes (bot not a large hole). Despite lasers being the worst weapon system in terms of going through resists I still like them very much. So don't cry missile boy.

That is not true in all types of PVP. In msot of the PVP i take part shields are the main defense system. The smaller the gang the more likjely it wil be shield tanked. THe larger the fleet, the morelikely it will be armor tanked.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2013-12-20 09:32:24 UTC
Luscius Uta wrote:
The issue at hand is that all turrets do (at least) two types of damage, while missiles, regardless of size or type, always do only one type of damage. This allows greater flexibility but then you limit that flexibility by giving bonus only to kinetic missile damage.
This makes Minmatar missile boats superior to Caldari missile boats in a a number of situations.
I reckon that Rattlesnake would become pretty sucky if it would have bonuses only to Drone kinetic damage, instead of damage of all drones (similarly with Dominix and drone thermal damage, but to a lesser extent, since Gallente drones are still good against all rats except Angels).
Also, lasers have that advantage of being great against typical shield tank PvP setups.

So for some ships like Manticore kinetic damage bonus makes sense, but I would definitely remove it from most Caldari ships, especially the Phoenix (while the thing is great for shooting POSes, unless you're shooting a Minmatar POS or a dickstar, you'll still do more damage with other ammo).

Excludign the typhoon, what minamtar missile boat is superior (as a damage source since we are talkign about weapons) to the caldari equivalent?


"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2013-12-20 09:33:42 UTC
HiddenPorpoise wrote:
Meyr wrote:
I'm on my iPad, so I don't have access to all of the hull bonuses, but I'm certain someone can make a quick chart.

Drake gets 9 kin locked or 6 free type
Cyclone gets 6.25 free type

I think they can manage.

This! People need to think a bit and stop whining. 9 damage on a single type and 6 on rest wil be superior to 6.25 on all on the absolute MAJORITY of time!

The exception is if you are fighting agaisnt gallente t2 ships

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-12-20 09:36:54 UTC
Saying that Caldari can use any damage type because they can switch to un-bonused missiles is nearly the same as saying that Amarr can use any damage type by switching to projectile or hybrid turrets. If you throw out the bonuses, than every race can use every damage type. The advantage to caldari here is the ability to do it without refitting.
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#39 - 2013-12-20 09:53:21 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Excludign the typhoon, what minamtar missile boat is superior (as a damage source since we are talkign about weapons) to the caldari equivalent?


Well there's the Talwar, but it's type locked.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-12-20 09:58:18 UTC
Perhaps the fix here is to just provide some (albeit expensive) way for bonused omni damage from some missile ship. Perhaps that should be the focus of Mordu's Legion's faction ships - caldari hull omni missile damage bonuses.