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Living off Missions instead of Mining

Federal Navy Academy
#21 - 2013-12-13 07:44:53 UTC
Katherine Dune wrote:
Now my question is, is it at all possible to make a decent living in eve without the need of mining, i understand how beneficial mining is, and i understand the amount you can make from it is living the high life almost

not sure if serious.... Mining is for bot overloads, serfs, semi-afk people, and clueless noobies that think its a good way to make isk.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Anize Oramara
#22 - 2013-12-13 08:58:41 UTC
A naga is a very different type of ship compared to the drake. first major difference is the tank. the drake is renowned for being one of the toughest bc's in the game while the naga, like all tier 3 (not the same as tech 3) are pure glass cannons. the other big difference is the naga uses large battleship guns and the drake doesnt. the guns have some trouble hitting targets smaller than battleships. the naga is primarily a pvp ship.

so just to reiterate if you want to go the missile route, corax with light missiles for lv1, caracal with light or heavy missile for lv2, drake with heavy missile for lv3 (use a target painter and drones on frigs) and a fully t2 tank fit raven with t1 or t2 cruise missile and t2 scout drones (very very important) for lv4.

any of the other races will also work but require a bit more sp to perform as well though in some cases can surpass missiles in the long run (paladin in amarr space for example)

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

ashley Eoner
#23 - 2013-12-13 10:25:47 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Heavensend wrote:
If you choose the right NPC corp to fly missions for you will end up over 100m ISK/h. Calculated with 1LP = 2000 ISK.


I earn this with easy since MTUs were released. Warp in pocket drop MTU start shooting the red crosses. After you have finished 3-4 Missions start collecting loot with a Noctis.

If done right you need 2mins (warps not included) of work to salvage e.g. a Blockade.

Blockade e.g is about 22m bounty and reward, ~20m loot and 8k LP = min 16m ISK round about 58m ISK. It can be done with perfect skill and ships fitting in about 22-25mins warp times included if its in the same system as your agent.

But beware i am speaking here of nearly perfect skills for mission running. The only skills missing are Marauder 5 and large weapon spec 5.
And i have an ALT so its possible to me to do a little cheery picking on the missions my agent offers to me and my alt.

Tried to mine in high sec afk with my alt with nearly perfect mining skills but without boost. Sold Mackinaw again income was horrible.
My mission value is straight isk/loot drops/rewards. Last time I ran missions I completely blanked on including the LP rewards in the final calculations.

You're going to spend a lot of time trying to get 2000 isk per LP. You will get at least 1000 isk per LP though.
Prepare To Meet Thy Doom
#24 - 2013-12-13 10:33:55 UTC
Heavensend wrote:
If you choose the right NPC corp to fly missions for you will end up over 100m ISK/h. Calculated with 1LP = 2000 ISK.


I earn this with easy since MTUs were released. Warp in pocket drop MTU start shooting the red crosses. After you have finished 3-4 Missions start collecting loot with a Noctis.

If done right you need 2mins (warps not included) of work to salvage e.g. a Blockade.

Blockade e.g is about 22m bounty and reward, ~20m loot and 8k LP = min 16m ISK round about 58m ISK. It can be done with perfect skill and ships fitting in about 22-25mins warp times included if its in the same system as your agent.

But beware i am speaking here of nearly perfect skills for mission running. The only skills missing are Marauder 5 and large weapon spec 5.
And i have an ALT so its possible to me to do a little cheery picking on the missions my agent offers to me and my alt.

Tried to mine in high sec afk with my alt with nearly perfect mining skills but without boost. Sold Mackinaw again income was horrible.

This is the best response in the entire thread. You my friend have earned a like. This is exactly how you should proceed with lvl 4's. 2k is / lp is possible but will take fairly long to sell.
I blitz lvl 5's in my tengu. It's pretty safe where i am and extremely profitable. Usually almost 200k lp an hour sometimes more. So that's between 300-400 mil isk in LP. Yesterday i did a run of 6 lvl 5's for about 550k lp which eventually will convert into about 1 bill isk. Minimal effort max profit. running lvl 5's currently is the best way of making isk if you count in effort. Far better than incursions.

I have actually set a goal of making 200mil lp by the end of 2014. That's on average running 2 lvl 5 missions a day ;)
Dirk Massive
#25 - 2013-12-17 04:51:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Dirk Massive
Maybe the comment about mining being a great way to make ISK should be amended to...

Mining is the easiest way to make ISK. When a player doesn't want to be alert sitting at the commands of a ship. Paying attention to what he's doing. Also it's a great way to make ISK if your knowledge of fitting ships is not all that good.


Mining is a good way to make ISK when your character skills aren't good enough to run level 4 missions without much trouble yet.


We have to remember not everyone here has been playing for a long period of time, and have most important skills at level 5 yet. Also some people just aren't that into the whole fighting thing, and don't even know how to fit ships the way you need to, in order to complete some of these level 4 missions. And lets not forget those folks who want to make ISK the lazy way. I've been there myself sometimes. And will watch a sports game, or a movie or something while mining. Being semi AFK, but needing to put some time in to make ISK.

Just sayin'

**Bringing WAR and TERROR to a system near you.... **

Dextrome Thorphan
#26 - 2013-12-17 14:20:19 UTC
Katherine Dune wrote:
Now my question is, is it at all possible to make a decent living in eve without the need of mining, i understand how beneficial mining is, and i understand the amount you can make from it is living the high life almost

What?? You're the first person I've ever seen saying mining is good ISK in highsec lol... missions will earn you 5-10 times more per hour.
Dextrome Thorphan
#27 - 2013-12-17 14:23:56 UTC
Katherine Dune wrote:
thanks for all the advice, its really appreciated, i just have 3 questions left if someone could be kind enough to answer

1. Im heading towards a battlecruiser, than one day higher, but right now im setting my goals to be simple. But im struggling between the Naga or the Drake

The Naga i know can dish out ALOT of dps, and is a great and beautiful ship, but its a blaster/laser platform, im not a fan of blasters/sniping, i much prefer torpedos

( i know i know, DPS comes before pretty explosions, but i love the explosions of torpedos!!! )

So any advice on that situation would be appreciated. i just love launching things that go boom with pretty effects

2. At the moment, my isis is telling me that currently are most suited towards a general cruiser like the caracel, but yet im in a destroyer, i even have 2 bars towards the drake. and i know i had one and a caracel before i left

( its been 2 years. ive forgot ALOT )

I cant remember for the life of me why i got rid of my drake/caracel and went back to a destroyer, what i was missing or doing

3. once i get back into a caracel, then a drake, is there a guide telling me were to find the best L3/L4 missions that ill be capable of doing

Just go straight for raven with cruise missiles. Doesn't take that long to train for and can handle any mission.
Dextrome Thorphan
#28 - 2013-12-17 14:25:03 UTC
Dirk Massive wrote:
I've been there myself sometimes. And will watch a sports game, or a movie or something while mining. Being semi AFK, but needing to put some time in to make ISK.

Just sayin'

And that's how we get nice gank targets Big smile

Just saying Twisted
Sim Cognito
Obani Gemini Corporation
#29 - 2013-12-17 17:11:09 UTC
Heavensend wrote:

Great tool, one of the better LP calculators.
Marcus Walkuris
Aww yeahhh
#30 - 2013-12-17 20:03:22 UTC
I think it is safe to say you would make more ISK off of selling space marines with 0 marketing sense, then you would off of mining.
So missioning would be a wise idea.
Dirk Massive
#31 - 2013-12-18 05:08:33 UTC
Dextrome Thorphan wrote:
Dirk Massive wrote:
I've been there myself sometimes. And will watch a sports game, or a movie or something while mining. Being semi AFK, but needing to put some time in to make ISK.

Just sayin'

And that's how we get nice gank targets Big smile

Just saying Twisted

Maybe for some, but I'm NEVER thaaaat semi AFK lol

**Bringing WAR and TERROR to a system near you.... **

Grim Hood
#32 - 2013-12-18 15:33:07 UTC
I run missions with an alt and use the salvage to build rigs, which I then sell for a nice profit(compared to just selling the salvage). That requires quite a few additional skills unrelated to combat though.

A Good Death Is It's Own Reward

Dirk Massive
#33 - 2013-12-20 04:52:52 UTC
There is no right way or wrong way when it comes to making ISK while playing Eve. It's the biggest sandbox game ever. As long as you're enjoying yourself in what you're doing. That's all that matters.

**Bringing WAR and TERROR to a system near you.... **

#34 - 2013-12-20 09:59:02 UTC
Missions will net you the income to live off of once your skills both as a player and your toon are up. Though this usually happens around lv4 missions.

Since we now have salvage drones and MTU's use them. If you really wanted to you can forgo the Noctis if you really wanted to, just be sure to drop an MTU in every room you plan to loot/salvage when you warp in. And when your done come back with your salvage ship with salvagers + rigs and salvage drones you make quick work of whats there. If it's not done tractoring in wrecks move onto your next mission. (be sure to bookmark your MTU so you can complete your mission and warp directly to it)

A destroyer will work well in the role of a salvage ship, highs full of salvagers, lows cargo expanders, mids tank. Won't be as effective as a Noctis but your not missing much if your not using the tractors and relying on the MTU. What you will be missing is more locks, tank, cargohold.

Welcome to Eve. Everyone here is an Evil Sick Sadistic Bastard who is out to get you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either trying to scam you or use you.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-12-20 10:01:09 UTC
Roime wrote:
Mining is actually more fun and less repetitive than missions

That is why When i run a mission I do it without Any tank with my cargo hodl full of plexes. Makes it MUCH more exiting!

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Oska Rus
Free Ice Cream People
#36 - 2013-12-20 13:15:10 UTC
mining < missions < null-sec anomalys < PI < low clas wormhole anomalys <<<< hi class wormhole anomalys < manufacturing < trading
That are imho reliable income source is in eve in this order.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#37 - 2013-12-21 17:17:40 UTC
I do missions and mining.

When I do a mission I salvage the crap out of everything. When I'm done I keep/sell the Meta4s and ammo, then reprocess the rest of the garbage into minerals. When I go to build something later I check the BPO and go out and mine the difference. Mining for profit is meh, but mining for production can make you very good money. So if you want to take mining I'd say use it as a launchpad to going into industry.

If you're doing missions you'll find that the loot is usually worth x2 to x5 what the mission itself pays out. If you're not looting/salvaging then you're throwing away at least half your profit right there. And once you're done salvaging grab some rig BPOs - they usually pay for themselves when you've sold one item, and since you're doing missions all those rig parts are effectively free.

Pure profit.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#38 - 2013-12-21 18:37:57 UTC
Drake -> Gila -> Rattlesnake.

Mission heaven.
Silivar Karkun
#39 - 2013-12-21 19:42:40 UTC
as a semiprofessional miner i can asure you that doing security missions has a better payment than mining....i would be doing L4s if it wasnt because i have to lvl my combat skills before doing it efectively, i suplement this blitzing lvl 3s and doing minin+PI.

but the money is in L4s.....
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-12-21 19:49:21 UTC
I've made more money doing missions than mining.

Also remember AFK play is against the EULA so if you're going to do it I wouldn't post it in the forms LOL. If I happen to be bored and warp to your belt while you're AFK it can get you suicide ganked too Big smile
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