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What kind of fights does EVE really shine in? Are node crashes ruining these fights?

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Gallente Federation
#41 - 2013-12-17 15:19:09 UTC
^ Force projection should be nerfed, it would differentiate guerrilla gangs from large blobs due to logistics and chain of command rigidity.

Gallente Federation
#42 - 2013-12-17 15:20:50 UTC
The nullsec wars are an item sink. More explosions = more reason for industry = more reason for sandbox. War should be encouraged by all means, and the end result of wars can be a time of peace which kills industry, item value and the sandbox.
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-12-17 16:18:46 UTC
I would opine that the current trend of single ship blobs that null sec is becoming (again) is NOT where Eve Online shines.

In pure numbers of players interacting, it's impressive- but the actual experience of those fights leaves much to be desired. Between hideous TiDi, node crashes, and the inherently brainless tactics that single ship blobs employ- it is a far cry from what is, at least in my opinion, where PvP does actually 'shine'.

My favorite fleets are medium sized 20-50 man gangs. Large enough to have all fleet roles represented, large enough to not spend it's time constantly running away- but very rarely does it trip TiDi, and while you can sustain some losses without having to call it quits, every ship still counts. This is where tactics and doctrines really get tested. And since Tiericide, has seen an explosion of once ignored ships becoming useful. Variety is fun.

When I started Eve, it was the days of there being basically three ships used in PvP- the Sabre, the Blackbird, and of course....the NanoDrake. Drakes as far as the D-Scan could see. Didn't matter that there were dozens of cool looking ships in the game, just fly Drakes.........AND IT WAS BORING.

Sadly, both N3 and the CFC have taken Eve two steps backwards by announcing that once again the meta is blobbing a single ship type and PvP being a matter of spamming F1.
I consider that the single greatest proof of a broken mechanic in Eve- when blobbing one ship is so powerful that the only response is to counter blob with another-- that's broken.

There is a world of difference between big fights, and good fights.
Prince Kobol
#44 - 2013-12-17 16:27:25 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
It's an experience in its own. Tidi sucks and sometimes the large fights aren't all that fun (often they are, though) but in the end it's still pretty cool to be a part of something that actually has broader-reaching implications for the game.

What would those broad reaching implications be? You get a pretty dot on a map in space and your alliance's name in a caption on the top of the screen...

For the majority of people the implications are nill.

Yes you are completely correct.

CCP should do away with Low and Null sec, WH's, War Dec's, in fact any type of PvP andwe should all PvE because you know that PvE in Eve is amazing Roll
Prince Kobol
#45 - 2013-12-17 16:38:12 UTC
Alaric Faelen wrote:
I would opine that the current trend of single ship blobs that null sec is becoming (again) is NOT where Eve Online shines.

In pure numbers of players interacting, it's impressive- but the actual experience of those fights leaves much to be desired. Between hideous TiDi, node crashes, and the inherently brainless tactics that single ship blobs employ- it is a far cry from what is, at least in my opinion, where PvP does actually 'shine'.

My favorite fleets are medium sized 20-50 man gangs. Large enough to have all fleet roles represented, large enough to not spend it's time constantly running away- but very rarely does it trip TiDi, and while you can sustain some losses without having to call it quits, every ship still counts. This is where tactics and doctrines really get tested. And since Tiericide, has seen an explosion of once ignored ships becoming useful. Variety is fun.

When I started Eve, it was the days of there being basically three ships used in PvP- the Sabre, the Blackbird, and of course....the NanoDrake. Drakes as far as the D-Scan could see. Didn't matter that there were dozens of cool looking ships in the game, just fly Drakes.........AND IT WAS BORING.

Sadly, both N3 and the CFC have taken Eve two steps backwards by announcing that once again the meta is blobbing a single ship type and PvP being a matter of spamming F1.
I consider that the single greatest proof of a broken mechanic in Eve- when blobbing one ship is so powerful that the only response is to counter blob with another-- that's broken.

There is a world of difference between big fights, and good fights.

The number in a fleet doesn't matter, whether it be 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 etc because the opposing force will always try and bring more then you as having more usually means greater chance of winning the battle.

The only way to make sure the opposing force is unable to contest a system/fight is to make sure that you fill the system with so many of your own force that if the enemy tries to enter it will crash the node.

You go out in a 50 man gang, the opposing force with come out with more, you counter, they counter and so on until one force is either dead / retreats or the node crashes.

The blob has always existed and will continue to exist.

Also people constantly going on about F1 monkeys, this has been the case for years in fleet fights and will continue to be, not because of any type of ship type / Fleet Doctrine but of the actual mechanics of Eve.

Eve is not Freelancer, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Freespace etc where you have freedom of movement and real pilot skill is a major consideration of any space battle.
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2013-12-24 21:38:54 UTC
Absolutely untrue, mate.

The blob is a two-fold issue
1) broken or unbalanced mechanics
2) uncreative and boring players that exploit them or lack the talent to counter them

Just yesterday my entire fleet of big, expensive sniper battle cruisers got blapped right off the field by some guys laying down a picture perfect bombing run on us. (Didn't get a chance to post a GF in local, so...GF to those guys). All the T2 large guns and logi in the world didn't stop two waves of perfectly placed bombs from gutting us in a matter of seconds.

Tactics, not size, not numbers. We left them an opening and they took it. They certainly didn't run away simply because we were a bigger fleet in bigger ships.

Logical 101
PowerCow Farm
#47 - 2013-12-24 22:01:22 UTC
Just going to point out the obvious here. EVE has always been a numbers game, both in terms of math and in terms of force sizes. That said, no, blob warfare, capital warfare and the like do not impact the better sub-cap fights, just as they never have, because there is a special place for sub-cap warfare in high sec, low sec and NPC 0.0 that is there and always was... you just had/have to figure out how to find it and get involved.

EVE is still very much what you make of it, including what kind of PvP we engineer and subject ourselves to. Truth is, unless you're dealing with sovereignty, sub-capital warfare is still very much alive. And even in the old days of POS spamming, when sov was all about calculating how many structures you could throw up relative to how quickly you could take other structures down, EVE was a fairly even split between those who wanted into that lifestyle and those who wanted nothing to do with it. Frankly, from what I can see, nothing has changed in this regard.
agora tarde
Murderous Inc
#48 - 2013-12-25 02:07:20 UTC
+1 above
eveeyday lots or actual pvpers have lots of fun in no-tidi environment be it null low wh or hisec. blob groups stand out in the news but not in the fun. ask BNI guys how can they have so much entertainment whilst holding no sov no kb and no shiny.
eve is about what you want not what others want you to believe that you want... even when you want to use a cap there are some nice ways instead of ****** sov holding in slow motion struggles. if you are a servant of a huge coalition chances are you are a toy for someone who's getting richer and richer with your efforts. yeah the players are the rotten part in eve not the game.
Knights Armament
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#49 - 2013-12-25 02:48:50 UTC
eve isn't about fun

The battles that shine in EvE are cloaked t3 cruisers sitting in a bubble ganking rookie ships. Those are the battles that shine in eve.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#50 - 2013-12-25 02:56:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
I really like the fight where I declare war on some carebears, they put together a 20 man kitchen sink fleet and come and sit on a gate 1 jump out from my home system then me and 2 other corpmates jump into them in pirate battleships and warp in our twenty neutral guardians.

That's pretty much an optimal engagement for me. EVE needs more of those.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#51 - 2013-12-25 03:11:24 UTC
A casual observation...

PvE combat is all about endurance. Since you're probably alone and going up against a dozen or more rats all at once, the most important thing is that your ship can soak up absurd amounts of damage over long periods of time. Missions generally aren't over in two minutes or less, so you need to base your ship, your modules, and your overall strategy based on being able to simply outlast the micro-blob thrown against you. Things like ECM and whatnot play a very small part due to the sheer number of enemies.

Small gang PvP is (usually) the opposite, ergo: All about the DPS. Every tweak you can imagine to cram that extra point of damage in to kill the other guy first and we'll worry about repairs afterward (if at all). The battles are fast, over in under two minutes (or even one minute), and it's a completely different experience than regular mission PvE.

But once we get into the realm of carriers, bastion modules, and blob warfare, what happens? You're back to PvE tactics. Back to armor reppers, back to long, drawn out battles that never seem to end and a contest to see who can outlast the other guy. Again ECM and all that, while present, fall to the wayside - especially when all the ships either have huge base sensor strengths or are simply outright immune to begin with. People sit in place and chuck special effects at each other until one side or the other runs out of cap boosters, ships, or whatever and then either runs or collapses entirely.

So in summary, when people talk about PvP I think what they really mean is small gang PvP because from what I've seen of blob battles it looks a heck of a lot more like a typical rat filled PvE situation than anything else. Oh look, lock down, engage bastion, fire up the ASB/AAR, launch sentries, and see who runs out of stuff first. The hordes of little ships flying around between the supercaps ala "Star Wars" that you see in the CCP made videos? Sorry, have never seen than in an actual gameplay video.

Small gang PvP is like an ambush in the Vietnam War. Blob war PvP is like an 18th century musket battle. And somehow the gap between PvE and PvP tactics get a lot narrower, too.

Just my 2 ISK. Your mileage may vary.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2013-12-25 04:04:57 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Numbers and force always trump tactics and finesse.

Quantity has a quality of it's own.

I think you'll find that's simply not true.

Case in point: If there 100 Abaddons on field, that Deimos fleet would have wiped.

Numbers > tactics.

No, now you're setting parameters. What you're saying is, a certain degree of extra numbers is required to subvert tactics. The point is, the were vastly outnumbered and won. So the blanket statement that numbers > tactics is demonstrably false without a qualifier.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2013-12-25 08:53:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Alaric Faelen
A blob is not defined by the number of ships, but by being a generalized collection of either identical or utterly dissimilar types- as well as an equally amorphous (just spam F1) tactical approach.

For example, that kitchen sink mess that high sec tried to bring to the last big live event was a blob. It lacked any cohesion or overall doctrine or purpose. It was more akin to a herd of sheep just following the butt in front of them and waiting to be told "shoot that', and hoping that sheer numbers will hand over victory.

A well organized and balanced fleet doesn't suddenly become a blob just because it crosses some arbitrary threshold of numbers of ships. 1000 pilots in an organized balanced fleet, is just a big fleet -but not a blob by any useful definition.

The term is abused to basically mean 'any fleet larger than I can muster', which is incorrect.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2013-12-25 11:02:40 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Clem Fandango wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:
the general idea is at a certain point when a ships shields or armor is taking damage, some of that energy is utilized by the ship to repair itself. At low levels, perhaps a dozen ships worth of damage that energy is negligible, perhaps providing 2% repair boosts but as the level rises the % rises.

So assigning 500 drones to one person and shooting one ship while everyone sits around would likely do 51% damage and 49% repair boost while assigning 50 drones would do 98% in damage and only 2% would be taken as energy to boost repairs.

Amazing. How do you think of this stuff?

Actually the developers thought of it (Capacitor Batteries reflecting energy back at the aggressor), in this case instead of reflecting energy, hardeners could absorb excess energy instead and increase their resists or something.

The doctrine of bringing as many ships and firing at one person would not be as effective and the drone assist / slow cat / reinforce a region full of POS in a few hours would no longer be the only tactic that works.

Quoting a stealth "Nerf archons for the good of EVE" post.

Dodixie > Hek

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