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A Permanent fix to a long standing problem: Node crashing

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2013-12-16 23:37:32 UTC
Destroy all ships in system if the node crashes = problem solved.

These turdlords will quit clogging up grids with 300 carriers that poop out infinite drones Smile
Sunshine and Lollipops
#142 - 2013-12-16 23:39:13 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
People are afraid of change.
Not really, no. They just don't like it when their game gets broken for not particular reason.

A new game mechanic such as limiting the number of people to a system would
…break the game infinitely more than the rare node crash does (but then, node crashes don't particularly break the game to begin with so that's no real surprise).

So, again:
• In what way is nullsec broken?
• How is it relevant where ships die?
• Do you have any kind of numbers to support your assertions about where ships die?
• How does giving large coalitions an unassailable stranglehold on all of null open up more of null?
• How is giving one fleet an unassailable advantage supposed to generate more fights and more willingness to fight?
• How do you propose to ensure that null is opened up without giving massive advantages to the established players?
• Why are you proposing a solution that lets fewer people play in null?
• What makes you think that anyone is benefitting from node crashes (where everyone loses) but won't benefit from poplocks (where one side automatically wins)?
Pipa Porto
#143 - 2013-12-16 23:46:19 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
People are afraid of change.
Not really, no. They just don't like it when their game gets broken for not particular reason.

A new game mechanic such as limiting the number of people to a system would
…break the game infinitely more than the rare node crash does (but then, node crashes don't particularly break the game to begin with so that's no real surprise).

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything who's blue to me is who I call
When we're together.
Faster than a crashing node.
When you're here the ships all disappear
Dear and I feel so fine.
Just to know that node is fine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
That's how this capfight goes.
So come on Join In. Everybody.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Sunshine and Lollipops
#144 - 2013-12-16 23:52:50 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything who's blue to me is who I call
When we're together.
Faster than a crashing node.
When you're here the ships all disappear
Dear and I feel so fine.
Just to know that node is fine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
That's how this capfight goes.
So come on Join In. Everybody.

I prefer this version, since that's where the inspiration comes from… Blink
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#145 - 2013-12-17 00:02:03 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
People are afraid of change.

When you come up with an idiotic idea like "let's add a fixed population cap to every system", at least have the guts to admit that people oppose your idea because it's ******* stupid, not because they're afraid of change.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#146 - 2013-12-17 00:06:07 UTC
hopefully brain box is around the corner will solve some of it

Also maybe just make drones come back instantly or possibly a small delay but from anywhere on grid. will make drones somewhat more powerfull but huge blobs of them wont be left on grid.

Wont need to abandon then to launch more
Eram Fidard
#147 - 2013-12-17 00:06:18 UTC
FFS. Read This and try again.

8 goddamn pages...

What a senseless waste of human life.

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Just Another NPC
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2013-12-17 00:13:55 UTC
Vald Tegor wrote:
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:

How many large fleet fights this year ended with a crash ?

Do tell us.

You must obviously know. You keep bringing up how big of a problem it is. So you must have some concrete evidence of it being a significant issue.

If the OP had any concrete evidence to produce, he/she/it would have produced it by now.

In spite of how entertaining some people may find this thread, can we get an ISD in here to lock this thread for Trolling and Smack the OP upside the head with a forum Banhammer?

CCP Eterne: Silly player, ALL devs are evil.

Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#149 - 2013-12-17 01:59:53 UTC
It is not up to me to prove or disprove anything. Go look it up for yourself.

But this is a fact: There is a limit on the number of people you can put into a fight before the system will crash.

That limit is already in the game.

Fact 2 : Null Sec large Zerg fights don't benefit anyone

Fact 3 : No null Sec Sov has ever been lost or gained due to a single Zerg/ fight.

There is a limit already in place on the number of people in a system before it will crash.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#150 - 2013-12-17 02:09:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
It is not up to me to prove or disprove anything.
Yes it is. Look up the concept of onus probandi.

Go look it up for yourself.
No. If you want to assert something, you provide the evidence for it. If you can't and start asking others to prove things for you because you can't, it just means that… well… you can't, most likely because you know your assertions are all false.

But this is a fact: There is a limit on the number of people you can put into a fight before the system will crash.
Really? Where did you get that unsupported hypothesis come from? What limit is that? You seem to be intimately knowledgeable about these limits but you can't specify or describe them. Why is that?

Fact Fiction 2 : Null Sec large Zerg fights don't benefit anyone
Complete fiction. They benefit industrialists enormously.

Fact Fiction 3 : No null Sec Sov has ever been lost or gained due to a single Zerg/ fight.
Yes. 6VDT never happened.

Any other ignorant claims you want to trot out?
Also, while we're at it:
• In what way is nullsec broken?
• How is it relevant where ships die?
• Do you have any kind of numbers to support your assertions about where ships die?
• How does giving large coalitions an unassailable stranglehold on all of null open up more of null?
• How is giving one fleet an unassailable advantage supposed to generate more fights and more willingness to fight?
• How do you propose to ensure that null is opened up without giving massive advantages to the established players?
• Why are you proposing a solution that lets fewer people play in null?
• What makes you think that anyone is benefitting from node crashes (where everyone loses) but won't benefit from poplocks (where one side automatically wins)?
• Do you have anything other than an argumentum ad nauseam to “support” your claims about anything?
Pipa Porto
#151 - 2013-12-17 02:11:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
It is not up to me to prove or disprove anything. Go look it up for yourself.

You're the one making the claim. It's your job to provide the evidence to support it.

But this is a fact: There is a limit on the number of people you can put into a fight before the system will crash.

That limit is already in the game.

And that limit is different in every situation (there have been fights with over 4000 people in a system). If you introduce a hard cap, it would be much lower than current limits (or what's the point) and would provide an absolute chilling effect on all sov fights. As in, there would no longer be any sov fights. Either the defender gets logged in first at DT, or the attacker does, and then it's just wait X hours until the timer of the day lets you rep or shoot the structure in perfect safety.

Fact 2 : Null Sec large Zerg fights don't benefit anyone

Fact 3 : No null Sec Sov has ever been lost or gained due to a single Zerg/ fight.

There is a limit already in place on the number of people in a system before it will crash.

Fact 2 is false, and Fact 3 is absurdly so (unless you're putting undue weight on the word "single," in which case, the fact that a Sov takeover takes more than one fight is built into the mechanics, rendering the "fact" irrelevant to your argument).

Now, how about you answer some of the questions you've been trying to dodge all thread:
• How does giving large coalitions an unassailable stranglehold on all of null open up more of null?
• How is giving one fleet an unassailable advantage supposed to generate more fights and more willingness to fight?
• How do you propose to ensure that null is opened up without giving massive advantages to the established players?
• Why are you proposing a solution that lets fewer people play in null?
• What makes you think that anyone is benefitting from node crashes (where everyone loses) but won't benefit from poplocks (where one side automatically wins)?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#152 - 2013-12-17 02:29:11 UTC
Again the lords of Null would have you believe that EVE is fine and that by having Player controlled system crashes is ok.
They will spin any story horror and all how things are all fine in Null.

But to 99% of the players in Null that are in the tidi fights We know its not.

Jita has a limit on players but thats ok with the Null bears.

The people at the top of the food chain ( renter income ) say its all fine you should be happy to pvp here we have SRP.

But for most of EVE 99.9% of everyone hates tidi fights. Not one person likes the node crash.

So again who is it that benefits from the tidi fights ? The node crashing fights ?

Who enjoys those types of fights.?

Why fight in these fights ?

Who really comes out on top ?

Select few at the top is who
Sunshine and Lollipops
#153 - 2013-12-17 02:32:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
Again the lords of Null would have you believe that EVE is fine and that by having Player controlled system crashes is ok.
What support do you have for the claim that there is such a thing as player-controlled system crashes?

Jita has a limit on players but thats ok with the Null bears.
Jita is not a fleet fight, so it has no bearing or relevance on the topic at hand.

So again who is it that benefits from the tidi fights ? The node crashing fights ?
What support do you have for the claim that anyone benefits? And why do you want to change it so that only one party benefits?

Also, while we're at it:
• In what way is nullsec broken?
• How is it relevant where ships die?
• Do you have any kind of numbers to support your assertions about where ships die?
• What is this limit that is supposed to already exist for fleet fights?
• What support do you have for your claims about this hypothetical limit?
• How does giving large coalitions an unassailable stranglehold on all of null open up more of null?
• How is giving one fleet an unassailable advantage supposed to generate more fights and more willingness to fight?
• How do you propose to ensure that null is opened up without giving massive advantages to the established players?
• Why are you proposing a solution that lets fewer people play in null?
• What makes you think that anyone is benefitting from node crashes (where everyone loses) but won't benefit from poplocks (where one side automatically wins)?
• Do you have anything other than an argumentum ad nauseam to “support” your claims about anything?
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2013-12-17 02:34:59 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
Again the lords of Null would have you believe that EVE is fine and that by having Player controlled system crashes is ok.
They will spin any story horror and all how things are all fine in Null.

But to 99% of the players in Null that are in the tidi fights We know its not.

Jita has a limit on players but thats ok with the Null bears.

The people at the top of the food chain ( renter income ) say its all fine you should be happy to pvp here we have SRP.

But for most of EVE 99.9% of everyone hates tidi fights. Not one person likes the node crash.

So again who is it that benefits from the tidi fights ? The node crashing fights ?

Who enjoys those types of fights.?

Why fight in these fights ?

Who really comes out on top ?

Select few at the top is who

So your solution is a system in which those same individuals at the top can organize to make fights of any meaning impossible? Seems that as much as you hate Tidi and node crashes that would be worse.
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#155 - 2013-12-17 02:49:25 UTC
If CCP were to come out tomorrow and say ok guys the player limit in any system from now on is X.

Would that stop null bears from pvp'ing ? Not at all
Would it allow more people to be able to contend for SOV ? Yes
Would the older Vets have to work a bit harder to keep what they have ? Yes

Has any one fight in all of EVE been the deciding factor to any Null Sov ? No
More smaller scale fights have. not the game breaking on command type we have now
not the tidi fights where we can all bring our ratting Carriers out and have some fun.

Would limiting the number of players to a system ( which we already have btw ) break the game ? No

Is Null Sec Sov broken atm ? Yes
Are larger than life battles broken ? Yes
Vald Tegor
Empyrean Guard
Tactical Narcotics Team
#156 - 2013-12-17 02:49:27 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:

Fact 3 : No null Sec Sov has ever been lost or gained due to a single Zerg/ fight.

If that's a fact, I must have been dreaming last night. Because according to my EvE client, DY-P7Q was unclaimed when I bridged in. Sov was then gained by Darkness of Despair and the whole fight was centered around their Territorial Claim Unit. It was eventually destroyed, causing Darkness of Despair to lose Sov in that system to be gained by Nulli Secunda instead.

FACT: Sov had been gained, lost and gained by a different party due to a single zerg/fight as recently as yesterday.
Powers Sa
#157 - 2013-12-17 02:49:56 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
CCP has stated time and time again that the game in its current state cannot handle large number of players in system.
This has been known for years. We know there is never going to be a fix for the fact that the hardware/software can't handle the amount of stress that we the players can put on it. So instead of letting the players have control over whether or not to crash your node why not make a simple change to the game that keeps the node from crashing?
Limit the number of pilots to one system to 1000 players. Yes limit the number of players! It will create content. It will keep the server from crashing. No more tidi. You will see a different type of Null sec.
This idea is not new. Jita for example only what max of 2000 players on its super Node before traffic control kicks in. CCP regain control of your game and just simply limit the number of players to any one system to X to keep it up and running.
Thank you have a nice day!

you fundamentally don't understand how the server works.

When you have 2000 pilots in a system, and they each have drones, the server has to do individual skill checks for each drone launched. So if each has at least 5, the server sees about 10,000 players worth of skill checks. A lot of these node crashes involve drone heavy combat.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Vald Tegor
Empyrean Guard
Tactical Narcotics Team
#158 - 2013-12-17 02:54:04 UTC
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
Player controlled system crashes

Citation needed.

Cause I'm pretty sure that's an all account perma ban hammer.

We don't need the evidence here actually, just go ahead and put it in your petition. Then we can have fights without the server freezing for 26 minutes, failing to execute a corrupt command from an allegedly malicious player and crashing.
Pipa Porto
#159 - 2013-12-17 02:58:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo wrote:
Would it allow more people to be able to contend for SOV ? Yes
Would the older Vets have to work a bit harder to keep what they have ? Yes

How is logging on and shooting/repping a structure in perfect safety harder than doing so with the chance of being interrupted by an attack?

Has any one fight in all of EVE been the deciding factor to any Null Sov ? No

Uh... every final timer fight has been the deciding factor in determining ownership of every hostilely taken sov system
Would limiting the number of players to a system ( which we already have btw ) break the game ? No

Would automagically providing victory in every significant timer fight to whoever can get logged into the system right after dt break the game? Of course.

Is Null Sec Sov broken atm ? Yes
Are larger than life battles broken ? Yes

How are they broken?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Mr Sniggle-Worth Onzo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#160 - 2013-12-17 03:00:49 UTC
The math is right here already :

The game can only handle so many people in one system at a time. Yes

Should CCP micro manage what the players are doing in each system ? No

Would having a limit on the players in system would break up the tidi fights / game crashing. YES

No matter how you spin it ( afraid of the idea ) ( keep your power/isk income going ) No one / Not one person enjoys the game crashing/Tidi fights.