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Is there a russian only server?

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Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#61 - 2013-12-19 02:22:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mel0veyou Longtime
Lailyana Enaka wrote:
What an awful person you are OP, I for one love Russians, they always bring a fight when they decide to fight, perhaps experimenting with games with multiple servers so you can hang out in a capital city somewhere and feel better than everybody else because you're older, you're obviously not ready to play with the big boys yet, I really hope this thread gets locked.

So much rage here.

I explain I have been robbed blind, victimized by these players, and i'm the bad guy because they made me feel the way I do. You people are SOOOOOOO indignant and hypocritical. You realize EvE is distinctly split by race? Amarr enslaved an entire race of people. But hey is ok. Its pixel based racism right? EvE is BASED on racism.

My apologies for not pandering to a minority of players known to be destructive to EvE. My apologies for having repeated losses at the hands of the same groups of people, over and over and over. My apologies for pointing out the prevalence of bots being run by these organizations, when myself and other honest players have to actually play the game to make the isk. CLEARLY the opinion I have formulated as a by product of the consistent treatment of said players is wrong. Im going to need a truckload of marshmallows apparently.

Oh, and btw, I dont think I have used the word hate, a single time. I pay for eve the same ways you do. My opinion is every bit as valid as your own.
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#62 - 2013-12-19 02:24:24 UTC
waaa waaa waaa you lost your stuffs buy SOLAR and -A- and RUS RUS, get over, move to high sec and cry tears you pathetic intolerant human being

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

#63 - 2013-12-19 02:26:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

Angry, AND narcissistic. Good stuff.

Is this really all you got? If you want to play ball, then you need to pass the ball, so I can throw it back in your face.

You have been so successful up til now in making me oh so angry. But I can definitely see how being an angry narcissist is being worse than a racist bastard. I'm so mad that you called me that! (Again, sarcasm just in case this one also flies over your head).

Noddy Comet wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Because your desire to segregate one group of people from another makes you a racist.

This just in, 'Russia' is now a race.

You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.

It's a common practice to use the term "racism" when referring to ethnic prejudice. So when used in this context, it is perfectly fine.
Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#64 - 2013-12-19 02:27:18 UTC
Lailyana Enaka wrote:
waaa waaa waaa you lost your stuffs buy SOLAR and -A- and RUS RUS, get over, move to high sec and cry tears you pathetic intolerant human being

Mmmm moar rage please, hypocrite. I find your intolerance of intolerance to be entirely intolerable.
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2013-12-19 02:31:49 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
Lailyana Enaka wrote:
waaa waaa waaa you lost your stuffs buy SOLAR and -A- and RUS RUS, get over, move to high sec and cry tears you pathetic intolerant human being

Mmmm moar rage please, hypocrite. I find your intolerance of intolerance to be entirely intolerable.

lol the only rage is yours, waaaa i lost all my stuffs, please move the players better than me to thier own server, waaa waaa waaa your tears are glourious.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#66 - 2013-12-19 02:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mel0veyou Longtime
Maekchu wrote:
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

Angry, AND narcissistic. Good stuff.

Is this really all you got? If you want to play ball, then you need to pass the ball, so I can throw it back in your face.

You have been so successful up til now in making me oh so angry. But I can definitely see how being an angry narcissist is being worse than a racist bastard. I'm so mad that you called me that! (Again, sarcasm just in case this one also flies over your head).

Noddy Comet wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Because your desire to segregate one group of people from another makes you a racist.

This just in, 'Russia' is now a race.

You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.

It's a common practice to use the term "racism" when referring to ethnic prejudice. So when used in this context, it is perfectly fine.

While I salute your ability to handle balls, and put them in my face( no ty) I stopped giving credibility to your arguments, when you decided to compare a victims dislike of a group of people to being a pedo. Not to mention the whole "im so handsome" thing. I sorta vomited in my mouth, like, a lot, when you posted that.

lol the only rage is yours, waaaa i lost all my stuffs, please move the players better than me to thier own server, waaa waaa waaa your tears are glourious.

I find the fact that you are so angry you cant spell "Glorious" to be glorious. And the fact that you continue to play the typical "qq" card. not very original.
Cesha Xenon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2013-12-19 02:36:23 UTC
I see similar attitude enough when a new player asks for "directions" to Russian channel in completely dead NPC corp chat then some jerk plugs "English only" in. Then flamewar starts.

Are you suggesting every single Russian bots with 100% certainty, since you propose to segregate Russians?
I've got 2 accounts(recurrent sub) as I don't care for the "farming" part of Eve.

So, where were you from again? Why don't we all jump on generalization bandwagon?

Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
I only pointed out 1 group, who have caused me distress repeatedly over the course of 8+ years of eve.

Poor thing.

As a Russian I've got a better idea.
How about CCP puts every racist/nationalistic douche like you on a separate server and charges whatever subscription fee to keep the server running.
And if it's too pricey ('cause I do hope there're not that many failures who play Eve) - HTFU or leave.
#68 - 2013-12-19 02:41:16 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
Maekchu wrote:
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

Angry, AND narcissistic. Good stuff.

Is this really all you got? If you want to play ball, then you need to pass the ball, so I can throw it back in your face.

You have been so successful up til now in making me oh so angry. But I can definitely see how being an angry narcissist is being worse than a racist bastard. I'm so mad that you called me that! (Again, sarcasm just in case this one also flies over your head).

Noddy Comet wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Because your desire to segregate one group of people from another makes you a racist.

This just in, 'Russia' is now a race.

You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.

It's a common practice to use the term "racism" when referring to ethnic prejudice. So when used in this context, it is perfectly fine.

While I salute your ability to handle balls, and put them in my face( no ty) I stopped giving credibility to your arguments, when you decided to compare a victims dislike of a group of people to being a pedo. Not to mention the whole "im so handsome" thing. I sorta vomited in my mouth, like, a lot, when you posted that.

Well, at least it's me putting my balls in your face and not the other way around. Now, who ma *****?

You lost credibility to my arguments, because you misunderstood the point? Some pretty insane debate skills right there. Have you considered a career in politics? I suppose you'll fit right in...

Well, so you vomited a bit in your mouth. Look at it from the bright side. At least you got to eat this week (besides the marshmallows, which are by the way not the best choice of nutrition per buck). I know these times can be hard, but in order to get a job and be successful at life, you need to be a bit more socially... sophisticated.
Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#69 - 2013-12-19 02:45:08 UTC
Cesha Xenon wrote:
I see similar attitude enough when a new player asks for "directions" to Russian channel in completely dead NPC corp chat then some jerk plugs "English only" in. Then flamewar starts.

Are you suggesting every single Russian bots with 100% certainty, since you propose to segregate Russians?
I've got 2 accounts(recurrent sub) as I don't care for the "farming" part of Eve.

So, where were you from again? Why don't we all jump on generalization bandwagon?

Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
I only pointed out 1 group, who have caused me distress repeatedly over the course of 8+ years of eve.

Poor thing.

As a Russian I've got a better idea.
How about CCP puts every racist/nationalistic douche like you on a separate server and charges whatever subscription fee to keep the server running.
And if it's too pricey ('cause I do hope there're not that many failures who play Eve) - HTFU or leave.

I never once suggested that every russian bots. I have seen many who do however.

I am from not far from where the Mittani is from actually. Feel free to generalize away.

CCP can do that if they like. At least I would get to play with like minded people. And as I worked my ass off to get through college, I can afford to pay pretty much whatever they wanted to charge me.

What I do not like are people who feel the need to cheat, and grief their way to....whatever it is they feel the need to. You people keep arguing over opinion. I don't really think any of you get just how stupid THAT is. I dont hate russians, stop saying that. I have not once used the word "hate" except to state that I haven't used the word hate.
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#70 - 2013-12-19 02:46:32 UTC
its not very orginal for an unorginal qq post about griefing, get over, shut up, or go play wow or another game where you get trolled by RNG and if you continually lose things you got to be terribad, how about you post on your super awesome null character, wanna look at my KB i go out and lose a t1 frig in low sec every few days i dont cry about it, much less call out an entire nation you feel are cheating because you cant be bothered to keep dscan open or look up actual fits get better or unsub, wow, rift, and ESO are all looking for people that im sure can fit the playstyle so aptly need.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#71 - 2013-12-19 02:52:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mel0veyou Longtime
You lost credibility to my arguments, because you misunderstood the point? Some pretty insane debate skills right there. Have you considered a career in politics? I suppose you'll fit right in...

Oh, I got your point. You love balls, apparently, you think disliking people who have pretty much been nothing but abusive to you, is not ok (arguing opinion is just dumb), and you believe anyone who doesn't conform to your "one world happy family mentality"
is somehow socially unsophisticated. I never claimed to be a master debater like you obviously must be. And I have never seen as much assumption in a single post as in your last one. And id rather be labeled a racist than a politician, fyi.

its not very orginal for an unorginal qq post about griefing, get over, shut up, or go play wow or another game where you get trolled by RNG and if you continually lose things you got to be terribad, how about you post on your super awesome null character, wanna look at my KB i go out and lose a t1 frig in low sec every few days i dont cry about it, much less call out an entire nation you feel are cheating because you cant be bothered to keep dscan open or look up actual fits get better or unsub, wow, rift, and ESO are all looking for people that im sure can fit the playstyle so aptly need.

I have no desire to look at your KB. I can look at your employment history, and pretty much laugh off your "tough as nails internet badassery". Rage more though. I like it.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2013-12-19 02:54:37 UTC
Grrr Русские.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#73 - 2013-12-19 03:07:55 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

I explain I have been robbed blind, victimized by these players, and i'm the bad guy because they made me feel the way I do.

You're not the bad guy. You are just playing the wrong game.

There are lots of little fluff games for entitled little nobodies that are afraid of sandboxes. But you won't find sympathy here from all the people that play just like those nasty Ruskies.

If you are stupid, you get robbed. Not by any particular nationality.

Although most of the sociopathic behavior I see happens during U.S. prime.

Just sayin'

Mr Epeen Cool
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#74 - 2013-12-19 03:11:22 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
Oh please. "Honorable parties". I look at the KB's daily and see which side goons are "being honorable towards".

So you admit that the CFC is being entirely honourable, then?

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#75 - 2013-12-19 03:18:16 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

I explain I have been robbed blind, victimized by these players, and i'm the bad guy because they made me feel the way I do.

You're not the bad guy. You are just playing the wrong game.

There are lots of little fluff games for entitled little nobodies that are afraid of sandboxes. But you won't find sympathy here from all the people that play just like those nasty Ruskies.

If you are stupid, you get robbed. Not by any particular nationality.

Although most of the sociopathic behavior I see happens during U.S. prime.

Just sayin'

Mr Epeen Cool

I know im not the bad guy. I am also not "afraid of the sandbox". Also, outstanding use of insult, in calling me an entitled nobody without actually calling me an entitled nobody. Even the smartest get robbed.

We put up a pos, had to park some ships in the bubble for like 10 mins. Crash out and relog in to see a gang of russians pos bowling, and wiping out 2 ships.

Oh, or watching local, myself and 1 other 80au from gate ratting, russian bomber uncloaks, hotdrops on our faces. But wait, the bomber isnt on local! I was really careless and stupid to not see him not in local.

This was at 4am central U.S. Most of the sociopathic crap i see is right before, and right after downtime.

Just Sayin'

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2013-12-19 03:24:06 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Although most of the sociopathic behavior I see happens during U.S. prime.

The US is kind of like a jungle.
...I'm not sure where I was going with this.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

#77 - 2013-12-19 03:24:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

Oh, I got your point. You love balls, apparently, you think disliking people who have pretty much been nothing but abusive to you, is not ok (arguing opinion is just dumb), and you believe anyone who doesn't conform to your "one world happy family mentality"
is somehow socially unsophisticated.I never claimed to be a master debater like you obviously must be. And I have never seen as much assumption in a single post as in your last one. And id rather be labeled a racist than a politician, fyi.

Oh, so you got the point? Then why is this level of understanding not represented in your post? Do you have a hard time expressing yourself in written English? Isn't that kind of peculiar from someone who wants to create an environment with only written English on the server?

Let me walk you through this part by part.

You love balls

Well, sticking my balls in your face, is definitely the more preferable option, compared to getting your balls near my face. But the whole "genitals" reference, came actually from yourself. I referred to a throwing of a ball... Something often used to visualize a dialog. But I suppose your highly developed brain saw the word "balls" and could only think of one thing. Also, do I sense a hint of homophobia as well? But why would I even be surprised?

you think disliking people who have pretty much been nothing but abusive to you, is not ok (arguing opinion is just dumb)

A negative generalization of a whole ethnic group is usually not a bright idea. You know, there was this thing some time ago, where you'd get into this nice chamber just for being a Jew. And I suppose all Muslims are damn terrorists!

you believe anyone who doesn't conform to your "one world happy family mentality"
is somehow socially unsophisticated

You can have whatever opinion you want, we live in a free world. The socially unsophisticated part, is where you vent your opinion on a public forum, and not being able to cope with the backlash. You probably should have kept those views for yourself.

I never claimed to be a master debater like you obviously must be. And I have never seen as much assumption in a single post as in your last one. And id rather be labeled a racist than a politician, fyi.

Neither did I... But even I can see you debate skills are rather limited. You probably should let other people do the talking. It is really ironic how you use "assumptions" as an argument, since your whole prejudice is build on assumptions. Ironic isn't it? But you probably can't see the point I'm making here anyway.

And FYI, the politicians part was meant as an insult. So the fact that you can't defend that, and just choose between a lose and lose situation is again an example of your poor argumentation and general understanding of what I write. The good thing is, that we now can conclude that you in fact are racist. Just proving my point...
Mel0veyou Longtime
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#78 - 2013-12-19 03:24:36 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
Oh please. "Honorable parties". I look at the KB's daily and see which side goons are "being honorable towards".

So you admit that the CFC is being entirely honourable, then?

If by honorable you mean saying one thing, doing another, sticking to the one thing said you were doing while still actually doing the other thing, then flipflopping and saying you are now going to do the thing you were pretending not to be doing and reaping the rewards from the poor saps you just said the one thing to? Yep. Totally honorable.
Cesha Xenon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2013-12-19 03:27:50 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:
I know im not the bad guy. I am also not "afraid of the sandbox". Also, outstanding use of insult, in calling me an entitled nobody without actually calling me an entitled nobody. Even the smartest get robbed.

We put up a pos, had to park some ships in the bubble for like 10 mins. Crash out and relog in to see a gang of russians pos bowling, and wiping out 2 ships.

Oh, or watching local, myself and 1 other 80au from gate ratting, russian bomber uncloaks, hotdrops on our faces. But wait, the bomber isnt on local! I was really careless and stupid to not see him not in local.

This was at 4am central U.S. Most of the sociopathic crap i see is right before, and right after downtime.

Just Sayin'

Damn those pesky sky-net class Russian bots... We need CCP Guard ban-hammer here!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#80 - 2013-12-19 03:28:13 UTC
Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

...Crash out and relog in....
.... russian bomber uncloaks, hotdrops on our faces. But wait, the bomber isnt on local....

Crashes, local lagging.....Sounds like your connection the the eve server is ****. That's a problem on your end, m8.

Mel0veyou Longtime wrote:

Even the smartest get robbed.

Naaah....As a general rule, only the dumb, naive, ignorant, or inexperienced get robbed blind. Not intended as an insult, just personal experience over the past four years.