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EVE-Merchant [0.4.2 Release]

First post
Myanapa Corsica
#41 - 2013-12-12 22:53:48 UTC
Hi Kate 'on,

I've put in a fix for that now, let me know how it goes!

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#42 - 2013-12-13 11:42:02 UTC
* New Major Release 0.3.0 *
- Abilty to merge characters! Any number of characters can be merged together to create the "New Character"

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Kate 'on
#43 - 2013-12-13 14:30:43 UTC

after clicking logon.

but the second account I created to test does work. kudos. Am giving it a good runthrough now before I give it a review.

Kate 'on
#44 - 2013-12-13 14:35:30 UTC

refresh data.


somehow I was at api key at one point, but same orange screen, cannot remember text, but when going back, said api was accepted, then the above screens
Myanapa Corsica
#45 - 2013-12-13 15:00:46 UTC
Hi Kate 'on,

I hope I have fixed the issue, please can you let me know.

Thanks for your patience.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Kate 'on
#46 - 2013-12-13 15:56:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate 'on
Looks very slick so far, still going through everything.
when selecting character, after I click the character in the account.

and again

however, after a little time wher eI couldn't refresh any page, it seems to have taken.

got one on manually refreshing a character sheet

Question, are you using AJAX with a synchronous connection? It does seem to wait often, which isn't a bad thing, but some indivation that something is processing, and not crashed would be nice.

Going to try merging and some of the profit margin stuff next, ill let you know

hope this helps

I like how you can merge, or not to see character performance, being able to sort your profits is great, I've been waiting for this for years.

the week, month, all time is great too. Not sure if a daily summary is needed, haven't played with it enough yet.

numbers between you and eve-mogul are off each other, especially on some of the larger swings, not sure if thats a kudos to you or them though,

looks good though. assuming the tracking is more accurate than evehq, mogul, and jeveassets, you'll probably have the best tool out there, I'm impressed :)
Kate 'on
#47 - 2013-12-13 16:05:25 UTC
small thing though, for the transactions window, can the date column be resized? Right now it is short, and vertical, same as the station name, makes a lot of unneccisary vertical space
Myanapa Corsica
#48 - 2013-12-13 16:07:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kivorno
Thanks for being a good sport and helping me out here, I should of fixed the issue. Missed out one error check.

At present it is just reading the XML into a database, then the actions performed on there, it is certainly on my todo list to speed up this process.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Kate 'on
#49 - 2013-12-13 19:11:50 UTC
doesn't really need it, TBH, the wait is fine, I guess just knowing that it's processing, as opposed to freezing is all.

When I get a chance, I'll track a days worth of transactions in game, comare to your, eve mogul and my notes. The two calculations have a lot of spread. I'm not sure if you do a method other than FIFO for calculations, I'm more inclinded to trust your numbers though, you're the only game outthere that specifically says theya re taking fees and taxes into consideration.

Do you calculate based on the journal, or calculate standings from the char to the station with skills, then just work with the buy and sell order direct?
Myanapa Corsica
#50 - 2013-12-14 18:27:33 UTC
The system works on the FIFO method as you mentioned.

Also the fees are worked out by the characters skills (both Accounting and Broker skills) and then standings are also taken into consideration and worked from there.

In regards to feedback that whilst data is being fetched, I'll add something along these lines within the coming days.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Kate 'on
#51 - 2013-12-17 15:31:03 UTC
Either way, really love the program, it's pretty well done, and I really like the grabbing marketdata on the fly as opposed to cron jobs. I don't know if that scales well, but for personal use, it's so much better to get realtme data IMO. Probably your best and most unique feature is the profit margins listing of your trades for the week, month, and all time. Right there would be enough of a core tool to call it finished. Cannot praise it enough :),khA0Eli,F35twkB

couple things here though, first two are two different chars I have, and the third is a merged character I created (also, a way to delete them would probably be a good feature to add) The numbers clearly don't add up, even with ensuring the merged char is updated after the other two characters have updated transaction data. It almost looks like an averaged calculation (char/2) for the list.

Though it is funny, with ege mogul doing LIFO, and you doing FIFO, how drastically that changes ones income stream in the game. Accountants need to start playing to sort out a standard lol.
Myanapa Corsica
#52 - 2013-12-17 15:43:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kivorno
Thanks for the kind words.

At present just having a few issues on the computer I develop on, however there is an issue I have spotted with merged characters and once I have access to the machine again, I can work on fixing this.

In relation to the "Merged Character" profits, that currently works on the FIFO rule as well but combines the characters completely, which can cause some anomalies. For example if you buy a single item at both locations and then continue to sell at both locations, the profit is worked out on these items even if they did not move. e.g:

Jita buy @100/unit
Amarr buy @ 115/unit
Amarr sell @ 120/unit (therefore +20/unit better than the Jita price)
Jita sell@ 110/unit (therefore -5/unit worse than the Amarr price)

I hope that makes sense.

Deleting a character has already been implemented, just going through a few rounds of testing it before I add a button to the main page.

Then the reason I opted for the FIFO way of working was because I think quite a lot of people in the game speculate on patches and/or manipulate the market, so this method will be more indicative of their actual profits.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#53 - 2013-12-18 10:24:40 UTC
Found a bug involving Merged Characters and their profits where quantities are not being processed in the buy/sell methods, this is resulting in profit only working of the first buy and first sell. Should have a fix for this soon but until then, merged characters will show the incorrect profit.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#54 - 2013-12-18 23:18:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kivorno
* New Release 0.3.1 *
- Major fix to merged characters, they now should produce the correct amount of profit across the board. (In order to do this, the merged characters on the system have been reset and the data re-fetched, they only fetch data since their creation as well)

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#55 - 2013-12-19 16:26:54 UTC
* New Release 0.3.2 *
- Users can now login with either their username or their email
- Several bug fixes across the site
- Improvement to some duplicated code

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#56 - 2014-01-07 13:18:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Kivorno
* New Release 0.4.0 *
- Ability to track NAV over a period of time
- Major improvement to graphs, can now view total spent purchasing items, selling items, taxes incurred
- Several bug fixes around merged characters
- Improvement to site speed

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#57 - 2014-01-08 12:42:39 UTC
There might be some slight disruption over the coming days as I work on improving the backend a little, if you notice anything let me know.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Myanapa Corsica
#58 - 2014-01-09 12:16:14 UTC
Finished the backend work, site should be a little faster and also less downtime when new data is being fetched automatically.

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint

Caldari State
#59 - 2014-01-09 13:32:30 UTC
Bump! Great tool! I highly appreciate your work!

NAV - more specifically Sell Order Worth and Amount in Escrow - is highly inaccurate though. You might have an error in there somewhere.
Myanapa Corsica
#60 - 2014-01-09 15:26:30 UTC
Yeah, the NAV module is fairly new, where does it seem to be wrong?

Proud creator and developer of Eve-Merchant / Eve-Merchant Sprint